shizayasweek · 1 year
Happy Shizaya Week 2023! 🥳
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It’s already July 6th in many parts of the world which means the best 2 weeks of the year start now! We hope that everyone has a lot of fun ❤️
Also, reminder that this year the week will last 2 weeks so no need to worry if you’re still preparing your entries 🫶
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allshewhispers · 11 months
Shizuo calling Izaya "Iza" or "Zaya" as a nickname lives rent free in my brain.
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icestar-74 · 11 months
Shizaya week 2023
Day 2 Timeloop part 1 of 2
"I know you've always wanted me gone Shizuo. You don't have to pretend anymore. It's ok. I don't blame you." Izaya said with a sad smile.
Shizuo reached for him. "Izaya please don't. I love you. I fucking love you."
Izaya shook his head. "It's too risky." He gave a smile. "This is easier. Bye." He then jumped.
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Shizuo shot forward screaming "Noooooooooooooooooooo!"
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Shizuo shot up in bed. "FUCK!" He looked around to see his familiar room. "It was a nightmare." He breathed.
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He then noticed Izaya wasn't in bed and felt worry wriggle in his belly. He heard movement in the kitchen and got up to check on him.
When he walked in the kitchen he froze. The world around him became a blurr and all he could manage was to choke out Izaya's name.
"Shizuo..." Izaya whispered his name.
"P-please don't." Shizuo sobbed. "Izaya please."
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Izaya looked at him, his expression turning manic. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" His fingers shook around the trigger. "This constant fear. Wondering when you will snap or leave. It's too much!"
"I won't!" Shizuo cried. "I'd never leave or hurt you like that!"
Izaya closed his eyes. "You mean...you'd never do it again." He pulled the trigger.
"No!" Shizuo woke up in bed again. Fear washing over him when he saw Izaya gone again. He got up and ran to find him.
This time Izaya was sitting in his office. He had a knife to his throat and was watching Shizuo.
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"Damn it Izaya. How do I stop this!?" Shizuo yelled. "I can't watch you die again."
Izaya looked at him grinning. "Until you save me. I can't live anymore."
Shizuo covered his face. "No. Please. No more. I don't want to watch anymore. This doesn't make sense!"
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He heard the knife slice and blood splatter. He woke up again. This time not hesitating to find Izaya. He didn't have to look far to see Izaya in standing in the bathtub.
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"How can I save you if there is no time?!" Shizuo screamed as he reached for Izaya.
Izaya cackled. "Time is an illusion! Death is the only real thing you have left!" Izaya held up a toaster.
"Fuck. Noooooo!" A splash sounded and he woke up again.
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hydraphrenic · 2 years
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Shizaya week: Confessing in another language
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bluish-mackerel · 11 months
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New ShizayaWeek forced me try to get out of artblock and remember how to draw (I never knew though) I'm just pleased drawing Izaya.
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ellydraw · 11 months
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I did this drawing for the SHIZAYAWEEK
What is your favorite alter ego of Shizuo? Mine is Tsugaru, he's such a lovely person.
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shigaeru · 2 years
hi!! where is shizayaweek found/hosted?? i hope you dont mind me asking, ur my only source of drrr content lol
You can find everything on @shizayasweek and with the tags #shizayaweek2022 & #shizaya week 2022 !
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nohajwo · 3 years
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not me breaking in shizaya week being terribly late ;;
DAY 2 Cyberpunk AU
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nanime1313 · 3 years
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Shizaya week 2021
Day 4: tears + "I don't want to feel this for you either"
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shizayasweek · 1 year
We’re so excited to finally post the Shizaya Week 2023 Interest Check because ofc we’re not letting this ship die! Form will be open until May 20 so don’t forget to vote and reblog 😼
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Make Me
Shizaya Week - Day Five (cigarettes)
Notes: Day 3 & 4? I don’t know her. Anyway, here’s this, because I actually had an idea for this one! One day I will make Shizuo the lee, I swear, but for now, I shall stick with self-indulgently wrecking Izaya’s shit once more. 
