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We've got a couple of great 𝓡𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵 opportunities if your business is looking for space!
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nextradevelopers · 2 years
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Why Choose Nextra The Address Mayur Vihar for Retail Shops?" Are you planning to set up a retail shop in Delhi? Look no further than Nextra The Address in Mayur Vihar. With its prime location, high footfall, and modern infrastructure, it is the perfect place to showcase your products and attract customers. From small kiosks to large showrooms, Nextra The Address offers a range of options to suit your needs. So, what are you waiting for? Book your retail shop at Nextra The Address today.
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moth-in-the-broth · 4 months
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Welcome to shopspace
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tumbleweed-writes · 4 months
Scorned: Chibs Telford X Reader. Chapter Two
Chibs was still seething by the time he made it back to the Sons clubhouse. He had taken a long ride after confronting Jarry, hoping that the long ride could clear his brain and soothe the dreadful sense of anxiety that had settled down into his belly.
He found though that he still felt just as keyed up as he’d been when he’d left the local police department. If anything he found that he felt more irritable as the day had gone on and his mind had longer to stew on the situation with his ex fling and his current love.
He barely acknowledged Tig, barely giving his vice president a tight nod, as he rounded the corner of the service counter that had once served ice cream and other novelty treats.
The service counter now served as a makeshift bar of sorts, glasses, pitchers, and bottles of liquor being stored under the cabinet and bottles of beer resting in the mini fridge that had been purchased.
It was not the most sophisticated setup and it was certainly nothing compared to the bar that had rested at the old Sons clubhouse at TM Auto, but it worked for their current needs.
That could be said about most of the features of their current clubhouse. It fit for their current needs but they were unsure if it would be where their clubhouse would remain.
The space did not feel as secure as the Sons old compound out at TM. The old storefront honestly felt as though it was a little too public facing though the line of shops the building resided on was not the most active.
Jacob Hale had bought out most of the shopspace when he had hopes of building a high end condo on the property. That dream of course had been shot down partially thanks to SAMCRO’s involvement in making sure that plans for development did not go through.
The retail and living spaces had been left empty for years, Hale finding that he was unable to unload them for a price that might cause him to break even.
A few businesses had moved into the spaces but the area still felt less than developed.
That didn’t mean that more businesses might come though. 
Chibs couldn’t help but to think that perhaps SAMCROs clubhouse needed to be in a more secure feeling location where the public was less likely to gaze upon it so easily. 
At least the old clubhouse had felt separate from the Sons legit business at the auto mechanic shop. The old clubhouse had the ability to be gated off with the fence surrounding TM Auto and the clubhouse lot. It had made things feel more protected in times of lockdowns and had given a sense of privacy.
Privacy was not something SAMCRO could financially afford at the moment though. They were barely out of the red with RedWoody Productions. There had been some side work doing protection runs for a few trucking companies and a couple of other side jobs involving bodyguard gigs. The club was just scraping by though.
Chibs had hopes that perhaps when the club found themselves enough out of the red that they might be able to look for a more permanent home that felt less open to the public. He had also considered perhaps buying Hale out and buying a few of the properties beside Scoops and Sweets. They could surely find a way to construct some sort of massive clubhouse that felt a little more secure with more buildings and the right construction crew.
It was just a pipedream at this point though the club not quite having the money to invest in that kind of project at the moment.
They had at least finally painted over the Scoops and Sweets signs hanging over their awning and the ice cream and candy signs on the sides of the entrance making it look less inviting to anyone who was unaware that this building no longer was an innocent ice cream parlor. 
A club hangaround had even offered to paint a Sons Reaper somewhere on the building, but Chibs and the man were still negotiating just what the idea would entail.
Chibs could admit he was at a loss as to what to do with the building. 
His brothers and he had done their best to make the space feel less like an old retail space and more like their clubhouse but it was a slow work in progress.
A few Friday night parties had at least managed to happen in the smaller space making it feel more like home as time had gone on.
