#ship: delichiously bad
avid-adoxography Β· 2 years
πŸ– for HK!
πŸ– Your F/O has to make dinner for you both. What do they make and how's it go?
Cornelius, hunched over the cauldron and viciously hitting various vegetables and chunks of meat with a spoon: STOP! *smack* COMING! *smack* BACK! *smack* TO! *smack* LIFE! *smack* YOU! *smack* HEATHENS!!! *smack*
He's later found sobbing in a corner, head in his hands while a small army of assorted veggies and meats scuttles on the floor with freshly grown leggies, wrecking havok in an already dilapidated kitchen.
The soup is good though.
( Small bonus under the cut, divider by @.talesmaniac89 )
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Sorry bestie, but in my mind's eye this is all I can picture when I try to associate the Horned King with cooking dhajdhsks
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avid-adoxography Β· 2 years
Inspired by @echoes-lighthouse's post, I've done my own
βœ¨πŸƒ Selfships & Tarots Match-Ups! πŸƒβœ¨
How to read: first card for ship dynamic, second one for my F/O and last one for my S/I.
Thick as Thieves (Macchia Nera x Silvia Garzetta)
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Walk on Vanity Ruins (Lord of Lies x Griselda Thaar / Murias)
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Calcium Supplement (Lord Bhaltair Kardok x [undone])
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Sturm und Drang (Sturm x Silvia Baronio)
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Delichiously Bad (King Cornelius x [redacted])
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A Dire Heterophony (Oliver Veenstra x [undone])
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Exquisite Corpses (Greg Madsen x [undefined])
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Till the Batter End (Attila Buckethead x Morvran of Tirannwyn)
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Credits: Tarot deck by TarotCardsDarkForest on Etsy
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avid-adoxography Β· 2 years
Asgjklg I just noticed your HoKi ship tag was spelled deLICHiously bad. Monarch move.
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Me? Using bad puns as my ship tags? It's the norm here asdfghj <3c
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avid-adoxography Β· 2 years
✨ Bisexual thought of the Day ✨
Maleficent's nose and Horned King's jawline <3c
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avid-adoxography Β· 2 years
Hey fam. I'm gonna ask for... anemone and/or sweet pea for you and Cornelius, and Daffodil for Kardok?
Sorry for the delay king but the mental gymnastic I had to put myself through in order to answer your ask..... exquisite sdfghjk
Anyway, let's start with HoKi Poki and [redacted], shall we?
Anemone: Is your wedding extravagant or small and quaint? Do you have lots of guests or just a few close friends?
Bestie I'm. Not gonna lie but, the whole thing is probably going to be so small and quiet Cornelius would actually forget to invite himself to the ceremony. Not because he doesn't wanna be there but he's just built like thatβ„’ asdfgh (hint hint it's the depression baybeeee)
Jokes aside, I literally have no idea. Like, on one hand I really can't see Cornelius being one to be fond of this kind of loud fanfares, loud assertions and even louder ties. He'd rather keep things simple and reserved, especially since I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want people to know he too has a heart and he is indeed capable of love, ya know??
On the other hand though... Bro. He enjoys the sound of his voice. He really do! Also what about all his theatrics while raising the dead, what about that scene uhh?? So I. Kinda see (if I squint hard enough) him going full orator mode during the event, a grandious wedding of a scale large enough to be talked about for entire weeks, months even.
Sure, he'd probably treat the whole matter like a political thing to assert dominance over Prydain (and it kinda make sense too), but also as a very funky way to say "AH! In your face CUNT" to Arawn uwu
So, yeah. I'm a very conflicted creechur, still thanks for coming to my ted talk sfdghjk
Sweet pea: Does your wedding have a β€˜theme’ or a color scheme that you try to adhere to? If so, what is it?
Ok so, I know I have yet to build up the lore and whatnot and I'm literally making shit up since never I have ever thought about marrying this fucking piece of moody beef jerky but honestly?? Me wants a Secret Garden themed wedding because damn we both deserve an enchanted fairytale marriage uwu.
Also the juxtaposition of life and death? Flowing nature and gnarled stone?? A dead tree finally finding a way to blossom again?? ? You feel me, I know you do <3c
I might also have a couple ideas for the color scheme, those being dark blue, mahogany red and ivory or maybe lavender, plum and navy blue jewel tones, but we'll see about that.
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And finally for Lord Bhaltair Kardok and [undone]
Daffodil: What do you and your F/O’s wedding rings look like?
I was thinking about a couple of rugged wedding bands with engraved runes forged in dragon's fire. Their outline is adorned by solid gold and silver molten to the surface to resemble the night sky with its constellations.
Bhaltair's ring is a thick carved pewter band and bears an engraving of Vegvisir, the Viking compass, one of the most powerful Norse symbols believed to have the power to show the right way to those who lost their path. It was not chosen carelessly.
Mine is crafted out of his and the metal wire has been twisted and modeled after the shape of a horned Ouroboros, warily similar to the Serpent of Gallowmere. A symbol of eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation, death and rebirth. An omen and a warning.
