#shit man. ugh.. even on days i dont bring my sister to school imma have to wake up at 8am.. bluhgh
thegreatestheaver · 4 months
next semsester i got a 2 hour 15 minute gap between my art and philosophy class oh my god imma be camping out on campus again😭
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mrsdimebrona · 5 years
Dimes: Chapter2: Gang Fights
Janie's POV
 I heard my alarm go off and I groaned. I turn it off and sit up.I get up and get ready.Another boring day is here.I grab my cigarettes and put them in my bag and head down stairs.
 "You wanna do what know?!"Jane asked."I said I'm joining the gang!"I said,Yelling at Jane to stop trying to stop me."No!There is no way in hell you are doing that!"Jane said.She smacked me and I stared at her in shock. I had always wanted to join the gang that was at my school,but my fear was that I was to weak. And I wasn't fearing that because I was a girl,but I feared that because I'm emotionally weak.It caused me to get into many fights,I skipped a few classes and school days, and I still do.I had punched Jane and ran out the door,I ran to a "Friend's" house.He was the leader of the Gang,His name was Ningyo Satchien.He had black hair and pale skin,His eyes were black or dark grey,It was hard to tell at the time.
 I knocked on his door. When there was no reply, I took the key from above the door.I unlocked the door and went in.I knew someone was home,And I knew it had to be Ningyo or his brother.
 I went into Ningyo's room and sure enough,He was there,He was shirtless, but that didn't matter."Ningyo..!"I said,And Ningyo jumped and looked at me. He quickly put his shirt and Jacket on and I rolled my eyes. He had blushed slightly."J-Janie,Hey,What brings you here so late?"He asked.
 I had told him that night that I wanted to join his gang.He was hesitant at first,but he let me in.
 I came home that night with a scar on my arm.Well,Now it's a scar but before it was a cut,a circle with a star in it and an X over it.
 That was when I officially apart if the "Scar's"
 I laugh a little at the memory. It's something I'll never forget.Jane was not happy when she saw it too,Neither was mom.They ...got over it. At Least,I hope they did!I look at my arm and see the circle with a star and the X. Ningyo called it the "X Mark", the thing is,He is still the leader.
 And no,I'm not the only girl in it,nor was I the first girl in it.The first girl in it title belongs to Diana,Diana Death.I know, She has lovely last name.
 Anyway,I sit in the back of the car as Janice drives us all to school. I glare at Jane a little then I turn my attention to Lomy.
 Despite our age difference and the fact that she's A LOT nicer than me,we get along well.She's a good listener, Maybe she could be a therapist when she's older. She gives good advice, sometimes. 
 I watch Lomy get out of the car and head into her school doors.How lucky she is to be so young. I hope She doesn't smoke like me.Janice drops the rest of us Off and I head to the back of the school. I see the other delinquents/ gang members. I see the leader, Ningyo there,Diana, Jacob,and Myriad there. Hm, Jeo isn't here,that or he's late.
 I get my cigarettes out and take the lighter.I light the cigarette and smoke. "You know smoking kills,right Janie?" Myriad asks."Yeah Yeah,I don't care.It feels good,so Imma continue to do it." I respond. "Anyone know where Jeo is?" Ningyo asks."Never liked him anyways" I say.
 "Yeah,Well I don't like you either ,Janie" Jeo says,"Couldn't tell" I say sarcastically. "Janie,Jeo," Ningyo starts,we both shut up and I roll my eyes. "wanna explain why you're late,Jeo"Ningyo asks. "Stupid sister." He answers. Ningyo rolls his eyes and smiles."It's fine,J."
 Jeo,Ugh.I hate him.He's so annoying and he thinks he's better than me and everyone else.Well I,Hhh,Okay maybe I don't hate him,I just,You know what?I don't know how I feel about him.
 "Alright,Let's head in."Ningyo says and starts walking towards the front doors. I stop smoking and follow him
 Once I'm inside the building,I head straight for my first hour. I have math first,then English,then history,civics, lunch,science,art,and lastly,choir. Hey! I didn't sign up for choir! But I HAVE to do it,not like I want to. 