Chibs said nothing as he opened the cabinet below him, finding a shot glass and a bottle of Jameson.
Tig watched as Chibs poured a far too full shot, taking it down before following it up with another in quick succession.
He dared to speak spotting the tension rolling off his club Pres. “You good brother?”
Chibs gritted his jaw there being a million things he wanted to say to describe how he felt at the moment but he only found one statement that perfectly encapsulated how he felt. 
“Ye ever felt like yer past was comin up tryin to fuck over yer future?”
“More often than you know. What’s this about? Everything quiet with the Irish?” Tig dared to ask jumping to the most logical conclusion about just what Chibs’ past pertained to.
Chibs sighed, taking another shot almost wishing it was that simple. He would almost rather deal with the True IRA than whatever shit Sheriff Jarry was attempting to pull.
He let out another sigh shaking his head. “Aye, not heard a word from em in a long while.”
He paused the venom clear in his voice as he spoke again explaining his issue. “Fuckin Sheriff Jarry’s been talkin to my ol lady, bringing up our past arrangement to Y/N. Stirring up shite.”
Tig let out a heavy huff, his jaw tensing at the comment. He shook his head quick to ask. “What game do you think she’s playing here? It’s been almost over a year since you two ended that little arrangement. You think she’s playing the long game, trying to prod an ol lady to say the wrong thing so she can go after SAMCRO?”
Chibs shifted the bottle of Jameson in his hand thinking about just drinking straight from the bottle at this point but quickly decided against it. “I don’t know. I almos hope it’s that simple. I can’t shake the fuckin feelin its more personal than that though. Feels more like she’s got it out fer me fer endin shite with her. She left town pretty soon after Jackie Boy…after shite ended.”
Chibs paused his throat growing tight at the mention of his fallen brother and the sacrifice that had been made. 
He took a deep breath speaking again. “Feels more like she’s stirrin up shite to try to get rid of her competition. She was always fuckin push and pull with me. Didn’t want the reality of what bein with me was but was back and forth on if she wanted to end shite. She wanted me to make the choice fer her so she could be pissed no matter what fuckin choice I made. It was fuckin exhausting, shite felt draining. I couldn’t fuckin trust her. The sex was great, but the shite that went along with her was fuckin killin me. I’m the one who finally put an end to the back and forth bullshite. Part of me thinks she had hopes we’d rekindle shite between us at some point…that things would go back to the way they were, her feedin us intel and money bein exchanged…us fucking. I fuckin told her it was over when I ended it, told her we’d make her disappear if she got on SAMCRO’s wrong side. Me movin on and takin an ol lady is a sign that I meant what I said bout it bein over.”
He shook his head still glaring down at the bottle of Jameson. “Feels like Jarry either wants to push Y/N from me to knock her out of the way and force me back to her…or she jus wants to fuckin punish me fer movin on.”
Tig let out a heavy sigh shaking his head unable to stop himself from saying it. “Guess that’s why they say not to stick your dick in crazy.”
Chibs scoffed at the comment, a small pained chuckle leaving him. “Aye, think we’re both guilty of that shite.”
Tig gave him a slight nod raising his brows knowing Chibs had a point. He’d not always chosen the most stable of bedroom partners in the past.
Chibs continued to stare down at the bottle of Irish Whiskey, his head aching and his mind spinning.
He found himself fretting over just what Jarry’s game plan was here. He didn’t trust her. That had been one of the biggest issues in their time together; a lack of trust.
How could he trust anyone who wore a badge? Even if the badge was worn by a cop who was willing to play dirty?
He was certain she didn’t trust him either. He was a professed criminal so of course she had not trusted him.
She had spent the relationship pushing for him to give her more information about the activities of the Sons and truth about acts he denied them having any involvement with.
Chibs was unwilling to open that can of worms up with her though. He had the slightest feeling she could not entirely handle the truth with as back and forth and as flighty as she seemed.
She was constantly declaring that he was the worst choice for her romantically in one breath and insisting that she wanted him in the other breath.
