#shoebite cream
skineasi · 4 months
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dragon-ascent · 8 months
Zhongli as a lover is the whole package. Case in point -
Photographic memory:
He remembers you saying how much you liked sweets, so on dates, he always takes you to places like bakeries and confectioneries. New ice cream parlor just opened? You're his first thought. And on fancier outings, he makes sure in advance that the dessert spread will be to your liking.
You'd once mentioned to Zhongli, in passing, about some obscure little dolls you once saw on a pamphlet. The doll collection was from a small creator, and was set to be released in eight months. You'd thought they looked pretty neat, but you'd definitely forget about them in a few months even before their official release since you no longer have that pamphlet.
Guess what? On release day a long time later, Zhongli presents the dolls to you, having been first in line to procure them.
Attention to detail:
He can tell by even the slightest of changes in your gait, perhaps a slower walk, or a slight frown of suppressed discomfort, that your new shoes are giving you shoebite. So he takes you into the nearest shoe store and buys you some nice new comfier ones (that still go with your carefully-styled outfit). When you two get home, he'll also massage your feet with his gentle hands, kissing the bruises as he does so (his smile growing as he registers how flustered you become at that).
Emotional stability:
Zhongli is pretty much your rock, pun possibly intended, when it comes to challenging situations. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, somebody to vent to, or simply a catalyst to help you through a difficult time, Zhongli has it all.
Any disagreements you two may have never escalate because he catches himself in time to defuse the situation. It's always you and him versus the problem, not you versus him. His communication and reasoning skills are on point.
There's never a time when Zhongli runs out of things to talk about with you. He can go on for hours about anything under the sun, and there's always a story ready on his tongue for whenever you might want to hear it. Your nights are decorated with his tales, your dreams mirroring Zhongli's narrations like they were the script and you're a part of the play.
Zhongli only prefers to share fun things with you, so that you wouldn't get bored - but you always tell him how you'd attentively listen to him go on about even laundry.
All-around Adaptability:
Zhongli can do it all - whether it's being the big spoon, little spoon, sunshine, sunshine protector, the calm one, the lovesick puppy, the brains, the brawn, the one who encourages you to take risks or the one who keeps you from doing rash things. This god is multifaceted like gold, and he chooses to shine on you.
Never shall Celestia find a lover like him again.
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ireallyfeltthat · 4 years
my favourite word is bittersweet.
the first time you heard your best friend call you just a friend. the day your favourite teacher told your parents you don't pay enough attention in her class. the moment the doctor said you need to eat more greens and limit your screen time. that time the school nurse announced your weight aloud and the entire class laughed. the day you realised your father is not a hero. the phase of hating anything pink and realising it later. the day your group chose a different table during recess. the evening your crush spoke at length about his girlfriend. the painful night you spent in the hospital room. the day the person you admired the most forgot your name. the weight of smoke filling your lungs with your first drag. the day your mother said you disappoint her. the day your career choices separated you from your best friend. the night you heard your parents quarrel. the taste of whiskey neat. the day your most comfortable tshirt stopped fitting you.
the first time you held your niece in your arms. the day you started liking mint chocolate chip ice cream. the moment you found out the hot stranger in the hallway is your classmate. that time you nailed the toughest question in the quiz. the day your favourite pair of heels stopped giving you shoebite. the phase of secretly putting on your mother's make up and posing in the mirror when you're home alone. the day a pair of jeans fit you perfectly. the evening you hit the winning six. the night of dancing to taylor swift songs, the lyrics to which your lips still remember. the day you sat on the terrace and watched the sunset with your best friends. the weight of your body as you take the last drag. the day that scary teacher saved your ass. the day you received an anonymous love letter. the night your sister let you steal all the covers. the taste of the candy you last had when you were five. the day you deposited your first pay-cheque.
when you left home for college. losing your grandma and the laddoo recipe only she could execute perfectly. when your friend got into the best uni but it's continents apart. the night you sneaked out for a concert - you were anxious throughout, but you also cried tears of joy. breaking up because it wasn't working out - getting your sanity back, but losing your bff forever. your first kiss - sloppy and embarassing, but innocent.
the instant you figured out your favourite word - bitter, but sweet.
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skineasi · 5 months
SkinEasi comfoot anti shoe bite gel or cream helps to prevent shoe bite, feet blisters, running blisters and pain due to friction caused by shoes or footwear.
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skineasi · 1 year
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SkinEasi comfoot anti shoe bite cream helps to prevent shoe bite, feet blisters, running blisters and pain due to friction caused by shoes or footwear. Buy now!
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