starmakerdotcom · 4 years
[ 10:21 am , lai’s dorm ]
— in which lai and areum wake up next to each other, yet again.
look out for some kissing , he puts his hands up her shirt but like that’s rlly all . and reference to sex ? i guess ?
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this was one of jaebeom’s favourite ways to wake up.
the morning rose slowly, letting the world slowly expose and adjust to its bright light. when the first orange tinted rays of sunlight shone through the thin curtains and kissed the bed the couple laid upon, ahreum was the first to wake. as she let the warm light welcome her into the morning, she turned over to see her boyfriend still sound asleep in the bed beside her.
ahreum thought the way the sunlight was cast over his sleeping figure made him look like an angel, not that ahreum didn’t always think he looked like one. she couldn’t help but lean down and plant a soft kiss on his forehead, causing him to stir for a second.
when jaebeom’s eyes fluttered open finally, ahreum kissed him on the cheek again before he could even look up at her.
“well... good morning,” he mumbled when he finally tilted his head up to look her in the eyes.
ahreum laughed through her nose at his tired attempt at a smirk, and responded, “good morning,” their lips only a couple centimetres apart.
it seemed they both had the same idea, and in seconds, the gap between their lips was closed and just like that, their first kiss of the morning was shared and they felt gardens growing in their chests. slow and sweet, as opposed to the desperate, open mouthed kisses of the night before, shared in the exact same bedroom in the dead of night with only the city’s lights from outside barely illuminating them. mornings were always slower, softer, something everyone needs once in a while.
“did you sleep okay?” ahreum asked once they’d pulled away.
jaebeom nodded, “i always sleep good when you’re here with me.”
ahreum smiled. “good,” she whispered against his lips, leaning in for their second kiss of the morning, this time longer and more meaningful than the half asleep, almost second nature at this point lazy good morning kiss. ahreum laid a hand on his bare chest as she littered his cheeks, forehead, and nose with even more kisses.
when she gasped at jaebeom slipping a hand under her shirt (that was actually his shirt), he laughed. “what’s that about?”
“your hands are really dry,” ahreum crinkled her nose and laughed, “ever heard of lotion?”
“give me a break,” jaebeom huffed, “my hands get dry sometimes.”
ahreum planted one last kiss on his cheek before she sat up in bed, stretching her arms above her head and sighing. “do you want breakfast? i’m kinda in the mood for pancakes.”
jaebeom shrugged, still laying down and honestly not really wanting to get up at all, “whatever’s fine with you. i don’t eat breakfast most days anyway.”
“i know,” ahreum looked down at him, “you need to, it’s the most important meal of the day.”
“that’s bullshit, i can get through the day fine without eating breakfast,” he protested, to which ahreum reached down and ruffled his already messy hair.
jaebeom sat up finally, just in time to catch ahreum climbing out of bed and standing up as he swung his legs around so he could touch the floor. when she turned around to see him sitting on the edge of the bed looking up at her like a puppy, she carefully made her way back over to the bed and sat down in his lap.
once again, their lips pressed together, slow and sweet. the light from the thin curtains still cast over the bed, falling upon the couple, and, ahreum noticed when she pulled away, hit jaebeom’s eye in a way that made them look like dark pools of amber.
“you look so cute this morning,” she teased, moving her leg so she was basically straddling her boyfriend’s lap. it made his breath hitch in his throat. with his arms up her shirt and wrapped around her waist, he pulled her close into his embrace, their bodies pushed up together so close they could almost feel their hearts beating in synch.
jaebeom always noticed that ahreum was softer and just more affectionate overall in the mornings. not that she wasn’t affectionate other times of the day, but it was a different kind of affectionate that time of day. it was less fiery and exhilarating, instead it was more of a calm, euphoric feeling, the kind of affection that was almost second nature, but still so intimate it made you feel young and on top of the world. jaebeom didn’t think he’d ever achieve a feeling like this with someone else.
“i’ve been looking forward to this...” ahreum said lowly with half-lidded eyes, cupping his face in her hands. she moved one hand to run through his hair, somehow still silky soft despite his wild bedhead.
“oh really?” jaebeom teased, his hands roaming the soft skin of her torso. she nodded, smiling.
“i’ve REALLY been craving some pancakes!” ahreum suddenly said, standing up and making her way towards the door, leaving jaebeom sitting in the bed feeling like he’d gotten an ice pack shoved down the front of his pants.
when he started pouting, she turned around and added, “i do need to shower though...” giving him a look that pretty obviously stated what she was thinking. and with that, she opened the door and was down the hall towards the bathroom. jaebeom quickly scrambled out of bed and ran down the hall after her, giddy like a hormonal teenager. although he liked the soft and sweet side of their mornings... he didn’t mind this either.