She would goad him into being the bad guy and breaking things off with her and when he refused to make the choice for her she reacted with anger and spite.
It felt like mental chess and Chibs was too damn old for mind games.
To be honest he had found himself knowing that there was no real future between them; no reasonable one at least.
They could never be exactly open about their involvement. It wouldn’t look so innocent to have the local sheriff dating the known outlaw biker. The residents of Charming would kick Jarry right out of the job if there was any sort of normal courting situation.
The only option had been to be secretive and to maintain the exchange of information and cash between Jarry and SAMCRO as well as the secret sexual encounters between Chibs and Jarry.
Although the sex had been good and he had fun with Jarry when she was not so controlling and neurotic, Chibs had known that there was no chance of longevity in their odd pairing.
Althea Jarry was controlling, paranoid, indecisive, and at times erratic . She spent her time pushing his buttons and his patience until they both brought out the worst in one another.
Good sex and an exchange of intel for SAMCRO had not been worth the emotional turmoil Chibs felt that Jarry had brought with.
Tig finally spoke nodding to the bottle Chibs was still hyper focused on. “Venus and I can take Y/N out to lunch this weekend…see where her head is at, see if she feels threatened and reassure she’s got no reason to be. You know if Jarry pushed any buttons, Venus’ll know how to unjam em. You gotta talk to Y/N bout this though. Don’t know how much you told her about Jarry and you, but you gotta tell her everything. Prepare her for the worst and trust her to handle it.”
He paused quick to speak again. “You should get out of here. Get on over to Y/N’s place. Open up to her about this shit. Sitting here and trying to drown it in Jameson isn’t going to do you any favors.”
Chibs frowned, wanting to snark that Tig thought he was some kind of relationship expert now that he had a steady ol lady in Venus Van Dam.
He bit his tongue keeping the comment inward knowing lashing out at Tig for genuinely giving him some good advice was not ideal. He could admit to it being a surprise that this good advice came from such an unlikely source.
Chibs knew Tig had a point. Y/N would most likely alleviate his fears and anxieties or at the very least be willing to share the burden of them with him.
When Chibs had met Y/N he had still been reeling from how things had ended with Jarry.
The sheriff had taken a long sabbatical after the misery that had gone down with the fall of Jax Teller.
Chibs had been left struggling to pick up the pieces of the fractured club that was now his responsibility to lead. He had been left traumatized by loss and the horror of all that had happened.
To make matters feel more emotionally draining Fiona had decided to grant him a long awaited for divorce which meant that Chibs was coping with the fact that that chapter of his life was officially legally closed. It had been a closure that had left him both mourning what had been and feeling uncertain of what would be. 
He had been sleep deprived, stressed, and emotionally drained when Venus Van Dam had casually brought up the cute little thing that had opened up an antique shop down the street from the Sons clubhouse.
Chibs had not thought much of the comment he having a million other things on his mind. He’d not even paid much mind to it when Tig had begun to go on little shopping trips with Venus down the street to this antique shop.
When Kerrianne’s birthday had rolled around and Chibs had been at a loss as what to buy her, Venus had suggested the shop.
He’d not walked into that shop expecting to fall in love, but it had hit him like a brick to the back of the head.
He was not a believer in love at first sight. He’d always firmly thought it was more of a case of lust at first sight.
There had been something there between Y/N and he upon their first interaction; a comfort he’d not known with many people.
He had realized that Venus had picked up on it quickly, spotting the look on his face when he’d returned with a purchased bracelet for his daughter and a look in his eyes that screamed infatuation.
Venus Van Dam was a hopeless romantic and had seemed to encourage the interactions between Chibs and Y/N mentioning the shop would be a good place to find items to furnish the clubhouse and make it feel more like home.
The visits to the shop had become frequent for Chibs and a friendship had grown.
When Venus had proudly announced that Y/N would be attending a Friday night party as her guest, Chibs had taken extra care into his appearance that night.
He’d spent the first hours of the party nursing a shot and keeping his eyes on the crowd searching for Venus and her guest.
