#shitty response time considering they were extremely present at all the festivities
galaxyslime · 6 months
This St. Patrick's day I learned that if you're present for a shooting and your friend looks sufficiently terrified the bartender will give you free drinks‼️
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monstersmashed · 5 years
Too Early.
Small fluffy Beemon drabble, Damien trying to be sweet but still being a chaotic jackass at the same time.
It had only just turned November, Things were fairly sluggish even at Spooky High which was the last place one would expect things to slow down but twas the month after the official ‘spooky season’ where the everyday chaos would typically reach it’s peak. It was getting to that time of year where things were getting colder and typically everything around them were dying or preparing to hole up for hibernation. Such was the same for Spooky High’s Cheer Squad, Most of the bees seemed drained of their typical productive energy and instead it was replaced with grogginess and dead beady stares whilst they spaced out, This was a bit of a problem considering a lot of them had jobs in the student body staff and a sleepy bee with a staple gun hanging up a banner whilst the girls holding the ladder could barely keep their her eyes open wasn’t the safest thing but hell, This was Spooky High horrific accidents happened almost on the daily and there was nothing to really worry about.
It’d been a day like any other for the demon, He’d drove to school with reckless abandon to taunt some poor sob who’d caught his attention in the parking lot before making his way to his locker to get his textbooks so he could at least PRETEND to be listening while he slept during class. He was a little surprised upon arrival to not see his ‘sorta-but-not-really-girlfriend’ Junie waiting at his locker to pester him about going to some bar and picking fights with some chumps for the thrill of it, And sure he liked bar fights as much as the next guy but he’d been noticing Junie herself had been seemingly more and more drained of energy since the end of Spooky Month he didn’t want to seem UGH like he LOVED her or anything but he was a little concerned yet would hesitate and couldn’t bring himself to send her a text asking if something was up. So he’d take the responsibilities into his own hands and infiltrate her Hive, Which normally would’ve been a big ordeal with the workers but today they didn’t put up as much of a fight like he’d be hoping they would.
He’d find his ‘kinda sorta girlfriend’ Junie cooped up in her dimly lit makeshift bedroom curled into a ball of blankets whilst she brunt scented candles in the scents ‘hellfire’ and ‘demon boyfriend with knives’ whilst listening to ‘spring showers 10 hours sleep aid’ upon seeing the frankly saddening sight before him Damien would cringe not wanting to see his not favorite person in this trash heap excuse for a high school. He’d clear his throat attempting to make his presence clear to the Queen Bee only to have her remain with her face planted into a pillow letting out a small miserable groan which caused the demon to frown as he found himself navigating through her cluttered room to her bed- Which was slightly odd for him because even though they were totally not dating he hadn’t actually been in her bedroom before due to the exclusivity to the hive. He’d seat himself on her bedside as she’d just lay there barely reacting to him other than a slight twitch of her antenna. His tail would swish curiously as he’d reach over planting a hand on her back causing her to flinch. He’d notice she was hotter than usual offering a comforting sorta rub motion thing- look he had no clue what he was doing considered he rarely comforted others but she... she was different.
“Hey. Junebug, What’s uh... What’s going on?” He’d offer a small yet genuine smile ( one rarely just anyone would get to see ) which Junie herself wouldn’t have been able to see considering she had her face buried into a pillow. “I mean, It’s pretty hard not to fuckin’ notice all your little bee buddies have been a little less annoyingly hyperactive like they usually are. And I didn’t hear from you last night- for our daily phone call y’know, I was really getting worried. Is something shitty going on?”
The bee would wrestle with her blankets to be able to turn to her side too meet eyes with the demon groaning with every little movement. Her expression was one of exhaustion clear signs like bags under her eyes and a paler complexion, Paired with her weak attempt at a smile and lidded eyes.
“I haven’t been calling I jus’- It’s November, The season after ‘Spooky Season’ where everyone is super exhausted and busy winding down from the festivities. The bees had a big hand in all the events during the season around school-” She’d chuckle weakly propping her chin up on her pillow. “-Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to mention it because... I didn’t want to ruin all the plans you’d planned for December like beating up mall Santa’s but, During December... us bee beast hibernate. I don’t think it’s the cold I just think it’s... the time of season like our brains or genes are conditioned to do it so...”
“So you were just going to abandon me for a whole fucking month without a word?” Damien questioned in an admittedly more aggressive tone than he’d intended which only made him feel worse when Junie’s weakened smile would turn to a frown. “Juniper we literally mapped out when and which malls they’d have a Santa at, I was hype for the shitty ugly sweaters and eggnog and- I got you presents Junie, I got you presents. I’d even debated if it was worth the embarrassment to invite you over to celebrate with my Dads.”
He’d sigh shrugging off his shoes and jacket giving the bee a light shove which only earned him a confused look. In which he’d return one of his own.
