#shoutout to the one person who said “the pipeline is real” when i posted the first one
98chao · 1 year
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more sonic lmk art (this time with red boy)
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
I feel so bad letting this sit for so long, but better late than never I suppose! Thank you to literally everyone who tagged me in this. Literally every time I see these posts it makes me grin like an absolute dope at my phone. This is one of the best fandoms I’ve ever been in. I know I joke that I’m just sitting in my corner making garbage, so thank yall for making the room my corner is in so lovely.
So here’s a shoutout to the people who made my 2020 better. If I’m following you (from my main @hyperspacial because despite being on tumblr for nearly a decade I still hardly know how to run a sideblog) I 100% like you. I’m sorry if I forget to tag people :( Also this is about to be a long ass post- don’t feel obligated to reply or like or whatever just because you’re tagged :P
@garyandhisnan. I just…. I adore you. Highkey would walk to the ends of the earth if you asked. Your writing, your posts, everything is top notch (and you’re an awesome person to boot which like… shouldn’t be allowed). Thank you for letting me rant about American late-stage capitalism and all the other nonsense I flood your inbox with. If yall aren’t following them, go do it now.
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@ariendiel Why you would want to collaborate with me, ME, of all people? Still astounds me. I pinkie promise we’re gonna do it though, and it’s gonna be so good. I’m so excited. But seriously, your fics are some of the only ones that I can keep coming back to. Your writing is *chefs kiss* and your edits/moodboards are literally so pretty. I love your blog and I cherish you, you slut cheat.
@kiki-the-creator same brain saME BRAIN SAME BRAIN how do we have the exact same brain!? Your fics literally are the best thing this fandom has produced- I come up with these half baked concepts, you make them actually good, then I play dollhouse with them over and over again in my head forever :3 That Erikah fic? Literally every Marisol fic you write?? I love them. Also you’re highkey so funny and ugh. Te adoro.
@bubblelaureno you’re literally too good for me. For real. I’m sorry I’m so shitty about keeping up to date with fics and edits, you deserve way more than my shitty memory and my 2 second long attention span. Your blog is literally a beacon of positivity and it’s absurd how much I admire your drive and your analytical way of thinking. This fandom is so lucky to have you.
@codename-mango controversial yet brave opinion- your blog is the best LITG blog on tumblr. Your headcanons, your jokes, your route overviews? All immaculate. Even your reblogs are the best of what everyone else is posting. You’re the only reason I have notes, and I appreciate you sm.
@oneflewoverthecuckoos my comment to mango is controversial only because if not her, then your LITG sideblog for sure. For a ‘Lucas’ blog, the diversity of content and LIs you talk about is refreshing. I fucking love seeing people talk about non-LI characters.
@inthenewblood thank you for letting me bitch about the reddit oml it’s needed. Also having someone to be salty with? A new but not unwelcome experience lmfao
@noahssidechick you are literally so sweet oml I treasure our chats and the pictures of your dogs. You bring such a chill and earnest vibe to the fandom and ugh, I’m so glad to have you.
@fuseboxmusebox I feel like you’re so consistent in the fandom, like you were here when I first joined and you’ll be here after I inevitably lose interest and leave. Your reblogs are top notch, the takes are even topper notch, and it wouldn’t be a ‘litg blogs that made me happy’ list without you.
@crvsh-culture I will never not sing your praises. I love your blog, I love you perspective, I love your vibe. I consider you a friend even though we’ve talked like… once.
@radiantdae your artbreeder edits were the first thing in the fandom that left me genuinely astounded. Like holy shit they were so good. Kassam??? That was a REAL MAN. Obviously the stuff you post now is really good too and your blog is excellent. But tbh when I think of the LITG fandom, the first think I think of is your artbreeder pictures. Also your ‘filipino words that make me think of the islanders’. I still think of that often. 
@therealityofthematteris seeing you in my notes makes me smile every time. That’s basically all, just needed to say it lmao. Also if anyone has almost convinced me to start playing TWC, it’s you and Seliné.
@bellarxse my dash would be dry af without you. Same with TWC- I’m so tempted to play because of your posts (I have it downloaded on my phone but like…. I haven’t finished a single route in Arcana and starting a new thing is overwhelming). But also your prompts are one of the few things that makes me want to write lmfao.
@lahelakoh I feel like I’ve said it before but your posts SEND me oml. The tiktok references, the chaotic energy. Both the taste and the flavour is immaculate.
@kiwi-tai we haven’t talked that much but oml I love your content so much 15/10
@confused-inalltheways-human you’re literally so cool and I think about that Harry fic all the time. Am I ever gonna get around to writing it? Probably not. But it was such a good idea. Also thank you for lighting up my notification.
@oceanatydes you come here, you post literally spectacular content, and then you peace out like bruh I wish I had your mind. I adore your edits, but my favorites are your posts/headcanons.
@voile-de-lune your aesthetic is everything I aspire to be and your headcanons/edits are such a refreshing take on characters that we’ve all gotten so stale with. I still live for that Rahim moodboard you made. Also your headcanons are so fantastic.