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artemisfromkq · 4 years
q & r for whoever you want ! i want angst
Q - “quiet down - if you say another word, we’re so dead.”
R - “ridiculous. that’s the only word i can say right now.”
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬// Swearing, Lai’s tense, mentions of physical violence, SM Trainees are assholes.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬// This came out as a mix of fluff and angst since i wanted to do this idea, but i hope you like it anyways!
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Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
That’s the only word that comes through Kamlai’s head right now as she runs in SM’s older building, the weight of her backpack bumping into her back every single time she took a step forward, it hurted a little, but she was more worried in protecting her belongings and, probably, herself.
She already forgot when it started, when everything started falling down and half of sm’s trainees just started to have a grudge against her. Competitiveness, she thought. The opportunity of debuting could let anyone do things they wouldn’t, opportunity creates desperation, desperation creates competitiveness, which creates jealousy and eventually creates insanity. Perfect words to describe what is like being a trainee in that hellhole. That’s the cycle, that’s how it works, it’s always like that when they plan to debut an artist. She already lost count of the amount of talented trainees she saw leave because of that issue, she understands them, and, now, she’s the victim.
If she shared to anyone, it’d be another motive to bully her out, actually, Kamlai herself barely knew about it. But, even if SM treats her like garbage, she was perfect for what they wanted, the perfect propaganda for a global artist, that’s why every year they go more and more foreign, everyone knew that the many opportunities SM gave her even as a trainee weren’t common, and that generated jealousy.
“Come on, Kamlai! Why are you running away from us? We’re not going to hurt you. We’re friends, after all, aren’t we?”
She kept running. Shit. She tried to not pay attention to anything they were saying, she couldn’t distract herself and end up hurt, both physically and mentally.
“We just want a taste of your food, i bet you don’t mind. After all, you have to stay skinny to debut, am i correct?”
She could hear their footsteps getting closer. Kamlai tried hard to run faster, but her legs felt like giving in at any minute, but she had to keep running, that or give up the only meal she had the whole day and have some small bruises and tears down her cheeks as a plus. God, please, don’t let me go through this again. She thought, as she briefly stops and anxiously looks on both of her sides, desperately looking for a place to hide.
“Shit, shit. Please...” Kamlai keeps talking to herself, begging for something she didn’t even know. Just save me, please. Her head was a mess, is that how despair feels? And with that, they only seemed to get closer.
Before she could even choose a place to hide, she feels a hand pulling her to what seemed to be a practicing room. Everything happened too fast, but she remembers hearing a loud sound of the door closing before ‘whoever that was’ shoved them both inside the famous red locker that appeared in several of SM Rookie’s videos.
“What the-“ Kamlai let a small gasp out before she could feel the stranger’s hand covering her mouth, preventing her for saying anything more.
“Quiet down. If you say another word, we’re so dead.” What seemed like a male voice whispered, slowly taking his hand off her mouth as he made sure she’s quiet. “Sorry.” He muttered, just after looking into the small gap of light the locker had.
“It’s okay.” She sighed, possibly relieved. “Thank-“ He put his finger on front of his nose, signaling silence, as both of them hear the door of the practice room open, followed by the footsteps of several people.
“She’s not here, let’s look somewhere else, she’s learning how to hide from us.” One of them looked around, not knowing two people were overhearing their conversation. Kamlai started holding her breath.
“Fucking brat, always making our lives harder, let’s bail.” They looked some more, before walking away and closing the door once again, making the two people inside the locker finally release air.
The boy looked at the gap for some time, opening the door after making sure they were safe again. Kamlai stepped out first, feeling free to speak.
“It’s a little rude to interrupt people all the time, you know?” The boy touched the back of his neck, quite regretfully, making Lai laugh as she signalizes she was only playing to make the mood better. However, soon after, her expression faded and, once again, a sigh gets out of her mouth. “Ridiculous. That’s the only word i can say right now.” She starts looking around. “This is ridiculous, i hate to be so intimidated by them, but i just want to be in peace. To train, debut and fulfill my dream, i want the same thing they want, why do they treat me like this? They’re just making me suffer for no reason, I never did anything to them.”
“They love to pick on the best ones, because they feel threatened. At least, it’s what my friends say to make me feel better.” Kamlai suddenly feels a heat in her cheeks. God, she felt like the main character in a drama series, stupid.
