#shizuka homura x akane tsunemori
psychopasss4 · 2 months
Kogami: That failed promise 😂
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"No, don't bother anymore. Shizuoka-san already risked his life to bail me out."
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Shizuoka? Who the heck is---
Wait, wha~ Did she just call him by his first name?
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ariarinko · 2 years
So I watched psycho pass 1st inspector and now I ship them hhh
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We all saw Kogami, Ginoza, Sugou and Togane in some tightass gym shirt and now now I've decided Homura needs to be in this team too
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valgreys · 1 year
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¡Versión a color de un lineart que subí a Twitter! 🤗💖
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nian-7 · 1 year
Hello! How are you? Can you make a fic about Jealous Shinya Kogami of Psycho Pass to Akane Tsunemori x Shizuka Homura? Thank you 👍
sorry, anon. i don't write for psycho pass. please read my masterlist, it'll tell you all the fandoms i write for there! once again, sorry!
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psychopasss4 · 1 year
From #Shinkane to #ShizuAka
This is a long post about my journey from shipping Shinkane (for a long time) but decided to move on to ShizuAka.
Yes, we all know Shinya Kogami and Akane Tsunemori do have special bond. Like mental connection with each other. Soulmates as we call it. Connected by the Red String of Fate (as we call in Japanese).
And most of the characters from PP-verse validates and knows this. Such as Masaoka and his son Ginoza for example. But there are quite a lot of evidence that made us all flap our ears whenever our favorite pair Shinya x Akane is concerned.
Some instances are:
PP Season 1:
Everyone says that it's Kou's infamous scream "Akaneee!" that proves Shinkane exists. But I do believe it was when Masaoka and Kogami shared a drink the night he left the PSB that proves Shinkane almost exist (watch EP. 18 again and know for yourself what do I mean!)
Kogami's letter. That's it. We all know it. The fact that he wrote a hand written note for her, not for Shion, not for Ginoza, not even to his mom! We all know that he value her so much.
Okay, alright... that infamous scream when he shouted for his name!
When he smiled when Akane and her team went on to Makishima's location ahead after learning of Kou's plan (thanks to Akane). He gleamed with pride.
When he didn't immediately run to catch Makishima, but instead carry Akane (bridal style) into safety when they were in a corn field. Or Oat field, I forgot. It shows how much he cared for her.
At this point I think everyone pretty much confirmed they shared a special bond.
PP - The Movie (1st)
When Kou first save her from explosion by shielding with his sexy abs 🤭
When Kou suggested her to stay with him for the night when there's clearly more room with the female locals in the Angkor Wat.
Their silent "I-know-you-care-know-I-care" treatment when Akane has to leave upto the point they were captured by Wong.
Kou wasn't surprised when Akane handed him a cigarette like he expects her to have them.
Don't forget to mention about Wong capturing them two together and plan to frame them just them. Only them. Because he sees them as threat. As if they were an item 🙄
PP - SS3
He's mad when Frederica stayed for the night and he don't know why 🤣.
He's proud of Akane's accomplishment after hearing Frede talks about the success of Div 1 as a team.
His regrets for exacting revenge and hesitations to have Tenzing follow his path mirrors Akane's ideals.
His mention of "He still have things to protect in Japan" (pay attention on that one) because in;
PP - Providence
He tries his best to reconnect with Akane but a case gets in their way.
His willingness to throw himself between her legs just to save her from an explosion almost a mile away from them compare to PP movie explosion.
His classic line "I'll follow you, even if you told me not to".
His protective nature all throughout the movie upto Akane's downfall.
His teary eyes while reading Akane's letter.
His promise to take her out of that place.
That Psycho Pass Recap during PPP promotionals which showcases the Shinkane viewpoint.
PP - S3 & FI
He don't have to pay Akane a visit nor to pick her up from jail because she's no longer his inspector! But he did anyway.
He keeps on saying he trust her and believes in her.
He didn't hurt Arata because he knows he is Akane's ward. Yes it is included.
The Merch
Yes am talking about the #KoAka keychain.
The PPP movie poster where Kou and Akane's faces are in the big picture and the rest are inside their heads!
The fan service stuff and clickbaits for all #Shinkane or #Koaka junkies!
The unforgivable hints of any romantic subplots from radio drama, merch, narrative etc.
