#shirorakurosuka yaginupan
mey-rin-is-fabulous · 2 years
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Alice Beans: top row left to right; Anna Spire, Marie Spira, Amurin. Bottom row left-right; Asami Rosy, Kanon Beryl. Based on IRL group Alice Juban
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Chammy Chaplets. Tanefurun, Sadafurun, Anifurun, Mopei, Tentan. Based on IRL band kiki*
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Labomunch. Mitomiton, Haraiku, Itodain. Based on IRL band clammbon
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Shirorakurosuka?. Taipeko, Yaginupan, Shimiswans, Ochi the Duck. Based on IRL band A Crow is White?
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Spectrenotes. Hideniro, Maotti, Kikka, Ivary, Kanato. Based on IRL band BIGMAMMA
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Tekebakitsusou. Takubaning, Yoshiten, Fujireido, Takeppar. Based on IRL band Usotsuki
Because of Fes A live going down at the end of November I thought I’d introduce anyone new to the franchise to the bands that didn’t make it into FAL.
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elidrawsthings · 4 years
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Yaginupan: This song is for the guy that keeps yelling from the balcony, and it’s called “We Hate You, Please Die”
I’ve been meaning to redraw this old thing so!! I’m really happy to see improvement from last time ;u;
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artybritney · 7 years
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Twitter post
Here’s the big reveal I’ve been waiting to pull down the curtains on to show!! My gift for @mavri-gat-a & @sb69giftexchange I had fun drawing them & hope you like it as much as I do! 💖✨🎀
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sb69clyde · 7 years
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i was in the sb69 gift exchange once again, this time for @phantasmic-pianist ! thank you for working hard and hosting such a fun event!!
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kuraikodesu · 7 years
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My piece for the SB69 Summer Carousal <3 This is a gift for @mavri-gat-a! I tried to incorporate as many as your favorite characters as I could, I really hope you like it!
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kaos-m · 8 years
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ragemuses-moved · 4 years
uhh Yaginupan for the multimuse ask meme!!! if only bc i used to rp cyan a lot back in 2015 n seeing u had a sb69 muse made me go a...
Multimuse Ask Meme || Accepting
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their general personality
Yaginupan is a weirdo. That’s the best way to describe her really. She’s a very deadpan person who goes about life to the beat of her own drum (though she’s a bassist), with a penchant to peppering in weird incomprehensible poetry into her dialogue. She’s also got an impish side to her where she loves playing pranks on people, especially Shirorakurosuka?’s band leader, Shimiswans.
their hobbies
She loves collecting panda themed items and accessories and visiting any kind of limited event with a panda theme.
things they like
Pandas and panda themed stuff (she convinced the band to move to Midi City for their selection of pandas in the Akibarn district zoo, no it’s not weird that she’s a panda herself), the color purple, bothering her bandmates.
things they dislike
Raw tomatoes are the devil to her
some things people do that annoy them
Talk too much or dismiss art without much of a thought because they didn’t understand it at first glance
how easily they form friendships
Yagi isn’t someone who actively looks to form friendships so her friend circle is small, but if she finds common ground with someone she’ll make an attempt. She also appreciates a complete dumbass.
how easily they get crushes
Not easily, you have to be a very specific type of idiot to catch her eye. Resident morosexual.
the kind of person they get along with the best
Folks who appreciate and/or create art. Idiots.
the kind of person they get along with the worst
People who are full of themselves and will not stop talking about themselves.
whether or not they could get along with your muse(s)
POSSIBLE though it’d more often than not be a rocky start.
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tokyothermography · 7 years
Shirorakurosuka event episode わかめとそらとはなび?“Seaweed, sky and fireworks?” translation
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Shirorakurosuka event episode translation from the current “Counter Seaweed Panic” boss event 2017
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Ochi the Duck
You’re in a pretty good mood today, Yaginupan.
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Yep~ After all, it’s the fireworks today. I have been really looking forward to it, that’s why.
