#shout out to woozi and vernon
wnjunhui · 1 year
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SVT’s certified cats 
/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗
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vernoniekiss · 2 months
svt when someone makes their s/o uncomfortable | [ ot13 ]
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[🫧] seungcheol
- protective leader mode the moment he senses something is off. he’s not gonna stand around and let someone make you feel uncomfortable. he’ll make sure to stand between you and the person and make himself known and signal to the guy to not mess with him or you. cause it’ll get messy.
[🫧] jeonghan
- constantly checking up on you, checking if your okay and that he’s not hurt you. nags at the guy to leave you alone and to get out of there. he would never leave your side after. you wanna go home ?? that’s fine, he also wants to go home. you wanna go for a walk ?? that’s also fine, he can do with some fresh air.
[🫧] joshua
- a real gentleman, when he notices someone is making you uncomfortable he’s at your side in an instant. he hopes the dude backs off knowing you have a boyfriend but if he doesn’t get the hint, joshua would make sure he gets the hint “hello darling, is this man bothering you” and eyeing down the man.
[🫧] junhui
- he’ll become a clingy man, never left your side from the start. would give you small kisses here and there to make sure the dude knows you’re taken. i’m afraid he’s also the type to stick his tongue out at the dude in a “haha she’s mine” type of way 😞.
[🫧] hoshi
- they do NOT wanna mess with this man who has a black belt in taekwondo. this man can take it outside. he’ll take you home, no way is he staying there when someone is eye fucking his girl.
[🫧] wonwoo
- on the outside he’s chill but in the inside he can feel a swirl of anger. he doesn’t wanna cause a huge commotion and catch the public’s eye on this so he settles it quietly. bumps his shoulder to the guy when walking past with your hands in his.
[🫧] woozi
- knew it was a bad idea at the start but he wanted you to have some fun. eyebrows furrowed as he made his way to you. he’s been observing for the past few minutes, you declining the mans offer but he doesn’t seem to back off. slides his arm around your waist before nudging you off the seat towards him. he’s taking you home.
[🫧] dokyeom
- if he was having fun before, he’s now not having fun. “uhm excuse me” while he takes you by the hand away from the man and onto the dance floor. “what an asshole” he says which makes you laugh. he smiles the moment you laugh. your smile brightens up his day.
[🫧] mingyu
- this man knows how to take advantage of his height and his build. also would block you out of the persons view and make you hide behind him. tells the person to back off or else. “sorry your making MY girlfriend uncomfortable”
[🫧] minghao
- calm… scary calm… he can be protective over his s/o. so when someone makes you uncomfortable, he makes it known. “you’re making her uncomfortable”. gently takes your arm and lead you out to go on a walk. just you and him with the moon.
[🫧] seungkwan
- throws the person the NASTIEST glare ever. like who the fuck do they think they are ?! can’t they see that you are uncomfortable. shouts at the guy for a good 10 minutes before taking you by the hand and leaving the place.
[🫧] vernon
- he’s very attentive to you so when he notices a slight shift in your mood, he knows something is up. he’ll gladly take your hands and leave the place but not before shooting the guy a dirty look. would make sure you are okay the moment you’re out of the guys sight.
[🫧] chan
- swarms you with questions in-front of the guy. like a lot of questions. makes the guy feel awkward and eventually leaves you both alone. “are you really REALLY sure you’re okay?!” have to reassure him 100x times that you’re okay as long as he’s always there by your side.
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m00mis · 2 years
happy valentines day! here's a present ʕ⁠·⁠ᴥ⁠·⁠ʔ
feeding seventeen
scoups - his eyes would go wide when he sees you holding out a spoonful of food just for him and would open his mouth no questions asked, chewing with a smile and love in his eyes. but next time you ate without giving him any he would get very sulky and hold it against you
jeonghan - definitely the type of person to feed you back most of his food to make up the tiny bite that he had (”eat up! you have to stay healthy” "what about you?" "i get my strength from watching you eat")
joshua - he would refuse to eat any of your food because he feels bad taking it from you, even if he was starving . he appreciates the gesture though, and kisses you on your head as a thankyou before making sure you eat the rest (maybe he would even end up feeding you)
jun - he would gladly eat a spoon of your food and give you some of his in return but he would pretend it was an airplane, making the sound effects and everything even if you were in public. he enjoyed seeing you shy and embarrassed
hoshi - he would see you holding food for him and he would be so excited saying oooh! mmmm! yummy! before even tasting it because he knew whatever you had made was delicious. does a little dance while chewing and hangs around you for another mouthful thinking he's sly but it's so obvious, he's like a dog waiting for scraps
wonwoo - you made him all shy and he couldn’t make eye contact while you were staring at him to see whether he liked the food or not. after thoroughly chewing he would nod and agree that it was good. he would then ask if you wanted to try some of his and his hand would shake a little when feeding you
woozi - would just stare at you like... you really expect me to do this? but the moment you reacted just a little to his rejection he would swoop in and eat it and be surprised that it was good because he was scared at the mess you had made while cooking it
dk - when you held out your food he would smile so wide and open his mouth saying “aaaah” and react massively, repeatedly saying that it was the best thing he had ever tasted and that you should make him some next time because he would really, really enjoy it
mingyu - you had just made food but had to go to the bathroom, but mingyu was so hungry that he just had to try your food cuz it smelt so good. before he knew it he had devoured the entire thing so he started cooking the same meal for you to replace what he had eaten, apologising profusely when you returned to an empty plate ("listen i'm making some more right now-" "what the hell mingyu" "pLEASE i'm so sorry i'll never do it again i swear" "THATS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK")
the8 - you offer him the first bite of your meal so he can say whether its good or not. he's been doing this ever since you had a spoonful of the worst meal ever at a restaurant (you ordered it to impress him but it was so, so bad). he enjoys taking care of you and always ties your hair up for you while he decides if the food is good enough for you to eat
seungkwan - he walked past you seeing that you're eating alone so he goes to your room and starts pacing back and forth, overthinking everything and getting so worked up that he finally approaches you and half-shouts "yah aren't you going to feed me?" and you just casually offer up your food as if nothing had happened which makes him so annoyed. goes on about how he thought you didn't love him anymore "seriously i can't believe you were eating without me!"
vernon - he was being nosy and wondering what was smelling so good as you were cooking so you were constantly feeding him bits of it for him to taste and adjusting it to how he said. by the time it's on the table there's definitely not as much food as there was in the beginning but he makes up for it because he secretly bought your favourite dessert to surprise you (he shows you it with a massive smile: "tadaa!")
dino - definitely would suspect you from having 12 brothers. "seriously? i can have some? are you sure? you wont hold this against me so you can have some of mine right?" and you'd eventually get annoyed and go to eat it yourself but he would grab your arm and go "no wait don't eat it i want it, feed me :("
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scalingsvt8thusiast · 6 months
Skin-Deep Chapter 14
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summary: The one where you fall for Seungcheol amongst all the protests and insecurities. The one where you don't know that he's fallen for you too.
a/n: Final chapter of my super duper long series :D I hope you all enjoy!
“Vernon, I don’t know why your shoes don’t match your pants.” You hissed at your brother as the two of you were lead into the ballroom by one of Minghao’s attendants.
“Well, if you had just helped me pick, like I asked,” Vernon hissed back, “we wouldn’t be having this problem.”
“It’s not my fault all your shoes are ugly, bro.” You argued quietly. Annoying your brother was so much fun, it helped take your mind off he-who-shall-not-be-named. 
“Ah, the ever bickering Chwe twins.” Wen Junhui said, strolling up to the two of you. 
“Jun! I didn’t know you were back!” You said, pulling away from Vernon to give Junhui a hug. 
“China was such a bore,” Junhui rolled his eyes, “My dad made me sit through 50 business meetings in a day.”
“This is why we don’t attend meetings.” Vernon said, rubbing his nose while shaking his head.
“My dad’s insistent on me attending, he wants me to take over the company soon.” Junhui said solemnly. 
Junhui’s parents were the largest distributers of cement in all of China, or maybe Asia. You weren��t sure. You and your brother had met him via Minghao on a trip to China with your parents. The four of you tore up China’s nightlife in your high school days. You smiled at the memory. 
“Minghao sure is popular.” Vernon marvelled at the amount of people in the room. 
“Well, when your father’s a top politician…” Junhui trailed off, spotting Minghao making his way over. “There he is now! The birthday boy.”
Minghao’s father was a top politician in Haicheng. His family also had some business in the tea making industry. His wealth rivalled that of Junhui’s. Despite that, Minghao and Junhui were amongst the humblest people you knew. 
