shizucheese · 2 months
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So....I made affiliate on Twitch.
I literally just saw the email like 2 hours ago so I'm still kinda shaking over it. Emotes coming soon I just didn't have time to get that all set up in time. Sorry things might look a little....sloppeh at least for tonight while I get things sorted out. That being said....we're streaming as usual! When last we faced off against Omega, he....they? it? decided that threatening everyone we love and all of the innocents of the world in order to bring out the WoL's potential was a good and smart idea that wouldn't at all result in our girl wanting to punch a permanent dent into his dome.
Tonight we make Omega face the consequences of those actions as we jump into Sigmascape. Minimum ilv, no echo as always.
We've also got rank up quests available for the Ananta and the Kojin!
Catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7:30 central! I've finally made affiliate, so let's keep that momentum going! Every view, bit and sub helps, and I appreciate you all!
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shizucheese · 2 months
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Hope you guys have been doing your math homework because tonight we're giving a whole new meaning to "prime time!"
We're heading off to Ridorana Lighthouse. MINE as always, with 15 people like last time because that number seems to be the sweetspot between it still feeling too easy, even with 18 people, and everyone needing to be super on top of mechanics with 12 (something I still wanna get people together to do someday!).
In channel news....have you ever wanted to throw a squishmallow at my vtuber model? Donate 100 bits, see what happens!
Catch me every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central, and every Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 Central! We're closing in on my first 10 subs and me having to read the community's choice of a Gaius or Zenos monologue in uwu speak!
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shizucheese · 2 months
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We've made it to the final round of Omega's fucked up tournament.
So will Omega figure out the secret of what makes us tick and harness that power? Or will we be adding yet another giant robot to the trash heap?
And what's going to happen to precious-baby-who-can-do-no-wrong Alpha?
Also on the schedule for tonight is the rank up quests for the Ananta! And maybe, maybe, if there's time, we'll do Fractal Continum Hard, because oops I completely forgot to do it when we were doing 4.2 content. And then if there's time after that, we'll do Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Hard.
If we don't have time though, we'll definitely be doing both of those dungeons on Sunday, when we will also be doing Swallow's Compass (which I forgot to do when we were doing 4.3 content....I'm a very professional streamer who's totally on top of things guys!), Suzaku, 4.4 Hildibrand, and the Stormblood quests for ALC, CUL, MIN, BTN and FSH!
All combat content will be MINE, as always!
In other channel news: I now have things set up so that if you donate 100 bits, a cat squshmallow will be thrown at my vtuber model! If you donate 1,000 bits, the plush will get bigger, and at 2,000 bits, it'll get even bigger! (This is all assuming I didn't mess something up, which I won't know unless someone donates lol!) All proceeds from bits donations will be going towards paying for stuff for the channel, such as official concept art for my vtuber model, which will then be used as references for custom emotes, sub badges, alerts, etc, as well as, you know....my actual official vtuber model.
I've also finally brushed the dust off of my old Instagram account, so be sure to give me a follow over there as well! https://www.instagram.com/shizucheese/ Also be sure to join the community on Discord for off-stream nonsense! (And when I do polls about the channel, if you're in the Discord, *and* following me here on Tumblr, you'll get to double dip, since I'll be running the polls in both places :p) https://discord.gg/N8BKSDN
You can catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7:30 Central! We're 2 subs away from my first sub goal, so if you want to hear me recite a Gaius or Zenos mololog in UWU speak, be sure to come on over and hit that subscribe button!
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shizucheese · 2 months
Guys I made Twitch Affiliate!
I knew I was close based on when I looked at my stats last night, but apparently something updated overnight and my average viewer count went from like 2.96 to 3.2. I wasn't expecting this to happen quite so soon and my brain and emotions and body overall are still kinda catching up with the news.
So what comes next? Well first, I'm gonna need my hands to stop shaking.
After that, we're having our Wednesday stream as usual. The plan is Sigmascape, as well as the rank up quests for the Ananta and Kojin. (For those new here: hi, I'm Shizu, I'm a FFXIV vet currently replaying the game at min ilv, we're currently on Stormblood).
Once my brain and body stop freaking out, I'm going to look into commissioning emotes for the channel. I'm kinda in a tight financial situation right now, so every bit and sub you guys can throw my way will be a big a big help towards this. In the mean time, a friend has directed me towards some free to use emotes that I'm going to set up after tonight's stream.
The Big Goal is a custom Vtuber model. I've been using one I threw together using VRoid studio and some free assets I found on Booth, but it's very much a case of me Doing My Best (tm) and doesn't actually reflect what I really want out of my identity as a VTuber (does my current model scream "goth lolita magical girl" to you? Yeah it doesn't to me either.)
I plan on doing some kind of celebratory stream within the next few days, but I literally saw the email inviting me to be an affiliate like 2 hours ago so I'm still working out the details.