When they’d entered the party he’d not had time to approach them as Venus had led Y/N right to him. He’d spent the vast majority of that party attempting to woo her.
Shots had been shared and Chibs had offered to teach her to play pool. A joint had been shared on the roof when the party had grown a little too full of debauchery. 
He’d asked her on a date over a shared joint relieved that she had agreed to it.
They’d not looked back after that.
Y/N was someone he could trust. There was no push with her. It was all pull.
It was nothing like the pull he’d endured with Jarry. The pull from Jarry had always felt desperate, manipulative at times, starved, and frantic. Jarry had always pulled him back to her in ways that were steeped with panic, lust, and at times rage.
He’d lost count of the amount of times he had found himself pulled back towards Jarry after a at times physical altercation between the pair they winding up practically hate fucking.
The pull to Jarry always felt tinged with something rotten and unstable.
The pull towards Y/N felt comforting. He could best describe it as a sense of warmth and security. The pull towards her felt healing after all the pain and loss he’d endured. It felt peaceful. The pull towards her felt loving and accepting. He felt like he had found some sense of serenity. 
He felt his stomach turn fearing that Jarry was hoping to taint that sense of peace. 
Chibs pushed back the bottle of Jameson making a silent promise to himself that he would not allow his past to taint his future.
He refused to let Jarry take this away from him.
Their clothing lay strewn across her living room and down her hallway long forgotten. 
Chibs had come to her apartment intending to be mature and talk this out with her. His lips had met hers the second she’d opened the door though and talking had been forgotten for more pleasurable activities.
Y/N laid by his side they both nude resting under her bedsheets the AC flipping on making the room cooler than necessary.
She stared up at Chibs as he sat by her side, a magazine resting in his lap with rolling papers and a familiar baggie.
She spoke, rolling her eyes ever so slightly. “Don’t spill anything. I really don’t want to go through the hassle of trying to figure out how to get any bits of bud out of my bedsheets at this hour.”
“I’ve been rollin joints longer than ye been alive ye brat.” He remarked playfully, causing a soft laugh to leave her, she rolling her eyes again. 
“Our age difference isn’t that massive.”
He smirked, shaking his head fast to point it out. “There’s at least a decade there, Love. Aint sayin more so I don’t feel too fuckin dirty bout it.”
She spoke a sigh leaving her as she watched him make the final moves on rolling the perfect joint. “You liked it when I called you a dirty old man that one time. You were pretty vocal about how much you liked it.”
“I liked that ye were riding my cock and I was sayin so much filthy shite cause I was pussy drunk, Love. We are amazing at sayin filthy sinful shite in the moment. Pretty sure we established after our first time that we are both suckers for dirty talk.” He pointed out a snicker leaving his lips as he placed the magazine and baggie aside, finding a lighter and an ashtray she kept on the nightstand just for him.
She watched him place the joint between his lips and light it taking the initial first hit.
She reached out he passing it to her, allowing her to take her own drag from it.
They passed it back and forth silently for a long moment they both feeling the heavy relaxed sensation of a high wash over them. Chibs Telford always had the best pot. It was something she'd figured out quickly upon their first shared joint at that Friday night party months and months ago when he'd finally asked her on a date.
He finally put out the joint in the ashtray before he settled down back against her.
She snuggled close to him, his arms opening for her allowing her to rest her head against his chest.
The peaceful feeling didn’t last for long Y/N finally working up the nerve to say it. “Am I allowed to know the details about the history between you and the Bitch Sheriff and just why she’s pissed off enough to approach me about it?”
Chibs sighed knowing he had to follow Tig’s advice and be 100 percent open about it all. “Back when Jackie Boy was still…here…some shite went down with the former sheriff, man was murdered and a new sheriff came to town. Sheriff Jarry started sniffin round the club made it clear she was open to developing a profitable relationship with SAMCRO.”
“She’s a dirty cop?” Y/N asked decoding what he meant by a profitable relationship.