Minghao had a wide grin on his face as he hugged Junhui, exchanging greetings. He then turned to you and Vernon. 
“Y/n! Vernon! I haven’t seen you two in years!” Minghao cried, giving you and your brother a bone-breaking hug.
“Happy birthday!” You said, once Minghao had released the two of you. 
“Happy birthday.” Vernon echoed, as he held out two boxes for the birthday boy.
“You didn’t have to!” Minghao said, immediately grabbing the boxes. You had always gifted him the best birthday presents, Minghao planned to disappear in the next 5 minutes to rip open your present. 
“Just between you and me,” You whispered, pulling Minghao closer to you, “Vernon gave you socks.”
“I did not give you socks.” Vernon deadpanned, knowing his sister was out to mess with him tonight. 
The three of you burst out in laughter at your brother’s annoyed face. 
“Oh, I want you guys to meet my friends!” Minghao said, dragging Jun by the arm as you and Vernon followed. 
“Y/N?” A familiar voice shouted said. 
“Hoshi?!” You resounded, watching as the boy ran up to you. Almost knocking you over with a hug. 
“I missed you so much!” Real tears falling from Soonyoung’s eyes. 
“Oh my god Hosh, please don’t cry.” An embarrassed grin on your face as you patted the bawling man on the back.
“No one wants to go with me to that tiger cafe,” Hoshi said in between tears, “Do you know how hard that was for me?”
You chuckled, realising how much you missed your dramatic friend. When he finally released you, you were greeted by the other boys.
“Hi! I’m Jihoon.” He began with an outstretched hand. “You probably don’t remember me-,”
“Of course I remember you! We met at the producer showcase!” You smiled, giving him a hug. “I’m a very big fan of Woozi.”
Jihoon ears turned a deep shade of red at the mention of his pseudonym. 
He went back to standing next to Soonyoung who was still sniffling, whispering to the taller man, “I knew I always liked her.” 
You introduced all of them to your brother but you couldn’t ignore the nagging question you had at the back of your mind. 
“Did Seungcheol come as well?”
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Seungcheol had locked himself in a cubicle in the toilet. 
Yes, he knows he was being extremely immature.
When Minghao had pointed you out to him, he couldn’t handle seeing you in the arms of another man. Before he knew it, he was making a beeline for the bathroom. Not caring as he apparently bulldozed some prince of Monaco on his journey. 
He could stay in here the whole night. Right? 
He knew you didn’t like to stay at parties for long periods, so if he just sat out here for two, no, maybe three hours? He would be safe to leave. 
Yes, sit here. Ignoring his growling stomach and dwindling amount of orange juice. 
“Cheol, I know you’re in here.” He could hear Jeonghan’s singsong voice from outside the cubicle.
“Go away!” He sang back. He could literally feel himself sweating. Why oh why did he wear a tie today? 
“Cheol,” A knock came on the cubicle door. “You can’t avoid her forever.” 
Seungcheol sighed, opening the door, facing his annoying friend.
Jeonghan gave him a wide grin, sort of resembling the Joker.
“You knew!” Seungcheol’s eyebrows shooting up with realisation. “You knew she’d be here! And you didn’t tell me!” 
Jeonghan shrugged, he was pretty proud of himself right now. “If I told you, you wouldn’t have come.” 
“Han, I look like an idiot.” Seungcheol said, gesturing to himself.
Jeonghan tilted his head in agreement. “Well, if you keep hiding in the bathroom like this…” 
“Shut up, you know what I mean.” Seungcheol groaned, face palming.
“Your girl’s out there, Cheol. Talk to her!” Jeonghan said. 
“I don’t know what to say!” Seungcheol cried, throwing his hands up and effectively his orange juice everywhere. He had planned on speaking to you, he just needed to plan on what he would actually say.
Jeonghan side stepped, dodging the splash zone, “Gee, I don’t know, maybe start with apology? Or an explanation?” 
“Would she even want to speak to me?” Seungcheol’s shoulders fell at the thought. “She came with another guy.”
“Her brother?” Jeonghan’s eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “Why are you worried about her brother?” 
“That’s her brother?” Seungcheol said, his posture improving with relief. 
“What the fuck? Bro how little do you know about her?” Jeonghan questioned in disbelief, his friend was truly an idiot. 
“I mean, I know about her brother.” Seungcheol asserted, as if he didn’t just mistake your brother for someone else. “I just have no idea what he looks like.”
“Right.” Jeonghan said, not convinced at all. 
“Not the point!” Seungcheol spluttered, “How am I going to talk to her?” 
“Look, just walk up to her and apologise, start begging, on your knees preferably.” Jeonghan said as he read the text message he’d just received from Joshua. 
“You might want to hurry up, Mingyu just walked through the door and there’s only so much Hoshi can do to distract him before he beats your ass.”
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Seungcheol stepped out from the bathroom wearily, he spotted Mingyu being forced by Soonyoung to watch videos of baby tigers. Soonyoung would later argue that his folder full of tiger videos came into handy at a time of Seungcheol’s grave need. 
Seungcheol met Soonyoung’s eyes, the younger man frantically turning his head to the direction where you were standing. You still hadn’t noticed Seungcheol, caught up in your conversation with Minghao about the wonders of meditation. 
Seungcheol approached you and Minghao. Minghao noticed him first, nodding at him when he saw him coming. 
Minghao had already been brought up to speed by Seokmin. Sure, he hadn’t seen the two of you together before but if he knew one thing, it was couples. And he thought that you and Seungcheol would make the cutest couple. So he immediately offered his assistance.
“Oh, it seems like Shuhua just got here! I need to go welcome her! Will you be ok?” Minghao said, pretending to spot the bubbly girl at the front door.
“Oh, no worries, go ahead! I’ll be here!” You said, shooing your friend away. 
Once Minghao stalked off, you pulled out your phone, texting your brother to join you. 
You froze mid-text. You knew that voice. That voice you were so in love with. 
You bit your lip and willed yourself to turn around. 
“Seungcheol.” You said, coming face to face with the cause of all your pain. 
Seungcheol felt like all the air had been sucked out of his lungs. After being deprived of you for months, he was finally close enough to appreciate your beauty. His eyes traced every single one of your features, hoping to memorise them at risk of this being the last interaction he could ever have with you. His saw the way your eyes shone under the light, reflecting the colours of the room, holding his entire universe in them. He marvelled at your luscious lips, the way you parted them when you were surprised. He stood in awe of how amazing you looked in your gown, all black lace on beautiful skin.
He blinked, once, twice, pulling himself out of his you-induced trance.
“Let’s talk somewhere else,” You interrupted, not wanting nosy strangers to eavesdrop into your. 
You lead him up a flight of stairs and into an empty hallway. Finally you found what you were looking for, a moonlit balcony overlooking a lake. Away from the crowd.
The two of you stood at arm’s length apart, his eyes gazing into yours. 
“Y/n,” Seungcheol breath out, appreciating the divine view of you leaning so casually against the stone railings, your skin seemed to be glowing under the soft beams of the moon.
“Seungcheol?” You questioned when he didn’t say anything else. 
Your eyes searched his face, hoping to see any signs of regret.
His eyes were tired as if he hadn’t been sleeping for days. His skin almost transparent because of how pale he was.
Not being able to stop yourself, you brought a hand to his cheek. A look of concern on your face.
Seungcheol felt himself melt into your palm. His eyes fluttering shut, a lone tear escaping. He was so starved for your touch. Even a small brush from you would have had him reeling. 
“Cheol?” You encouraged, swiping away the tear with your thumb. 
He opened his eyes only to be met by your gorgeous smile. 
“I’m sorry.” His voice broke, “I’m so fucking sorry.” 
“I should have talked to you, I should have talked to you right after that stupid dinner.” He placed a hand on yours, afraid to lose contact with you. “I am so sorry for how my parents behaved, for how I behaved.”
“I’m sorry for not speaking to you for so long,” he paused, gathering himself, “I’m so sorry I’m only apologising now.” 
He gently guided your hand off his cheek, encapsulating your hand with his. He was so gentle with you, as if you were the most fragile thing in the world.
“Cheol, oh my god, get up!” You were horrified as you watched him get on one knee. 
Your lover stubbornly stayed in his position despite your incessant pleas.
“Please, if there’s anything I can do to show you how sorry I am.” Seungcheol begged, “I’ll do anything to even have a sliver of a chance to be yours again.”
