#shioya harumi
raposarealm · 2 years
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Oh!! A new model! Usually a new unique model indicates another potential magical girl added to the roster, like what we saw with Mitsune or even Kagome before her. It’s exciting to see some new cast, especially if this indicates either a potential Arc 3 being set in the present, or a replacement for an Arc 3, or even a supplement to it! (Remember that the instances we’ve seen of characters with new unique models becoming magical girls usually ended up being a major part of the main story!)
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Shioya Harumi, eh? She seems like a very polite yet skiddish kiddo so far. In the previous lines, she panicked when Mito got to her while introducing everyone. So far, we’ve seen a couple of normal (generic) NPCs, a fifth grade boy NPC, Natsuki, Mitama, Kanagi, Mito, who’s been introducing everyone, and the person introduced before Harumi here...
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HUH??????? A DUDE WITH A FACE?????
My god, that’s the third unique male model we’ve seen, after Tonker’s dad and Tasuke. Huh, speaking of which, those latter two did end up becoming very important in late Arc 2, and they were both family members of main character magical girls...
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Oh, he has a name too!!! “Izumi Sougetsu”...
WAITWAITWAIT IT’S NAGITAN’S BROTHER!!! Holy shite, we finally have a name for him! Wow, he’s got the exact opposite appearance to Nagitan, looks like he stuck his finger in an electrical socket. What a mood, mate. 
He mentions here that he’s a 3rd year middle schooler at Daito Academy, which is odd, I seem to remember Nagitan’s brother being older than her? 
I gotta go read through some parts of Chapter 10 again, but I could’ve sworn he was one of the ones who helped to snap Mitama and Nagitan out of their depresso funk, which, if I’m right there, means he’s already story relevant!! 
Oh, also, looks like Sougetsu here has his own set of emotes, too. I wasn’t able to catch it well in the screenshot, but he starts showing up in event episode 2, so there should be plenty of scenes with him during the event.
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haunted-kumanosuke · 1 year
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Posting pictures of Ashley until she gets anything/until I forget: Day 167!
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thegospelofnagisa · 2 years
The new girl Harumi Shioya looked like she drawn by Ume. But then she said on Twitter that she didn't draw Harumi, it was done by someone at f4samuri who emulated her style. If they can do this now, then maybe they won't need her anymore.
^^^^^^ They still have to draw her card if she's playable and for that they WILL need Ume.
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