#shiro: with all due respect sir I think that's impossible
discordiansamba · 6 months
read the list that mentioned keith and akira growing up together in the earthbound krolia au and !! i think that's my favourite tbh, like. i can't remember if heath lives but if he doesn't then that's 200% MORE absolutely insane b/c here are these identical desert hermits who nobody knows, who know very little about like, popular culture and they literally speak their own language that no one can figure out (how are they making those noises??) and they're both phenomenal pilots who were taken under THE takashi shirogane's wing
like if i were lance or james i'd be pissed already, but then they're both so busy competing with each other that they don't even notice you?? *rage*
Yeah, Heath still dies in that AU so it's literally just single mom Krolia raising her Keith by herself- or in this case, the twins. She rigs up some illusion tech that lets her blend in a little easier... or at least the Krolia definition of 'blending in' which basically means not being visibly purple.
I think Keith and Akira in the Garrison together would drive like. so many people insane. They're probably two of the best pilots they've ever seen, but they're also just so weird. They don't live on campus housing. They live out in the desert with their mom, who is also very weird. They mostly seem to kind of just ignore everyone else around them, except for Shiro and Adam.
And it's not out of malevolence, necessarily! It's the same kind of tunnel vision that really only let Keith see James because he was on a closer level to him than Lance ever was. He's number one, and then there's the guy right below him- and maybe tangentially the other top five. So if Keith has a twin who shares his reflexes and piloting abilities, they're basically just going to spend all their time at the Garrison competing with each other.
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