#ship: bakulenko
supermarine-silvally · 5 months
Stepping out of my usual fandom bubble for a moment, could I have all of the Be My Mirror asks for Kova and Bakugou? Have a lovely day!
Aaaaahh bakulenko my beloveds <3 I need to get back into working on Ground Zero so hopefully this should help with the inspiration!
Ask game here!
1. Who is more protective? Who needs to be protected?
They’re both hero students at one of the best hero schools in the entire world, so protecting/being protected is all part of the game for them every single day, lol. They can both more than hold their own in a fight but Kacchan tends to have more protective tendencies cuz Kova is younger and less experienced than he is (and he’s supposed to be her mentor, so he’s supposed to look after her, which is a job he comes to take very seriously despite his initial reluctance).
2. Who is the one who gets hurt and who takes care of the other when they're injured?
Both do! Out of the two of them, though, Kova has more skills as an impromptu medic so more often than not, she’s the one taking care of Bakugou’s injuries (see: Chapters 24 and 25 of Ground Zero lol). But he will absolutely take care of her were something to ever happen to her as well.
3. Who wears the other's clothes? What does the other think about that?
Kova looooooves wearing Kacchan’s clothes lol especially his silly little edgy skull shirts, which she enjoys teasing him about. He might roll his eyes but he absolutely lets her (part of him really enjoys seeing her wear his clothes because it lets everyone know how close they are, even if they’re not officially together at that point in the story).
4. Who is constantly teasing the other? How does that person react?
Kova does 90% of the teasing because she loves riling him up and getting a reaction out of him. Kacchan pretends to be annoyed about it but if she ever stopped doing it he’d be very sad.
5. Who's more physically affectionate?
Neither of them are super touchy-feely, but in the earlier stages of their friendship-turning-romance, Kova probably initiates the affection most of the time. Kacchan pretends he’s too cool for it but secretly he loves being physically affectionate with her and lets her get away with touching him and teasing him in ways that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE would ever dare attempt. (Kaminari once tried imitating the way Kova is around him and Bakugou nearly blasted him through the ceiling).
6. Who's the better cook?
Bakugou, hands down. He cooks for Kova a lot (this happens so often in Ground Zero I can’t even remember all the chapters it does) and she LOVES his cooking. Sometimes, she’ll help him in the kitchen, but he mostly shoos her away, claiming he doesn’t want her to wreck it, but we all know it’s because he’s trying to impress her.
7. Who's the bigger flirt? How do they handle being flirted at? Do they blush easily or get nervous?
They don’t flirt much when they’re younger, but the more established they get as a hero couple, the more comfortable they get with being openly flirty. I’d say Kova probably initiates it more, but then Kacchan will retort with a line that leaves her red-faced and speechless, while he smirks and walks away. The bastard. She will definitely have to pay him back for that later.
8. Who's the better driver?
Bakugou, probably. As the older one, he’d get his license first (and his parents have money so they’d probably buy him a car). Also, Kova’s immigrant status probably means it takes longer for her to get a license in Japan so she doesn’t have as much practice. She’s happy to let him drive, though.
9. Who removes the spiders/bugs?
Kova loves bugs (she acquires a pet tarantula for her dorm room in her second year at U.A.), so she’s definitely picking the spiders and bugs up with her bare hands and giving them new homes whenever one is found somewhere it shouldn’t be.
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