#shinkami omorashi
ghostie-writes-kink · 4 years
Omovember Day 2: Desperate at Night
ShinKami / Omorashi / AO3, if preferred 
Kaminari wakes up to a pulsing in his bladder and groans. It’s his own fault for doing a hold so close to bedtime, but Shinsou had been called into work unexpectedly and Kaminari can never get the angles right on his own. He’d had to wait until Shinsou came back from helping his dads out at the cafe, and by then it’d been nearing seven o’clock.
He picks his phone up and groans again when he sees it’s only four in the morning. He’d much rather curl back with Shinsou, and turns back around to do just that.
It’s not entirely unusual for Kaminari to be woken up by his bladder at ungodly hours of the night. He’s never been the best at remembering to pee before bed, but usually he can cross his legs and go back to sleep.
He tries doing just that, crossing his legs at the thigh and tucking one of his feet behind the opposite calf.
It works for a moment. The urgent signals his bladder had been sending quiet as he stills, leaning his face against Shinsou’s neck and sucking up his body heat. He mourns his ability to curl up against Shinsou’s side, but he knows it’s probably for the best that he doesn’t squish his bladder by doing so.
It doesn’t take that long for him to fall back asleep. His dreams are a plethora of pee dreams, passing by images of a relief his waking body needs but only his dreaming one gets.
Kaminari dreams that he wets himself on a public bus, though it’s empty when he looks up. The stream keeps going until it spills over onto the floor and splatters against it, ringing out loudly in the otherwise silent space. There seems to be an unending amount of liquid stored up inside him. No matter how much he expels, it never brings a hint of relief with it.
Suddenly, he looks down and it’s no longer a bus seat underneath him but a port-a-potty. He grimaces, but his bladder gives an unhelpful pulse as he stares at it. Resigning to his fate, he pushes his pants down and awkwardly bends forward to hover. Just like the bus, even though the stream starts and pushes out of him like someone turned a bathtub faucet on, none of it brings relief.
The scenery shifts again, and it’s a bathroom he immediately recognizes. It’s the one at Aizawa and Hizashi’s cafe, the one Shinsou had just gotten back from working at. He spots the stupid kitty posters lining the wall that Shinsou had picked out as a child.
Hizashi had told Kaminari about it, how they’d foreseen issues and a lot of bumps in the road that are understandable when raising a child with Shinsou’s background. Yet somehow, they’d never seen potty training on the list of things that Shinsou would be behind in, and had to get all kinds of things that would calm him down enough to let him go.
It wasn’t even fun to make fun of Shinsou for it, because he takes everything in stride. He just shrugged at the stories and agreed with them quietly.
Kaminari knows this bathroom and he feels safe in it, so surely he’ll be able to go now, right? He once again yanks his pants down with urgency of a pregnant woman with three babies using her bladder as a trampoline, and sits down just as quickly.
He waits, but this time a stream doesn’t even come. The other instances of bathroom breaks hadn’t been relieving, but at least there’d been something. The worst part is, he can feel his muscles relaxing to let it out, but it still won’t come. Some internal thing that’s clogging up all the liquid inside him.
Frustrated, Kaminari lets out a quiet sob as he pushes down on his muscles, willing that blockage to go away. It takes a minute, but it finally does and he can feel the stream start for real.
Which is exactly when he wakes up and his eyes fling open. He doesn’t have time to assess the damage before he squeezes his muscles, stopping the stream - thankfully a small trickle thanks to his potty training and his brain realizing that this isn’t a proper place to relieve himself - and ripping off the blankets to run to the bathroom. He barely has enough brain power to grab his phone before he takes off running.
He uses the hand that isn’t holding the phone to help himself hold as he makes a dash for their upstairs bathroom. Kaminari is in too much of a rush to take Shinsou into consideration, slamming the door shut behind him. His bladder spasms at the sight of the toilet, and he squeezes his eyes shut and dances in place to keep himself in control.
He uses what little control he has left to step into the bathtub, and he throws his phone onto a soap bar. It’s not the best angle, but it’s all he has to work with right now and Shinsou can fix it later.
He barely has time to press record before some liquid slips past his muscles and fingers, sliding down his thigh without his consent. Kaminari whimpers pitifully and bends forward at the waist as he makes a show of grabbing himself. Panting with the effort, Kaminari does his best to put on a few seconds of a desperate show before he knows he’s been beat.
Some of the liquid gushes out of him, and Kaminari gasps.
“No, no, no,” he whines quietly, as it all slips past his fingers.
