#shimizu KOUICHI
ale-draws-stuff · 10 months
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They deserved to go to school and be teens together :(
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bee-calm · 1 year
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pov everything is fine and nothing bad happens Ever
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levbolton · 1 year
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clementinecoastline · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on kiyoko as a character?
oh this is an interesting one!!! long post under the keep reading because i have lots of thoughts on kiyoko and women in haikyuu (the rest will prob get their own post)
in short, i think that kiyoko as a character is interesting (the confidence the dedication) but also limited by sexism in the narrative!!
kiyoko’s character is nearly entirely defined by her femininity and existence as a girl. when we first meet her properly, she’s objectified (hinata and kageyama staring at her chest and body). as the story progresses, she continues to basically only exist as an object of attraction + a source of motivation for the boys. she has a personality, but it’s a bit generic in that she’s shy and quiet and responsible (’ideal female character’). her most notable moments mainly involve the boys’ attraction to her (hinata shutting down when she tries to encourage him, suga’s comments about marriage).
and finally, she is plagued by the pervert trope. or rather, tanaka and noya embody the pervert trope and she is the victim of it. most of kiyoko’s screentime, especially in the earlier seasons, is dedicated to tanaka and noya’s attraction to her and the way they act on that. constantly being overprotective (taking away her agency), violating her personal boundaries (noya leaping at her and getting slapped + the ensuing respect the boys give noya after it), and generally treating her as more of an object than a person. yamamoto is an example of it too! it’s a common (and problematic) trope in anime and manga, and generally most forms of media. i hate it!! while this is all a gag and for the sake of comedy, it doesn’t change the fact that kiyoko’s character mostly exists in this context alone: either to be motivational because she’s attractive, or to be a subject of harassment because it’s funny and she’s attractive.
kiyoko gains more depth by season 2, when yachi is introduced. yachi is a fellow girl - around her, kiyoko’s behavior is more open. even then, though, yachi’s first reaction upon meeting her is objectifying her like the male characters do. she highlights all of kiyoko’s physical traits, even calls her sexy, sexualizing a girl she has never met on the grounds that she’s attractive. and sure, as the fandom we find it hilarious because it’s. clearly gay! but it’s part of a pattern in the story where kiyoko’s existence is nearly completely defined by her being a pretty girl.
we can’t forget how s2 also brings johzenji, and consequently, terushima (+ bobata) who outright harass kiyoko in a way that women/afab ppl/etc are ALL too familiar with irl. they corner her and refuse to understand that no means no, and it takes hinata’s interference to get them to stop. even after this, terushima continues to harass kiyoko, and it’s played for laughs. even smaller moments that involve kiyoko still objectify her. oikawa’s current concern pre-timeskip? kiyoko turned him down. yahaba and kindaichi comment on karasuno’s luck in having a beautiful female manager. over and over again, we see kiyoko defined as an object of attraction instead of as an actual person.
this OF COURSE leads me to season 4!!! when she gets her moment to shine!! there’s her moment at the shrine, where she displays her absolute confidence in her team in like. the most fucking awesome way possible. and then there’s the whole revelation about her being an athlete! and having her own passion and skills! and while i think that this is a great moment for kiyoko!!! and for her character as a whole!!! i do not think it outweighs the sexist tropes and treatment that surround her character throughout the whole of the story. it follows her even to the timeskip.
in fact, it follows her even to the fandom perception of her. if you go to her page on the haikyuu wiki, you get this stellar entry: She is most commonly described as an extremely attractive, albeit "erotic" girl who would often garner a lot of attention from both male and female students; including from other school teams. Because of her appearance, Karasuno High is generally known as the team with the beautiful manager. It’s absolutely mindblowing to me (not really. it’s to be expected) that a teenage girl is sexualized like this to the point where she’s described as ‘extremely attractive, ableit “erotic”‘. why is it even ‘albeit’. please tell me they’re not implying that people finding her erotic is a negative trait for her. pls tell me that the wiki is complaining about people sexualizing her. please.
anyways, kiyoko as a character is cool! she just. barely exists! we know that she’s funny, but only because she loosens up enough around yachi (another girl) to be that way! we know that she’s confident and determined from the way she speaks about her team when the show gives her the chance! we know that she’s capable because of all the responsibilities she shoulders (well!!!) that. barely get any attention. (because remember when she cooked for the whole team??? which. of course she cooks for them.)
so it’s just tragic to me that she gets treated in such a way by the story. like, sure, at least she gets more attention than narita, but. most of it is just sexist.
also btw im so curious about who sent this and what their thoughts on my response are. i’d love to see some feedback, even if it’s in the form of another anon ask or something like that!! or dms! sorry that this ended up being such a downer and a discussion of. sexism and misogyny.