Thank you so much for anyone who has supported me so far, and anyone who supports me in the future. It means everything to me. Hope to see you all in chat!
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shizucheese · 1 month
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The Scions are dropping like flies.
What's going on? What do you mean their souls aren't in their bodies. Where did they go? And who is it that's speaking into our head, and what does he want?
I'm sure everything is fine and nothing else will go wrong and everyone will wake up soon because this is the last patch of Stormblood and FFXIV expansions always end with a happy ending, right?
Catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7:30 Central! We're still just 2 subs away from me having to read a Gaius or Zenos monologue in uwu speak!
And be sure to join the Discord for even *more* hijinks!
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shizucheese · 2 months
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So I realized yesterday I completely forgot to do 4.2 Hildibrand last week.
So tonight we're getting a Hildibrand double feature with the 4.2 and 4.3 quests!
Also on the docket for tonight is the Stormblood Armorer and Leatherworker quests, the rank up quests for the Ananta, and custom delivery quests for M'naago and Kurenai!
Be sure to tune in on Sunday for MINE Ridorana Lighthouse with 15 people!
Catch me every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7:30 Central! I've officially announced my sub goals! You can check them out here!
Also be sure to join the discord for community shenanigans!
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shizucheese · 2 months
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Hi hi hello everyone! As some of you may know, I made affiliate last week! For those of you who don't know who I am, hi, I'm Shizu, a Final Fantasy (and rpgs in general) streamer and vtuber, and a 10+ year vet of FFXIV who is currently replaying the whole game at min ilv, no echo (and in some cases undersized).
Today I bring to you all: Shizu's Official Sub Goals/ Incentives!
They are as follows:
10 subs: I will read a Gaius or Zenos monolog in uwu speak!
20 subs: I will level a job of the community's choice to do it's story quests on stream!
50 subs: A MINE run of an EX trial or Savage Raid of the community's choice! (including normal Coils, excluding 2nd Coil Savage)
100 subs: I will cosplay as the Cornservant, with pictures to be posted on social media and Discord!
Also, for the sake of transparency (and also maybe incentive?), here's what your bits will be paying for:
Official concept art for my vtuber character
Custom emotes and alerts for the channel and discord
Custom live2d Model
Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far, and everyone who supports me in the future!
If you want to join the discord, you can do so here!
In the mean time, you can catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central, and every Tuesday and Wednesday Starting at 7:30 Central!
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shizucheese · 2 months
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In darkness blooms the spider lily.
We're on 4.3, folks, and I'm once again abusing my "FFXIV vet streaming the game on a fresh character" privilege to bring you all this screenshot I took on my main (which wasn't exactly what I was going for but actually like way, way better). So what exactly is that little shit Asahi up to? What's that mirror he gave to Yotsuyu all about? Will she regain her memories, and if she does, what then?
Catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7:30 Central! I'm still figuring out all of my sub goals/ incentives, but if you guys get me to 100 subs I'll cosplay the Cornservant. (Official post about this coming soon!)
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shizucheese · 2 months
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The beauty of being a vet player who's streaming alt that looks basically the exact same as my main (the only difference between them is the eyes) is that I can pull bullshit like this where I change my main's hair, throw on the same glamour you guys have seen me wear on stream, and hippity hop into the Jade Stoa so I can get a screenshot of Byakko because I know what the people really want.
We're starting the Four Lords quests tonight, folks!
We'll also be starting Eureka with some good good community times in Anemos (I promise I'll do most of the leveling in there off-stream. Unless watching peeps fate farm in Eureka is something you guys are into?).
Catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7:30 Central! Also join the discord for news and shenanigans!
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shizucheese · 2 months
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Hey what's that funky looking airship floating in the sky near Kugane?
We're starting the Stormblood Raids: Return to Ivalice tonight, with a MINE run of The Royal City of Rabanastre! After consulting with the members of the Pantry Council (aka peeps who have participated in previous alliance raid runs), it has been decided that even at MINE, 18 people feels too easy, so tonight we're giving it a go with 15 people instead!
Keep an eye out for Shizune Dazkar on Aether's party finder if you want to be involved with this or any other MINE run as I work my way through replaying the entire game at minimum item level!
Catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 7:30 Central! I'm trying to make affiliate, so every view counts and I'm eternally grateful to you all!
Also, drops are on, so come on by and get your Chocorpokkur Mount and other goodies!
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shizucheese · 1 month
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So, 3 things I learned tonight:
1) MINE dungeons can be done with 3 people. 2) MINE normal trials can be done with 4 people. 3) Do not trust Eli. Do not take my eyes off Eli.
I'll probably make some clips/ shorts of some of the events of tonight + a full video of the Suzaku fight.
