#shoved CAKE down his throat now he has a stomachache
shikariiin · 5 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR FRIEND! @theredengineapologist
You've been nothing but supportive over the little antics I had and you're a great person! DRAGON YEAR BITCHES RISE UP!!!!
I hope you have a GREAT birthday even though it's like the middle of the night for you BUT STIIIIL, you always served and ATE with your Art, I get giddy whenever chatting up with ya🩵🩵🩵🎉🎉🎉🎉
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mydarlingvioletine · 5 years
Just a Puppy Crush - Chapter 3
Ship(s): Violet/Clementine
Media: The Walking Dead Game (Season 4)
      Violet stood nervously at the bottom of the steps leading to the porch, a gulp forming in her throat as she held tightly onto her backpack.
“Here goes nothing.” Violet took a deep breath, and walked up the stairs, the wood creaking under her feet from the weight.
        She heard Louis and Clem’s voices before she even knocked on the door. It sounded like playful arguing, which was interrupted by a familiar and soothing voice. Mr. Everett. His voice was followed by a soft and raspy female’s voice, most likely Carley.
Violet raised her fist to knock on the door, it swinging open before she got the chance. Face to face with a shocked Clementine, Violet’s eyes widened and her breath got caught in her throat.
       “Hey, there you are!” Clem exclaimed, throwing her arms around Violet’s shoulders, squeezing her arms to her sides. “I’m so happy you made it.”
Violet grinned at the contact, then looked over Clem’s curls to see Mr. Everett, a glint of.. something unrecognizable in his eyes. Carley was clinging onto his arm, a wide and genuine smile on her face. Violet cleared her throat and ducked her head, as Clementine stepped back, taking her pack from her hands.
      “You must be Violet.” Carley broke the silence with a bright, almost blinding smile.
         So that’s where Clem got it from.
“Here, let me take your bag. Karaoke machine is all set up, Lee’s gonna start working on the fire any minute now so you can make s’mores,” Carley cleated her throat, jabbing Lee lightly in the side for emphasis.
      Once he feigned exhaustion and started towards the fire pit, Carley clasped her hands together, looking down happily at Violet.
“I’m gonna give your dad a hand with the fire,” Carley beamed at Louis, nudging him with her elbow. “Get it? A hand?”
      “Very good, my grasshopper,” Louis chuckled, holding his forehead as if he had a headache. “You’ve definitely got a leg up on Clem.”
Clementine groaned, detaching her prosthetic leg to wack Louis in the chest. “Can’t believe you dragged my mom into this shit. Cmon, come look at the cake my uncle Omid made for me.”
        Clem led them into the kitchen, and the fresh smell of pancake batter and bacon hit Violet like a pile of bricks. The pale yellow walls were barely visible under a bunch of family pictures, newspaper clippings, and post cards plastered on the wall.
Violet’s eyes landed on a picture that couldn’t have been more than a year or two old. It was Lee, with AJ hoisted up on his shoulder. AJ was cradling a gigantic trophy, which Clem was cupping her hands underneath, to make sure he didn’t drop it and shatter it. She figured Carley was taking the picture. They all looked so happy.
       “My brother’s tournament,” Clem’s soft voice interrupted her thoughts, reeling her back into reality. “Last summer, we had to go on this super long road trip across the coastline. Stayed in all these fleabag motels, pretty much ate fast food for an entire month. I still get stomachaches sometimes.”
“Did you visit any beaches?” Violet asked, her eyes slowly taking in all of the decoration on the wall. Much more different than the minimalist style she had going on at her trailer. It was a lot more home-y.
       “Yeah, whenever we could. God, it was so fucking fun... Oh, don’t bring that up in front of Carley though,” Clementine’s eyes twinkled with recognition as she giggled to herself. “She got burnt... so bad. Would hardly go outside for the rest of the summer.”
“Speaking of beaches and sun burn,” Louis interjected, looking down at his phone as a couple pings came through. “Brody’s gonna be here soon.”
     Loud thumps from upstairs shook the house, leading down the staircase. Clem seemed unbothered, pulling the cake out of the fridge.
It was huge. Like a wedding cake. 3 layers of blue frosting, sides decorated with white and blue flowers, speckled with darker sprinkles. On the top of the cake was a candle in the shape of a C, for Clementine.