Shizuo glanced up in surprise as Izaya snatched the unlit cigarette out of his mouth. “What the hell?”
“These things will kill you, you know,” Izaya commented, his brows wrinkling in disgust. He waved it around idly as he spoke, casually walking away from the other. “You already have enough people in this town trying to kill you, I hardly think you need something else adding onto your sudden demise.”
“Are you forgetting all the times you attempted to do the same?” Shizuo dodged around passerby’s awkwardly, attempting to catch up with Izaya.
The two had met up at Simon’s that day on accident, mostly. Perhaps Shizuo had let the information slip that he would be there that afternoon, and maybe Izaya had decided that he was coincidentally in the mood for sushi as well. If anyone asked, it was happenstance, a random fluke of life. To call it a date would be ludicrous.
Izaya laughed, gracefully slipping through the crowd with an ease the other lacked. “You get hung up on the smallest things, Shizu-chan. Relax—I’m doing you a favor.”
“Give it back.”
“Make me.”
The words were a challenge, one Shizuo knew well. The urge to destroy Izaya hadn’t fled when feelings encroached on their territory, but instead had merely morphed into new and more intimate modes. There was a playful edge to their taunts now. The lines between fighting and flirting were flimsy, and Shizuo found himself crossing it unconsciously more and more as time went on. Not that he really minded. He was never one for change, but he had to admit, this was a nice one.
Shizuo narrowed his eyes, a teasing grin sliding into place on his features. Izaya’s heart leapt to his throat, as though his body already knew what was to come.
And then he was running.
Pushing past people on the street, Izaya leapt on top of benches, propelling himself forward with a chaotic ease that made others stare. Shizuo felt fire alight in his body once more, a familiar feeling. Only this time, instead of anger, the passion coursing through him was something else entirely—excitement.
“What’s wrong? Running away is the coward’s option you know—come out and face me like a man.”
Izaya threw a glance back only to find Shizuo much, much closer than he had expected. Shit. Giddy laughter built up in his throat, but he shoved it down, tossing back a breezy air as he replied, “Only fools play fair, my dear beast. I thought you would have learned that by now.”
Izaya turned into a corner at the last moment, hoping it would delay the other and give him a second to think. He clutched the cigarette tight to his chest; his fingers had crushed it a little in his haste, rendering it useless should Shizuo actually retrieve it. Not that it mattered. Both knew that wasn’t what this was about, anyway.
Seconds passed by slowly with no sign of the other man, and Izaya exhaled slowly. Maybe he had lost him after all? He turned around to shove the cigarette in his pocket, but before he could he felt a hand grab his wrists, pulling it above his head and pressing him against the wall. Izaya gasped, bracing his impact with his other hand.
“Gotcha,” Shizuo whispered quietly, casually plucking the cigarette from his hand and tossing it to the ground. He had him trapped, his torso bearing into Izaya’s back and his hand pinning him there. Escape would be difficult to be sure.
Izaya smiled, helplessly, closing his eyes and trying to conceal the nervous edge from his voice. “For now. And what happens when you’re in my position later on, hmm? What will you do when you are at the mercy of my will?”
Shizuo slipped his right hand under Izaya’s shirt, his fingers skimming across the trembling skin in unhurried exploration. “We’ll see if you last long enough for then, won’t we?”
Izaya choked on a stifled sound, biting his lip to try to conceal the other noises rising inside him. Nails, featherlight, traced incomprehensible patterns along his ribs that had him arching closer to the wall. “T-This is, e-entirely, ah, uncahalled for!”
“You stealing my shit is uncalled for.” Shizuo dragged his nails down, scratching lightly at his hips. Izaya yelped, his other hand reaching around to slap him away. Shizuo merely danced around the interference, targeting a new spot whenever he tried to protect it. “This, however, is simply the consequences of your own actions.”