 Ugh!Okay,I did sign up for it!But only because My Friend Alex is in it!I can't sing,so i just,mess around,okay?! I'm not some choir nerd!So don't think I am!
 "Late again Ms.Dime?"My teacher asks as I walk in."At least I showed up, Gay-ya."I say,smirking as I head in my seat. "That's Mrs.Rita to you!And It's pronounced Guy-ya,Spelled G.A.I.Y.A, Janie!"Gaiya says,"You're a Mrs. ?! Damn, I thought you were a Miss!I feel bad to whoever married you!"I say,the class laughs. Gay-ya,Oh sorry,Gaiya looks furious. "UGH!Janie,This is your last warning!"She says,slamming her hands down on my desk,trying to scare me."Hey!That's Jade to you!"I say, mocking her voice tone 
 The class laughs again and Gaiya has had enough. "Go to the principal's office!"Gaiya says,she writes me a pass too.I snatch it from her hands and leave,before I head out the door I say "Did I offend you?Ha!You can kiss my ass!" After that I walked down the hall,I could hear the class laughing.
 I smiled to myself and entered the principal's office. "Hey George." I say and I sit down in a seat. "Janie,back again?What happened this time?Did you cuss out the teacher again?" He asks. 
 George is Ningyo's father,I'm untouchable.
 I tell him everything that happened this morning,I laugh at a few events. He smirks after hearing it.
 "Well,unfortunately Janie,I still have to discipline you,so,I have a job for you. There's a gas station down the street,Get me a drink,oh and something for yourself."He says.He hands me 40$ ,I take it and leave,Teleporting to the gas station.
 I get him and me a drink,I keep the extra 5.23$.I go back to his office and hand him his drink.
 "Here's your pass"He says and hands me a pass back to class,I'm still in math,so I headed back to math.
 "Ms.Dime,What are you doing back didn't I-"Gaiya starts but I cut her off. "Mr.Satchien sent me back,Here's my pass"I say as I hand her my pass.She rolls her eyes,clearly unhappy. I sit back in my seat.
 About...5 minutes after I sit down It's time to go to my next class. English is my next class. 
 "Janie Dime?"Ms.Benson called my name for attendance."Here" I said, looking down at my scarred hands.My skin didn't have the mark on it yet.A girl with orange-reddish hair sat beside me. "Hi,I'm Alex Roysen."She said,she had freckles.She had green eyes.I stared at her,admiring her beauty.I snapped into back into realty."Janie.Janie Dime."I said.She smiled at me."It's nice to meet you"She said. 
 I felt the heat rush to my cheeks,"It's  nice to meet you too."I said. The teacher was handing out our work,it was the first day of school.Alex was my first friend, my first friend that wasn't a delinquent. 
 I smiled a little at the memory as I sit down in my seat in English class. Alex was already there,waiting for me."Hey Janie." Alex says, she smiles at me." Hey Alex.How are you?" I ask as I smile back at her."I'm doin' great!You?" She asks.She's wearing that flower crown I gave her." Could be better,could be worse,"I answer.
 Alex giggles alittle,She turns her attention to the teacher.
 "Alex~" I sang.Alex looked at me, "What is it Janie?"She asked,my hands were behind my back,I had the flower crown in it."Weeelll~, I know how much you like flowers and crowns so ..." I said and showed her the flower crown.She smiled at me and blushed lightly. "I got you this "I finished. She took it and put it on,she twirled around."I love it!"She said. I had smiled,glad that she had liked it.
 I tune out the teacher,hiding my smile.I hate how I smile,I just ...think I look so ugly when I smile. I shiver though,man It’s cold in this class.  Off-topic but I never liked dressing up,I always thought I looked ugly and when I dressed up,I was the ugly girl TRYING to look pretty.
 Off-topic again,but I actually hate the way smoke smells,I know right?I smoke,but I hate the way it smells.I relax when I smoke though,I don’t know why.
