quamxmulti · 5 years
@shittestdevils folgt dir jetzt
🏵️ ─ “....”
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tenrita-a · 5 years
@shittestdevils​ requested SUFFERING { && licorice }
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
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This sure looked like his shitty old man, but something was different that Licorice couldn’t pin down. He stared at the demon suspiciously, squinting as he did. Was this his Father...? He honestly couldn’t tell and that made him feel weird.
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doruphi · 5 years
“Father!! Greetings! It’s wonderful to see you again!” Seeing Vicers the devil is instantly smiling and hugging him “have you been well?” Wow you can really tell the difference in relationships between him and both his parents-
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“Mm.” Stoic as ever, Vicers expression is his usual resting bitch face. A hand lifts up to return the hug and give Satanick’s back a hearty pat. “The worlds haven’t caught fire yet and your mother is sleeping.” Translation: Its a good day! “What about you, Satanick? Written any new novels lately?” Its important to show interest in your kids’ hobbies eeeeven if those hobbies revolve around debauchery and sex-capades.
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unhingedsea · 5 years
“WaDa... ThEY arE RIGht to hAVe FaItH iN yOu” bone hand holds one of the witches in a loveing way
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   “E--E-h?! Princess...?!?!?! W--Wha...”
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borghildrs · 5 years
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It had been a very long time since she was last in this castle. Over a thousand...more? Time had long since ceased mattering to her. When one grew to live as long as she had, and committed herself to the life she had, there was little point in keeping track of the days. They all blurred together.
The last time she had been herewas when she and Nadine were but kittens, sometimes dropped in the care of the Devil. There were distant but fond memories and while she hadn’t done much to keep in contact with Satanick, as the Devil, as her God’s brother, and as a former guardian Elwine respected him.
It wasn’t that she made a conscious choice not to get in contact with him, but Elwine simply was not one to even think of being social.
No, the only reason she was down here on the surface was for the only thing that tended to get her excited: a good fight.
She knew that Egmont had quite some vitriolic feelings towards the Hijohshiki demon, but she rather enjoy his existence. Even some of her superiors could not give as good a fight as he could and they had established a strange sort of comraderie with their love of..to be quite frank, beating and getting the shit beat out of each other.
They had finished their round of fights and she was strolling through the halls of the castle, bruised and bloodied but seeming unperturbed by it when she turned a corner to step right into Satanick.
“Oh. Lord Satanick. Hello.”
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lcegirl · 5 years
shittestdevils replied to your post @ THAT ANON U KNOW WHO YOU ARE
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seadistic · 5 years
i want to die kyo
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this strongly resonates with my own miko jfc this is awfully great
this tempts me to leave that in her askbox, i hope you realize that
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mihi-dominus · 5 years
@shittestdevils​ said:💏 yeets this at bc w h y n o t? - Egmont rolled number 14…casually.
— The Angel was always somewhat curious of his Lord’s younger brother... how Fumus could even create such a mistake like Satanick... I suppose the mistakes must be made before the perfect angel like Egmont is created by the hand of perfection- he thought to himself while eyeing over the towering Devil with the bright violet eyes and loud, booming, obnoxious voice that he had... How similar could you even be to Fumus?.. He thought once again.
While Satanick promptly rambled on and on about anything and everything- he thought of a quick way to shut up the overly idiotic Devil.. Quickly he grabbed Satanick by the tie and yanked him down, slamming his lips into the other’s for a quick but rough kiss. After being in the kiss for a few seconds, he pulled away with a huff. †
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       ʚ—[ “......Nothing like my Lord. Shame.“ ]—ɞ
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necromonscer-blog · 5 years
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‘ child. ’ if anything, london found it silly. playful, really. he chuckled at the comment. The man didn’t hesitate to take a seat.
“ ah, hm. well. i don’t remember anything in particular about myself..... oh, i do have a hobby for flowers.... i’d rather hear something about you instead~ oh mysterious demon.... ”
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licoriice-blog · 6 years
@shittestdevils replied to your post ““ nippies ? ’ ”
"NOOOOOOOOOOO" fatherly screeing to get the child away, yes he covered his eyes and ears
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He was going to kill Satanick for touching him. he glared with revulsion.
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abyssroyal · 5 years
👤 times two both for sal, Samemi/Samekichi, and also red converted verse bc why not that wonderful angst eh~?
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
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❝ Disgusting. I would pity my sibling for being so… that, but no matter how hard I try to get along it’s never enough for that freak. ❞
Samemi/Samekichi is one of the very, very few people that can consistently put Sal into a psychotic break, even just by being themselves. Or rather, take him out of his near-constant psychotic break, and root him more in the reality he denies. This often results in lashing out, and a harsh sentiment toward his sibling. He does try, occasionally, to at least attempt to be a better brother, but both through his own inability to see through his delusions and Samemi/kichi’s habit of pushing him away regardless, it’s never netted any results other than furthering them apart.
(Red Converted (I assume that’s what that means))
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❝ Samemi is a much better sister now that she’s stopped being so attached to that abhorrent, intolerably evil sea. We can finally get along as a family~. ❞
Despite all appearances, as soon as Samemi were to join the Sea of Death, all charges against her from him would drop. He doesn’t want to hate her, consciously, and without the two largest divides between them Sal sees no reason to continue doing so in earnest. Though, even without the hard feelings, it would take him a little more time to get out of the habit of hurting her regularly. Much more brother-sister bonding time for them both, with or without Red Wadanohara. 
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quamxmulti · 5 years
Send me “Make a Baby” for a fankid design of our muses. @shittestdevils
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Name: SaviGender: FemalePronouns: She / Her
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(( Imagine these two getting a baby daughter who is as brutal as both of them combined if not more~ I can see her keeping her trophies as up there with the ribbon is shown *coughs*
I feel she would be a total daddy girl, try to please and help Satanick in every way possible~Even though that would be the case she would get along with Lico, until he insults Satanick, then the two siblings would get into a fight, try to decide who is right about which parent. Of course Savi loves her mum, but she loves her dad more.
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tenrita-a · 5 years
@shittestdevils liked for a starter { && envi }
“You’re what?”
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He somehow keeps his tone and expression calm, but he feels a hot strike of anger in his gut at the ‘news’. The Devil watches his subordinate with his usual emotionless gaze, though it’s hard to keep the anger from showing through. It’s fine. He’s dealt with this before. He can manage hiding it.
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carcharodonsamemi · 6 years
this was just for fun
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“seriously why is an orca like him so strong... he’s too strong!”
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“ya’ mean Idate? I know aint it great!” sUDDENLY POPS OIT OF THE BLUE
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SCREEE---- “who--- who in the fuck are you?! who the fuck is Idate?” she only knows one orca tho... oh god is that his name? it sounds just as awful as he is
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“oh dont jest girl~! Idate!” yep he holds a pic of said man out to her, why he had it just on hand is beyond anyones understanding, and yes Samemi did indeed grow sickly pale seeing it “sides you know me~ your darling witch has Cthulhu no~?”
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recalls Wada talking about said eldritch being, as well as the devil who made it, yeah she is gonna be sick “... g r e a t, he’s friends with a devil... hey just kill me now okay--”
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“hmmmm nAH!!” suffer well Samemi, suffer well
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unhingedsea · 5 years
truth, thoughts on the princess never really being happy? hypothetically of course, to all ((yes I am sending this to be a bully ilu koa~))
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borghildrs · 5 years
shittestdevils replied to your post: Lobco examine Red Lobster
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