He sighed nodding his head as he spoke again. “She wasn’t jus interested in that though…she was interested in me.”
“So you dated?” She asked surprised by the information. She would have assumed that Chibs’ activities with SAMCRO would have made him wary of the cops.
Chibs sighed again, tempted to reach out and relight the joint to calm his nerves. “Not exactly…it wasn’ the mos traditional pairing, Love. We met traded intel fer cash…and we fucked. We developed a wee bit of a pattern; meetin up fer sex. Shite between us couldn’t be a fuckin normal relationship.”
“Would you have wanted it to be? Did you love her?” Y/N dared to ask a small frown crossing her features as she took in the information he’d just dropped in her lap.
Chibs sighed, rolling the question through his head before he spoke. “At times I thought I’d not mind it. There were wee moments of fondness. I might of started to fall fer her at times when things felt good, but shite was usually too destructive fer it to be love. I don't think it was love, at least fer me it wasn't…more often than not shite between us was fuckin toxic. We brought out nasty sides of each other…We fought a lot…not just verbal spats but there were a few physical fights. I always took pride in not bein the kind of lad that thinks it’s fair to hit a woman but she wasn’t afraid to hit me and I reacted in turn. We’d fight and fuck and never deal with the reality of what things were between us. It was exhausting and awful. So, no even if shite had been different and she wasn’t a cop, I don’t think I woulda wanted it to be a real relationship not fer long at least.”
He paused, relieved that she didn’t yank away from him at the mention of physical altercations. It was not something he was proud of. “She never could fuckin accept that shite between us was complicated. I wasn’ goin to leave SAMCRO and she wasn’ goin to stop bein a fuckin cop. We never could trust each other given our business arrangement. I couldn’t fuckin tell her anyhing without fearin she’d use it agains the club. She wasn’t fuckin tellin me a thing unless she got cash in her hand. She was never fuckin satisfied with the reality of what we were. She couldn’t make up her mind bout if she wanted shite with me to continue or wanted me gone. She would try to push me away in one breath and yank me back in another.”
He frowned his stomach in knots fearing what her reaction might be to all of this information when he was done. “I didn't love her. Nothin between us was fuckin love. I was miserable and shite with her was too complicated and too stressful to keep goin on. I’m the one who made the final push. I told her it was over, I ended shite. Told her the truth, that I don’t love her, she’s a fuckin cop and I’m a fuckin outlaw. Told her what happens to cops who wind up on the wrong side of SAMCRO. Made sure she knew shite between us had to end. I ended the arrangement between SAMCRO and her and the shite between us the only way I knew how…by tellin her the truth.”
“Do you think she loved you? Do you think it was ever something more for her?” Y/N dared to ask, thinking of her interaction with Jarry. It had screamed jealousy and heartbreak.
Chibs let out a heavy sigh shaking his head. “Not sure, she wasn’ exactly open bout how she felt. Most of her talkin to me was pushin fer info bout the club or pushin my buttons with her mind games bout if she wanted to break up with me or not. The…pyhysical aspect of our relationship mighta been good, and she was fun when she wasn’t playing fuckin mind games with me. The good moments were rare though. I’m glad it's over and to be honest…I regret it happened. I won’t lie, Love…shite between her and me started with Jax wanting me to keep her in SAMCRO’s pocket. It wasn’t a foundation fer anything good.”
He cringed, almost certain she would tell him it was too much, almost sure she’d deem him as some asshole for the latter part of his admission about using sex to keep Jarry in SAMCRO’s pocket.
She let out a heavy sigh shaking her head. “Should I be worried about her? She was trying to intimidate me by bringing up how unsafe SAMCRO is. Then when that didn’t work… It felt like she was trying to swing her dick around…remind me that she had you first. She seems a little too interested in trying to start shit with me. Something tells me that having a fucking cop as my sworn enemy isn’t going to do me any favors especially considering who I’m dating.”
“Ye ain got nothin to worry bout. If she starts shite with ye, let me handle it.” Chibs insisted squeezing her a little closer to him, a protective tone entering his voice.
