#shitty images from my world 👍
junk-culture · 8 months
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cyberdragoninfinity · 7 months
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so in case anyone was curious, this illustration is largely based on several stained glass portraits of St. Michael the Archangel slaying Lucifer (in kickass dragon form,) but especially this one (a 19th century window from Calvados, France)
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A.) i Love angels in stained glass especially when the colors go crazy, this isnt the first time I've invoked them with art of Aporia and the Three Nobles, but more important B.) one day I will go off more about Aporia's angel symbolism in general but for now I gotta talk about Primo's, I gotta.
His Archangel Michael parallels make my brain spin around So fast--the Nobels are definitely supposed to effectively be robotic angels, messengers of the Apocalypse and God's (Z-one's) plan to fix the future. Primo sees himself as a loyal extension of Z-one's will, an agent of vicious justice, the 'commander' of his Ghost army. He's the android gijinka of Aporia's young adult war trauma. He's uhhh technically not alive! Meanwhile, Michael the angel is the leader of God's holy army, a military commander... and in Catholicism he's also the patron saint of death and soldiers. :^) (and. cops. cringe.) (though the Three Nobles were the heads of Sector Security for a While, huh.....) (it goes so deep it doesnt stop)
And there's the sword, of course, Michael is The angel most often depicted with a sword (sometimes a 'normal' blade, sometimes on fire, sometimes it's a spear, etc etc,) it's a spiritual weapon associated with him, created by God. And oh hey Primo what's that you got there....
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Haha Ok Cool Man 👍 Sick Godsword
In the Bible it's Michael who leads the charge against Lucifer and his army of fallen angels in the battle of heaven and hell, and it's very specifically mentioned Lucifer takes on the form of a dragon during this epic clash. *the dog is, in fact, taking out the Book of Revelations*
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so DEEPEST APOLOGIES TO STARDUST MY FRIEND STARDUST DRAGON for making her representative of the Literal Devil in that illustration; though, from Iliaster's point of view, perhaps of course Stardust WOULD be their draconic devil stand-in, the ace monster of Yusei, the dominant roadblock to their plans, the (you could perhaps argue) counterpart of their God's image. To Primo especially he has it Aggressively out for Stardust throughout his entire psychological obsession with Yusei. He Wants to Slay That Dragon So Bad, He Wants It as a Trophy On His Wall.
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Michael also gets described and depicted very knight like in religious art and discussions, he is frequently armored; Primo also has a lot of knightly vibes imo, design and narrative wise. (And of course so does Sherry...interestingly, Sherry actually ALSO has a lot of parallels with St. Michael, including the fact she takes part in the fight against Primo's duel bot army (y'know...the Diablo :^) and a lot of her Joan of Arc invocations as a character) (that's a story for another post though) (Trey from Zexal ALSO has St. Michael parallels too imo) (but again, that's it's whole other post.) (yugioh LOVES religious symbolism like a bear loves salmon.)
it's just a very neat motif weaved throughout Primo's character!! His attitude is notoriously pretty shitty and difficult to put up with, but at his core he seems himself as a defender of sorts. God's sword. This is the path that will save the future. Tangentially, take this Alleluia verse about St. Michael:
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"dreadful judgement," huh? Like... a Judgement Day? A world in peril and needing saving? Wonder who else has something to say about that and is very tunnel-vision obsessed with the notion of being the one alone to grant this safeguard...
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ah :)
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 2 years
Honestly I feel like Circe is underapriciated. Like I saw few times already people saying she had no personality and was just a bad love interest to Rex, and meanwhile I also think her love plot wasn't really that good (I have things that I really like about it that I'll talk about later), I honestly think that's like the least interesting thing about Circe to me??
Honestly to me Circe is an interesting image of how evo youth might end up in this world. Especially since she's litearlly so human passing, yet still the world treated her like shit. We don't know what exacly happened, but that doesn't even matter, we know she was a teen girl in a shitty place. That's how she ends up in The Pack, wich is obviously q toxic enviroment. And like she's treated badly there from the start let's face it. Yet she always was like "well it could be worse, at least I'm not alone anymore 👍". And like, that rings home you know? I mean the situation was exaggerated compared to the expirences of most teens, but it's similiar enough. The expirence I'm talking about it obviously getting a friend or a whole friend circle that's toxic and treats you bad, yet you stay with them due to fear of being alone and you excuse them time and time again. That's how I mostly look at Circe's relationship with the pack.