 I can’t stop thinking about what’s happening today,my gang,the “Scars” are going up against our rival gang, the “Targets”. That’s the thing, Jane, my older sister, is the leader of the Targets. I feel bad but excited at the same time,Ningyo wants ME to fight her!Can you believe that?!I can’t.
 I crack my neck, my fingers, my arms, and my back.  I see some people wince when they hear it. I smirk. I think about the scars I have. I got MOST of them through fights. Some were accidental, some I did myself, and then there’s the X mark. 
 Thankfully,It’s time to leave and I leave to history, I sit in a seat in history, unfortunately for me, Jeo’s in this class. I feel the anger in me boil as he sits next to me. If he doesn’t like me,then why does he chose to sit next to me?!  I can feel his gaze,I don’t return it.
 The teacher hands us our work,and ...as much as I hate doing work, I need a distraction. I reluctantly do my work.I stare at a question,unsure of the answer.I didn’t study,I don’t do my work, and I usually skip.I’m so stupid, I dont know much of this, I don’t even pay attention when I am here.
 I should probably get my shit  together. Yet I don’t, and I don’t know why, mother always told us to do our best in our classes.  I might drop out when I’m 18 actually. I just don’t know.  
 I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and I take the pass. I actually head into the bathroom stall. I look at myself in the mirror, no this isn’t the life I want, but it’s the life I was MADE to live. I go into the bathroom stall, I throw up. I’ve been so sick lately, I‘m not sure why, and I fear the worst.
 Most people would assume I was just an irresponsible 16 year old. That I made a mistake. But guess what? It wasn’t a mistake, I was ****** a few weeks ago. The man cornered me in an alleyway, he kidnapped me, he ****** me, I fought my way out and he was arrested. If what I fear is true, I hope this fight will kill it. 
 I head back to class, put the pass back , and sit back in my seat. I think about the question, I answer randomly.
 I finish my lunch and head to the back of the school. I smoke again.
 I head back inside when I'm done,I'm surprisingly not late for class.I'm in science,and I LOVE this class. 
 I sit next to Alex. She smiles at me and waves. I wave back. I actually pay attention to what the teacher says.
 Janet's in this class actually. Ugh, Janet. She's everyone's favorite person, everyone loves here. And I can't really blame them. She's kind,nice and overall a good person. She loves helping others. I ... wish I could be like her, honestly. She makes everyone else feel better, yet no one would do the same for her. She has no one to talk to about her problems.
 Class ended and I headed to art. ‘Today’s assignment, Painting!’ the board said. I stood by my seat, there were paint brushes and paint of every color on the tables, there was also a cup of water for everyone. We were all handed a grey sheet of paper. I looked down and smiled. I got to painting, I felt free.  I started with red, painting lips. I dipped my brush into the water to clean it off, I then went for brown and mixed it with red to make it darker. I got a different brush I dipped it in white paint to create the teeth. I dip the brush in water, cleaning it off again. I dip the brush into the peach paint. I create fingers tracing the lips. I create the face, add the eyes, I add the nose, add the ears and hair. I add bruises and scratches to the face, I let my imagination take full control, and I lose touch with the real world. 
 In the end,It looked like a girl, no,  It looked like Janet, she had bruises and scratches all over her face, tears were running down her face, and she was tracing her red lips. I sign my work, Janie Dime. I smile at my work , and put it on the rack. Class ends, and I head to choir.
 I have a huge smile on my face as I walk into choir. I see Alex. “Janie, Nice to see you again.” Alex says. We had a test today. We had to sing infront of everyone. I know, traumatizing for most. You don't know the choir kids though, they're nice. They don't… make fun of anyone, we respect each other. It's… nice.
 We go by alphabetical order, so I'm pretty close to being first. I, personally, don't think I can sing very well. I'm going to sing The Principal by Melanie Martinez. Yes,I am totally singing it about our principal.
