starmakerdotcom · 4 years
[ 10:21 am , lai’s dorm ]
— in which lai and areum wake up next to each other, yet again.
look out for some kissing , he puts his hands up her shirt but like that’s rlly all . and reference to sex ? i guess ?
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this was one of jaebeom’s favourite ways to wake up.
the morning rose slowly, letting the world slowly expose and adjust to its bright light. when the first orange tinted rays of sunlight shone through the thin curtains and kissed the bed the couple laid upon, ahreum was the first to wake. as she let the warm light welcome her into the morning, she turned over to see her boyfriend still sound asleep in the bed beside her.
ahreum thought the way the sunlight was cast over his sleeping figure made him look like an angel, not that ahreum didn’t always think he looked like one. she couldn’t help but lean down and plant a soft kiss on his forehead, causing him to stir for a second.
when jaebeom’s eyes fluttered open finally, ahreum kissed him on the cheek again before he could even look up at her.
“well... good morning,” he mumbled when he finally tilted his head up to look her in the eyes.
ahreum laughed through her nose at his tired attempt at a smirk, and responded, “good morning,” their lips only a couple centimetres apart.
it seemed they both had the same idea, and in seconds, the gap between their lips was closed and just like that, their first kiss of the morning was shared and they felt gardens growing in their chests. slow and sweet, as opposed to the desperate, open mouthed kisses of the night before, shared in the exact same bedroom in the dead of night with only the city’s lights from outside barely illuminating them. mornings were always slower, softer, something everyone needs once in a while.
“did you sleep okay?” ahreum asked once they’d pulled away.
jaebeom nodded, “i always sleep good when you’re here with me.”
ahreum smiled. “good,” she whispered against his lips, leaning in for their second kiss of the morning, this time longer and more meaningful than the half asleep, almost second nature at this point lazy good morning kiss. ahreum laid a hand on his bare chest as she littered his cheeks, forehead, and nose with even more kisses.
when she gasped at jaebeom slipping a hand under her shirt (that was actually his shirt), he laughed. “what’s that about?”
“your hands are really dry,” ahreum crinkled her nose and laughed, “ever heard of lotion?”
“give me a break,” jaebeom huffed, “my hands get dry sometimes.”
ahreum planted one last kiss on his cheek before she sat up in bed, stretching her arms above her head and sighing. “do you want breakfast? i’m kinda in the mood for pancakes.”
jaebeom shrugged, still laying down and honestly not really wanting to get up at all, “whatever’s fine with you. i don’t eat breakfast most days anyway.”
“i know,” ahreum looked down at him, “you need to, it’s the most important meal of the day.”
“that’s bullshit, i can get through the day fine without eating breakfast,” he protested, to which ahreum reached down and ruffled his already messy hair.
jaebeom sat up finally, just in time to catch ahreum climbing out of bed and standing up as he swung his legs around so he could touch the floor. when she turned around to see him sitting on the edge of the bed looking up at her like a puppy, she carefully made her way back over to the bed and sat down in his lap.
once again, their lips pressed together, slow and sweet. the light from the thin curtains still cast over the bed, falling upon the couple, and, ahreum noticed when she pulled away, hit jaebeom’s eye in a way that made them look like dark pools of amber.
“you look so cute this morning,” she teased, moving her leg so she was basically straddling her boyfriend’s lap. it made his breath hitch in his throat. with his arms up her shirt and wrapped around her waist, he pulled her close into his embrace, their bodies pushed up together so close they could almost feel their hearts beating in synch.
jaebeom always noticed that ahreum was softer and just more affectionate overall in the mornings. not that she wasn’t affectionate other times of the day, but it was a different kind of affectionate that time of day. it was less fiery and exhilarating, instead it was more of a calm, euphoric feeling, the kind of affection that was almost second nature, but still so intimate it made you feel young and on top of the world. jaebeom didn’t think he’d ever achieve a feeling like this with someone else.
“i’ve been looking forward to this...” ahreum said lowly with half-lidded eyes, cupping his face in her hands. she moved one hand to run through his hair, somehow still silky soft despite his wild bedhead.
“oh really?” jaebeom teased, his hands roaming the soft skin of her torso. she nodded, smiling.
“i’ve REALLY been craving some pancakes!” ahreum suddenly said, standing up and making her way towards the door, leaving jaebeom sitting in the bed feeling like he’d gotten an ice pack shoved down the front of his pants.
when he started pouting, she turned around and added, “i do need to shower though...” giving him a look that pretty obviously stated what she was thinking. and with that, she opened the door and was down the hall towards the bathroom. jaebeom quickly scrambled out of bed and ran down the hall after her, giddy like a hormonal teenager. although he liked the soft and sweet side of their mornings... he didn’t mind this either.
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
💖 areum
when areum wears heels she’s taller than lai and he HATES IT SM . he wants to be tall enough to kiss her on the forehead but she has to like . bend down to do that LMAO
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