“Who are you, anyways?” She proceeded, trying to change the subject before she gets too flustered over anything.
“Another boy who gets his lunch stolen.” Ironic. She thought, actually, it was funny, as she was too worried over getting away from her own monsters to know more people are tormented there. But, before he could continue, she answered.
“Oh my god, i forgot to thank you. I’m sorry, I got too distracted with my own feelings.” The stranger shakes his head, assuring that it’s fine. “Thank you, you saved me from another long day.” She let herself give a sweet smile, he doesn’t look threatening, actually, he seems nice or, at least, she hopes he is.
“I just... Did what had to be done.” She laughed with the typical line, followed with quite an nervous tone. If you know her, you know that even after the worst things, she still manages to laugh and smile at any moment.
“Okay, superhero, now what’s your name?” She crosses her arms below her chest. “I’m Kamlai.”
The boy gives a comforting smile, raising his arm for a handshake.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lai, my name is Mark, Mark Lee.”
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
no reason at all under the moonlight for any :D
[ 10:58 pm , seoul ]
— in which , areum and lai sneak onto the roof of the smk building for some fresh air
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“this is nice,” ahreum mumbled against jaebeom’s shoulder. the moon, visible through the surprisingly clear sky, cast a pale light across the roof, illuminating the couple’s features and the seat they were on with almost an eerie glow. the warm breeze and the sound of rushing traffic stories below them left them with an almost exhilarating feeling, but at the same time, a blanketing feeling of comfort.
“feels like a movie,” jaebeom said, ahreum hummed in agreement, “i wanna stay up here all night.”
nights like these were a particular favourite of ahreum’s, as much as she liked big extravagant nights of going out, the little things like this seemed much more personal and genuine.
“look at me,” jaebeom said quietly, and when she did, he leaned in to plant a small, sweet kiss on her forehead.
ahreum giggled, “what was that for?”
jaebeom shrugged in response, “you’re so pretty and you’re just sitting right here in my arms, what else am i supposed to do?” ahreum didn’t think she could possibly be smiling any wider.
“you’re so cute,” she whispered, bringing her face up to his so she could kiss him back- on the cheek. “i love you, you’re my favourite boy.”
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starmakerdotcom · 5 years
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summary : chae and lai become friends, all because of a runaway cat
characters : ahn chaewon , two cats named mick and mack , hwang jaebeom
genre : comedy (?) fluff
warnings : swearing but other than that not much
words : 1.2k
notes : this isn’t meant to be a sexual tension thing my guy jaebeom has a gf and chaewon is a lesbian
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[ november 2019, 10:12 am, smke dorm building ]
“ooh fuck.”
chaewon definitely didn’t expect those to be her first words of the day. the first thing she did that morning was go downstairs to throw some garbage away, and she came back to find her door cracked open and one cat instead of two. mack slept in her bed, undisturbed, while mick was nowhere to be found. chaewon knew how her cats, more specifically mick, had the tendency to run away whenever they got the chance, and so by that logic, mick was definitely out the door and roaming around the hallway somewhere.
she must’ve not closed the door all the way, that was her first thought. figuring out how mick got out was the easy part, actually finding mick was the hard part.
“it’s too early for this shit,” chaewon sighed, and looked over at mack, who was still laying in her bed. her eyes were open now and she was staring at chaewon.
chaewon pointed a finger at mack, “you stay there.” then she was off, out her door and into the hallway. she hadn’t even gotten the chance to get dressed, so she looked ridiculous, in her worn out polka dot pajama pants and a gray t-shirt about five sizes too big. however, she had better things to worry about, like getting her damn cat back.
thankfully, no one was in the hallway. it was about nine in the morning, so anyone in the building that had something to do that day had already left. the building she lived in was owned by smk ent, and they used it to house all of their idols, so she was never really disturbed that much.
she stared down the hallway of closed doors. where could he have possibly gone?
“mick?” she called, like that would do anything anyway. most cats that she’d met, including her own, didn’t respond to their names. “where in the world did you-?”
another door down the hall a little was cracked open slightly.
