#shout out to the insane cafe i ate in today that inspired this specific prompt
Adventure: Dreamy Drabble, 12 June 2023
special big huge Thank You! to @starcrosseddeancas for the awesome prompts, cheerleading, and running this Dreamy Drabble ❤️
deancas ust, 100 words
"I'd go on any adventure with you." Sam's sincerity made nearby diners gasp.
Dean gritted his teeth.
Cas, hand clasped in Sam's, nodded. "Of course I'll marry you."
The restaurant burst into applause. Dean considered fratricide.
Elsewhere, a dozen trays clanged to the floor; Rowena appeared tableside, hands covered in bloody glitter.
"Gentlemen, we need to hurry." She fled through the fire exit. 
"Thanks for helping with the distraction," Sam told Cas in the alley.
Dean said under his breath, to no one, "I could've gotten engaged to Cas too, you know."
"You still could," Cas pointed out.
Dean hiccuped.
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