@lasswithumor this fandom desperately needs more Carl stans, thank you for doing the lords work. Also I highkey stalk your blog on a regular basis jsjsjsjsjsjs every chat we’ve had has been lovely and ugh, you’re just lovely
@bobbysapron your vibes are literally so immaculate. I know it’s been awhile since we chatted but I highkey adore your content and ugh. You’re such a cool person.
@beebips I feel like you’ve vanished off my dash, but you made up for it with that 3rd chapter of The Other Side of Seventh Ave made up for it.
@nerdferatum I don’t think I’ve ever breathed a word in your direction but oml you’re so sweet and supportive and every time your posts cross my dash I *pleading emoji*
@mrsgaryrennell I’m still agog that we’re mutuals because like… You are so talented. It took me waaaayyy too long to get into Blue and Hazel but now that I have… It’s highkey better than the actual season skskskskss
@kingkassam Like the above, you are waaaayyy too cool to be following me sksksksk. I’ve still got a few edits you had ideas for in the pipeline, and highkey the Kassam icons you requested are my favorite edits I’ve ever made. I live for someone else playing Matchmaker.
@hermitclaw  hello?????? You’re so funny what the FUCK are you doing following me. Ik you don’t post that much anymore, but every LITG you grace us with is a knockout. It feels unreal when you reblog my stuff. Basically the same to @mchamster. Like you’re both so funny and have been in the fandom for so long that it fully feels like royalty whenever yall interact with me.
@ravenadottir I am fully unworthy to even mention your name but oml. Your guides are the only thing that help me retain information about the season, and your recent outfit edits? Oh my god they’re so good. Hope’s especially, with the brightly colored swimsuit, left me absolutely speechless. You’re just above everything in the fandom and I admire that so much. Plus you really don’t have to flex that hard in your fics, and yet-
@smaiihands saving the best for last because you are one of the single most talented people in this fandom. Your art is the strongest life support for the fandom and like I know we haven’t talked in awhile but you’re also such a dope person. So.
And a big shoutout to all the people I follow who I don’t talk to but have nothing but good vibes. I appreciate yall way more than I can articulate: @richhdesire @needsomesorrel @ficticiouspastry @cranesandshipyards @litg-ish @princesslove19060 @fictitiouspastery​  @icedcoffee-please @demons-dogs-and-puns @sparklydinosaurr @mountainmanxoxo  @diamondsdiary @bucket-bill@another-lottie-simp @bobbys-darling @cyn-onlyyou @mikcove @officialpapa-johns @Amaxn @dxncingthroughlife @myfictionalobsessions  @screw-u-vaanu @kittidot @chichiguitarist123 @myfictionalobsessions @Azibear @amelia-w @lilithlibrxa @litghoe @priyas-tiddies @daisybarks @ajs-wife
At this point this post is just a directory of the LITG fandom lmfao but genuinely. Thank every single one of you. 2020 was hard as shit, but I’ve been hyperfixated on LITG for like a year and I treasure your content sm.
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ncmagroup · 4 years
  by Jaclyn Robinson
COVID-19 has swept businesses into uncharted waters. With new direction each day, many companies are being forced to close their doors or change their approach to work, implementing mandatory work from home requirements to comply with CDC and government guidelines. While every team is uniquely impacted, sales teams are facing an urgent need to generate revenue to keep businesses in operation.
To better understand COVID-19’s impact on our sales and customer-facing teams, we sat down with our sales leadership team to understand the top five ways our sales and customer teams are adapting to stay on track during this unprecedented time.
  1. Listening to our customers
Customer-facing teams are the eyes and ears of our operation — whether or not we’re in the midst of a global pandemic. Given we are in the midst of a global pandemic, it’s more important than ever that our teams are listening intently to existing customers and prospects.
At Crunchbase, our sales and customer-facing teams have made this a priority, scheduling daily team stand-ups to share customer feedback and concerns they’re hearing from sales prospects. This enables our teams to better understand the broader impact and implications of the situation and discuss any patterns and trends we’re seeing with our customers that could be helpful in how we help them. These important insights are then funneled up to team leadership to help gauge and better understand COVID-19’s impact on our business.
Customer and sales managers should share insights from external conversations with the broader company, allowing visibility into COVID-19’s impact for current users, customers, and prospects. “Real-time, open lines of communication with the broader company facilitates cross-functional alignment and the ability to address customer challenges in a thoughtful and proactive way across all channels, including marketing, social media, and other consumer content,” added the head of business development and sales, Neal Patel.
Key takeaway: Establish open lines of communication and share customer feedback with the company.
  2. Putting ourselves in our customers’ shoes
Practicing empathy is more important than ever. While feedback from Crunchbase customers is integral for our understanding of the state of the business, our teams are aware that taking the time to provide this feedback may not be number one on the priority list for our customers and prospects, who may be busy taking care of their families and loved ones. “Putting ourselves in the shoes of our customers is an important way to find the right time and platform for communication and feedback,” shared director of sales, Jeff Rice.