There was nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes. He was willing to be stripped bare, showing you his rawest emotions, hoping that you would at least consider forgiving him. 
“Cheol, you are so dramatic.” You rolled your eyes at your stupid boyfriend. You used all your strength to pull him up and towards you, wrapping your arms around him. 
“I forgive you.” You sighed with content, finally in the comfort of his arms. 
“I was never mad at you.” You explained, bringing your head away from his chest to meet his shocked eyes. “I was just upset that you wouldn’t talk to me.”
“I’m so sorry,” Seungcheol apologised, his arms tightened around you. “I promise, for as long as I live, I will never put you through that ever again.” 
You gave him a soft smile, bringing your hands up to cup his face. 
“Apology accepted. Now be a good boyfriend and kiss your girlfriend.”
Seungcheol smiled appreciatively, his eyes never losing the unending adoration he had for you. He brought his lips to brush against yours, asking for permission. You stood on your tippy toes, pressing your lips against his, sealing the kiss. 
Seungcheol swore, he could never get over the feeling of your kisses. The sensation of your lips on his made him feel like putty. He felt like a depraved man, drinking you up as if you were the only source of water in the world, quenching his thirst. 
He gently lift you up and sat you on the railing, holding you in place so you wouldn’t fall off. He continued to deepen the kiss, ignoring the multitudes of fireworks going on in the background. You moaned in pure content. It was truly a scene straight out of a romance novel. 
When you finally broke the kiss, needing to breath. Seungcheol was blessed with the sight of your face, decorated by colours from the fireworks. 
“We should head back down.” You whispered. Your boyfriend not listening, pulling you in for another kiss. 
“Cheol, everybody will be looking for us.” You whined in between kisses.
“They’ll understand.” Seungcheol was unrelenting. “They know how much I love you.”
a/n2: they did not end up communicating, as you can tell. but they will, if I write the epilogue and that's a very big IF
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svt-kiki · 1 month
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EP 5 : let’s go ! seventeen
2021. pairing. kiki ( fem!oc ) × svt
cw. swearing ( not exactly ), changes to some joshua, seungcheol & wonwoo’s moments due to contents adjustment
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started with the opening of mc woozi
woozi: it will require to move the body a lot, so you better do stretches well
vernon: kiki noona must do so well today
kiki: 💪
[ the queen of isac ]
s.coups: u better watch out kids
seungkwan: why tf is he acting like they’re the team???
ofc she kept taking the flags til the end of the grouping
jun: i just realized though, kiki really could drop in 1st round like she’ll be chosen first from ANYONE
kiki: ...omg yes???
[ there’s a genius here ]
she won rock paper scissors the 8 and everyone started to do massive appeal to her
she’s everyone’s favorite after all, who wouldn’t want to be selected from her?
and kiki be like “why am i so pressured like this”
joshua: kit kat we’re bestie right???? you know what you should do???
kiki: alright come here bestie ㅎㅎ
after minghao chose jeonghan, she just called “seungcheol-la, come on,” and coups hopped to her
carats: they try to collect 95s like what
then she headed to hoshi straight and turned to wonwoo like “not today.” and hoshi was ghoseted just like that
hoshi: *mumbling and screaming how he will do the best*
kiki: why he’s so overly energetic today? *slightly judging*
mingyu: omg she’s so overwhelmed agujnsvah
she picked up vernon at the last and told “sorry junnie i just need calm person around me,” and jun was disappointed but not surprised
dino: so woozi would automatically go to the 8’s team?
woozi: actually i can go to either of you
and then the legend “jihoonaaaaaa” was delivered but kiki was genuinely scared of hoshi at this point like wtf is wrong with him!?
not she tried to hide behind vernon
kiki and wonwoo took the lead to do the time race
mc woozi: it really looks like the ace card from the beginning
dino: wonwoo hyung looks very motivated
seungkwan: because noona is by his side lol
wonwoo, whispered to her ear: i’ll go first so u can watch me and make a plan how to do
pure dedication 🥲
everyone was surprised how fast wonwoo was like wow
kiki: wonwoo-ya you can do it! nice! so good!
wonwoo: *got more energy*
it's almoset hilarious how he just made a peace sign to her as soon as he finished
kiki was gasped of the 8's speed like “isn’t he a ninja or smth!?”
then her turn came
woozi: since the 8 made a remarkable record, we could't help but expect to her result as well
jeonghan, shouting from across the room: kiki take the mvp!
kiki just rolled her eyes and muttered, “i truly can’t believe him”
seungcheol: but i think she would do great on this, it’s truly her field
and he was right about it
vernon: wah it looks like she slipping through the walls?
seungkwan: it can happen, she’s probably the lightest among four of them
woozi: wow she really fast! it’s like a wind!
dokyeom: noona must calculated how to move all area
her team cheered and gave applause to her, even minghao's team surprised as well
she placed 2nd by 41 sec
wonwoo gently patted her back and smile, “you did amazing as expected”
mingyu: wow noona did so well... *felt the pressure*
kiki: don’t be nervous, you can do it well too :)
seungkwan: ey noona! you don’t need to cheer the enemy!
kiki: s, sorry kwanna,,
[ listens to what the teammate says ]
of course team carnival beat the team jihonna in this round
when cheol shot a quick glance to jeonghan in the bonus clip of 1st episode, kiki did a double take with a face of disbelieve, looked down from head to toe like U BISH ( ofc for the amuse )
she was emotionally exhausted already, sitting down with a blank face in the background after jeonghan and dino’s competing tackling had ended
when woozi throw a question like “aren’t u guys already tired? people in the cheering seats?” she automatically stand up and said aniya~ but with a same blank face and raspy voice and everyone cracked up even kiki herself couldn’t held a laughter
jeonghan: she is exhausted ajdaxja
kiki: i’m sorry~
she hiped up dokyeom to do til the end as the good noona should
woozi and seungcheol paird up to run the last race together naturally
everyone expected seungcheol will do better than woozi since he was the mc and already moved around constantly
however all soon fidured out that’s not a case
vernon: wait why the hell his so slow!?
dokyeom: it’s not his field he’s too heavy to go fast
cheol, heard what he said: ya what do you mean by that!?
after observed how the race goes, she pulled hoshi who was standing next to her closely and silently said, “...hey, isn’t the leaders unit, like, dead?” and that had him in stitches
surprisingly the match was a close game, but cheol narrowly managed to grab the flag first
kiki was genuinely worried about woozi as he rarely gets exhausted at this level
her team discussed the plan for the team competitions, kiki said “i think they try to disturb me or wonwoo like we will do to myeongho, so if either of us could get through that we have a chance to take 1st place.” and seungcheol agreed, said “yeah we’ll win if we could hold the 8 back,”
after everyone got started, kiki was marked heavily but managed to do through anyway
until jeonghan arrives
kiki: why tf u are here!?!?
jeonghan: come on just join with me on the floor hehe
and just like that, she fell onto the floor
kiki: i swear to god YOON JEONGHAN-
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(    📁    )   :   NAVI   :  MASTER LIST     
(    tag list    )   :   @smh-anon @jennwonwoo @angie-x3
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eisa-core · 9 months
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SEVENTEEN's signature chase game 'HIDE N SEEK' is back 🤫
???: isn't it like... better than 'MOUSEBUSTERS?'
What awaits at the end after a crazily genius round of hiding and seeking? 😎
[Rules] - [Divide into two teams of six and switch roles for each round]
The first team had been formed, Dino as leader only had the support of Daisy while the others (Minghao, Woozi, Mingyu, Seokmin, Vernon) were forced to join. Never a day will pass where Daisy and Dino do not play each other's wingman.
«We will definitely win» - The opposing team led by Seungkwan was already starting to provoke Dino. «I don't know what it is but I get competitive with him» - Dino rolled his eyes as he shrugged his shoulders, starting a typical BooChan scene in GoSe.
At the beginning of the first round Dino and the "Not Logical" team had to deal with hiding objects and then finding the hiding team.
«Is it camouflage?» - Mingyu was trying to hide the megaphone as best he could. «It sticks out tho» - Daisy had joined him in hiding the objects, as well as Vernon who was standing next to the two of them. «Yeah it's too clean, clean and new» - Mingyu was holding the object, squaring its details until he pressed the power button which made, of course, noise.
«What's wrong with you?» - Vernon and Daisy said in unison, giving a side-eye to Mingyu who stood still to take the rebukes of the other two. Daisy hurriedly went to hide other random items: a poster board, a stuffed animal, a pillow. «Guys, it's time to go» - Dino shouted as soon as the staff began to keep track of the time available before the offense team Hot Pack advanced in looking for the items, but also to hide.