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Didn’t they say watching the fireworks from an inn room at the river side makes a superb scenery~?
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Ah that’s right! Since this inn offers a great scenery, making a reservation at the inn was extremely difficult but.. Luckily I was able to get a reservation! Feel free to thank me more, guys~! 433
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Ahh I’m really looking forward to the fireworks~.
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Ochi the Duck
Let’s head to the inn soon. We should go by train.
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...Guys! Don’t leave me out!
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...Huh? It seems the train has stopped? What happened?
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I overheard them saying that~ somehow seaweed is covering the tracks which has caused panic~.. I also asked the station attendant if the buses or any trains are moving but...
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This means..We can’t see the fireworks..? ..What a pity...
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Ochi the Duck
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Ah that’s right. Wasn’t Shimiswans the kinda type to eat his Miso soup with seaweed?
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Ochi the Duck
That’s right. If he ate the track’s seaweed the train can move again right?
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Don’t you think eating this much is a little impossible?! Besides, eating seaweed that dropped on the tracks might ruin my stomach!
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That’s too bad but..shall we head back? I wanted to see the fireworks though...
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..No! Don’t give up, Yaginupan!
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Oh! Could it be, that you made up your mind about eating the seaweed? Should I prepare the miso soup?
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Gosh no! We are migrating birds! In other words..we can simply fly to the inn!
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Ochi the Duck
I see..this way we can actually avoid the seaweed and go to the inn.
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That’s it! Alright, let’s quickly head out then~ Fuwawa..
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Ahh! Spread out your magnificent wings and to the inn, we go! 43434343!
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Ochi the Duck
Come to think of it..it’s been a while since we four flew together in the sky..
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That’s right~ This reminds me of the time we migrated from Porossatsu to MIDICITY~ 
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Meanwhile, I will properly practice my poses in advance! 434343!
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Shimiswans-san...Isn’t it tiring to do weird poses while flying?
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They’re not weird! And I’m completely fine! There are fans expecting my usual poses after all!
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..Hahh hahh....that’s strange...what’s with this unusual feeling of exhaustion? Could it be that.. Honing the nerves of my wings’ tips while trying to maintain my poses at the same time..was actually reckless...4343
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That’s why I was saying...
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..Are you okay, Shimiswans~? Although we are already going at a pretty slow pace...
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Ochi the Duck
At this pace we won’t make it to the fireworks though.
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..Damn! Can’t be helped then..leave me here. You three go and see the fireworks please.
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..Oh man.
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Ochi the Duck
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..Here we go.
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Yaginupan...why are you helping me fly..? If we do it like this we most likely won’t make it in time for the fireworks, you know?
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If Shimiswans isn’t coming, who’s gonna treat everyone to shaved ice?
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I-I’m just your wallet?!
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Ochi the Duck
You’re not being honest, Yaginupan.
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The one saying we four should go see the fireworks was Yaginupan~
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I-is that true, Yaginupan?
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I see..I said something rude. And I apologize for that
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Ochi the Duck
Let me help you fly too, Shimiswans.
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Me too!
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Everyone..Thank you...! Afterwards I’m gonna treat you guys to some shaved ice! 434343
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I’d prefer if you didn’t move around..
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?! I-I’m sorry..
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Wow! I can see the inn~! 
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Ochi the Duck
Just in time for the firework...
*firework sounds*
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Seems like it just started..Although I heard that watching the fireworks from the inn makes a great view...
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...watching the fireworks from up here is also fine~
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This is our secret spot~
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Ochi the Duck
Yep. With just the four of us, let’s fully enjoy the fireworks!
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wotayagi · 8 years
I really love Shirorakurosuka? and I’m happy I have Yaginupan’s UR but sometimes I’m just like
I’m the original Yagi, remember that
Quite possibly stemming from Amitie pretending to be angry over Yaginupan getting Halloween and we all call Yaginupan by Yagi on twitter bc of character limit and had no context and thought she meant me lmao
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