He moans and sobs at the relief, finally getting that feeling that his dreams robbed him of. His boxers stick to his thighs, and spill the liquid past its fabric in unashamed patterns as Kaminari empties himself on the shower floor.
“ God , does it feel good,” he moans, senses coming back to him.
He spreads his legs and pushes on his bladder with his hand, and down with his muscles to get the last of the stream out. He groans in relief as his bladder spasms around nothing.
He lets out a few, admittedly overdramatic, huffs of relief before leaning forward and turning the camera off.
He’s in the process of peeling his wet clothes away from his thigh as he hears Shinsou call through the door, “Are you done? I have towels for you, and a plastic bag to put your underwear in.”
“I love you,” Kaminari says, instead of answering.
He hears Shinsou’s laughter from the other side of the door, and considers it a win. Kaminari starts the shower, and Shinsou sneaks in to take his wet clothes and leave him new ones.
“I love you, too,” Shinsou says, from the other side of the shower curtain. “Even if you nearly pissed our bed tonight.”
Kaminari feels his cheek heat up under his hand as he washes his face.
“But I didn’t!” he says, and then, meeker, “Did I?”
“No, but from the wet spot on the floor, I’m guessing it was quite the close call.”
Kaminari, wisely, decides not to grace that with a response.
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kaleighsbladder · 4 years
okay I’m a h u g e Shin/Kami fan & like we all know the headcanon about Denki peeing himself when he goes into his cute like “Wheeeyy~” mode, but you know how everyone headcanons Shinsou as Aizawa’s adopted kid bc his parents are awful/he’s an orphan?? What if Shin’s caregivers would yell at him when he mentioned he had to pee or something when he was little and called him annoying and a nuisance for it so he just stopped mentioning his needs & when he’s out with Denki he’s gotta go but he’s scared Denki will think he’s annoying so he doesn’t say anything and gives nothing until it’s late and he pees himself and Denki notices right away  🥺 👉👈
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ghostie-writes-kink · 4 years
Sparrkkyy is in the Top 1% of Creators on OnlyFans - Part One
ShinKami / Omorashi / Omovember Day 1: Almost Didn’t Make It / AO3 
Also under the read more. 
“‘Toshi, please,” Kaminari whines, thighs trembling.
“Hmm, nope. I don’t think you’ve held until your goal yet,” Shinsou’s disinterested voice says from the other side of the camera.
Kaminari’s hips twist to the side as a particularly harsh wave of desperation hits him. Shinsou watches him struggle with about as much interest as one would have while watching a pot boil, but he still doesn’t get up from the toilet seat.
“But I drank more than what I originally said I would!” Kaminari tries to argue.
His voice mostly comes out as pathetic and whiny, a clear indication of his more than obvious need. His fingers sweat as he twists them into his shirt, squeezing his thighs together for everything he’s worth. He swears he can feel the liquid inside of him with every shallow breath in, yet his stomach is still bloated with all the water he drank.
“That sounds like something you should’ve thought of before you chose your time,” Shinsou drawls, and God isn’t that a conversation they’ve had before.
Kaminari is incredibly good at overestimating himself, and Shinsou knows that.
Exploits it even , Kaminari thinks, watching Shinsou zoom in on his crotch while his hips still on their own. His tightened muscles loosen without his consent, and he feels his cheeks heat up as he leaks.
“Oh, no, no, no,” he whimpers, grabbing at himself with his hands now that his muscles have failed him.
Shinsou pulls the video back out once he’s gotten sufficient evidence of Kaminari’s leak. Cutting off a stream that’s barely started is still painful, and Kaminari whimpers pitifully before he goes back to rocking himself from side to side. His breathing is labored, and the pressure feels overwhelming.
His mind conjures up images of nothing but peeing, the more he tries not to think about, the worse it gets. He’s vaguely aware of the whimpers and pleas falling off of his lips, and landing on Shinsou’s apathetic ears.
All his boyfriend does is reach out and pull Kaminari’s shirt up, and press into his upper-stomach to give the camera a better view of his bladder bulge. Kaminari pants at the added pressure, and tries to focus on how hot he thinks Shinsou’s hands look with painted black nails. Kaminari has always had a thing for hands, and it only gets worse when they’re decorated as prettily as Shinsou’s always are.
Kaminari jerks when Shinsou presses a pretty hand into his bladder. His whole jerks, and a shiver runs up his spine. Shinsou makes a soft soothing noise, even as he rubs his hand over Kaminari’s taut skin, stretched tightly over his full bladder. “ Please ,” Kaminari whines, even though he’s not sure what it is he’s asking for.