“shit.” chaewon said under her breath. time to break in to someone’s dorm- but was it really considered breaking in if the door was already open though?
taking a peek in, it definitely looked like someone lived in this dorm. it wasn’t just an empty one that had mistakenly been open for who knows how long, someone was for sure living there, and if the door was open, that meant they were most likely home or had just left and didn’t shut the door properly. chaewon hoped it was the latter, because being caught would make for an awkward explanation. imagine going into your living room to find a lady in her pajamas chasing a cat around. that’d be pretty weird, wouldn’t it.
chaewon opened the door further and snuck inside. someone was definitely living here, and most likely home, there was a half full glass of orange juice on the kitchen table and a dent in the couch where it looked like someone had been sitting recently. it sounded like water was running, probably a shower, and chaewon assumed whoever lived there wouldn’t be out of the shower by the time she grabbed her cat and got out.
easier said than done.
mick was in the living room, luckily, that meant chaewon didn’t have to go looking for him. he was sitting under the coffee table, staring at chaewon, and she could’ve sworn he had a bit of a smug smile on his face. after a few minutes of coaxing, mick was out from under the table.
it was then that she heard a door open. she had been so busy trying to get mick out that she didn’t hear the water shut off a few minutes ago.
“fuck- get over here!” chaewon hissed, scooping up mick and holding him tight in her arms. “now let’s get out of here before-“
she turned around and was face-to-face with someone in the hallway. towel around his waist, long brown hair still wet from his shower, and a look on his face that said, “the fuck?”
“areum’s boyfriend?!” chaewon exclaimed, paused, then continued, “elijah?!”
“chae?! jaebeom is fine by the way,” he replied, “but anyways, why exactly are you in here?”
chaewon sighed, “oh it’s a long story. i’m not trying to rob you- i swear-“
“i wasn’t concerned about you robbing me until you said that!”
“i won’t rob you! see, i didn’t close my door properly and my cat somehow got out, and either he’s extremely strong for a cat or your door wasn’t closed properly either. i didn’t know if anyone lived here or not, and if they did i figured i’d be in and out without them noticing!” chaewon rambled.
“my door was open?”
“i’m guessing? i don’t know how else he would’ve gotten in.”
“seems a bit suspicious, but i’ll choose to believe you,” jaebeom said.
an awkward silence filled the room, which is understandable since the situation was awkward. a lady in her pajamas with a death grip on the cat in her arms, staring at a half naked man just out of the shower in the hallway.
“so! jaebeom...” chaewon started, in a desperate attempt to make this less awkward, “when did you move in? i haven’t seen you around.”
“just this week, actually,” he replied, “i figured since i’m debuting in a couple weeks it’d be better to live here.”
“right! you’re debuting soon! today is just a break day i’m assuming?”
“yeah, i don’t have much to do this week so i figured it’d be a good time to move in and get settled.”
“are you excited to debut? i’m excited for you! we haven’t had a solo artist debut here since, well, me!”
“i think i’m excited? it’s more overwhelming than anything to be honest, there’s just so much going on right now i don’t really have time to feel excited.”
“yeah, i know how you feel. i’ve seen you in the training room a few times though, you’re really good! you have so much potential and i can’t wait to see you on stage!”
jaebeom’s face was bright red at this point, “coming from someone like you, that means a lot.”
“and what’s that supposed to mean?”
“oh no nothing like that! just- someone that’s been in the industry so long. you’re so comfortable and confident- so many people look up to you, including me. so for you to have faith in me means a lot.”
chaewon felt like a friendship was beginning to bloom. she hadn’t made a new friend in probably about a year, so this was refreshing! she forgot how nice making new friends was! she had to get back to her room soon though, before mack decided to stroll over and check what all the commotion was.
“anyways,” chaewon started, “i’ll leave you to get dressed now. you’re cool, so feel free to come over for like- a coffee- or something sometime! i’m right down the hall, just ask areum, she knows what room.”
“sounds good!” jaebeom said, “see you later- or whenever!”
“this probably wasn’t the best first impression but i’m cool i promise!” chaewon said, heading towards the door, making sure she had a strong grip on mick so he wouldn’t wriggle his way out of her arms and onto the floor. she heard jaebeom laugh as she emerged into the hallway, making sure to close the door properly this time.
once she was in the hall, she looked down at mick and whispered, “you’re a little shit sometimes, you know that?” mick looked back up at her and blinked in return. “this is the only time i’ll be okay with it though, because you helped me make a new friend.”
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starmakerdotcom · 5 years
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summary : lai accidentally lets something slip he shouldn’t have at a fan meeting.
characters : hwang jaebeom, cho songmin (his manager), two random teenage girls named yewon and jiyoo, kim ahreum, min eunji
genre : man is awkward a genre bc this is it
warnings : none really?? lai bein stoopid mostly
words : 0.8k
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[ december 6th, 2019, lai’s first fan meeting ]
“eek, there’s still so many people!” jaebeom whispered to his manager, who had come over to him to check how the meeting was going. it had already been an hour, and it seemed like the line wasn’t getting any shorter.
his manager, cho songmin, gave jaebeom an encouraging grin and thumbs-up, “they’re all here to see you!”
jaebeom looked at songmin with a nervous smile, “they’ve all been so nice so far, let’s hope it’ll stay that way!”