Our team is balancing the current situation with the need to continue to do their jobs – which is certainly a double-edged sword. “The frame of mind I’m trying to build for my team is that if a company’s corporate goals have not changed, then their decision to buy a solution that backs into that goal likely hasn’t either,” added Jeff. “However, with some companies updating board targets, OKRs, and cutting or freezing spending, our teams need to re-prioritize targets to back up their pipeline.”
Our team has turned to social listening via Twitter to feel out the market and figure out where the money is still flowing. Some VCs still have investment goals and funds from recent funding rounds that need to be invested. Using tools within Crunchbase, our sales team has rebuilt prospecting lists that focus on accounts supporting industries holding steady through the pandemic.
Key takeaway: Put customers first and practice empathy.
  3. Prioritizing internal communication
The way team leaders communicate and interact with teams greatly impacts morale and adaptability. It’s challenging enough to not feel isolated in quarantine – to keep teams engaged, leaders should make it a top priority to keep communication and company culture alive throughout remote work.
It’s important to keep a regular cadence of updates to encourage team camaraderie and maintain company culture. “Our CS team has maintained a daily standup each morning just to catch up before the day starts, it keeps us all aligned and feeling like a team,” added our director of customers, Tyee Dugan.
Likewise, our sales teams have found lighthearted ways to stay connected and engaged, prioritizing team hangouts, and challenges. Our sales team created a Slack channel in which team members compete in “Chopped” cook-offs and post pictures of their gourmet (or not-so-gourmet) breakfast each day. The team also recently celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with an all-hands Zoom meeting where each member dressed up before hopping on video chat.
In line with the sales team, teams across Crunchbase have been utilizing Slack and Zoom for daily communication. As in-person facetime is limited these days, our teams have set the standard that every team meeting is a Zoom meeting — static images don’t cut it. Our teams have also implemented mobile meetings and walking 1:1 meetings so team members can get some fresh air or run an errand while still checking in on team members. “I was in the grocery store doing a post mortem of a customer call with an AE,” said director of sales, Jeff Rice. “It’s important to take into account the challenges your team may be having with closing deals and pulling back on pushed deals. Sometimes you’ll need to multitask but we can’t forget to encourage our teams to take care of themselves and their families through this tough time.”
“We’ve also utilized the power of recorded video to cut down on meetings,” added sales manager, Shamus Noonan. “Our team has been pre-recording update videos, reviewing spreadsheets and reports, and sharing those with our colleagues to view on their own time. We are conscious that more time is being booked as meetings to get key points across internally, and we want to be sure our teams still have time to do their jobs.”
Key takeaway: Efficient, effective, and fun communication keeps company culture alive.
4. Keeping our sales teams motivated 
For most sales teams, company and team culture likely have something to do with competition or another form of motivation. Winner’s Circle and President’s Club may not look the same this quarter, but adapting these rewards to a donation to a charity of choice can be just as, if not more, motivating.
If finances allow, leaderboards, spiffs (immediate bonuses for a sale) and other incentives can still be a part of your sales team’s culture, and can easily be adapted for remote work. “We had some light spiffs running this month. Most were team-specific to keep everyone working toward a team goal beyond themselves,” added Jeff Rice. “It helps us celebrate short-term, small wins and in the long-term, hitting or missing these team targets helps us gauge if we need to relax our goals to cope with the current situation.”
If your team uses Salesforce, the platform allows team members to see real-time sales prospecting updates and deal leaderboards. If your company does not use Salesforce, leadership can consider sharing daily or weekly leaderboard and goal progress updates via Slack, email, or other team communication platforms.
While it is important to stay positive and celebrate wins with shoutouts, our teams also need to be swift to recognize low performance. According to the head of business development and sales Neal, our sales leadership team meets twice a week to review activity performance to ensure the team is active and working. “We celebrate the top performers and quickly determine what we can do to help the lower performers. Not every miss is due to a lack of work ethic. Some people are out helping family or friends, and we need to take that into account.”
Key takeaway: Set individual and collective goals, and approach performance issues with compassion.
  5. Encouraging our sales teams and CSMs to focus on value
Customer teams across the board are also facing the need to communicate value under changing circumstances. At Crunchbase, and likely at other companies, our sales, and customer-facing teams have two immediate priorities:
Continuing to demonstrate value for current customers
Proving to potential customers that our product provides significant enough ROI to justify the purchase when money is tight
Communicating these value propositions effectively can make or break any company, and it’s certainly a challenging time to do so. For sales prospecting, new opportunities may be scarce, but prioritizing these key messages and ensuring they are pulled through in all communications will help sales and customer teams stay on track in uncertain times.
Key takeaway: Communicate and demonstrate value to stay on track.
  Go to our website:   www.ncmalliance.com
5 Ways Sales Teams Can Adapt During COVID-19 by Jaclyn Robinson COVID-19 has swept businesses into uncharted waters. With new direction each day, many companies are being forced to close their doors or change their approach to work, implementing mandatory work from home requirements to comply with CDC and government guidelines.
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