 Time flies,doesn't it? Before I know it, it's my turn.I get up and walk to the stage.I feel their eyes on me,and I don't think I can take it, I remind myself the first time I sang, everyone clapped, the teacher said I was amazing. I tell the teacher what I'm singing,she nods and puts a version of it with only the music on. 
 Some students smile,they get who it's about, or atleast who I'm singing it about. Gaiya would be proud.
 I let the music take control, I let my mind stop, and only sing.
 I can finally breathe. Jeo would make fun of me for being in choir. Yeah, he doesn't know. When I'm not being an ass, I'm hanging out with… the choir kids.
 I know,hard to believe. Me, the delinquent, sometimes hangs out with the weird choir kids. 
 I finish singing and sit down. “You were great!”Alex says, she smiles at me. I shake my head at her. I disagree. 
 More students go up,all are good,some just need some work on their voices. Alex goes up, she sings like an angel. She sings Gabriel  by Alec Benjamin. Alex comes back. “You did better.”I tell her.I think she just blushed, Eh, must be the compliments. “T-Thanks….!” She responds, ah, she's too cute for this place. 
 I shiver AGAIN. Why is it so cold in this goddamn school?!I look in my backpack for another or thicker jacket. I sigh when the teacher hands us our books. “We’re going to be singing in front of the whole school,”The teacher, Mrs.Tulip starts. T-The.. Whole…. School?! No no no no! I can’t have ANYONE ELSE see me in choir!!! “So I hope you’re ready,oh and you MUST participate.”She adds. My face pales. I’m screwed.
 Maybe I can get my mom to- Ah wait she isn’t here! Alex can tell I’m nervous, I give her a worried look. She smiles at me. I sigh. I can't get out of this one. Well, They're gonna find out.
 They… can't kick me out though. Once a member always a member.
Ningyo nods and we walk away. Where do we go? To an alleyway. I see the Targets are already there,and Jane's pacing around. "It's our rivals,The Scars." Demarie says pointing at us. I feel my stomach twist.
 I punch Jane. Normally Ningyo would fight her,Or we would all fight each other, but I have something I need to do. "Janie?!"Ningyo says,sounding surprised. Jane punches back, I take out my knife, she takes out hers. I hit her in her nose. Blood drips down. She stabs me in my arm. 
 Her gang and mine cheer. "Sister vs sister! Leader vs underling!"Ryan, one of Jane's members, says. I slice Jane's cheek, she stabs mine.
 I punch her repeatedly. She stabs me in my stomach. I let out a cry of pain, I threw her to the ground but she gets back up. I crack my neck again. I break her nose and she slices my arms. 
 I'm not sorry. Police sirens start, Leila called the police, she books it. We all run away. Luckily, me and my members are safe.
 I sigh. Ningyo heals me and I teleport home. Jane isn't there. I frown. Why am I like this? Oh yeah, mom. 
 A boy sits beside me in Civics. I look at him, I've never seen him before. "Hi…" He says when he sees my gaze. He has brown hair and hazel eyes,he's wearing glasses. "Hey Nerd." I say. He blinks at me."My names David….." He says. "And mines Janie." I respond, rolling my eyes at him. 
 My mind trails back to yesterday. The teacher talks and I don't listen. I gag. I stand up and throw up in the trash can. 
 The teacher gives me AND David a pass to the nurse's office. Why is David coming? The teacher said I needed someone to make sure I'm okay.
 The walk is silent. "I'm actually not very smart…." David says. I look at him. "Neither am I." I say with a laugh. "I'm in a gang with other kids here,I skip classes and don't pay attention.  I'll never be smart like my other sisters."I say. He shakes his head. "You probably are, you just don't try." He says, looking me in my eyes.
 He's… actually…. Kinda…… cute-wait what?! I did not just say that! We make it to the nurses office and He leaves. I blushed thinking about what I just thought.
 I hate the world. I shiver. It's so damn cold in here! The lights go off. What is this,a horror movie?! I stay quiet though, in all honesty, that ... kinda scared me. I close my eyes. The world goes dark.
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