«Do you think they will find the objects?» - Minghao asked while waiting for the opposing team to hide. «I don't think so, Woozi and I did our best» - «Me too!» - Mingyu added, catching his second side-eye of the day.
«Okay, let's go! No wait, Daisy and Mingyu stay here with me, without fighting, the others will do all the work. You know, the beauty of having so many members» - Dino lay down in one of those lounge chairs inside this huge indoor playground, with Daisy on his right and Mingyu on his left, while the others split up to look for members of the opposing team.
«There's one there» - Daisy had seen very well one of the boys hiding behind some bushes and pointed him out without much gesture to Dokyeom who had approached them. «He's hiding there» - She continued to give directions. Do you want to know on whom? Jeonghan. He was hiding but knew he had been seen and begged for silence and not to go chasing after him.
[It's so good to see you]
«Should we chase him?» - Dokyeom looked at the three members who were relaxing. «No, leave him» - Dino replied as he closed his eyes, thus not seeing that Daisy and Dokyeom had already set off running in hopes of catching Jeonghan. «My soldiers are working hard» was the last thing he said before the shift ended. [Creative and funny moments].
[Round 2]
«I need to warm up» - Minghao said as he waited for the other team to hide the items, already inventing a way not to be found. He got under a box, all crouched down. «He fits!» - «He looks like a luggage!» - The others laughed at his choice of imaginative hiding while Daisy covered her face in embarrassment. He's her boyfriend after all. «I'll try it» - Minghao chuckled and once the go to hide had been given, he took Daisy by the hand wanting her help. «Put the box on me please» - They were close to Wonwoo who, unable to play, also laughed at the hiding places. «Alright, don't let them find you right away» [Spoiler: he is found right away] - Daisy placed the box on him not before giving him a kiss hidden by the cameramen.
«Why am I so happy about this?» - Daisy jumped as she looked for a good hiding place; She enjoyed games like that. She initially decided to hide by crouching behind a pillar, but once Joshua found Minghao she changed her mind.
She sat in the chairs placed next to Wonwoo, where those who were found also sat, including not only Minghao, but also Dino, DK, and Woozi: They had no hope of winning. «Did they find you?» - Minghao turned to her mimicking the words, since Jeonghan was there to guard them, but she waved off. «I'm hungry» - so she pretended to be caught by sitting there. «Want some?» - The guard Jeonghan pulled out some chips from his pocket which Daisy took in her hand to open but met Dino's gaze. «Give it to me» - «Here you go boss» - Daisy laughed and then Dino in turn handed the chips to Minghao, who had a lost look. «You take it» - Dino laughed even more and at that moment Daisy decided to release everyone by touching her hand first to Minghao's [A free woman] [Freedom is contagious] «You're free! You haven't got me yet!» - «Get her!» - Jeonghan shouted shocked at being teased.
- [Staff] «Here are the final results»
[Team Hot Pack 1pt; Team Not Logical 0pt]
«Team Hot Pack won against Team Not Logical» - Seungkwan was all too pleased to have defeated Dino after nearly 3 hours of recording. «Too bad» - «We tried so hard actually» - «Knew it» - were the comments of DK, Minghao and Mingyu instead. But not Daisy.
After the recording was finally over, and everyone had gone to take off their microphones and change, she approached Kim Hyunseok, the director of Going Seventeen. «Hyunseok-nim, I heard things earlier: when I was hiding, Jeonghan and Hoshi were talking about photos they took but airdropped with each other! Please check them I swear I heard so but don't tell them now or they will torture me all the time!!!» - What Daisy had heard was true, she was also conflicted about unmasking them during the announcement of the results but it was already funny to her that way!
What will happen to the Seungkwan Team after the spy reveals these secrets?
ー☆ ͏
oc's masterlist.
going seventeen.
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
clutch || two
there are written parts :)
warning: mentions of parental abuse (emotional), mental breakdown, blood
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her move into her new shared apartment was fairly quick, considering all her stuff were still in boxes at minghao's house.
"luckily you found a new place the same week jun is moving in with me." - minghao
"my only friend abandoned me for his boyfriend. i'm so sad." - yn
he dropped a box into her arms. "i'd have let you stay longer, you know? but luckily my friend wonwoo had a room free."
"how do you know him anyways?" - yn
"we were schoolmates from high school all the way to college. he studied computer science in university so we split up." - minghao
"so what do all your friends do now?" - yn
"seungcheol is a rapper under woozi's production label. jeonghan is a model. joshua owns a company that makes jewellery. jun is an actor, hoshi is a dancer/choreographer." - minghao
"i've met hoshi before, right?" - yn
"while he was drunk, yes. wonwoo is a gaming streamer, woozi is a music producer and co-owns an entertainment company with hoshi. mingyu is a celebrity chef. dokyeom is a florist and a theatre actor. seungkwan is a model and a show host, and vernon is a model. dino is a soloist under woozi and hoshi's company." - minghao
"ah. so you all have faces blessed by genetics... great." - yn
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amid her rant, she could feel herself begin to cry. where did it all go wrong? she was just a girl who wanted to be an artist. she didn't ask to not be "pretty" according to her mother.
she was a child born to be an experiment. her parents experimented with parenting on her. she was the 1.0 -- the start but never the finish.
in her rage, she threw her phone at the wall and punched a hole in her sculpture. but before she could succumb to her pain and just cry... her phone chimed.
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"well, that was weird..." he muttered to himself, but he started his stream anyways.
gam3boiftw: HE'S BACCKKKKK
wonwoono.1fan: life update!!!!!!
"you want a life update? okay. so this streaming site decided to take 30% of my earnings every stream, and my apartment's rent went up so i've been busy dealing with that. it's okay now though. seollie is still very healthy... and i may be doing a vlog when i meet up with my friends next week. that's it."
gamegamebo1: play valorant.
gam3boiftw: no he should play a relaxing game
wonwo0o0o0o: nah he should play a gacha game.
"i'll play a few rounds of valorant... then maybe cookie run kingdom if it's not too late. don't blame me if i lose because i'm rusty."
obviously, he won all the games he played.
fbwovbero: no move the tree left some more. align it with the train
rebveornvp: no move it to the right!
"chill i know what i'm do-"
a sudden shout from the room opposite his scares the daylights out of him.
gam3boiftw: wtf was that?!?!??!
fkbnenveln: help??!??!?!
"sorry i think that was my neighbour. let me go check it out, give me a few minutes."
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while shaving down the side of her wood carving, she was distracted and sliced the knife along her palm, splitting it open. deep.
"OH FUCK-" oh shit. she slapped her hands over her mouth at her outburst, smearing blood all over her face. she didn't mean to shout so loud.
"oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what the fuck do i do??????"
her door suddenly burst open.
"what h- oh my god are you okay?" - wonwoo
"i'm so sorry for shouting. i'm fine. i'll just go sort my hand out. go back to your stream." - yn
"the blood isn't from your nose?" - wonwoo
"why would the blood be from my nose?" - yn
"there's blood all over your face." - wonwoo
"OH MY GOD- oh shit sorry. i'll just go deal with this. i'm so sorry." - yn
she pushed past him, running to the bathroom to examine her cut. it was deep and bleeding non-stop.
"what the fuck do i do..."
"i ended my stream. let me drive you to the hospital." - wonwoo
wonwoo was standing in the doorway of the toilet.
"do you mind?" - yn
"you're injured. of course, i don't mind. safety first." - wonwoo
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ💓ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ badum.
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees
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kpopjamstick · 2 years
Seventeen reaction saw you wearing a hot outfit in a party and some boys start to flirt with you
Hey Chingu, thank you sooo much for your request, i hope that you like it.... I'm sorry but idk why it gets funny and funny with each member 😂😂😂😂.
1. Takes away the partner
#Scoups: His gaze will grow darker as he will pull you closer to him in front of that guy, just to let him know that you're already taken. Then he'll probably whisper into your ear that "So this is why you're all dressed up huh?" And then take care of your sexiness in the car.
#Woozi: literally drags you out of the party and he will be so mad yet pouty at the same time that you can't help but giggle… then he'll be like "what's so funny about it huh? I told you to stay away from boys!!!!" He probably won't even notice how sexy you look in that dress cause he is so mad right now!
#Dino: "Babe I was looking for you everywhere" he'll say while kissing you and giving a judgmental look to that guy. Then he will walk away with you but then you'll notice his unusual behavior and quickly catch up with the reason because 'his problem' is very much evident through his pants.