My point is, all of them are just a setup to garner more viewership because they know Shinkane fandom is a big bunch!
But in the end, they want to tear us down by breaking our hearts with platonic inclinations between Kou and Akane 😭
The Segue:
Yes they created a segue under the guise of Frederica Hanashiro and Shizuka Homura.
We all know that PsychoPass Producers wanted to go down the path of Shonen Jump-esque plot. Which is why they seen #Shinkane fanbase as a threat. Although they don't want to shun the viewership influence of it.
That's why they create this "icings" (Shinkane sweet moment) as we call it to clickbait us! 😭😞
The Lure:
That's why in PPP Sinners of the System 3 and PPP they wanted to showcase Kogami x Frederica (the KouxFrede touching hand scene), the "Hey Akane don't blame Frederica for Saiga's death", to teach us that Kou is shippable with Frederica (a hot blonde).
Why Shinkane is a strong fan fave?
Because Akane is relatable character.
Because Kogami is a hot mess.
Akane a plain looking girl able to get the impression of Kogami a good-looking bad boy and former ace detective.
We all can easily identify with Akane. Us ordinary girls with strong principles are dreaming of a hot dude like Kogami who has ex-militia skills to swoon us over.
How the writers are tearing the #Shinkane/#KoAka fanbase:
Akane did ask (or even beg) Kogami to come back to Japan (from Season 1 especially the Psycho Pass Gekijōban, but he express no desire.
Only when Frederica, a tall-blonde-gorgeous looking half-brit half-japanese woman was able to bring him back.
They have a flirtateous moment in Sinners of the System part 3 novel during their night conversation.
The Kou x Frede indirect kiss through the bottle Scene.
Kou always standing beside Frederica.
Kou still choose to work in SAD with Frederica eventhough he has a chance to go back to PSB in PPP.
Kou's been treating Akane like trash eversince he gets back:
(1) During his famous balcony call when Akane hangs up. He didn't say sorry but instead let his pride dominate him.
(2) He only visited Akane in Season 3 after 2 years (when he rest his back at the door simply because he felt awkward bending to look at the window of Akane's height.
(3) He only picks her up out of guilt after he reads her hand-written letter.
(4) It was Shizuka Homura who negotiated Akane out of jail not Kogami.
(5) Kogami didn't comforted Akane. Only Ginoza did.
(6) Kogami had the chance to go back for Akane but he didn't. He chose to stay with Frede in S.A.D.
(7) Shinkane is one-sided. Only Akane likes him. But Ko?? No. The novels confirm that.
The Future of Shinkane:
From this point forward we can't expect anything much from this ship. Although as fans, we will keep them into our hearts and be as free as clouds to do more fanfictions out of these two characters because we've been rooting them since day 1.
But I think the writers want to us to move on with Kogami x Frederica and Shizuka x Akane.
With that, eventhough I still ship KoAka/Shinkane, I keep the possibilities open should the writers want to push them to other characters.
My Dime:
At this point I truly wish Akane would die in Kogami's arms and he finally realize he too has feelings for her but it's too late (as Saiga foretold), and he gets back to PSB mentoring new characters. Applying both his ideals to never overlook injustice plus also applying Akane's principles to uphold what is right by being just and fair.
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psychopasss4 · 11 months
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Shizuka: "I'm here for you, Akane."
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psychopasss4 · 9 months
They say I deserve someone better, but I still want to be with you.
~Akane Tsunemori to Kogami Shinya (Unspoken Words - Unofficial).
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psychopasss4 · 3 months
ShizuAkaKou Analysis 🥰
[Hypothesis on PP4]
If Shinya Kogami were to form a closer bond with Akane Tsunemori, his feelings towards Shizuka Homura would likely be influenced by the nature of his relationship with Akane and the dynamics within the group. Here's a hypothetical exploration of how Kogami might feel about Shizuka in this scenario:
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Protective Instinct: **His Guardianship Role**: Given Kogami's protective nature, especially towards those he cares about, he might extend this instinct to Shizuka, seeing him as someone important to Akane. He would likely feel a sense of responsibility to ensure Shizuka's safety and well-being.
Professional Respect: **His Mutual Respect**: If Shizuka proves to be competent and trustworthy in their shared missions or goals, Kogami would likely respect him professionally. Kogami values skills and dedication, so he would appreciate Shizuka's contributions to their efforts.