“Scoot over idiot, If you would’ve just told me initially I would’ve been here for you- I know that... I’m not good at taking things like this seriously since I’m extremely attractive and have people basically throwing themselves at me but-” He’d grin putting a fist to his chest over his heart. “I’ll miss you, So... How about we just start things a little early? We’ll have to skip out on the mall Santa’s which is a bummer but- the sweaters the eggnog the presents- hell I could probably convince my dads to get in on it to, Let’s celebrate it early just you me and MAYBE if I’m feeling generous the rest of the squad, You deserve a x-mas too.”
He’d find himself snuggled up next to her arms wrapping around her.
“Now get some rest idiot, We can talk more about this tomorrow.”
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theveryworstthing · 7 years
hey guys, do you want ANOTHER Downtrodden lore post tonight? because i got part two to the gods thing. a basic rundown (i say basic but dang that’s a lot of words) of Pando, the most well known god, and Katah, the most forgotten.  please enjoy.
Pando: the simplified version of the old Lango word for stain. Also a god. Generally kind, often depicted as a buck but sometimes depicted as a doe because who really knows? Very interested in where this whole ‘rabbits as a sapient species’ thing is going. Honestly on the edge of their seat to see what happens next. There have been some real batshit twists so far.
Fun Facts: Pando is the only god with a consistent outward appearance and the only god considered omnipresent. Pando’s godly love is more like extreme interest in the fact that you are a thing that exists. Because wow. Look how far this got! Its very unlikely that he can save you from much since he’s just a record keeper and he’s seen too many dead rabbits to really be affected by it anymore, but he’ll help if he can since he likes talking to people so much.
The Beginning: In the beginning there was the world. There had to be a world already, or there wouldn’t be anywhere for rabbits to exist. And at the time, rabbits didn’t exist. Rabbits came later, when the world probably wasn’t paying attention very hard. So one evening on the island, in the shade of a large tree, in a nest of someone not quite a rabbit, the first rabbits happened.  And the moment there were the first rabbits there was Pando. And Pando looked out from their nest of siblings at the world with eyes and ears impossibly open. And the moment after the moment there were the first rabbits, there was memory.
Thus was born the first rabbit god.
What Happened Because They Happened: Commonly known as the god of recorded life/memory, Pando observes and remembers all of rabbit history and is slated to live forever/up until all this mess is done with. The mythology surrounding them is vast, linking them to the first concepts of survival and love. Survival, because remembering what’s good to eat and what wants to eat you is basic stay alive protocol. And love, because they often spoke of the ability to remember as proof that a love of life and all its wonders was so completely baked into the existence of rabbits from the start. I mean, rabbits couldn’t help but unconsciously absorb even the worst of it on a spiritual level. This sounds like some real celestial so and so but necromancy proves that yeah, you keep those memories even after you misplace all your guts. So while rabbits know that memory problems can be caused by disease or encounters with misjudged doorway heights, most also see it as a spiritual thing and treat it as such.
Pando has a soft spot for the forgotten, whether that be places, stories, or people, and will sometimes grant knowledge of these things by way of dreams. The hope is that some piece of the forgotten be found, re-created, or retold by the dreamer, allowing the memory to live on. They also tweak the conditions in certain areas to help preserve abandoned places or remains, help people restore lost memories, help people decode memories (memory isn’t perfect and despite all the ‘unconscious act of love’ stuff Pando also acknowledges that rabbits do a lot of unconscious acts of editing for info that actually matters/conscious blocking of brain poison), and take memories too painful for the carrier to bear into themselves for sealing away. This power marks them with slowly expanding patches of tangled black fur, each strand made from intertwining lives and events. They can warp their voice into any sound they’ve ever heard, and when they speak, the patches of black fur flow over their body and form scenes from the past. Some stories say they look less like a rabbit, and more like a rabbit-shaped void of white that flickers with dancing black shadows.
Pando, being the first and most well known of the gods, is regarded as the reason that Rabbits have such good ties with their history. Even though much slips through the cracks just by merit of the universe being how it is, rabbits know way more about their past than other cultures. Of course rabbit-kind’s flair for necromancy is a huge reason for this too, but Pando helps.
And lastly, the rage. Because even in a literal nerdlord like Pando there is rage. That’s just how rabbits are. And in rare tales of this rage its said that they can make enemies forget. Forget how to move, forget how to speak, forget who they are. Their curses don’t stop the cursed from re-learning, as erasing memory isn’t their style, but still.
After the first handful, they’ve never really had many enemies.
Katah: simplification of the old lango word for necessity. Also a god. Intimidating and cunning but chill, always depicted as a doe. Loves puzzles and watching her enemies drown in their own blood. Distrusts non-rabbit gods. Kind of Intense.
Fun Facts: Is said to control nearby water/blood. Usually for problem visualization purposes but sometimes for the aforementioned blood drowning. Iconography of her is present at all Frost Tasting festivals since they were originally started by devout followers of hers. Strangely, though Frost Tasting’s meaning has never significantly changed, her connection to it has been lost on some parts of the island due to her lore being heavily edited long ago. These days images of her monstrous form are used as just another spooky tradition instead of the symbol of strength and pure rabbit cussedness that they used to be.