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cringefailfagcat · 1 year
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sadistic bonding <3
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finally, a tournament bracket where a Kamatani character will advance past the first round
announcing the All-Kamatani Tournament Bracket! this tournament will start with one bye (pre-round match) tomorrow, June 7 (all times are in Pacific time). each poll will run for one week, typically starting on Thursdays. I’ve separated the initial round (following the bye) into four groups of four polls each so as to not overwhelm with polls. 
image descriptions below cut (for length)
[image description: 
image 1: “All-Kamatani Tournament Bracket” “finally, a tournament where a Kamatani character will make it past the first round.” The background shows the covers of the first volumes of Yuhki Kamatan’s major serialized works, in chronological order: Nabari no Ou, Shounen Note, Busshi no Busshin, Shimanami Tasogare, and Hiraeth wa Tabiji no Hate.
image 2: tournament bracket. On the left side: Seed 1, Raikou Shimizu (Nabari no Ou), faces the winner of bye 1 (Seed 32, Sou’un, Busshi no Busshin, versus seed 33, Myoujou, Busshi no Busshin). Seed 16, Mariko Ise (Shounen Note), faces seed 17, Tasuku Kaname (Shimanami Tasogare). Seed 9, Kouichi Aizawa (Nabari no Ou), faces seed 24, Mito (Shounen Note). Seed 8, Yutaka Aoi (Shounen Note), faces seed 25, Touko Takamine (Shounen Note). Seed 4, Kazuhiko Yukimi (Nabari no Ou), faces seed 29, Koutarou Fuuma (Nabari no Ou). Seed 13, Misora (Shimanami Tasogare) faces seed 20, Minoru Aoi (Shounen Note). Seed 12, Natsuyoshi Utsumi (Shimanami Tasogare) faces seed 21, Gau Meguro (Nabari no Ou). Seed 5, Raimei Shimizu (Nabari no Ou) faces seed 28, Tobari Durandal Kumohira (Nabari no Ou). On the right side: Seed 2, Yoite (Nabari no Ou) faces seed 31, Tomoya Tomo (Shounen Note). Seed 15, Shijima Kurookano (Nabari no Ou) faces seed 18, Mika Kashima (Hiraeth wa Tabiji no Hate). Seed 10, Vladimir Ilyich Popov (Shounen Note), faces seed 23, Yamato Hibino (Hiraeth wa Tabiji no Hate). Seed 7, Haruko Daichi (Shimanami Tasogare), faces seed 26, Touma Tsubaki (Shimanami Tasogare). Seed 3, Miharu Rokujou (Nabari no Ou), faces seed 30, Akitoshi Betsuyaku (Shounen Note). Seed 14, Midori Machiya (Shounen Note), faces seed 19, Hanabusa Seki (Nabari no Ou). Seed 11, Hani (Hiraeth wa Tabiji no Hate), faces seed 22, Iliya “Tchaiko”-san (Shimanami Tasogare). Finally, seed 6, Someone-san (Shimanami Tasogare) faces seed 27, Saki (Shimanami Tasogare).
image 3: The same tournament bracket, but with lines separating it into four groups by quadrant. The upper left is group 1, the upper right is group 2, the lower left is group 3, and the lower right is group 4. Included in group 1 is Bye 1, which separates the match between Sou’un and Myoujou from the rest of the group.
/end image description.]
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reloaderror · 2 years
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cat/tiger — almost the same. shijima's a tenpenka user anyway
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harlequinmoss · 3 years
Favorite images from the liricamente art book that I feel the need to share
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This one is so cute I love everything about it-- the Banten team all being on a group call together, Miharu being asleep back to back with Shiratama, Raimei's cute ankle bracelets, Tobari and Hana cooking together and Tobari's old wind up phone it's all so 💖🥺💖
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Gay rights Kouichi I love his expression he looks so happy
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Here's Miharu with a goose ahshdj this image makes me feel indescribable emotions but they are all positive
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And last but not least Hana and Tobari I love this soooo much it's so cute I love how proud Hana looks being able to hold up Tobari 😭
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ratcarney · 3 years
NNO characters as john mulaney quotes
miharu: i’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day, i’ll die.
yoite: that tall child looks terrible! get some rest, tall child!
alternatively, yoite: forget about that poor son of a bitch. anyway...
raimei: i try to stay a little optimistic, even though i will admit, things are getting pretty sticky.
kouichi: i don’t look older, i just look worse.
tobari: you could pour soup in my lap and i’d probably apologize to you!
yukimi: adult life is already so goddamn weird.
raikou: he looked like he should be the conductor on a locomotive powered by confetti. but instead, he made his living in murder.
alternatively, raikou: do you want me to kill that guy for you? because it sounds like he sucks, and i will totally kill that guy for you.
gau: i will pepper in the fact that i am gay.
alternatively, gau: i am very small. and i have no money. so you can imagine the kind of stress that i am under.
kazuho: you know those days when you’re like, “this might as well happen.”
hana: this is an on-fire garbage can. could be a nursery.