2. Gives a sassy answer
#Jeonghan: This MF will probably say something like "ain't she really sexy" while holding your hand and kissing it and then whisper to your ear like "you're tryna tease me babe? I can't wait for us to get back home".
#The8:- This guy is very refined but when it comes to you he'll probably shout at the guy like "tf you're looking at? Ik my babe is pretty" with that mean look on his face.
#Jun: He'll probably start flirting with the guy to make him taste his own medicine 😂 he'll be like "Want me to get you some drink" while winking at that guy as you could barely control your laughter.
#Seungkwan: he'll look at you and say "baby what are you doing here? You forgot? Stranger danger".... Yes he will say this in front of the person leaving him astonished.
3. Literally kills the person (if looks could kill)
#Wonwoo: This man will stare the shit out of the person…that guy gotta have guts to flirt under this man's gaze. Wonwoo will probably never confront you about this but he'll be super jealous.
#Mingyu: You probably won't even realize that someone is flirting with you, until you notice Mingyu giving death glares. "Baby, you ok?" You may ask this out of concern but that question will just turn him on (As if he wasn't enough already).
4. Will be jealous but won't say anything publicly
#Joshua: IDK but I honestly think he is the type to hit the guy with the holy Bible and then baptize you for like a month??? Just kidding though…he might really get jealous but probably just ignore thinking what if he is being possessive.
#Dk: This guy might try to distract you by cracking a few bad jokes but in reality he is super disappointed….like why are you even letting some other guy near you when he is right there!!!! I swear this baby boy will cry afterwards 🥺😭
5. Doesn't care, only there for food
#Vernon: We all know our awkward king but trust me he got his priorities sorted. You are probably trying to rile him up by wearing that sexy dress…but do he care? Well at least not in front of his favorite dish. 😂😂
#Hoshi: You'll get yourself into big trouble while trying to tease him with someone other guy tryna flirt ya…because his mouth will be all stuffed and full with food 😂😂😂 Thankfully you don't gotta pay bills at parties (y he's so cuteee though 😭🥺)
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wonuwrites · 6 months
Hello, I wanted to ask for a reaction from seventeen, how would he react to you being the voice of some movie, exactly Gwen from Spider-Man across the spider verce?💋
oooo! I don't know much about Gwen from Spiderverce that much but I will try my best <333
warning: suggestive(?) tbd, fluff, totally fluffy, more fluffy then nothing lmaooooo // also not proof reading because I kept you waiting awhile :( sorry it took a decade
listening to: this
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gonna do them all randomly so lets goooo~
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✭ Joshua -
He would find it so precious when he found out you were cast to play a part in a voice over. He knew that you loved doing things like that and seeing that you were accepted just made his heart just so full of pride. He was the first person you told and he was so proud of you for following through with your dreams.
✭ Vernon -
He would not have been as vocal as some of the other members of how proud of you getting a part in a voice over but he would show it. He would post about it on his Instagram, Weverse, and shoot he'd be one of the reasons your film did so good on streaming services when it *finally* released. He was so proud of you, and you knew it. <3
✭ Minghao -
He'd be pretty similar to Vernon in showing you how proud he was however, he would be a bit more vocal about it? Even though he is one of the shyer members, seeing how excited you were when you found out you got that role would spark something in him that would be just so loving and awww. idk im soft
✭ Woozi ~
He would show love and pride by gifts. He'd buy you flowers, your favorite snacks, anything. He would also be so excited he would tell the members the exciting news when he was at practice. He would try to play it cool when he was with you but everyone including you bc he's not slick knew how proud he was of you <3
✭ Seungkwan ~
ohhh myyy gosh~ Seungkwan would be your personal cheerleader ever since you were thinking about auditioning for the role. He would read lines with you, he would "act" out scenes, and would send coffee trucks for you on days you were filming. He was so proud of his best friend, his significant other, his soulmate. <333
✭ Dino ~
Like Seungkwan, Channie would be your biggest cheerleader and supporter. After day 1 of filming, he would be on set with your favorite drink, snacks, and flowers and would have the biggest smile on his face. He was so so proud of you. Your voice was one of his most favorite noises in the world and he was so excited the world would be able to hear it as well. He also would get cocky? Like he would tell people "you know who voiced this? (Y/N), aka my perfect girlfriend/boyfriend. Isn't her voice just so nice?" wripewjribweir
✭ DK ~
After finding out that you got the role, you both were jumping up and down screaming in excitement. You had been praying, manifesting, and wishing for years to become a voice actor and it finally came true. Seokmin was so excited that he was with you when you got that phone call because he knew how stressed and nervous you were post audition. He would give you a big hug and say "see! I told you! I told you they would pick you!"
✭ Wonwoo ~
So y'all remember when Wonwoo went "awoo" while watching Mingyu's fancam? (for those who don't or just want the friendly reminder here lol.) This is how he would react to you being a voice actor. Especially in a Marvel film?? In his eyes, he won the friggin jackpot! When they were on tour, he would always put on your film on and would be so happy whenever your parts came on. He would always take a picture of your character and send it to you. It was honestly very precious. <3
✭ Hoshi ~
Oh he would be so ecstatic like Seokmin. When you found out you ran to the dance practice room just so you could tell him before anyone else could. When he saw you he'd give you a hug out of instinct but once you *casually* told him you got the role he would pick you up and spin you around. He would then shout and tell whoever else in the room the happy news causing everyone else to cheer.
✭ Jun ~
He would have found out from a news source before you had the opportunity to tell you. He'd be at your door with a bouquet of flowers and take out from your favorite restaurant. He would just be smiling so wide and kept telling you congratulations. Like Seungkwan, he would read lines to help practice. He was just so happy that you both had another and new thing in common. <3
✭ S. Coups ~
Cheolie would have reservations at your favorite restaurant as soon as you both found out. He would keep smiling at you like a proud dad lol , because he is daddy af, and would continuously tell you how proud of you he was of you getting this role. He would be similar to Jihoon and shower you with gifts. He also decided that for the movie premiere he would buy the dress you would wear and make sure his suit matched. <3
✭ Mingyu ~
Speaking of movie premieres, Mingyu was the perfect date for you. He would show up for you both in front and behind the cameras. He knew what it was like to be in front of flashing cameras and when you had told him you were nervous about that, he would take your hand in his and kiss it and tell you there was nothing to worry about because he was right there with you. <3 // besides attending the premiere, he would also take you on a celebratory date, help with lines, drive you to the filming, stay with you on late night shoots, and just show how much he loved and supported you in any way he could think fit. You were his little rockstar <33
✭ Jeonghan ~
Jeonghan found out shortly after you did because you had been crying on the floor because you were shocked by the news. When he finally got it out of you he was so proud of you. He ended up kissing you all over your face and whispering congrats to you over and over again. He would be wiping away your happy tears and then would ask more about your role. He wanted to know everything.
A/N: Hope this was good and didn't let you down xo
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svt-hari · 6 months
GOING SEVENTEEN SPECIAL — ETC : Bunny Bunny Update Update
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CAPTION: seventeen's shocking current status: how is everyone doing...?
SYNOPSIS: the members have gathered after a long time to film GOING SEVENTEEN to share updates about their lives 🙄
DATE: ~2024 since their macau stops were january 20 & 21st of this year
PAIRING(S): hari x seventeen
WC: ~ .08k words
WARNING(S): none!
A/N: i've missed gose so much so i decided to write this as soon as i watched it hehe
TAGLIST (fill out this form to be a part of it + bold & red = cannot be tagged): @ateezjuliet . @moonlight-additions . @pinkbrries . @justmochi . @enhacolor . @allthings-fandoms . @mingis-wrld . @zwiehe . @sxeetmelody . @nvmbheart . @magical-spit . @smoooore . @cosmicwintr . @lillijay . @peppercane . @aysxldea  . @angie-x3 . @choielyssa . @peachyaeger . @luv-uriboo . @rubywonu .
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“We’re here! We’re here!”
“It’s been so long~!”
The studio was bustling as the Seventeen members came down the stairs to take their place sitting on the couch. Hari was one of the last to enter and sits next to Vernon on the end of the couch.
Hari watches as the members start to sing the open sequence song and starts to smile as they gather together again. The past few weeks have been amazing as they were given a long vacation after their ‘Follow’ tour. Hari got to see Hamin play in the semifinals for the 2023 AFC Asian Cup along with Hajoon. Then after their game, the triplets took a short 3 day and 2 night trip to Paris before they all had to fly back to Korea.
Seungkwan walks down the stairs last with a clapperboard in his hand.