The Beginning: There is no god that created all rabbits, but there were the Mothers. When the mothers gave birth to the rabbits they knew their children were different. They were smaller and weaker, exchanging brute strength for strange powers and quickness. This was before burrows and warrens, and long time enemies of the Mother’s kind would pick their children off as they roamed above ground, killing litter after litter, leaving few kits to survive to adulthood no matter how ferociously they were defended. And The Mothers despaired because their gods wouldn’t help their children, saying they couldn’t have created such strangeness and so they were not responsible for them. And the Mothers were angry about this because what the hell? They and their Mothers before them and before them and before them had always done the heavy lifting vis-à-vis creation anyway, why would the gods start ignoring their children now? And the angriest mother lost so many litters before she gave birth to Katah.
Katah the false. Born with teeth bared. Key for many locks. God of Fucking Doing Something About The Problem.
What Happened Because They Happened: Katah had teeth like diamonds and a body that she could shift in size with the swiftness and fluidity of ocean waves. Her voice was like a storm, ranging from howling winds that carried signals to her people, to cracks of terrifying thunder that set her enemies running. She also had a normal speaking voice when she was rabbit sized but that wasn’t much less terrifying. She was just… generally terrifying.
She did indeed end up doing something about the problem. As soon as she was old enough, she began ripping the throats out of the problem. Back and forth she roamed over her family’s widening territory, pushing back threats and even finding rabbits who shared shades of her frightful magics (her mother was not the only angry mother). Some of these rabbits chose to fight by her side but they were not gods. No matter how ferocious they were, Katah knew the clock was ticking as she watched them fall in battle one by one. So she searched for another way, since Fucking Doing Something About The Problem ideally means creatively working towards fixing it, not just hammering away with one unsustainable solution until you crash and burn. But she needed inspiration, and soon she found some. Half drowned in a cave by the sea.
Bur was not a god, they weren’t even particularly magically gifted, but Bur had noticed that even the god who was trying to manage this mess was having a rough time of it. So they sought their own solution to The Problem by hiding from it in the sea caves. Long story short, high tides are a thing and cunning does not grant one extra buoyancy. Luckily, Katah happened upon them just in time, and while their plan had some obvious busted bits, the whole ‘living somewhere the bloodthirsty predators have a hard time getting to so you don’t have to constantly sacrifice people fighting them off’ thing really struck a cord with her. After bouncing engineering ideas around in between bouts of rending the flesh of those who would challenge her, she and Bur got some rabbits together and those rabbits got to digging. And thus, burrows (originally Bur-Holes but the name never really stuck since everybody hated it except Bur)were created.
Katah’s origin makes rabbits associate her with protection, refusal to accept mistreatment, and fighting in the face of overwhelmingly shitty odds. This makes her the go to god for the abused and oppressed and the first god to be conveniently edited whenever assholes came to power. A LOT of Katah lore has been lost. Even her title has been changed, as she is most commonly known as the God Of Puzzles these days.
Some of her new lore paints her more as an intellectual pushed to her limits and forced to fight rather than a bloody avenger who loved the thrill of battle. Theologists argue which is the truth all the time since some of her old lore occasionally turns up (thanks Pando) but jokes on them, she was smart AND she loved crushing skulls.
One of the reasons that it was so easy to turn the focus of her lore from skull crushing is that many of her exploits have her linked to nurturing creativity, problem solving (of course), and innovation. These attributes are what she’s best known for these days, and many of her blessings involve helping people find answers to life’s many problems. This includes everyone from researchers trying to cure deadly diseases to camouflage minded fashion designers to engineers trying to build better toilets. Sometimes it even includes that one guy who won’t stop trying to make everything he touches shoot flames, but people like that guy are seen as more cursed than blessed(what problem is he even trying to solve????).
Most of her godly duties are consultation based. She comes to those crying into stacks of blueprints or screaming into the night sky about wanting to physically fight cancer with their actual fists and offers up all the info she’s gained over her very long existence (you can’t solve such a variety of problems over thousands of years without learning a bunch along the way). Sometimes she’ll just sit and listen though. Having the opportunity to explain their vision to someone who understands their passion helps a lot of people, and staring down a diamond-toothed god really gets your brain working overtime. No one is sure if that last bit is divine power or just regular fear. What works, works though yeah?
And speaking of fear.
For those with more difficult puzzles, the ones who call to her with bruised throats, the ones who remember her old stories passed down from some random relative, the ones who don’t even know her name but are tired of being broken over and over and reach out for anyone...
The hunted.
The ones who need a problem solved for them.
She’s there with her diamond teeth. She’s there and she doesn’t care if the predator she’s after is in the shape of a rabbit.
There’s a reason some old warren kings made people forget how to ask her to bite.
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