      “I call first taste!” A young voice behind them interrupted, revealing the young boy in all the pictures. He dragged the chair to the table in what seemed like seconds, but Clem’s reflexes were quick enough to grab him before he got to the cake.
“AJ, we’re gonna have it later, okay?” Clementine held the sulking kid under her arm with as much ease if he was a football. “This is my little brother, AJ. Kiddo, these are my friends Louis and Violet.”
        “Ah, the famous Alvin Junior,” Louis knelt down to be eye level with the kid, who crossed his arms and looked past him, towards the cake. “Heard you got my buddy Marlon good.”
AJ’s expression softened for a moment, and Clem put her hand on his shoulder, lightly squeezing it in reassurance. “He’s really sorry about that. AJ has a thing about people sneaking up behind him.”
        Louis gave an understanding nod, before straightening his posture.
“Don’t ever do it.” AJ’s voice was raspy, clearly trying to be intimidating. It brought a smile to Violet’s face, reminding her of a younger version of herself.
      “Loud and clear, little man.” Louis snorted to himself, his gaze turning towards Violet. “Vi, introduce yourself to the little lad.”
Violet’s face turned hot at the sudden shift of attention on her. She shakily outstretched her hand, a grinning Clem in the corner of her eye.
“Violet,” The kid’s demeanor changed completely, dropping his crossed arms to his side. “Clem told me about you. We got chicken nuggets in the fridge for you.”
     “We have chicken nuggets in the fridge for you,” Clem corrected, earning a soft nod from AJ, who’d gone back to doing the little hand stimming motion that she was so used to Tenn doing. “They’re dinosaur-shaped.”
The doorbell suddenly rang, and AJ booked it out of the kitchen and towards the door. Clem sighed before following behind him, shooting Violet and Louis an unreadable glance.
      Louis took advantage of the privacy to swing his arm around his shorter best friend, grabbing Violet’s arm and spinning himself while she stiffly stood there, trying her best to keep her feet planted on the ground.
“Didja hear that? Karaoke, Vi!” Louis pressed, trying his best to dip himself without falling on his ass. “So, Bop to the Top or You’re the One That I Want? I call Sandy’s part, though.”
     Violet snorted, shoving him away just as the soft, melodic tune that Brody’s voice carried out throughout the halls.
“Brody!” Violet practically threw herself into the arms of her auburn-haired friend, who was timidly taken aback, but returned the hug anyway. “Here, Brode’s got a much better voice than I do.” Violet had turned the tall, flustered girl around and nudged her towards Louis.
     Brody’s smile turned bright as she and Louis started discussing all the possible duets they could do.
Violet turned back to Clementine, who was leaning against the doorframe, eyes narrowed as she looked down at the floorboards. Violet pressed herself up next to her, snapping Clem from her daze.
      “You okay?” Violet asked, watching Clem as she fiddled with her hands, pushing back her cuticles.
“Yeah,” Clementine breathed out, a faint smile crossing her features. “It’s just... my brother. Not AJ, my older brother. He’s away at college and last time I talked to him, he said he wouldn’t miss my birthday for anything, but... Lee told me he and his boyfriend are going through a really bad breakup. I dunno, I’m just worried.”
      Clementine took a picture frame that was lying on the kitchen table, and held it so Violet could see. Her finger landed on a tall, lanky kid, who was affectionately giving AJ and Clem noogies. He had brown, shaggy hair that was pulled back into a loose ponytail. Clementine smiled down at the picture, her eyes welling up at the corners.
“Uhh... fuck.” Clementine put the picture back on the counter with more force than she meant to, knocking over a box of graham crackers. “Shit.”
      Clem knelt down quickly, trying desperately to scoop up the broken graham crackers off the ground. Violet knelt down beside her and started helping out. Her brain short-circuited when she brushed hands with Clementine, but she quickly snapped out of it, dumping the cracker fragments into the trash.
“We have a couple other boxes, don’t worry.” Clem reassured her, opening the drawer parallel to her head to reveal a bunch of s’mores ingredients. “Thank you, Vi.”
     Violet smiled at the girl in front of her, the light reflecting from the window above the sink illuminating the right half of her face. In the new contrast, she noticed a faint scar across Clementine’s nose, almost completely invisible in any other setting. The amount of visible freckles across her nose and cheeks multiplied in the light, like an intricate pattern or a constellation.
“Vi?” Clementine’s soft tone interrupted her musings, and Violet stepped back on impulse, hands instinctively returning to the pockets of her sweatshirt.