There's also the fact that Van Kleiss straight up usses vounarable people to his advantage wich is really fucked up. Like we obviously see that with Breach, but Circe is a really good example as well. Like she litearlly belived all his words and refused to leave him AND FOR WHAT?? Honestly that whole thing kinda reminds me of a cult leaders idk it's interesting
I honesly don't really like the way Circe left The Pack, like the shift in her views seemed a bit sudden, even tho the episode definetely gave her reasons to do that, tho I kinda wish her reality check was a bit more,, brutal and personal you know? Like VK being a bitch to her, and being ready to break all of Rex's bones made sense tho to how devoted she was to VK I just wish it was something more centric on her. But how it is, I CAN ACCEPT THAT ESPECIALLY SINCE THAT LEADS TO MY FAV MOMENT IN HER CHARACTER.
Wich is obviously her joining The Hong Kong Gang. Like in that episode she seems just so much,,, healthier and way more chill??? Like she finally found people in her life that she's fully happy with and they treat her right. I don't know It's so nice to see her actually healing and far from that bullshit she was subjected to for so long. Like I mean in that episode shit goes down anyway, but we see she was happy before and in the end after they solve the problem she seems happy again. I especially like that she didn't join providance beacuse oh my god that would suck. But nope, she's far away from that shit, and she seems so much better.
Then season 3 comes and not gonna lie, I have mixed feelings about her in that season. It's a shame her situation sucks again and she got separated from her friends and got tied up in the Abysus bullshit. But also the episode is really dramatic and fun so- And overall I like to think after the end of the series, she still lives with the Hong Kong Gang and stuff Idk I love them togheather. Also give her her purple hair dye back cmon.
Now we come to the elephant in the room- Her relationship with Rex. Most of the critism of her character usually revolves around that so um yeah. I actually don't think it's awful?? Not great eighter but it's fine and I've seen worse. There's a few aspects of their relationship wich I really adore. It's that "what the fuck you're just like me" connection thingy. I don't know, I like the idea of them being able to relate to eachother. I also really like some of their moments, especially them having fun togheather in episode 2, or that moment when they hold hands wihout even realising it, and then Bobo comes, they realise that and they just quickly pull their hands away. I don't care that was adorable. I also like their overall vibe of the protagonist x the edgy one thing. Other than that the way their relationship was handled in canon could be worse but I kinda wish that after Circe joins the Hong Kong Gang, they stop being eachothers love interests and just become friends you know?? Like I don't know their relationship seems really rocky to me. In Asault on the Abysus especially LIKE I GET THAT CIRCE IS IN SO MUCH STRESS BUT CMON THAT ROMANCR THING IS CLEARLY NOT WORKING FOR YOU. Overall I think their ship and love plot is not bad, and it has elements I like a lot, but as a whole I don't think it's the best thing ever and I wish they stayed friends
I have no idea if any of the things I described here were on purpose, for sure at least some of the things were not, but that doesn't change the fact that there's a lot of interesting thins to think about Circe to talk about and overall she has so much potential, and her character could be explored so much WIHOUT IT EVEN INVOLVING HER RELATIONSHIP WITH REX. Overall all that I said aren't objective facts, just my thoughts on her character and how I interpret her. I don't know I like edgy teen girls that definetley need some therapy trope. Anyway bye I'm going to go watch a fnaf interview now.
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charmingwillow · 1 year
WIP WEDNESDAY ✨ Inspiration
For this week's WIP prompt from @hellcheeranniversaryweek, here is a shortlist of some random things that have helped spawn my wip:
1. Songs: Ivy, Taylor Swift; The Wind, Cat Stevens; All Eyes, Heart; Night Changes, One Direction; Wild Heart, Stevie Nicks
2. My own high school experiences in the early 2000's. The boys there were so shitty! But also, my undiagnosed ADHD and inability to pass a fucking math class. Seriously, I was direly close to repeating senior year because I very nearly did not have enough credits. Finally passed Algebra I at the end of junior year, and finished out with geometry in senior year. Calculus? Don't know her. What I'm saying is, I see you Eddie, I know your pain.
3. "Write me of hope and love, and hearts that endured." -Emily Dickinson
4. My goblin DM of a fiancé.
5. My sham of a stellar body image, as inherited from my mother. Thanks, mom 👍
6. Almost Famous (2000 movie). Anita and the soundtrack helped form Eddie's backstory.
7. A random quote from The Young Victoria: "I know what it's like to be alone inside your head, without ever showing your true feelings."
8. Daydreaming. Losing yourself to your thoughts and exploring worlds and all the what-ifs, and how inspiring it can be. But also, being a creative person in school with undiagnosed ADHD and everyone having the wrong idea of you.
9. My religious uncle calling romance books pornography lmao
10. The classic creative writing exercise of rewriting a fairytale, usually from a different perspective. I immediately thought of Sleeping Beauty. Chrissy would think it's sad Briar Rose didn't get to choose her prince, that she'd miss out on the magic of having a crush...
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