“S-Stahap this, heh, y-ohou crehetin!” Izaya giggled, for it was giggling—that was unmistakable. He jumped and twitched underneath the other, his face flushing an embarrassing shade of pink. This was ridiculous. Of all the things Shizuo could choose to do to him, he never understood why tickling was his favorite. It was undignified, childish, and entirely beneath him.
And maybe, just a little, tiny bit, fun.
Not that he would let the other know that, of course.
“Is something the matter?” Shizuo teased, scribbling fingers under his arms to hear the accompanying shriek it produced. It was endlessly entertaining watching the composed man fall to pieces in his arm over something so simple. He never grew tired of it. “Does it tickle too much for the great Izaya Orihara? Is the famous info broker too ticklish to handle this?”
Izaya felt like his body would never be the same hue again at this rate. He wanted to hide his face in embarrassment, or at the very least cover his mouth to conceal the high-pitched laughter escaping him. Unfortunately, every time he tried the tickling would grow more intense and he would be forced to bring it back down again. It was an endless cycle, one he couldn’t help but participate in.
“Having some trouble getting your words out?” Izaya’s fingers had closed about Shizuo’s wrist, but they clung there uselessly, unable to prevent his hand from continuing its ticklish expedition along his torso. Currently, Shizuo clawed at his stomach, a spot that produced the most adorable sounds from the other, his body doubled over in an attempt at vain protection. “How about this—I’ll make it easy for you. Apologize and I’ll let you go. It’s that simple.”
Izaya scoffed incredulously through his laughter, rolling his eyes at the ridiculous proposition. “A-Ahahas ihihif Ihihihi wohohould e-ehehever, geh, ahahapologize to, aha s-shohort-fuhuhused lohohoser lihihike yohohou!”
“Loser, eh?”
Izaya squeaked as Shizuo latched suddenly onto his hips, his thumb pressing directly into the bone in a way that sent electricity shooting throughout his nervous system. He jerked back, his laughter exploding in frantic bursts as he squirmed desperately to get away.
“Ah! WAHAHAIT, SHIHIHIZUHO, NAHAHA!” He shoved uselessly at his hand, trying to dislodge it from the spot to failing efforts. His eyes were screwed shut, his mouth splitting wide in an uncharacteristically genuine grin. “I-IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES, SHIHIHIT!”
“Say you’re sorry.” Shizuo was relentless, not letting up for a moment. The intense tickling on such a sensitive spot was quickly driving Izaya up the wall, and before he knew what he was doing, the words were falling from his lips.
“A-Ah, fihihine, fihihIHIHINE!” He jumped from foot to foot, his laughter dissolving into helpless cackling as he threw his head back. “I’m sorry! Ihihi’m sohoHOHOHORRY! A-Ahahaha, ShihiHIHIHIZUHUO!:
With a satisfied grin, Shizuo relented, releasing him. Izaya slumped back against the other, burying his face in his chest and grabbing fistfuls of his shirt to support himself.
“Mean,” he mumbled, his words muffled from the position. “Shizu-chan is a mean and callous brute.”
“Is that so?” Shizuo replied fondly, brushing his hair back from his face. He felt Izaya soften against him, melting into the touch despite himself. He tilted the other’s chin up, leaning in to kiss him, but Izaya quickly turned his face away.
“Absolutely not,” he sniffed petulantly, releasing him to cross his arms stubbornly instead. “As if I would kiss an evil brute like you after what you did to me.”
“You say that like you don’t enjoy it,” Shizuo pointed out. Izaya blushed, refusing to meet his gaze. “Fine then. You’ve forced my hand.”
Izaya squawked, lurching backwards when Shizuo grabbed his hips again, sending him quickly back into a fit of giggles. “W-Wahahahait, ohohokay, ohOHOHOKAY!”