      They both now noticed that Brody and Louis had left the kitchen, and were now sitting around the lit campfire with Lee and Carley. “Cmon,” Clem grabbed the boxes of graham crackers and held them to her chest, using her free hand to grab at the jumbo marshmallow bag.
Violet reached for the Hershey’s bar, following Clementine down the porch and towards the fire pit to join the others.
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seokjinaf-blog · 7 years
The Love You’re Given pt.3
im super sorry abt inactivity lately, i have had the worlds worst writers block and school has been crazy. I'm working on some really exciting stuff, so in the meantime enjoy this (: pt.1   pt.2
    Yoongi occupies your thoughts all the time. When you lie in bed at night his smile rests at the edge of your consciousness, when you spend your days at work you can hear his laugh echoing in your ears. The smell of smoke on the streets brings back memories of kissing him, touching your lips every time someone passes you with a cigarette in their mouth. It’s gotten bad, you can feel yourself getting lost in him. You’ve stopped wearing your ring. Hidden deep within your dresser drawer, pulling away from the situation you’re living in and straight into Yoongi’s arms.   “Can I see you tonight?” His voice is soft over the phone, sitting on your balcony, still in your pajamas you watch the morning unfold before your eyes as you hold the phone close to your ear.
  “Of course.” Playing with the drawstring of your sweats you think of his cute smile, feel your heart flutter for a brief moment as he breathes in heavily.    “Good. I feel like I always miss you when you’re away. It’s ridiculous.” Scrunching your nose up you laugh at him.    “Ah, you cheeseball, stop it.” Tapping your fingers against the railing of the balcony, you try to imagine him right now. Walking to work, coat zipped up only halfway, that sleepy look he always has on his face. “But for what’s it’s worth, I always miss you too. I’m sort of crazy about you.”   “You better be! I’m just as crazy about you. I’m at work now though, so I’ll call you when my shift’s over? I’ll take you out tonight.” The sound of the sliding door opening behind you makes you jump, looking over your shoulder to see your fiance slipping out beside you.    “Alright, have a good day! I’ll see you tonight.” His eyebrows furrow as you hang up, looking you up and down once before grunting.   “You’re spending a lot of time out these days. You know you still have to show up to business functions with me right?” His voice is rough and grating on your nerves. You wish Yoongi was the one who got to stand on the balcony with you, watch the sun break the horizon by your side.   “I don’t have to do anything.” His eyebrows shoot up into his hairline.    “I’m sorry, should I call your parents? Have you forgotten our little arrangement?” He takes a step closer. “I own you right now, don’t ever forget it. All of this,” gesturing at the house with one hand, “could be gone the second I say so.”                                                    __       “Yoongi, look! They have funnel cake!” Grabbing his hand you drag him through the crowd, the sounds of cheerful screams and laughter surround the two of you. There was a fair going on outside of the city and Yoongi wanted to take you. He liked to stick to smaller rides, spinning the teacups too fast just so you’d smash up against him, kid’s roller coasters and silly things that wouldn’t give him a stomachache.   “Want me to buy you some, angel?” Intertwining your fingers with his you smile wide enough to make your cheeks hurt.   “Would you?” Pulling you up to the stand he answers without words, getting out his wallet while you celebrate beside him.  “You treat me too well.” Walking alongside him, stuffing your face with funnel cake you smile around your mouthful.   “You’re such a mess.” Wiping powdered sugar off your chin he can’t help but smile back.    “Yoongi.” His warm hand rests on your cheek, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb against your skin. “Ride the ferris wheel with me.”   “What? So you can kiss me at the very top with all the city lights around us like we’re in some movie?” Clutching his chest dramatically he looks to the side, sighing dreamily.   “Yes, exactly, I’m glad you get it.” His shoulders shake with laughter, breaking character to flick the tip of your nose. “So is that a yes? Come on! Let’s go before the line gets long.”   “Alright, alright, lead the way baby.” Nearly squealing with delight you link arms with him, dragging him along once again. The line is short and you’re sitting in one of the rickety seats before you know it. He sits across from you, thin legs outstretched, boot clad feet tapping against yours.   “Isn’t the view so pretty?” Staring out at all the lights with wide eyes, mouth hanging open at how beautiful it all is.    “Yeah, it really is.” His voice is airy, a whisper of adoration and you’re turning to look at him, only to find him already looking at you.    “You were teasing me but look at you, pretending we’re in a movie.” Heat rushes to your cheeks even as you make fun of him.    “You’re beautiful.” Watching as his lips curl up slightly, everything about him soft and genuine. Fidgeting in your seat you can’t help but smile, looking away again. “You’re so beautiful.”   “Stop, Yoongi, you’re making me blush.” Patting your overheated cheeks you refuse to look at him again. You can hear him shifting around across from you, suddenly his large hands are moving your own away from your face, cupping your cheeks and turning you to face him. He’s so close you can feel his breath fanning out against your face.   “You’re even prettier when you blush. Everything you do is so pretty.” Curling your fingers around his wrists, stomach twisting with nerves. “Can I kiss you?”   “Always.” You hardly get the word out before his soft lips are pressing to yours, a hundred feet above the ground, melting into one another. He tastes like cotton candy and powdered sugar. He tastes like love and everything you’ve ever wanted. When he pulls away you can’t wipe the smile off your face.   “How’s that for a movie moment?”                                                    __    “Will you stay the night with me?” You’re curled up on the passenger seat of Yoongi’s car, exhausted after hours of running around the fair with him. Staring out the window and up at his apartment complex you consider the consequences of not coming home tonight.    “Yes. I will.” Deciding spending the night curled up in his small bed is worth whatever repercussions you may face tomorrow. Following him out of the car and into the worn down apartment building, holding onto one of his belt loops as he leads you up to his room. It’s messier this time, papers filled halfway littering the table, dishes in the sink, slippers tossed into the living room. It makes your heart swell, seeing evidence of his life before you.   “Sorry it’s messy, you can borrow some of my clothes if you’d like.” Walking down the hall behind him he kicks open his bedroom door lightly, flicking on the light to reveal his room. Piles of clothes sit on his desk chair, pillows and blankets lying crumpled on his bed. “I would have cleaned if I’d known you’d agree to stay the night.”   “Have some confidence Yoongi, of course I would agree.” Sitting on the edge of the bed while he digs around for some clothes for you. “I mean, who would pass up a chance to sleep with the one and only Min Yoongi.”   “Careful babe, say suggestive things like that and you’ll give me ideas.” Tossing a pair of sweatpants your way he winks, your mouth falling open as you realize what you said. Standing up fully he hands you a shirt, the name of some obscure band scrawled across the front.       “You can change in here, I won’t peek promise.” Leaving you on the bed he moves towards his small closet, shoving himself inside of it to give you some privacy. Fingers shaking you strip as fast as possible, pulling on his oversized clothing at the speed of light and stretching out on his bed. Clearing your throat you call out to him.   “I’m decent!” You can hear him laughing inside his closet.    “I’m not! Should I come out anyways?” Rolling over you shove your face in a pillow, laughter bubbling up in the back of your throat.   “Shut up, put on clothes Yoongi!” The closet door creaks open, rolling onto your back again you watch him pad across the room, long sleeved shirt hanging loosely off his frame, legs barely covered by his boxers.   “Why are you so against me being naked? Should I feel offended right now?” Shutting off the light he makes his way to the bed, blinking rapidly you try to adjust to the darkness. The mattress dips with his weight, crawling up on hands and knees to lay beside you. Pulling the blankets up around the both of you he runs his fingers over your stomach lightly.    “Yoongi, I’m trying to preserve my innocence here.” Shifting so you’re on your side you scoot in close to him, fire burning in the pit of your stomach as his arms loop around your waist, pulling you into his chest.   “Innocence my ass.” Pressing his lips to your forehead he burrows down into the mattress, your hands trapped in between your bodies, fingers curled up in the soft cotton of his shirt. “Go to sleep angel, I’ll see you in the morning.”   “Goodnight, Yoongi.” Silence settles over the two of you, exhaustion finally hitting you as you lay tangled up with him. His breathing is slow and steady, chest rising and falling against your hands, fingers rubbing circles against your back through the fabric of your shirt, lulling you to sleep. In the morning you know this image of peace will slip away, but for now, you let yourself enjoy it.
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brites · 7 years
Hi. Please could we have Yurio (staying with Yuuri and Viktor) being given a kids goodie bag of treats at the tripplet's party. He tries to play grownup and cool but the bag's empty before his evening training, his stomach's full and he feels awful. Yuuri's left to care for his bloated and grumpy guest - trf
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