It was a feeling he was accustomed to having with her; protective.
She gave him a crooked smile fast to speak. “I will handle it before you do, trust me, Filip. I felt like she was going out of her way to almost…play some kind of juvenile mean girl game with me…I don’t like bullies. I can’t promise I won’t throw a punch before I call you if she ever tries to push my buttons again.”
He chuckled a somewhat proud smirk crossing his lips at the comment. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head daring to ask. “How are ye feelin bout…everything I just told ye?”
“We all have our pasts, Filip. I mean…we are both divorcees.” Y/N pointed out the comment making his stomach turn well aware of the history between his girlfriend and her ex husband.
It had come up pretty soon in their romantic relationship; the reason behind why Y/N had moved so much in the past decade and why she had considered even changing her last name.
He felt his stomach turn his mind more focused on the thoughts of her ex and the traumatic history there as she spoke again. “I think we both have crazy exes.”
She paused, not giving him long to focus on the comment as she spoke again. “At least I like your ex wife.”
He let out a huff still stunned that Fiona Larkin had taken an approving shine to Y/N.
The meeting had been forced as Kerrianne had wanted to visit her da in the states four months before and Fiona was wary even if Kerrianne was legally an adult now.
Chibs didn’t blame her given the seedy business SAMCRO was involved in with Redwoody and the danger that came with his world.
He had resisted the urge to argue that Fiona’s world with the True IRA was just as dangerous and had instead brought up the fact that his girlfriend had a normal safe job and would look out for Kerrianne if something came up.
Fiona had of course insisted that she must meet this girlfriend if she were to trust her child with her.
Chibs had resisted the urge to argue and be upset that she seemingly did not trust his judgment.
So, a facetime call had been set between Y/N and Fiona with Chibs nervously pacing outside the room after Fiona had insisted that he didn’t need to be hovering over the women as they talked.
He had been dumbfounded that the talk had gone well and Fiona had given Y/N such glowing praise. The two had developed a cordial and even friendly relationship given that it was becoming obvious that Y/N was here to stay and would be involved in Kerrianne’s life.
He spoke a huff leaving him at the comment. “Fuckin funny.”
Y/N gave him a crooked smile unable to stop herself from teasing him. “It’s true though, if you ever piss me off I’m packing my bags up and going to Belfast.”
He managed to give her backside a swat working a giggle from her as he spoke. “Aint fuckin losin ye to my ex wife. Even if I piss ye off I’m doin what it takes to keep ye around.”
She smiled at the comment, her lips pressing to his cheek recalling his earlier comment. “I’m not going anywhere, even if you are a dirty old man.”
He gave her backside another swat, his lips eagerly pressing to hers as he spoke. “Not too old to make ye moan my name.”
“I know, I do have a love for antiques though given my line of work.” She snarked back the comment earning her another kiss, he turning her over onto her back, his lips pressing to hers.
He moved over her with ease his lips pressing down her body. She let out a soft pleased sigh at the sensation. He spoke his lips soft against her skin the words leaving him. “Gonna show ye that I aint an antique yet.”
She let out a soft moan enjoying the press of his lips to her skin and the scratch of his facial hair against her. She had never had a more determined nor a more passionate lover than Chibs Telford.
All thoughts of Sheriff Jarry faded from Y/N’s mind as she soaked up the love Chibs gave her.
Y/N had no intention of letting anything nor anyone take the love Chibs showed her away.
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yeuc-c · 1 year
what are the names of all the floors in regretevator... the wiki can NOT be using [name needed] anymore.... .. .. ...