More pressure, so he’ll have no choice but to let go and end his suffering and get to blame it on Shinsou’s hand, or for Shinsou to stop touching him at all. Shinsou chooses neither, and instead creeps his hand up higher on Kaminari’s stomach again.
“So full, yet still so much inside you,” he murmurs, pressing his thumb gently into the skin of Kaminari’s stomach for emphasis, “you’re going to be pissing like a race horse all day.”
Kaminari moans quietly at the idea, both a painful and a pleasurable one, as another shiver runs up his spine. His bladder throbs, and he squeezes his muscles and thighs together for everything he’s worth. When that doesn’t work, and his body still tries to crouch involuntarily, he panics.
“Up, up, up ,” he says, voice raised and squeaky with panic.
Shinsou is up in an instant, making sure to lift the toilet lid for Kaminari. Kaminari barely registers the way his fingernails dig into his hips and rake down his thighs as he pulls his boxers off.
He’s already started peeing before they’re off all the way, and he’s going full force before his thighs touch the seat. Kaminari throws his head back with a relieved moan as Shinsou records the whole thing, careful to keep Kaminari’s face out of the shot. Shinsou holds out his wrist and let’s Kaminari bite down on his fingers, but it does nothing to stifle the tiny whimpers spilling past Kaminari’s lips as he empties.
His body rocks with the same shivers as before, only now they’re not accompanied by panic, so he gets to enjoy them wholeheartedly. His stream goes on for what feels like forever, but in reality it’s only about two minutes until it ends and Shinsou is stopping the recording on his phone.
Kaminari slumps forward into Shinsou’s waiting hands, reveling in the feeling of being empty while he can. Shinsou hadn’t been lying when he’d said that Kaminari still had a bunch of liquid waiting - he’d drunk so much water that he’d nearly made himself sick on it, while Shinsou scolded him in the background - and he always has to go shortly after a big hold.
Shinsou pushes his hands through Kaminari’s sweaty bangs and says, “Do you think it’s weird that most people say that peeing in front of your significant other is how you know the romance has truly died, but it’s the opposite for us?”
Kaminari can’t help it - he bursts out into laughter. Neither of them are surprised when the telltale sound of Kaminari releasing more urine follows shortly after.
“Jesus, water goes through you quickly,” Shinsou says, with a teasing tilt to his mouth.
“That’s all you have to say?” Kaminari asks, and Shinsou tilts his head. “You don’t think it’s weird, or are gonna break up with me?”
Shinsou snorts.
“‘Course I think it’s weird, most kinks are if you think about them too hard. But I knew what I was getting into when you told me what you do for a living, and I knew what I was getting into when I said I wanted to help. It’s pretty fucking weird that I don’t want to have sex at all, but you haven’t left for me that, either. It’s just another thing that doesn’t make any sense to anyone but us,” Shinsou says, as reassuring as ever.
Kaminari tilts his head down with a soft smile.
“Okay,” he says, quietly.
Shinsou brushes his hand through Kaminari’s hair again.
“For what it’s worth, your pretty face looks beautiful blushing on camera.”
Kaminari blushes harder then, and Shinsou laughs quietly before placing a kiss to the side of his head.
“Come on, finish up and we’ll get all you cleaned up, okay?” Shinsou says, pulling back. “Then I can edit this and you can get it up on your page tonight.”
“Sounds good,” Kaminari says, accepting the parting goodbye kiss Shinsou offers.
Kaminari waits for Shinsou to pull back before he does, and then tilts his head back with a soft sigh as he pushes another short stream out of his abused bladder.
“Thank you for waiting until after I was done kissing you to pee. It’s very romantic of you,” Shinsou says, something close to exasperation creeping into his tone.
“You’re welcome,” Kaminari says cheekily, snorting when Shinsou tosses a towel at him.
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ghostie-writes-kink · 4 years
Writing Requests are Open
Ghost / 22 / They/Them / Enby / Mental health care worker getting their master’s in psychology by day, weird kink writer at night. 
Fandoms: BNHA, Haikyuu, Voltron, She-Ra, Overwatch, Carry On, The Arcana, Sk8, Genshin
Kinks I’ll Write: Omorashi, watersports, bladder control, choking, A/B/O, pet play, dacraphilia, spanking, oral fixation, orgasm denial 
WARNING: You may come across content/pairings that make you feel uncomfy, and while that is 100% valid I will not entertain people who can’t tell the difference between reality and fiction. 
Current Otps that you’re bound to see the most of: ShinKami, ShigaZawa, DabiHawks, KenHina, KuroKen, KuroTsukki, MatchaBlossom, Renga, Eden, Kaeluc, Kaebedo, Kaether, XiaoAether
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