“Oh hello everyone!” he shouts, catching the attention of his members.
“It’s so good to see everyone here!”
The members scoot down as Seungkwan asks for his seat and Hoshi stands up, “Seungkwan, why are we all gathered here today?”
“Well… This is our first content.” he replies as he takes a seat.
“But it’s not an official content, right?” DK asks.
“You’re right, it’s not. It’s more like a special.”
“So they’re all around five minutes, I think?” Hoshi interrupts.
Vernon laughs, “He’s the one to be saying that. Why-”
“Why are you saying everything?” Wonwoo adds, laughing.
“He appeared on Pinggaego quite a few times...”
“It’s not that he’s a part of the Yoo line but more of that’s what he thinks.” Mingyu completes which causes Hari to giggle at his comments.
“Anyways, now the title of my segment is called ‘Bunny Bunny Bunny Bunny Update Update~” Seungkwan says with a voice crack.
The entire room bursts out into laughter at the voice crack and immediately mimics after him.
“So what should we be doing?” Hari asks.
“We’re just going to talk about how we’ve been doing nowadays and think of this as we’re filming something officially.”
“Well, we all know that Jun went to go film something after our Macau stop and he went to go perform something too-” Hoshi starts but then Woozi interrupts him.
“He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. How about you show more interest then talk about it-”
Jun updates the members on where he went and what he did and Hari clapped for him as he mentioned that it was something he covered for the first time in China.
“Now, since this is the plan for today, how about we all go one by one and talk about what we’ve been doing nowadays. If I start, I’ve… I filmed an advertisement yesterday!”
Everyone has been going down the line as they’ve updated their daily lives.
“What about you Joshua?”
“A few days ago I recorded my parts and I was in a dilemma…”
“What kind of dilemma?”
“It made me think of whether or not I should be a singer…”
The members groan in disagreement and encourage him, telling him that he’s doing a good job.
“That’s how I feel for every album-” DK adds, trying to comfort his member.
“Dokyeom cries every album!” Woozi replies.
Woozi then goes on to talk about how no matter how much they compliment him, DK goes off to be sad by himself in a corner.
Hari laughs at Woozi’s words and nods along with him, knowing that she was there for DK’s many episodes and giving words of comfort to him.
The rest of the members fly by and it’s suddenly Hari’s turn.
“Well, I recently came back from watching Hamin at the AFC asian cup semifinals and even though we lost, I took him and Hajoon on a short vacation to Paris! And then when we came back, I rested for a bit and I finally finished moving into my new apartment.”
“That’s right! Our country played really well and I’m so proud of them.” Dino says, clapping loudly.
“How was moving in? I know Mingyu and a few other people helped, right?”
Hari nods, “Yeah, Mingyu and Wonwoo oppa helped me move my stuff out of our dorms and luckily my new apartment is just a few floors up so we didn’t have to go anywhere far. And then a friend of mine helped me rearrange the place to my liking.”
“He must be a really good friend, huh?” Seungkwan adds, smirking at the girl.
Hari pats her face from going red and nods. Of course he’d be the one to talk about Junho. She wasn’t sure how subtle it was but she hopes that Carats don’t take the hint.
“Wait- We have to hear from S.Coups and Jeonghan to see how they’re doing!” Dino shouts to avert the conversation to something else.
Hari silently thanks Dino for changing the conversation and listens in silence to how the two oldest members have been doing while in recovery.
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dhiings · 7 months
𖦹 세븐틴(SEVENTEEN) - Left & Right | MAFIA DANCE | Dingo Music
Jane's masterlist ⋆。˚
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*words in italic = english
"Seventeen! Annyeonghaseyo Seventeen Imnida!"
Seventeen is now starring at 'Dingo : Mafia Dance' content to promote their newest comeback, Left & Right.
"Drumroll~", Jane said tapping the floor while closing her eyes, waiting for the mafias to be chosen.
As it turns out, Woozi, Joshua, Vernon, and Jane were picked as the mafia.
Referee: Mafia's please put your heads up and look at each other.
The three of them take a peek to see who are in the same team, Jane tried her best to not burst out laughing after seeing each others faces. Jane mouthed to Joshua, "I'm suck at this. Help". Making Joshua silently chuckle.
Referee: "Next, we will pick the police"
"Okay~", DK shouted as the choosing round have ended.
"Joshua, it's Joshua", Jeonghan out of nowhere starts pointing it out.
Hearing that, DK added, "I guess Joshua is the mafia?", while looking at Jeonghan nodding.
Seeing Joshua's in confusion, Jeonghan and DK starts teasing him.
Even though round 1 haven't begin, they already starts getting suspicious and pointing each other out. Their suspicion leads to another suspicion.
Seungkwan announce a pre-caution before starting the game for the other members, "As soon as you start acting emotional it means you lose!! We don't play the mafia game so emotionally by turning off the camera and stuff, ok!",
Jane give the 'Okay' sign.
"This will be so funny", Jane said mumbling to herself
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She went straight to her starting position, which is where she stands between Jeonghan and Woozi. Before the music starts, she chanted in a small tone, "Fighting!"
Which Jeonghan, Jun, Wonwoo, and Woozi responded with the same thing.
She conceal her nervousness by smiling brightly. "Why are you so smiley?", Jun ask suspiciously.
But, right when she open her mouth to answer his question, the music start playing. The only thing that she could think of when she heard her song (the one provided for the mafia) is... "what the hell is this".
Her strategy is to focus on the beat and mouthing the lyrics.
In order to shake off Jun's suspicious eye on her, she tries to mingle around the other members. She laughed a lot at DK, who's questionably kept on missing some of the movement, even tho he's not part of the mafia team.
After what it seems like a long time for her, round 1 finally end. This time, it is entering the discussion round to talk about which member is suspected of being the mafia and eliminate them.
"Why did you do that?", Wonwoo directly asked to DK.
"I really just wanted to see the mafia's facial expression", DK explained.
"But, you were too surprised", Scoups told him.
"No! Really!", DK assured him.
Hearing that, Vernon starts mocking DK with the "No! Really!". This makes Jane laughed. She feels relief that now everyone's focus is on DK and how she's in a safe position as a mafia.
"Guys, i think yeah, DK oppa is mafia, he looks very suspicious since the beginning, right?", Jane add more fuels, making more assurance for the other members to suspect DK as the mafia.
The first round is ended with DK being eliminate.
"Bye bye", Jane said while giving a thumbs down to vote for him.
Referee: DK is not the mafia.
Hearing that, Jane starts to show her acting skill. "Woah, what?! He's not?", talking to the Referee.
"Sorry DK.. Then why are you acting like one, huh!", she protested to DK, still in acting mode.
Others also complained on why he pretended and tries to act as a mafia.
Out of nowhere Hoshi pointed Jeonghan, "It's Jeonghan. Jeonghan hyung created this kind of environment!". Without no doubt, Jeonghan hearing that look so surprised and tries to defend himself.
Now, DK is back with an angelic costume, becoming the new MC to lead the game.
"DK oppa looks so cute there. Oh! it's falling off", Jane said.
Vernon rushed and help fixed the parts that was falling off.
"Okay the 3 mafias, please select the citizen you want to kill", DK announce.
The mafias decide to choose the poor innocent Mingyu to be eliminate.
"Now the cop please get up and select who the mafia is", DK anounce again.
The cop, a.k.a Dino picked Hoshi, which turns out to be a citizen.
"Okay, the morning has come", DK announce making the members open their eyes again, continuing the game.
"The person who was killed last night-"
DK can't finished his sentence yet as the member starts arguing that they are the one who get killed. Questionable.. but it is what it is.
"Citizen Mingyu has been killed!", DK quickly interrupt them.
Mingyu look stunned. However, he's back as an angel, just like DK. Before the 2nd round start, everyone keep fussing and making fun over Seungkwan who's looking quite sulky. The member keep making fun of him by reminding about the pre-caution he just made by himself in the beginning.
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The 2nd round starts exactly at Jane's part. After succeeding in her part, she gets so excited and even jump to her next spot.
On her next spot, she danced at the outer back, allowing her to see everything all at once. She saw how Woozi suddenly stop dancing, freezing, just like a rock. She grimace feeling bad for him.
"Whatchu doing Uji oppa, continue!", Jane said to him.
When the song stopped, the members starts interrogating Woozi. Which leads to fun argument between them.
As usual in Hoshi, the "mastermind" of mafia game, promptly accuse Seungkwan as the mafia instead.
