#shoutout to kaeya noelle and amber for being there since the start
kaletalecowboy · 2 years
Tumblr media
1 year??? of playing this game????
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themagical1sa · 2 years
weblog update time (positive edition)
Alrighty, I said I was going to have a proper Tumblr comeback and it starts with this very post! Tumblr is meant to be a blogging platform after all, and I intend to use it as such.
Anyhow, what should I write about...?
...oh, yes, some recent happenings since my lola's passing (here is my weblog on that should you want to read about it):
My Twitter is back and online! 🐤
I shut down my Twitter account sometime ago due to my mental health deteriorating, therefore not being able to keep up with all my friends and mutuals. I was undergoing some kind of... something. It was a bad time and any attempt to stay afloat was too taxing to do so I opted to deactivate my Twitter at 760+ followers. It was an impressive feat but... no, I couldn't really...
...I mean, I wasn't the same me as when I first made that account on 2019. I had to shut it down.
Then I made it again right on New Year's Day, January 01 this year! 😁 I did not operate until I was ready, of course. I figured this January 26th would be the perfect day, seeing as it's aligned to my birthday, July 26th, and one year since Dreamcatcher's Dystopia: Road to Utopia was released + the Odd Eye MV.
So... yeah! My Twitter's back, and seeing as it's a micro-blogging platform (like, in Solar Sands' words, "a more concise version of Tumblr), I like to think that it could be a small extension of my Tumblr. You may follow if you have a Twitter account!
I passed my N5 Japanese class! 🎴
You may have picked up in my previous posts that I've been taking a Japanese class (1, 2, 3) and... you would have been right! :D
I had signed up for a bundled N5/N4 JLPT Japanese course last October and so far, it's been fun! I've been learning a lot and as it turns out, what I learned so far has stuck to me well enough to pass my N5 course! o(^▽^)o\
Right now we're waiting on our N5 graduation announcement as well as when our N4 classes will begin. For now, we have this li'l break ;D
I've been playing Genshin Impact! 🎮
Oh, I'm sure @icedlatteberries would love to hear this.
One of my older cousins got me a new and more powerful phone last Christmas season, therefore enabling me to play Genshin Impact! 🤩
I've been exploring a lot so far, and the characters I have right now are Lumine, Amber, Noelle, Kaeya, and Lisa. I have yet to make progress on the story and explore more of Monstadt.
My UID may be requested via a direct message. 🤭
Okay... I think that's it for today!
Big shoutout to @anzanxious — finding you in my notifs always makes my day somehow! ヾ(•ω•`)o
Thank you for reading!
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