#shitd be scary honestly
heckmeupbabe · 2 years
I wanna be in love, man. I want to give someone the world and let them know they're safe with me no matter what. I want to see them at their most raw self and pull them closer. I wanna get mad at someone for buying the wrong milk or something silly, just to fight and then forget all about it until I open the fridge again. I want cheek kisses and butt grabs. I want someone to see me, really see me, and still ask to hold my hand..
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tesfan29839283 · 5 years
ulfric is trans and he FUCKS: a post detailing my stormcloak fanchildren
it’s honestly a MIRACLE he’s still alive after poppin out these kids holey shitd
░ refs under cut ░
----  20′s:
the first twins; addir and william
addir and william were born as the first of ulfric’s children shortly after the great war ended. both are half-altmer. their father, erydil, was also an imperial soldier at the time (and would later go on and join the stormcloak’s rebellion.)
addir is the special bby uwu. he has a type of emotionally-tied wild magick that forced ulfric to send him away to a school to learn to deal with it at age 7. he stayed there til he was 18, only seeing ulfric in person on holidays and the occasional week he got to go home, and left for the college of winterhold immediately after where he studied (and became archmage after Resident Crackhead Ancano pulled his shenanigans) and eventually learned he was the dragonborn after a dragon attacked and died.
will is not the special bby. he was kidnapped at a very young age by a vampire looking for a snack. this vampire was not very smart and got attached instead and decided to raise him. eventually will found himself as a member of the dark brotherhoos. ulfric, in his grief (as he thinks his son is fucking dead) had will erased from society so like. 6 people actually KNOW. everybody else has a vague memory of him but like not really.
----  30′s:
the third child; wulf
wulf is the product of a night with general tullius during imprisonment, after drinking a little too much whilst reminiscing about the great war. ulfric escaped shortly after but then had a fucking RAT of a baby. wulf is a BASTARD who STOWED AWAY on a SHIP at SEVENTEEN to become a PIRATE and he is a disgrace but he loves his papa.
that’s all you really need to know,, he’s a real bastard of a kid and his friends are more interesting lol
the second twins; peter and finley
peter and finley were born as ulfric’s second set of twins, this time fathered by an unknown dunmer ulfric had hooked up with lol.
they are the most intimidating of his kids. even ulfric is intimidated by them or maybe it’s finley’s massive wolf.
peter is brains. he’s the one who makes plans, deals, and generally does the behind-the-scenes work for the two. he’s quiet and reserved though quick to anger and is pretty scary.
finley is brawn. she’s also the only girl of all ulfric’s kids. she likes to get her hands dirty and loves a good fight. while she is just as quiet as her brother, she tends to draw all attention to herself (which her brother thanks her very much for). she’s the scarier of the two. she was born completely blind and has a real big wolf (like REAL BIG) as her seeing-eye dog. nobody knows where she got it. everybody (except her brother and dad) is afraid of her.
----  40′s:
the sixth child; arthur
arthur is ulfric’s youngest and last child (menopause be like 👀 shortly after) and he’s quite the mess. his other dad is my dearest wesley blue-brook who gets half custody so he switches every week (wesley is a stormcloak soldier so he often drops the boy off when it’s report time) 
he’s honestly the most boring of the kids. his personality doesn’t really develop until a major story thing i made (which is a whole nother can of worms) so he’s. just there. bastard.
okok before i do refs i just wanna say since this is my fankids post obviously i can’t put others’ here but @imperial-twink‘s norry is THE BEST BOY and i lov he SO MUCH 
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