"It's Seungkwan. I'm sure 100%. Seungkwan is good at talking", Hoshi argued and starts making fun out of Seungkwan and copying his gesture.
Jane chuckle and start to pull Seungkwan farther away and patting his shoulder as he keep on getting closer to Hoshi.
Seeing one scene unfold into another scene is very funny. Jane can't stop smiling. All of the argument finally come to an end. The candidates for them to eliminate are either Woozi or Seungkwan.
Seungkwan starts to beg to not kill him. This only makes the other members who's watching laugh harder.
Referee: Please choose the mafia.
"I will say another opinion!", Dino raising her hand.
"What other opinion?", DK ask.
"Someone kind of using his very good wits, Vernon!", he pointed out to Vernon.
Vernon... is.. ofc shocked like 'The Scream' painting as what Jane said.
Seeing Vernon's reaction Jane laugh uncontrollably, falling into the floor. "He, he, he look like the scream painting", she said in between her laugh.
Everyone also laugh at this sudden opinion/accusation by Dino.
By this time, everyone keep pointing out everyone. First, Vernon. Then, suddenly Scoups. Suprise, suprise.
It is finalize that both Woozi and Scoups will be eliminated.
Referee: Scoups is not the mafia. Woozi is the mafia.
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The final round was filled with laughter, especially seeing Joshua starts to messed up every part of the choreography.
"This is so funny and fun", she mumbles while patting Joshua's shoulder whose crouching on the floor.
During the discussion and voting round, Joshua tried his best to defend himself in front of the others.. even though it seems to not working.
"I really think it's Vernon", Dino said, again.
The other members quickly denied this, instead they starts to suspect Dino as the mafia.
Jane stand in the corner, seeing the members starts to argue even more. She tried her best from smiling too brightly. Truly, the more they argue, the more confusing it gets.
Finally, it is decided that Joshua and Jeonghan will be eliminate.
Referee: Joshua is the mafia. Jeonghan is not the mafia.
"This is it", Jane whispering to Vernon.
Vernon and Jane walk confidently into the middle space, revealing themselves as the mafias.
"I think I am the best", Vernon confess to the camera.
"Yeah, those extra late nights practices are worth it", Jane added.
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Referee: There is a scary punishment to the team that has lost
"Who should we pick?", Vernon said.
"We should pick Seungkwan, he found 2 mafias", Woozi initiate.
Today's punishment = Lovely morning call message for our carat.
Seeing Seungkwan, Mingyu, and Jeonghan doing their punishment makes her feel weird in a funny way. She can't stand watching it that she has to cover her eyes. Today's mafia dance with Seventeen finally ended with several closing from Seungkwan.
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spadesolace · 1 year
polaroid love - 18. right here. (half-written)
previous | masterlist | next
“WHAT’S THE EMERGENCY??? WHY DO YOU NEED MY FACE THE SUN ALBUMS???” YN looked at her brother up and down, any signs of injury but all he did was smile at her.
“Ok, don’t get pissed at me but there is no emergency-”
“I’ll be on my way then.” Jake had pulled YN in time and pushed the girl towards one of the many rooms. The girl tried to reason with her brother that she was not in the mood to talk to his members after he admitted that some of them had a thing for her but he dismissed it.
“Trust me, you’ll like this.” In one of the dance studios that YN hasn’t visited, she heard shouting, laughter, and a familiar tune. Maybe she was hearing things but she’s familiarised herself with their voices by being a fan for years. The slow opening of the door, only for the idol to confirm her speculation.
“Won't let you down, won't let you down, 내게로 와, in my, in my, in my new world.” The group stopped what they were doing and looked at the Sim siblings. Jake pushed YN to go inside while she was speechless. It wasn’t her first time meeting some of them, she’s talked to the members before as a special MC for Music Core but seeing her bias, Woozi, the other idol who inspired her and gave her hope was there.
“You actually managed to bring her here?” Vernon side-hugged Jake and explained how he managed to pull it off. “Well, they all agreed to sign it.”
“WHAT?” That brought YN out of her trance and looked at the entire group, who gave her a warm smile and greetings.
“Then after that we can film the _World tiktok challenge.” Vernon was the one to explain about how the entire thing came to be. Jake had mentioned his sister’s ult groups being Twice and Seventeen to the group and they decided to invite her over as a surprise to hang out or sign your albums.
“So where do you want me to sign?” Woozi was first and YN could not contain herself.
“R-right here.”
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taglist [CLOSED]:
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m00mis · 2 years
hi ! can u do when u flinch during an argument w/ seventeen
of course! 
svt reacting to you flinching during an argument
cheol - he would freeze in shock, his mouth ajar after he saw you wince at him shouting. he couldn’t believe what he had done and tries to find the right words (“.. y/n.. i..”) but instead leaves out of the front door removing himself, the problem. he was supposed to protect you, to keep you safe, but he was the one who scared you. your expression replays in his mind as he gets in his car and drives away. he will never forgive himself for this
jeonghan - would suddenly let out a yell of anger and you would jump in shock. his eyes go wide “huh? i’m sorry, i wasn’t doing that at you i’m just mad at myself” and would reach out to stroke your face and bring you into a hug. he would feel you shaking under his touch and let go, stepping back to look in your eyes to say “i’m never mad at you, y/n” before giving you a kiss on the forehead
joshua - cannot see this man getting mad enough to scare you but the tension in the air during an argument would be insane, making you on edge and highly reactive. seeing this would turn his anger off like a switch as you're the most important thing to him and if you're uncomfortable he will do anything to change that.
jun - he reached to grab your hoodie that was falling off your shoulder and you jumped back away from his outstretched arm. it was cold outside and he didn’t want you to get sick. he was confused so he tried again but you stepped back once more. “why are you doing this? aren’t you cold?” he noticed your hitched breathing and slowly put two and two together. “i’m just trying to help, i won’t touch you if you don’t want me to”
hoshi - soooo confused. racks his brain trying to figure out what to do because he doesn’t want you to be scared. steps towards you grabbing your hand with both of his and gets down on his knees with his head lowered in an apology “whatever it is i did i’m super duper sorry, please don’t be afraid of me”
wonwoo - would raise his arms to run his hands through his hair in distress and notice you flinch from his unexpected movement. he would lock eyes with you and let his hands slowly fall so you would know that he wasn’t a threat. you would sit next to each other in silence for a while before you start to whisper an apology for your reaction, but before you could finish he would turn and say “you don’t have to apologise. i’m the one who should be sorry”
woozi - says in shock “why are you reacting like that? you know i would never hurt you, so why are you flinching at me? please trust me more y/n” and gestures for you to come closer to him so he can hold you tightly while whispering in your ear how much he loves you
dk - makes him feel like the worst person to ever exist and collapses into the sofa, his head in his hands. can’t look up at you no matter how much you try because he feels so sick. after he'll cling to you for the rest of the day making sure to do everything for you
mingyu - his height is intimidating on a good day let alone when he’s angry and he knows it. when you flinch he crouches down and looks up at you with his puppy eyes “i didn’t mean to scare you. i’ll stop now. i love you” and grabs your hand to kiss it before standing back up slowly and gives you a hug
minghao - i think he would be good at controlling his emotions and rarely get angry but if he did, your reaction would make him realise what he was doing and he’d instantly stop, apologise and ask if you were okay. if he felt angry again in the future he would walk away and calm down before returning to talk things through with you
seungkwan - he knows his reactions are pretty big and seeing you flinch makes him realise he should be softer with you. he would be so concerned and panic “oh god what do i do, i’m so sorry, i didn't mean to y/n. this doesn’t matter anymore, let’s stop arguing” and he’d be very disappointed in himself for being so careless
vernon - “crap did i scare you? i didn’t mean to, ah damn i’m really sorry” and lumbers over with his arms open to hold you. quietly he says “i would never, could never, hurt you. let’s drop this whole thing and do something else instead, what do you want to do?” and treats you extra special for the rest of the day
dino - his expression would turn from annoyance into worry "ah sorry sorry are you okay? do you want me to do anything?" and makes you go and sit down, bringing you water and kneeling in front of you to make sure that you were okay. he would rest his head against your knees for comfort
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haecien · 1 year
What tropes i would absolutely kill to see w/ svt members
(Psst... if anyone sees this and decides to write svt with these tropes @ me please omg)
He would get so competitive i love him, he would also deff tease you a lot when you'd get a lower score than him
Academic rivals or Trouble maker x Goody to-shoes - Jeonghan👼; Same reason as s.coups for the academic rivals:D idk why... if they ever fucking teased me id be giggling
IVE WRITEN THE LAST TROPE AND OH MY GODDDD, jeonghan would be such a flirt and mixed with teasing??? GOD IM ON THE FLOORR
Soulmates (bonus points if you're soulmates even in pass lives) - Joshua🦌; No matter what, you'll always find yourself back to him. He is the only one fitted for you
BRO. if you both got separated since you both got reborn, he will still find you. He loves you too much that he can't seem to let you go
Actor x fan - Jun😼 ; majority of the times this is very toxic, but no reason like id imagine maybe either you would be apart of the film crew or makeup team, but you were such a big fan of him ever since you watched one drama of him
He would admire how nice you were to him, you never shouted or did anything to make him upset. You were very soft towards him🤭
Workplace love - Hoshi🐯 ; No reason. Jst hear me out! He deff found u as the cool co-worker he could always rely on. Bonus points if its a love at first sight type too🤭🤭
Or maybe it would be a business proposal type of romance
Love at first sight - Wonwoo🐱 ; God i wanna see wonwoo being so whiped after seeing you for even just a glance
He would stand there FROZEN because he was so shocked over how beautiful you were to him.
