#shout out to montero (call me by your name) it was on the list until i remembered the ok orchestra was 2021
igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
hi megs! i would like to know top 5 5sos live performances and also top 5 songs that came out last year! -taylor<3
hi taylor! lovely to have you here! you picked some hard but good ones!
top 5 5sos live performances: so i'm going to preface this by saying i don't actually really watch a lot of live performance videos so my knowledge is limited (also these won't be in any order sorry)
the mijito rico moment in their santiago chile show!! so so endearing and makes my heart melt :)) this video shows the whole thing (plus what i like about you) and this one's shorter but from a better angle so best of both worlds! i would commit major crimes for luke in this probably felonies
am i allowed to say the performance for the live mytt album? i would not be able to match any videos to it lol but i love listening to it so much so i'm counting it
gotta be their cover of teenage dream live at siriusxm i have watched it,, an embarrassing amount of times kjflksdj i tried learning to make gifs for this video (how many seconds are they supposed to even be?) they're very cute and they sound *chef's kiss* and don't even get me STARTED on michael's bridge it's just. i just. it sounds so. hrghhhhh (it starts at 2:21 if you want some maximum damage)
the phoenix show in november 2014 i've seen some great videos from it (wrapped around your finger anyone?) there's classic red-haired michael, quiff luke, blonde streak calum, ashton in a tank top, x's galore,,, it just feels like a good snapshot of 2014 5sos which i appreciate especially as someone who wasn't in the fandom at the time
okay so full disclosure i have not seen all of this i've been saving it for emergency purposes however! their 2017 moscow show's luke *is* the luke from the fic i've been working on for over a year now so it's gotta have a mention (plus what i have seen has been good!!) bc every time i see a clip or a gif from it i'm like "that's my boy!! my son!!!" so. there you go sdlkfjsdkljflsjd
top 5 songs that came out last year: another one needing a disclosure but i don't always pay attention to what year a song comes out so i'm almost definitely missing some good ones here sorry lol
i miss 2003 by as it is is just soooo mmmmmmm i want to eat it and while admiring all the puns & references
2011 by 5sos i mean was i supposed to not include this one?? fun fact it's siblings with i miss 2003 they are best friends and are in the same color palette but aren't the same color. also i looped this while writing the final submission for my creative writing class and it's the only reason i got it in on time (it was still bad but necessarily so if that makes sense)
gosh what else came out in 2021 oh! waterparks new album! numb by waterparks is not only a great song but i also got to jam to it when my hair was green (there's a lyric about having green hair) which is always neat (and when my hair is inevitably green again i'll get to jam to it again!)
stop the presses!! i just remembered ok orchestra came out in 2021 this changes the whole game! okay well then first off humpty dumpty by ajr is just *chef's kiss* not just as a song but as an ~experience~ when you blast it with the windows down and scream along to the one line you know the one honestly you don't even have to be in a car it's just great
way less sad by ajr is one of those songs that i wish i could pass through time to one of my past selves. fall 2020 megs needed this song and didn't get it so i have to enjoy it for her and send my love down the wire to her every time i hear it
ask me about my top 5 whatevers!
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