#shoutout to the less than 3% of neurotypical people on the survey
Neopronouns and Neurodivergence
Question: Are you some form of neurodivergent?
Options: Yes (self diagnosed), Yes (professionally diagnosed), Unsure, No, and Other (fill in the blank)
Data below the cut.
15 participants (2.857%) are not neurodivergent.
88 participants (16.752%) are unsure.
Of those...
2 (2.723% of unsure participants) specified that they were mentally ill but unsure if they qualified as neurodivergent
3 (3.409% of unsure participants) specified that they were between unsure and self diagnosis.
421 participants (80.190%) are neurodivergent.
Of those...
200 (47.506% of neurodivergent participants) were diagnosed professionally.
196 (46.556% of neurodivergent participants) were self diagnosed.
19 (4.513% of neurodivergent participants) had some conditions self diagnosed and some professional.
5 (1.188% of neurodivergent participants) were in the process of getting diagnosed proffesionally.
1 (0.238% of neurodivergent participants) did not specify.
1 participant (0.190%) preferred not to answer.
Follow-up question: Do you think your neurodivergence is related to your perception of gender and/or pronoun preference?
Options: Yes, No, Unsure, I am neurotypical (N/A)
266 participants (50.7%) responded "yes."
194 participants (37%) responded "unsure."
50 participants (9.5%) responded "no."
15 participants (2.9%) responded "I am neurotypical."
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[id: a pie chart depicting the above data]
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