70's/60's era - Woozi🍚; I jst wanna see woozi in a white long-sleeved shirt with his sleeves rolled back with slick black pants, bonus points if he's also wearing suspenders!!!😭🤭🤭😭🤭😭🤭
Imagine jihoon as a detective, GOD HAWKVEJE he'd be real serious about his job, I feel like suddenly you would be caught up in a case that he needs to investigate. Then you guys become closer in the process😭
Admiring from a far - Minghao🐸; its not you whos admiring him, ITS MINGHAO ADMIRING YOU.🤭🤭
People always wondered who was that person in his paintings? Yeah its you, he saw that you were perfect for being his muse. But how could be possibly contact you? He's too shy for that, he'd constantly paint and paint you, he never rushed it. His strokes were always so light, it made the painting even more beautiful then it is.
At that point minghao had already memorized every little detail about you
I went a lil overboard with hao
Popular kid x Quiet kid - Mingyu🐶; LIKE. He'd literally fucking be the only one who ever payed attention to you. No one could notice you were in the room yet mingyu was the only one who ever felt your presence
Sunshine x Grumpy (basically opposites attract) - Dokyeom🌞 ; Ugh I need a sunshine Dk in my life. He'd be such an energy boost to a very grumpy reader:((
" Whats wrong? Cheer up!! " and he'd endlessly hug you🥺 JAKSJDJIDHD he is an quality time and physically touch person:( acts of service & gift giving too!
Only child x Multiple siblings - Seungkwan🍊;
... hear me out, not sure if kwan has siblings but he's gnna be the one with the multiple siblings, or maybe its an au where svt are his siblings. But non the less kwan would not hesitate to introduce you to his multiple siblings. You're not used to this but this adds on to the warm feeling seungkwan has
Oh my god , that would be comforting and chaotic as hell
Confused x Hyper - Vernon🐢; he deff wouldn't understand your hype about something, but he's trying to😭😭
" VERNON!!! look at this new - ********* " whatever is going through his head is literally a loading screen " uh huh.... " hes confused but he's here for it
Full of themselves x "Get a reality check" - Dino🦦 ; title sounds obnoxious BUT HEAR ME OUT.
Like, the reader would always complement themselves yk "bro everyone wants me forreal! "
And dino is like " Im the only person WHO wanted you. "
Cien rambles
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softkiseu · 1 year
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to all mi moots / nabis, co carats ! 💎✨
let's play a mb reblog game. what's this game about? i ll give a certain idol group and the number of members will also be the amount of the participants who can join.
for more info ▼
muse : seventeen
topic : 𝟏𝟕 ❜ 𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𖧷𝐢𝐧𝐠
— boyfriend material. scenario that possible fits of the member pics. it will be amazing and your advantage if you'll have way different vibe from the other entries.
sequence : by age. oldest to youngest.
# of participants : 12, I'll be the 13th.
how to play : i 'll start the game with the first member depends on the sequence. then the person who pick or assigned to the second member will reblog my post with that mb they made. the other players will follow until we completed all the 13 members without breaking the chain.
the tags :
#17 dear darling
#navi's chain game
#the topic of your mb
exp : #summer vacay with s.coups
make sure to put this four tags first, second, third and fourth before adding moodboard aesthetics.
who can join : my moots or even nabis (followers) who can possible make their entry within 24 hrs. so make sure you'll remember that you willingly join this game and check everyday if its your turn. no worries, as a host of the game, I'll tag or alert you if it's your time.
time limit : 24hrs since the mb ahead of you been posted. this strickly a rule so we don't hold the chain for so long. if a user failed to drop their work, they will automatically be out of the game and be replaced by any moot who didn't able to have a chance to join, a new 24 hrs will be up again.
advice : so make sure you can able to make a mb within the time or a tip, start your mb even tho it's still not your turn yet.
drop in the comment section who member you want to choose. first comment first served.
muse user
scoups hrjyoon (softkiseu)
jeonghan diorpop (koosuvi)
joshua k-yujin
jun yeritos
hoshi interstellarz
dk wiotas
mingyu y-ves
the8 h-ao
vernon starmio
dino chwelotte
(i ll update this list when the comment start to pour in)
the game will start once all the members are taken and i dropped scoups mbs ( make sure to check my account @hrjyoon , the starting mb will be posted there and again i ll tag all the participants in the comment sec ) the possible period of the game, 13 days depends if everyone manage to follow the rule.
it's a game so there's a
winner by votes : yes we will put all the mbs in voting. except mine.
winner by navi : i ll choose a winner.
two (2) winners
a customization mb ( muse by your choice )
set of icon and gif ( muse by your choice )
a shout out!
100 reblog ( your choice of ur own post )
a follow if i still didn't have a chance to follow yet.
the winner will be announce after the chain is finish and the vote from our dearest friends ended.
lastly, hope my lovely moots and nabis can participate. if not, there will be more future chain game. ps. please don't flop 🙏🏻✨ i just want to have fun with my precious community.
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sweetiesicheng · 1 year
vernon - mafia
word count : 595
hours ago, you saw your crew get taken out by members of seventeen, and hours ago, you were taken and trapped in an empty room in one of their hubs. you were about to go crazy if you had to stare at the walls any longer, full on knowing who ordered for you to be held here.
you abruptly shouted as you tried to find something to use in order to pick the lock on the door. you knew there was a camera and looked over to see a red light flashing, indicating it was recording. you tried to unscrew a screw that was in the leg of a table but failed.
standing up straight again, you went up to the camera and looked straight at it. "vernon, you better—"
suddenly, the door unlocked and opened, swinging back towards you before stopping by itself. vernon stood in the doorway, his shirt was stained of blood from what you presume the fight that you were both in. he left the door open, and you could see one of the guards from where you were standing. he started walking towards you, pausing after a few steps.
"what the hell are you doing?" you asked, speaking in english so the guards and whoever was monitoring the camera couldn't understand your conversation.
"i'm keeping you safe," he replied in the same language.
"you should've killed me right then and there!" you yelled at him. "we aren't on the same side. you can't just do this because—"
"damn it! it was the only way i could keep you safe! the only way i could see you alive!" vernon interrupted you, completely furious. "i don't care about all of this! i don't care if our bosses want to rip each other's throats out. i don't care if i have to get myself locked up again," he said as he approached you. "every fucking day, all i wonder about is if you're safe. the people you’re with are fucking maniacs, which means you do even more dangerous things than i do. you know how many times i've seen you on the streets hurt? do you know how many times i followed after you when you left to go do something with your people?"
"why the fuck do you care so much?" you asked once he stopped speaking.
"because i love you."
he stood inches away from you. if only you could control everything about you, but your emotions got to the best of you. you could feel tears starting to form and looked away, not wanting to look at him. you tried blinking them away, but you felt more tears form and fall.
"damn it, hansol..."
you heard him take another step forward and felt him put his hands on your face to make you look at him. vernon leaned in and kissed you on the lips, and this wasn't the first time he has done this. after a few seconds, he pulled back and leaned his forehead against yours.
"woozi's on security. he'll mess with the footage. the guards outside are my boys, so they won't do anything to you," vernon mentioned. "don't come back to our territory," he demanded from you as he wiped your tears away, "never come back here. you hear me?”
"then how are you going to see me alive?" you asked him.
"i'm a shadow of you," he said, "i'll always follow you, so don't worry about me if i end up on your territory. i'll stay alive, and i'll find you. we'll be okay."
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