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liquoricecrow · 3 years
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discofaery · 3 years
Just a reminder!!
I found a place to bulk order nno vol 11 in english and will order them once I get 25 people interested to ship out to everyone who pays me upfront! It's much cheaper that way for everyone and more people get to enjoy a hard to get volume.
Im going to link my original post, which you can like if you're interested! PLEASE only like the post if you have intention to follow through!
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ale-draws-stuff · 2 years
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All these silly comics are me avoiding canon 🙈
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el-loy · 4 years
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I reread Nabari no Ou somewhere in June and couldn’t resist drawing them
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levbolton · 1 year
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i’ll have beef with a 15 year old idc
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clementinecoastline · 2 years
shimizu kouichi <3
we as a fandom have been deprived of trans shimizu headcanons and fan content (which. i have many thoughts on the fandom and narrative’s treatment of kiyoko actually. but that’s for another time). so!!! introducing..... kouichi, ftm icon!!!
tw for!! transphobia, gender dysphoria, sexism, internalized misogyny and sexism... i use he/him pronouns throughout the entire post for even before he comes out to avoid potentially making anyone uncomfortable
shimizu’s always thought that hating being a girl wasn’t strange. didn’t everyone hate it? girls were meant to be quiet and calm and polite, almost like the dolls that he halfheartedly played with. when he complained, he was told that it’s just how it is, being a woman. so when the girl in the mirror didn’t look like him, and the sight of his own body began to make himself feel sick as he grew older, he said nothing.
shimizu is good at being a girl, if that’s something you can be good at. his hair is smooth and his face is pretty (and the mole by his lips is apparently attractive in a way that makes men stare and him squirm in discomfort). he wears soft cardigans and skirts and tights under them, another layer between this body that feels like it isn’t his and the outside world. it helps to have the excuse of the scars from track (both a bitter and a sweet memory, with its revealing uniform that left him feeling far too exposed and foreign), so that’s what he tells others when they ask.
he’s good at being a girl, except that it’s absolutely miserable, and he’s always thought that it was just part of it. the boys at school are touchy and too brazen and they call him pretty too often and try to touch him too often and sometimes it feels like he is a doll more than a girl, really. the boys on the team are well meaning, most of the time, but it’s exhausting putting up with it and their shallow admiration.
when yachi comes along, it’s strange, because she doesn’t seem to feel hollow inside at all. she navigates many of the same troubles that shimizu does, but she doesn’t appear to hate it all like shimizu does. being a girl means there are struggles, but to yachi it is a wonderful thing. shimizu wonders what he is missing.
he graduates, and all of a sudden the feeling is worse than ever. it is so overwhelmingly off and wrong and his skin itches and he hates his reflection and without volleyball and the club as a distraction, it’s overwhelming, something inside him building and building despite him not knowing what it is.
shimizu crashes into kageyama one day, and they are both surprised. they make small talk (as best as kageyama can, with his abrupt answers and awkward silences) and somehow it comes out. he comes out, really. he doesn’t know that’s what he’s doing, yet, but there is something out in the open, decades of suffering he had tucked away neatly in a hollow part of his heart spilling out in words shimizu doesn’t even realize he’s saying.
kageyama’s eyes widen, but not in disgust. he mulls over the new information before he stands and offers shimizu something to do about it. kageyama takes him to an apartment - it must be where he lives - and a young woman opens the door. this is miwa, kageyama tells shimizu, she can cut your hair. he introduces shimizu to miwa as such, and miwa nods thoughtfully, until shimizu is sitting in a chair, hair wet as he stares at a mirror and it feels like a weight he didn’t realize he was carrying has fallen away (both literally, because hair can be quite heavy, and metaphorically).
he cries as he sees himself in the mirror, hair short instead of long and graceful and everything he had ever been told to be, and he smiles, teeth showing and his nose stuffy and it’s perfect.
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cringefailfagcat · 1 year
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sadistic bonding <3
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