qveenpascal · 4 years
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Pedro Pascal talking to the paparazzi 6/? Pedro gifs
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no-droids · 4 years
well now I just wanna know how cassian is going to fuck now that we've had a taste of mando.
we sure as fuck gonna find out soon i tell u what
This Cassian fic is a sex pollen which is normally pretty wild and intense but I wrote it as a side effect to some spice him and the reader smoked so
so he gon slow fuck the orgasms out of you one at a time and talk sweet and dirty in that sexy accent of his
look at him
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you’re gettin that all night long
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lokilaufeys · 4 years
about me tag
tagged by @pdropscal thank you veronica!
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
name: chloe
nickname: clo I guess?? I really wanted a nickname when I was younger so I gave myself the nickname "fruitcake" and I ended up using that for all my online usernames lol
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: 5′1 at best
languages: english
nationality: british
favorite season: autumn
favorite flowers: chrysanthemums
favorite scent: the ground after rain
favorite color: yellow
favorite animal: black panther
favorite fictional character: elizabeth from bioshock
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea
average sleep hours: seven probably, depends on the day
dog or cat person: cat
number of blankets you sleep with: usually just the one, 2 on a cold day
dream trip: tokyo, japan
blog established: I've had the same main blog for deadass like 6 or 7 years
followers: 1691 but I don't really keep track of that anymore lol
random fact: when i saw carly rae jepsen live last week someone in the crowd gave her a sword and honestly it was a spiritual experience
not gonna be that annoying to tag 20 of yall but I tag @shinydad @armitagehuxdontpullout @jedirey @madadlorian @pascalplease @coredrive @firstorderslut & anyone else who happens to read this! 🥰
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diindjariin · 4 years
Hate: that twi'lek in the mandalorian
Agreed. I’m low key certain that she abused Din and i am NOT ok with that. Like there’s a headcanon thing where people were calling her his ex girlfriend and being funny and cutesy and saying she was flirting but honestly i just got high key abuser vibes from her so 👀
send me your most hated characters/celebrities and i'll tell you if i hate them too or not
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charles-edwin · 4 years
“We never talk but I care about you”
this is a lie, Ally. I talk to you in my head all the time aldjakdhjshd we need to talk for real though because I really care about you too!!
thank you so much!!! 💕💕💕💕
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lukesllghtsaber · 4 years
✨☁️ the person that sent this to you wants you to have a beautiful day and to tell you you’re beautiful and you’re worth it! send this to 10 other ppl when you get this message!! ☁️✨
thank u!! 💕💕💕
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coredrive · 4 years
mudhorn: what’s one wild animal you wish you could keep as a pet?
i really fucking want an otter. they’re so damn cute. i think it would get along with my cats... 
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longitud-de-onda · 4 years
this or that game
tagged by @pascalisthepunkest (thank you so much bab <3 ✨)
rules: choose between two words and make the chosen word bold. pass this game on to those whose answers would tickle your fancy.
ancient or modern · bitter or sweet · chocolate or vanilla · coffee or tea · create or destroy · day or night · early bird or night owl · freckles or dimples · gold or silver · greek mythology or egyptian mythology · macarons or eclairs · hot or cold · thunder or lightning · typewritten or handwritten · secret garden or secret library · spicy or mild · dark magic or light magic · virtue or vice · ocean or desert · mermaids or sirens · known or unknown · rough or smooth · moon or stars · rain or snow
tagging @mando-vibes, @ohcaptains, @enchantedrhoses, @kawaiitimecharm, @shinydad, @coredrive, @pascal-is-punk and @flapjacques (sorry if you’ve already been tagged)
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mandowhorian · 4 years
this or that tag game
tagged by @shinydad 💗🥰 ty
✧ how it works: choose between two words and make the chosen word bold. pass this game on to those whose answers would tickle your fancy.
ancient or modern · bitter or sweet · chocolate or vanilla · coffee or tea · create or destroy · day or night · early bird or night owl · freckles or dimples · gold or silver · greek mythology or egyptian mythology · macarons or eclairs · hot or cold · thunder or lightning · typewritten or handwritten · secret garden or secret library · spicy or mild · dark magic or light magic · virtue or vice · ocean or desert · mermaids or sirens · known or unknown · rough or smooth · moon or stars · rain or snow
I tag (sorry if you’ve been tagged before) @takemepedropascal @djarinispunk @nolivingthingdroid @space-nana @themandjalorian
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qveenpascal · 4 years
i was tagged by @djaarin and @diindjariin. thank you lovelies <3
1. do you make your bed? everyday!
2. what’s your favorite number? 28 but my luckyy number is 4
3. what’s your job? i’m a records secretary for my local school district
4. can you parallel park? uh..... no
5. a job you had which would surprise people? nothing really. started as a bakery clerk/customer service rep then moved to cashiering and supervising at whole foods.maybe being TMAG lead? but it was a side prject
6. do you think aliens are real? yes
7. can you drive a manual car? i’ve never tried
8. what’s your guilty pleasure? rom coms
9. tattoos? two, sparrow on my ribs and my new rebel alliance symbol on my wrist
10. favorite color? blush or lilac
11. things people do that drive you crazy? chew with their mouths open, interject in conversations where they don’t belong, not following simple rules, ghosting
12. any phobias? rats
13. favorite childhood sport? soccer
14. do you talk to yourself? who doesn’t omg
15. what movies do you adore? this is 40, any star wars, ww2 movies, annihilation, inception, juno, 500 days of summer
16. do you like doing puzzles? not really
17. favorite kind of music? pop, alternative, lana del rey
18. tea or coffee? coffee
19. what was the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? archaeologist 
tagging @shinydad @coredrive @ccordiform @scorpionsandhoney @leatherface @virska @spacedadheadcanons @djjarindin @djarinn and anyone else who wants to do this!