Shizuo stopped, pulling him in and stealing the remaining laughter from the other’s lips with a kiss. “You’re so cute like this, you know,” he murmured afterwards, pulling away to look into his eyes.
Izaya froze, his heart stuttering in his chest. After a moment, however, the smirk was back. “I’m afraid I can’t say the same about you. Don’t worry though—I’m sure one day you’ll grow into your looks.”
Suffice it to say, Izaya did not learn his lesson that day. 
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icestar-74 · 11 months
Shizaya Week 2023
Day 8 Free Day Part 8/8
Home Sweet Home
So I did it. I'm at the end! For this last one I just wanted to show the house in full and show some other things with it. A peek behind this shabby curtain if you will.
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I never really show the front of the house. It sits on a dresser in my spare room. It's a PAIN to try and rotate but I managed. When my husband and I moved into our first home THIS home was the hardest thing to move. Oh and don't get me started on the these shingles. EACH AND EVERY ONE were hand stained by soaking in dye and then attached one by one with glue. That was a stressful time. Can you spot my three friends in the windows?
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So the side of the house opens for easy access. I didn't wallpaper the inside here due to pure laziness. I hand sanded AND painted the entire house. Building a doll house is a lot of work and took about three months I think. Totally worth it if I could give these boys a bigger home. Anyone that follows me MIGHT remember what their house used to be. It was SO SMALL!
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The railings, oh lawd these railings. Each. Single. Little. Piece. Was hand sanded and painted. I don't recall showing the building progress but if anyone is ever interested I have all the photos. Everything from start to finish. It took a week to just do these I swear. They have broken off a few times and I think are currently on with sticky tac, or mounting putty.
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Here is our front door. Someday I want to do lighting but that's really pricey so.... not today. The front door opens and closes so that's pretty neat. Don't mind them missing hands. I just take a hand off for the pocket pics.
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Speaking of hands. This is how I keep them separate. Pieces have gone missing of course. Izaya's phone and knife are gone so he uses Shizuo's phone. Shizuo only has one cigarette left (THOSE ARE SO TINY). I'm pretty sure I have mixed up their hands at some point but hey, I'm doing my best.
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I use sticky tac a lot. Here it is on Shizuo's butt so Izaya's hand can stick and hold him up. I use it to help them hold things in general if their hands don't work. It's also used to keep furniture in place or things on the walls. It looks like a wad of chewed gum. So if you ever see it in the background where I missed it, I swear it's not gum!
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This. This masterful pile of nonsense is all the supplies I use. I have tried to organize it but that's not easy. I have containers of food, props, seasonal decor, outdoor stuff and just some random crap I've bought. Don't ask about the grapes...
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Here I would like to express my grievances. Shizuo is almost always in his shades because the hair piece WITHOUT them falls off constantly. Sometimes I concentrate so hard it startles me. IZAYA doesn't like to stand and falls over a lot, startling me as well. I jump very easily and when I'm in the zone, loud noises get me. Once I was stacking lil cans and my husband poked his head in to ask me something. Tiny cans scattered, violent words were said and that photo was delayed.
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Finally here is the full space. I'm a 32 year old adult that loves her stuffies, anime boys and crafting. I have many hobbies but my Shizaya house is something special. It's something I worked hard to build and something that continues to give me joy. I really hope that I can continue to use it to spread joy to others as well.
I think I said it in the first post but if anyone ever has questions or needs help with a similar hobby I'm always here! Support your hobbies and just have fun with them. Happy Shizaya Week 2023 everyone ;*
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hydraphrenic · 2 years
Ajar, dying
“There was something breaking inside Izaya. He didn’t know what. He didn't know where. It was okay though.”
Shizaya week 2022 Day 6: Heart made of glass, please don't break it
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bluish-mackerel · 11 months
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[Part 1]/[Part 2]
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yakuza-face · 3 years
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Shizaya week 2021
Day #1 Gay panic!!
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