Potential Jealousy: **His Possible Rivalry**: If there were any signs of romantic feelings from Shizuka towards Akane, Kogami might experience a tinge of jealousy, especially if his bond with Akane is growing closer. However, given Kogami's typically stoic demeanor, this jealousy would likely be subtle and internal.
Collaboration and Team Dynamics: **His Focus on Team Cohesion**: Kogami values effective teamwork and would likely aim to maintain a harmonious relationship with Shizuka for the sake of their missions. He would focus on building a cooperative and efficient dynamic within the team.
Personal Connection: **Him trying to develop a Personal Bond**: If Akane values Shizuka's presence and friendship, Kogami might make an effort to understand and connect with him on a personal level, recognizing the importance of Shizuka in Akane's life.
Summary: If Kogami forms a closer bond with Akane, he would likely feel a mix of protectiveness, respect, and possibly mild jealousy towards Shizuka. His primary concern would be ensuring Akane's happiness and safety, which would extend to those she cares about. Kogami would aim to foster a collaborative and respectful relationship with Shizuka, focusing on team cohesion and mutual respect.
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psychopasss4 · 1 year
That ShizuAka Vibes
I just got this #ShizuAka vibes after seeing "Tears of Themis" Ad 🤭🥰 anyone here who feels the same?
Imagine: Akane (with Long hair) and Shizuka in a banquet after his formal inauguration as the new PSB Chief (replacing Hosorogi)...
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Imagine: Akane and Shizuka Homura at his office...being "casual" 🤗❣️😘
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Imagine: Akane taking pictures of Shizuka with his dog 😜
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Suddenly, Kogami calls... 😂
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Kou owns a dog too 🤣
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psychopasss4 · 5 months
Imagine waking up next to the person you love every morning.♥
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POV: Shizuka Homura waking up to his birthday 04/10
Shizuka: "Nah, just a regular day."
Akane: "Good morning, Chief. Why don't we celebrate it on the pantry?
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Meanwhile, at the pantry 🤭, Akane takes out a "seemingly leftover" cake from the fridge.
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Shizuka: "Akane...uh...I don't know but this cake looks familiar to me... Is this...?"
Akane: "いいえ, no!!! This isn't the one Kogami baked for me but he and Ginoza ended up eating."
Shizuka: "but it loo..."
Akane: "I said no! Okay?! Now let's eat it?!"
Shizuka: "ah...Y-Yes mam... 😦"
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psychopasss4 · 9 months
The power of imagination makes us infinite.
~John Muir
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My ShizuAka heartu flourish 💞🤞🏻💜☺️🌹😘
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psychopasss4 · 9 months
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Inside of all of us there is the need and the desire to be heard, to have our innermost thoughts, feelings and desires expressed for others to hear, to see and to understand. We all want to matter to someone.
~Vicktor Alexander
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psychopasss4 · 9 months
I understand that you care. I just sometimes feel that the people who know me best, are people I’ve never met.
~Iain S. Thomas
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📸 by Google Images
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psychopasss4 · 11 months
How Jealous Kogami look like
When he sees Akane dancing with another man? Picture this scene as ShizuAka (Shizuka x Akane)
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Meanwhile, Kogami-san...
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psychopasss4 · 11 months
#ShizuAka Vines#2
I can’t help it. But I just have the feeling that Shizuoka Homura must be Akane Tsunemori’s ex-BF 😃🤤
Picture this as Shizuoka x Akane from their Highschool days 😻
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Picture this as Shizuoka x Akane in their first prom date 😻🍦
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Fan girl mode is ON! 🥰🥰🥰
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psychopasss4 · 8 months
It's much better to do good in a way that no one knows anything about it.
~Leo Tolstoy
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Homura Shizuka (法斑静火), is a man of mysteries. But the fact that he demanded Akane's release from Tokorozawa speaks volume about his potential connection with her. 😍
Who knows? He and she might have a fling from the past. But it ends abruptly when she joined the PSB? 😋😄
Okay, the narrative here is a bit biased. But no one can deny how gorgeous he is❣️
There's a scene in PP3 in which he mentions about "Freedom in chain" which served as inspo for this black & white sketch (another attempt).
He's willing to be a slave for Sybil, just to ensure Akane's freedom. Get it, got it?! She has freedom while he is on chain. 🥺
Quite ironic, isn't it? 🤧❤️‍🔥
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