THE FLOOR NAMES ARE AS FOLLOWS : 3008 AfterEvangelion BirthdayDestruction ButtonCompetition CardboardHouse Danceparty DreamWorld Drive-Thru ElevatorInsideAx5 OtherElevator FNARB AlienForest FunFloodAtSquishys FunnyMaze GumballMachine HoleInTheWall HotelFloor IntenseObby JeremysDomain(princessFloor) Minefield MysteriousBallRoom ClassicObby OldRobloxHouseParty PureCheesination RandomMaze RedBallPile StanelyRoom SLIDE_9999999999_FEET_DOWN_RAINBOWSLIDE ShopSpace FleshCousinBirthday MCSkyblock SoundOfScifi Spikes Elevator_Squish TheSubway SuspiciouslyElongatedRoom RockPark Backrooms Tumble_ballpit Turret DogParty Omori RockCollection flatgrass
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shahdevelopers · 1 month
Design & Layout at SL Highstreet's Shop Space for Sale in Sangli
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SL Highstreet is an upcoming commercial marvel in Sangli, designed to redefine the business landscape with its state-of-the-art infrastructure and strategic location. Located on Sangli Miraj Road near Vishrambag Chowk, this project offers unparalleled connectivity to Pune, Bangalore, and Mumbai, making it a prime choice for retail shopspaces for sale in Sangli, showrooms, office spaces, and luxury hotel suites.
Architectural Brilliance of SL Highstreet
One of the standout features of SL Highstreet is its architectural brilliance. The structure features a sleek glass facade, adding to its visual allure and reflecting a modern and sophisticated architectural style. The use of glass in the design floods the interior with natural light, resulting in a bright and inviting atmosphere. The reflective surface of the glass facade changes with varying light conditions, adding a dynamic element to the building's appearance while controlling solar heat gain. This feature not only lowers energy usage by maximizing natural daylight but also minimizes the reliance on artificial lighting, offering continuous views of the surrounding landscape.
Green Building
The building is a testament to eco-friendly practices. It incorporates smart design elements like MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) systems, a smart fire-fighting system, and smart sensors, all of which contribute to reducing the building's carbon footprint. Additionally, SL Highstreet promotes recycling programs and initiatives aimed at minimizing environmental impact, reinforcing its commitment to sustainability.
From a structural standpoint, SL Highstreet is designed to withstand natural calamities, featuring an earthquake-resistant RCC structure. This green building not only adheres to the highest safety standards but also aligns with contemporary eco-friendly practices, ensuring a secure and sustainable environment for all occupants.
World-class Amenities
SL Highstreet is not just about practicality and safety; it is also about providing a luxurious and engaging experience. The project includes rooftop amenities, an entertainment zone, a game zone, and much more, ensuring that visitors and tenants have access to a wide range of recreational activities. The integration of these amenities makes it a bustling hub of activity, attracting foot traffic and enhancing the business prospects of its occupants.
Smart Offices are useful for
E-Commerce Trading
Manufacturing Companies
Telecom & Media
SL Highstreet offers a perfect blend of cutting-edge design, environmental sustainability, and strategic location. It is poised to become a landmark in Sangli, providing businesses with a vibrant, secure, and aesthetically pleasing environment. Whether you're looking to invest in retail space, office space, or luxury hotel suites, SL Highstreet promises a lucrative opportunity with its modern amenities and eco-friendly practices.
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tonyastahlrealtor · 2 years
Massive commercial property on a secured fenced lot with 1,700 sqft of office space and 14,400 sqft of shop space!