“you’ll do great!” songmin reassured the younger boy. jaebeom and his manager had grown a close brotherly bond ever since they met. they’ve only known each other for a while, but songmin always treated jaebeom like a little brother of his own, and jaebeom saw him as an older brother. songmin always provides encouraging words for jaebeom.
“there’s someone waiting! go!” jaebeom lightly pushed songmin back, who laughed and returned back to his seat. as he did that, a girl, probably in her mid-teens came and sat in front of jaebeom.
“hi!” she said with a nervous grin on her face.
“hi!” jaebeom said back, an equally nervous grin on his face, “what’s your name?”
“kang yewon,” she said, still looking nervous, “sorry, i’m just kind of nervous.”
“don’t worry, i’m probably more nervous than you,” jaebeom replied, “but the people have been super nice so far and i hope it’ll stay that way.”
“i hope they’re nice to you too, you deserve it.” yewon smiled, “by the way, can you sign this?” she pushed a pen and a copy of his album across the table towards him.
“of course!” he grabbed the pen and signed the corner, and wrote a small message as well, it said ‘have a nice day!’.
“why did you write have a nice day on it?” yewon asked.
“whenever you look at it, it’ll remind you to have a nice day!” jaebeom explained, smiling.
yewon smiled back, “ah, that makes sense. do you want to say hi to my friend? she’s the next in line,” she said, pointing back to another girl who looked about the same age as yewon, “this is im jiyoo!”
jiyoo smiled widely and waved, “hello jaebeom-oppa!”
“she’s a lot less shy than me, as you can probably tell.” yewon laughed.
“i can see that,” jaebeom replied.
“jaebeom-oppa! how are you and areum-unnie doing?” jiyoo exclaimed, still standing in line.
“oh, we’re doing good- wait- how do you know that?”
jiyoo and yewon started squealing, and jaebeom knew he messed up. he looked back at songmin, who was trying to suppress his laughter.
he motioned jiyoo over, and he whispered to both of the girls, “this stays between us, okay? you can’t tell anyone about this.”
yewon, with a huge grin still on her face, nodded.
jaebeom sighed, “anyways, jiyoo, do you want me to sign your album?”
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“so, how did your fan meeting go today?” ahreum asked. after the meeting, jaebeom decided to go to the fruit basket dorm for a while to say hi. him and ahreum were in the living room, eunji was in her room, watching shows on her phone, and hyeonmi and suyeong has gone out to order food for them all.
“it went good for the most part.” jaebeom said shortly.
ahreum paused, “what do you mean for the most part?”
jaebeom inhaled sharply, “there were these two girls, yewon and jiyoo, they weren’t rude or anything, but they asked me some thing and i accidentally let something slip.”
“and what was that.”
“jiyoo asked how we were doing, and i said good before i realized that they weren’t supposed to know about that.”
ahreum stayed silent for a few seconds, and then laughed, “of course. you can’t keep secrets, can you?” she said in english. whenever she had a more serious conversation with jaebeom, they usually spoke in english, because it was more comfortable for them.
“it’s not that i couldn’t keep the secret! i forgot and it just accidentally slipped!”
“yeah. it’s not that big of a deal anyway, i’m not on a dating ban, neither are you.”
“having a scandal barely a week into your debut probably isn’t great, though.”
“it’s not a scandal if we’re actually together. i understand if you don’t want people to know though.”
“i told them to keep it between us, but i don’t know how well teenage girls listen.”
“look,” ahreum moved closer to jaebeom on the couch, “we can keep it a secret, but it’ll eventually come out, i know that, i’ve seen that happen to a lot of idols.”
jaebeom sighed, “i know, i’m just stressed. if it does come out, hopefully no one makes a huge deal out of it.”
ahreum set her hand on jaebeom’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly. she always did this when she was comforting him.
just then, eunji emerged from the hallway, she looked like she had just gotten up from a nap, “yah, what’s going on in here?”
“jaebeom accidentally let some stuff slip at the fan meeting.” ahreum explained.
eunji laughed, “you done messed up jaebeom!”
ahreum laughed with her, while jaebeom groaned, his head down looking at his knees.
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