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lokilaufeys · 4 years
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tagged by @qveenpascal thank you ashley!!! I've always wanted to do one of these
the amazing lock screen artwork is by @elefluff on twitter
yes I have been listening to "toss a coin to your witcher" on repeat for the past week thank you very much
this has been in my drafts for the past few days that’s why the date is wrong shhh
I tag the usuals @coredrive @shinydad @firstorderslut @armitagehuxdontpullout @jedirey and @thelastjedis <3
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diindjariin · 4 years
i was tagged by @ccordiform (thank you emma you beautiful soul ilysm)
1. do you make your bed? i try to every morning but sometimes i wake up late so i don’t
2. what’s your favorite number? do people have those? maybe three. i like the way it sounds.
3. what’s your job? i’m a student so i don’t have a career yet, but i work as an ra and a tutor on campus.
4. can you parallel park? i don’t have my driver’s license (i know i’m the worst adult ever) so no. i practice driving a fair amount but not parallel parking.
5. a job you had which would surprise people? i don’t know if this would surprise anyone on tumblr, but i was a barista for a year. this would surprise my friends though because i dress nice everyday but for my barista job i couldn’t because i was constantly sweaty and gross.
6. do you think aliens are real? yes, but i don’t know if they’ve been to earth before. or if they have, that was a long ass time ago and they haven’t visited in thousands of years.
7. can you drive a manual car? nope!
8. what’s your guilty pleasure? idk if i have any guilty pleasures because there aren’t many things i’m too embarrassed to tell people i do... maybe the amount of smut fiction i read?
9. tattoos? i really like them but i don’t have any yet.
10. favorite color? yellow and pink!
11. things people do that drive you crazy? any repetitive sound, like tapping. it gives me a weird tick in my neck where my head jerks toward my shoulder constantly. idk why.
12. any phobias? idk if this counts as a phobia, but anything slightly sexual gives me a ptsd reaction. so like maybe a phobia of sex? related to trauma. hopefully this won’t go on forever.
13. favorite childhood sport? i pretty much never liked sports because of my asthma, but when i was really little i did fencing and i really loved it. that’s the only sport i ever did/liked.
14. do you talk to yourself? sometimes, it honestly depends. i do like to sing to myself a lot.
15. what movies do you adore? i wrote a whole blog post about this here that is still mostly accurate, although two films (the lighthouse and 1917) came out after i made it and they’re both inducted into my favorites. i do have what i call “the holy trinity” which are my tride and true favorites and have been for years: cloud atlas, arrival, and interstellar.
16. do you like doing puzzles? i do, but i don’t do them often and i don’t own any. but if someone would bring one over i’d do it and enjoy it.
17. favorite kind of music? folk, old country, and bluegrass. i don’t like much popular music. if it came out when i was alive, i probably don’t like it lol.
18. tea or coffee? coffee! i don’t like tea.
19. what was the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? there were three things - fbi agent/any type of law enforcement really, archaeologist, and writer.
i’m tagging: @i-like-those-odds, @shinydad, @cassianndrs, @cassianandior @pedropvscal, @qveenpascal, @jedirey, @anniesburg, @whirlybirbs, @no-droids, @hhannibal, @saralahnce, @coredrive, @queens-n-roses
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diindjariin · 4 years
put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten that come up. then tag ten others to do the same!
tagged by: @cassianndrs (thanks mack!! i love music related stuff)
1. dooley - the dillards
2. girl from the north country - bob dylan & johnny cash
3. broken vow - josh groban
4. at the end of the earth - the dear hunter
5. yellow eyes - rayland baxter
6. wolf - first aid kit
7. hurley’s coronation - michael giacchino (lost ost)
8. crazy - patsy cline
9. mars (instrumental) - sleeping at last
10. vincent (starry, starry night) - josh groban
((whoa we got some ones this time around the shuffle station))
i’m tagging: @qveenpascal, @jedirey, @pedropvscal, @ccordiform, @shinydad, @i-like-those-odds, @coredrive, @whirlybirbs, @schofeild, @generaldamneron, @wespers, +anyone who wants to do this!
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diindjariin · 4 years
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as usual, the lovely @ccordiform tagged me in a super cute thing! the challenge is to create yourself here and here with an actual representation of you on the left and a genderbent version on the right. thanks so much for tagging me, these little anime people are adorable!!
i tag: @qveenpascal, @jedirey, @pedropvscal, @cassianndrs, @shinydad, @i-like-those-odds, @generaldamneron, + anyone who would like to do this! be sure to tag me! :-)
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qveenpascal · 4 years
people i want to know better
i was tagged by @lyrawills​! thank you <3
birthday:  june 1st
zodiac:  gemini sun, cancer moon & rising
last song i listened to:  california - lana del rey
hobbies: reading, giffing/editing, playing with P
last movie i watched: frozen
dream job: archaelogist
meaning behind url: matches my twitter UN and i like pedro pascal
tagging: @shinydad @scorpionsandhoney @coredrive @rebel-spacecadet @ccordiform @diindjariin @leatherface & anyone else!
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qveenpascal · 4 years
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ok ok i was tagged by @diindjariin & @leatherface to make a lookalike!! here’s the link to do it!
i nominate @carasynthiaas @dindjarin @ddindjarin @shinydad @solovalker @skywaelker @fiinnpoe @theforceofdarkandlight @djaarin @branholic & anyone else who wants to! 
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