I'll make sure to make a post on here when it happens, but in the mean time, be sure to give me a follow on Twitch and join the discord for more hijinks!
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shizucheese · 8 months
So I realized that whatever Stuff I had set up for my blog to promote myself seems to have vanished into the aether, so I guess it's time for me to do the whole Pinned Post thing. Hello everyone! I'm a vtuber on Twitch who recently also started streaming on Youtube, now that Twitch allows for simulcasting. I primarily stream Final Fantasy and other JRPGs, and as of this year I plan on doing unplanned streams playing Synth Riders and maybe a few other games (assuming I can get certain ducks into a row). I am currently streaming FFXIV, replaying the whole game on a fresh character doing all content at minimum item level (except the Coils, because fuck that).
I'm also a writer, but I've been out of the writing game for a while because Life has been kicking my ass for the past few years, but keep an eye out, for both fanfiction and original work, because I'm working on things and when they're ready for public consumption I will be posting about it here. Other things I will likely post about: The Magnus Arcives, The Magnus Protocol, and other horror podcasts. Baldur's Gate 3. Eventually once I get my shit together (I just moved last year and things are still in boxes), cosplay, dice making and other crafting stuff. Politics. (I'll try to keep that last one to a minimum but fucking Vote you guys, and fact check literally everything you see and hear on social media.) Make sure to follow, like and subscribe! ;D
--Streaming Sechdule--
Tuesdays starting at 7:30 pm
Wednesdays starting t 7:30 pm
Sundays staring at 4:30 pm
--Where to find me--
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shizucheese · 2 months
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We're putting our inspector hats back on as we begin the Stormblood Hildibrand quests with the 4.1 installment! After that, we'll be doing the Society Rank Up quests for the Kojin, the Ananta and the Namazu, as well as job quests for SCH and SMN (and DRK if the society quests manage to bump it up to 60)!
Be sure to tune in on Sunday, when we'll be starting up the Return to Ivalice Raids, with a MINE run of The Royal City of Rabanastre with 18 (maybe even 15?) people!
Catch me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Thursday starting at 7:30 Central! I'm trying to make affiliate so every view counts and I'm eternally grateful to you all!
Also drops are on!
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shizucheese · 2 months
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So....Alphinaud may have gotten himself in trouble again. And this time Alisaie is here to see it. Will we be able to save our boy? Who is the mysterious Shadowhunter? Is the dungeon the only Burn we're going to be witnessing as we jump into the MSQ for 4.4: Prelude in Violet? Here's what tonight's schedule is going to look like: Tonight: 4.4 MSQ, this week's installment of Doman Restoration, Kojin Society rank up Quest
Tomorrow (Wednesday, 8/6/24): Alphascape, Ananta Society Quest
Sunday (8/11/24): We forgot to do Swallow's Compass when we were doing 4.3 content, so we'll be doing that and Suzaku. Then we'll be doing the Stormblood quests for ALC, CUL, MIN, BTN and FSH.
Next week will be 4.5 (including a MINE run of Orbonne Monestary, where we will be attempting to do it with 15 people, and failing that we'll be doing it with 18), and then the following week or so we'll be doing Eureka and Heaven on High! We're closing in on Shadowbringers, folks!
Catch me every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central, and every Tuesday and Thursday starting at 7:30 Central! We're 3 subscribers away from me reciting a Gaius or Zenos monolog in UWU speak! Also, donate 100 bits to the channel to throw a cat squishmallow at my Vtuber model! (Bigger plushies at 1,000 bits and 2,000 bits!)
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shizucheese · 2 months
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So there's a thunderstorm in my area. Hopefully my power/ internet doesn't go out! Haha...
We're on to 4.2 content folks! 4.1 MSQ most certainly ended on an interesting note. Hey Gosetsu, uh...who uh.....who's that with you? Who's this "Tsuyu" lady you're traveling with? What'cha doin with this "Tsuyu" lady, Gosetsu? I'm sure everything is fine and she's a totally, 100% stand up citizen.
Join me on Twitch every Sunday starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Wednesday starting 7:30 Central! I'm trying to make affiliate, so every view counts and I appreciate you all!
Also drops are on so come get your mount!
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shizucheese · 2 months
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We did it. Ala Mhigo is free. Now what?
The Ala Mhigan people have no desire to have a new king, but what sort of government do they want?
How are they going to pay for everything and what is the future of their people going to look like?
And speaking of people's futures, what are Raubahn's intentions now that his homeland is free? What of Gundabold and the others at Little Ala Mhigo?
We'll be finding out the answers to all of these questions and maybe more as we play through the MSQ for patch 4.1: The Legend Returns.
Catch me on Sundays starting at 4:30 Central and every Tuesday and Thursday starting at 7:30 Central! I'm trying to make affiliate so every view counts and I'm eternally grateful to you all!
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