#shoving every story and character and author into a box is dumb and you’re limiting yourself
queer-ragnelle · 1 year
Some people wouldn’t know good taste if it was spat into their mouths.
#feeling salty tonight about some stupid fucking people#stop presenting your opinion as fact when you seem to deliberately misinterpret texts for your own ends#you project wildly it’s a bad look cut that shit out#learn to appreciate nuance#you’ll enjoy things so much more instead of constantly digging your heels in about the first inclination you ever had#learn to challenge yourself and grow and you’ll probably open up more#everything is subjective but sometimes someone’s rotten brain mangles a story beyond recognition and then yeah they’re just wrong#shoving every story and character and author into a box is dumb and you’re limiting yourself#remove the boundaries and expand your mind and you might find you enjoy things much more#constantly ​hating on things is exhausting. wouldn’t you like to rest?#take a deep breath and let it fucking go man this is stupid hill to die on#nothing is as black and white as you say and your extreme views are unfairly coloring the text in a negative light#it’s not that bad in fact I think it’s great and you’re a moron to write it off so flippantly bc you clearly don’t get it#death of the author but holy shit the blatant bad faith readings feels like deliberate misunderstanding#your criticisms don’t make sense they don’t even align with what’s on page you’re just rationalizing your negativity#if you find it so unappealing then fuck off#bc I do find it appealing and your rancid viewpoint is vomit inducing#from an enthusiast standpoint you sound stupid from an academic standpoint you’re just wrong#if this literature is so depraved and unpalatable for your modern tastes#go lick a tiktok and leave medieval literature out of it mkay?#end rant
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