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avid-adoxography Β· 3 years
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This was supposed to be just a height comparison for my S/I's reference sheet, but as y'all can see it got out of hand real quick sdfghjk
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avid-adoxography Β· 3 years
Can I get a, umm... 5, 9, 10 and 20 for whoever you'd like? Maybe Cornelius, I'd like to know more about him?
Ah yes, my undead poor little meow meow. My grumpy beef jerky. What an excellent choice indeed my friend uwu
5. What's their favorite pet name for you?
I'm his [insert adjective according to context/mood] PΓΊca <3c
Aforementioned adjective may vary from Wee to Beloathed, it all depends on his level of frustration towards me jshjs But basically Cornelius sees me as a sort of odd Creadur, an unpredicatable customized bringer both of good and bad fortune... Mostly misfortune (affectionate), at least according to him sdfghj
9. How does their body temp usually run (are they naturally warm or cold)?
Corny here is usually at room temperature and thus, since his castle is but a collection of drafts held together by pure architectural spite, this means he's as cold as a stone slab. Unless he's being forcefully warmed by yours truly (and shall Hell be unleashed unto Earth before he ever admits he actually enjoys it) but that's a story for another time <3c
10. Are they ticklish, if so where are they most ticklish? (this kills the corpse, but not the one with horns jdhdjd)
So you have chosen death... Anyway, I'm the biggest corpse that makes all the rules so I diagnose him with ticklish, specifically around his lower back and shoulder blades.
If you too have no regard for self-preservation, you can either go for the ribs for a killer hit or squeeze (gently!) his kneecaps to see him deflate like a punctured lung, but be prepared to run for your life as soon as he recollects himself adhsfjk
20. What's one superstition they believe (if any)?
Considering he's a walking myth himself, you bet he got his own set of rules and beliefs to follow.
First and foremost Cornelius follows the rules of the Faerie folk: while not being particularly fond of the actual people themselves, he still has much respect for their magic and he'd definitely have them as allies rather than invoke their ire because of a misplaced "thank you". This won't stop him from carrying cold iron however: being polite is one thing, being defeseless is another.
He's also not fond of will-o-wisps. He says they call out his name, asking him to join them for eternity, while others he believes are the spirits of people he killed, cursing him, thirsting for revenge against him... 10/10 he'd just do a 180 and run back home if he sees even a single one of them in his near proximity.
Last but not least, he's a firm believer that to kill a raven is to bring bad luck. Or maybe he just says that to justify the fact that he actually like these animals, who knows uwu
Aaand we're done, tΓ¨nkius so so much bestie for your ask and for your patience as well! πŸ’œ
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avid-adoxography Β· 3 years
1 for the Horned King, 13 for Sturm, and 17 for Solaire!
This sure is an odd trio but I'll be damned if I let this chance slip, let's gooooooooooooo!!!
1. How would you describe their eyes (their color, how they make you feel)?
Alluring black holes filled with an ill-disguised affliction. I like to mentally trace along the web of wrinkles that adorns them before letting that sea of darkness swallow my own gaze whole. Sometimes it seems to be pulling at the very edge of my soul too, as eager to consume that as well, and some other times I swear it's calling for help, or just comfort even...
Unfortunately I also have to fight the rabid urge to stick a finger in there because his anatomy is still a mystery to me and I need to understand how he works. For scientific purposes ya know? No other reason I swear! (<- biggest fucking liar ever to spawn on this plane of existence kdndk)
Also, and I'm sorry but you know the movie "The 12 tasks of Asterix"? When they go to Iris the Egyptian? That's exactly what my brain immediately associates with when I think about the inner hidden workings of Cornelius' eyes ahskahs. I swear, one day I'll get to tackle the issue and study him for reals, then y'all be sorry (he's first jdhdj).
Btw the scene starts at 2:05, but feel free to watch the whole clip for context and some funnee in case it's your first time watching this movie <3
Ngl I think about this exact exchange a lot (and some may even say it actually happened between Corny and my S/I jdjdjx)
13. What’s one thing that surprised you about them after you got to know each-other?
Already answered here <3c
17. What’s their favorite gesture of affection to make you feel loved?
He brings me flowers whenever he comes back from his travels! No matter where he goes (or how dangerous it might be), he always manages to come back with a small bouquet of hand picked flowers for me. I know it doesn't sound like much but my DS!Sona has spent her whole life underground (i.e. The Catacombs) and she's not allowed to come to the surface either, so she's not used to the sight of like, real actual flowers.
And what's better than seeing a Darkwraith go full starry-eyed and giggly at the sight of a battered couple daisies despite they've been probably been stuffed inside a leather pouch (or the padding of his armor if the situation is that dire) for at least three days? Nothing I tell you that! <3
...I fell asleep (twice) while writing this, help jdhdjk
Anyway, thank you queen for your ask and sorry for the delay, and also congratulations for making me think about Solaire after all this time! God I love this blonde himbo, it almost makes me wanna dust off my old Dark Soul S/I... Almost.
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avid-adoxography Β· 3 years
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I mean how bad me be? >:3c
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avid-adoxography Β· 3 years
Anyway, I'm gonna start referring to the Horned King as my sweet HoKi PoKi and I can't be stopped >:3c
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