Call Tonya Stahl with Team Properties Group for more info on 1607 E Lincoln St in Gillette, WY 📲307.299.1396 
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ndiehsdesigns-blog · 5 years
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I finally got a space in HappyhayClothing ~ owned by @hayleyrobbins.lloyd 💖 It's an exciting experience and I look forward to the future with a positive mindset💖 ***** #designermaker #meettheartist #meetthemaker #textiledesigner #textileartist #newshop #bigstep #greaterheights #bosslady #smallbusiness #ladyinbusiness #workingmum #imake #icreate #imakejewelry #imakebags #isewbags #shopspace #sewingshop #sewingspace #happyspace #ndiehsdesigns at HappyhayClothing https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzl0P3JAjDy/?igshid=5rwnbb4k8r7x
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worksbyahurst · 6 years
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I guess the whole #10yearchallenge is a thing so let's see how my show has changed in the last 10 years. I taught myself to weld so that I could restore and build an autocross car. I was working out of a 2 car garage in a house that we rented. The little Millermatic 140 was brand new and my first welder. Fast forward 10 years and I've been slowly setting up my shop to work and form metal. I am very limited in space with the total shop size of 12 x 19. I honestly like the cozy atmosphere and it forces me to stay organized. I watched a documentary about shop space being a sacred space and I couldn't agree more. If you treat your creative space as important and sacred it translates into your work. I would someday like to own a vertical mill, lathe, power hammer and serious forge. I would also like to move into forging and casting. Thanks for reading all of that. . . #shop #metalart #metalforming #welding #fabrication #worksbyahurst #metalsculpture #shopspace #creativespace https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1VCN2DbLJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=31f5vojf4ke7
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shopspace4rent · 3 years
Shop Space Rental Prices
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Shop space rental price packages are different on our website. You just need to visit our website and choose from different plans to choose from that are surely flexible. You can start from a 60 USD per month package which allows you to post up to 3 active rental spaces. To see our subscription package visit us. 
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kingsmanconsultants · 4 years
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Shopping center art from recycle materials . . . #recyclematerials #recycledart #recycledplastic #artworkstagram #artworkdaily . #streetart #shoppingcenterdecor #marrickville #marrickvillemetro #seagull . #chipsandseagulls #chips #seagulldecoration #seagulldecor #sydneyart . #shoppingmalldecoration #shoppingmalldecor #shoppingmalldesign #shopspace . . . . . . #renovation. #Design. #renovating #reno #renovatingSydney . #renovationconsultant #kingsmanconsultants @kingsmanconsultants #旅行好きな人と繋がりたい (at Marrickville Metro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIB5P-ulXiP/?igshid=3jkd0vcv7d7c
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rocketmanprops · 5 years
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It's been 6 months since we last worked on this bench, but today @arcadewolf and I finally put the top together and got it all bolted to the wall, we finally have an a actual work surface in the garage. The last bits it needs it's shelf surfaces underneath, but for now it's way more usable than it's been. Now to start organizing my old #workbench to get the whole garage more usable.#shopspace #hackspace #PropTarts https://www.instagram.com/p/B6sAArBBSy_/?igshid=14k483unp3sne
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therealtorvic · 5 years
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WWW.WALLERTEXASRANCH.COM #shop #runyourbusiness #shopspace #unrestricted #commercialrealestate https://www.instagram.com/p/B1B0vaGgsJ5/?igshid=8vp81rqd38uh
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baileighindustrial · 7 years
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@davemoneysign is on his way! ・・・ Got my first piece of @baileigh_industrial industrial machinery today and I'm pretty pumped to use it! Assembly of the DP-2012F went well, I was able to do most of it myself but @ktmoneysign helped with lugging the head unit out of the car and into the garage. Also picked up a set of coveted Viking High Speed Twist Drills. These drill bits are my absolute favorite and I can't say enough about their sharpness and durability! Plus Viking is made just a few hours away from here so that's pretty neat! #baileighindustrial #baileigh_industrial #baileigharmy #drillpress #drill #vikingdrills #drillbits #drillbit #drillindex #home #shop #shopspace #garage #fabrication #metalwork
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tonyastahlrealtor · 2 years
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Not only does this industrial building offer 11,200 sqft of shop space, you'll find 1600 sqft of office space to keep the business running smoothly! https://bit.ly/3OSlOeo
Call Tonya Stahl with Team Properties Group to see 301 S Enterprise Ave in Gillette, WY 📲 307.299.1396
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dcbcustoms · 6 years
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Good times... . . . . . . #sandiego #smallbusiness #dcbcustoms #california #shop #knifeshop #knifemaking #knifeshop #drywall #diy #shopspace #customknives #chefknife #knifecommunity #knifelife (at Carlsbad, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuUe55Ahl9y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13umpyevxvm8w
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