#learn to appreciate nuance
queer-ragnelle · 1 year
Some people wouldn’t know good taste if it was spat into their mouths.
#feeling salty tonight about some stupid fucking people#stop presenting your opinion as fact when you seem to deliberately misinterpret texts for your own ends#you project wildly it’s a bad look cut that shit out#learn to appreciate nuance#you’ll enjoy things so much more instead of constantly digging your heels in about the first inclination you ever had#learn to challenge yourself and grow and you’ll probably open up more#everything is subjective but sometimes someone’s rotten brain mangles a story beyond recognition and then yeah they’re just wrong#shoving every story and character and author into a box is dumb and you’re limiting yourself#remove the boundaries and expand your mind and you might find you enjoy things much more#constantly ​hating on things is exhausting. wouldn’t you like to rest?#take a deep breath and let it fucking go man this is stupid hill to die on#nothing is as black and white as you say and your extreme views are unfairly coloring the text in a negative light#it’s not that bad in fact I think it’s great and you’re a moron to write it off so flippantly bc you clearly don’t get it#death of the author but holy shit the blatant bad faith readings feels like deliberate misunderstanding#your criticisms don’t make sense they don’t even align with what’s on page you’re just rationalizing your negativity#if you find it so unappealing then fuck off#bc I do find it appealing and your rancid viewpoint is vomit inducing#from an enthusiast standpoint you sound stupid from an academic standpoint you’re just wrong#if this literature is so depraved and unpalatable for your modern tastes#go lick a tiktok and leave medieval literature out of it mkay?#end rant
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thesmegalodon · 2 months
best thing about learning a new skill is realizing how good the people who are REALLY good at it really are
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lilyhoshikawa · 8 months
(*throwing rocks at the P5 fandom*) we are going to TALK abt how futaba’s shadow is the embodiment of wrath, we are GOING to talk abt how she joined the thieves not bc of their moral crusade but bc of her personal desire for revenge and how she feels lesser bc of that, we are GOING to talk abt the subtle themes of anger that futaba has in her character that are constantly swept aside to just make her silly and cute while the anger and depth of other characters is highlighted
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laesas · 1 year
did you ever make a post about pete not liking tankhun ? i know you mentioned it a few times in your tags but i don't remember seeing a post. (i share your opin ions.)
I definitely toyed with the idea of meta or a gifset but I didn't ever make a full post! I love unrequited love and I ESPECIALLY love the extremely rare platonic version which Tankhun and Pete absolutely nail in my opinion!
There are loads of moments where Pete's smile drops around Tankhun very quickly, or he insults Tankhun behind his back. Instead of laughing things off like Arm and Pol, he almost has a wincing fear-response to Tankhun, which we don't really see at all from the other bodyguards.
I think that Tankhun likes to think of himself as being close friends with his bodyguards, and he does genuinely show a lot of open affection for Pete and eventually concern for his safety. But I think ultimately for Pete, Tankhun is just a part of Pete's job, and over time resentment has built up until he thinks of Tankhun as one of the *worst* parts of it. I definitely don't think he resents Tankhun enough to hurt or endanger him, but that's about as far as it goes, there's certainly very little love there.
Something about that dynamic is just particularly brilliant, especially when combined with Pete's eventual defection from Tankhun's side to Vegas'. He chooses a man who has beaten and tortured him over a man who showers him in affection and throws parties on his return.
I utterly adore Tankhun but I think as a character that's grown up in a gilded cage, he doesn't really understand that what Pete needs is a sense of his own autonomy rather than being dragged to "fun" "lets cheer up Pete" parties that Tankhun has demanded on his behalf. At least with Vegas he *chose* to go back, he handed Vegas the ropes, let him lock him back up again. Even before he develops feelings for Vegas, Pete has clearly felt like a subhuman pet for Tankhun and the main family for a long, long time and I think ironically Vegas acknowledging Pete's humanity is the tipping point for him.
I think even without their nascent romantic love as a factor, Pete would always choose Vegas. Because despite the threat of suffering, he offers a sense of freedom that Tankhun's gilded cage does not. It all makes for an incredibly interesting betrayal, and makes Pete choosing Vegas over Tankhun all the more pointed. By choosing to be Vegas' pet, he chooses to be human.
#I have had this gifset concept rattling round my brain since before I even learned to make gifs#if I didn't have so many complicated feelings about Pete after the whole Build situation I'd make it in a heartbeat tbh#my worry is that it would either be taken as a ''hating on Pete'' set and I'd get mad shit for it in my inbox#(despite it being one of my fave facets of his character)#or it would be interpreted as a ''Build's acting appreciation!'' post which tbf it kinda would be.#theres no getting away from the fact that he shaped Pete into a very interesting and nuanced character#but you wouldn't catch me dead making a ''Captain Jack Sparrow appreciation'' set even if I loved POTC as much as KPTS yknow?#like theres only so much distance I can split the character from the actor. which sucks bc Pete as a character was one of my favourites#idk. probably not the ideal answer lol#my first instict was to just make the set since it was all planned out from like december#but since January my love for Pete as a character has mostly been in a little box on a high shelf that I do not ever touch. which is sad#but it is what it is ig#anyway lol 👀#tankhun theerapanyakul#pete kp#tankhun kp#kp meta#ask#anon#watch me deliberately not putting that shit in the pete tag out of fear#anyway back on the high shelf you go little pete feelings. lets go back to simply not acknowledging u once more lol 🥲✨#goddamn I deliberately hadnt thought about him in months but now I kinda miss Pete... :( I love this ask though thank u for sending it! 🦔✨#damn rereading this its like girl. do you have an unrequited love for commas?? fucking use them?? :) anywaY#kpts
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Hi, I have a question I hope it's okay to ask here. I'm a ciswoman dating a transgender man. I know that there are a few things that he finds still difficult about being trans (but I don't know everything yet as we've only been dating for a few months). Lately I've noticed him saying some things that make me wonder whether maybe he wants some confirmation that I really see him as a man. Of course I want to do this for him, but I'm not entirely sure how. Do you have any tips?
I think so much of it boils down to being compassionate and direct. There's so much pressure on people in relationships to just "know" through divine interpretation of how to best love their partner, and there is almost no thought given about the idea of offering love being a continuous conversation.
I'm not sure what will "work" best for your partner to show that you see him and not a warped perception, so I really think asking questions about where he is at might be more beneficial, since you'll be hearing direct feedback. I know it can be hard to navigate through something you're unfamiliar with right now, so that makes it even more important that you navigate through it with the person in question.
Trans manhood looks different for... literally all of us, which is why I don't have a direct answer for how you can help your partner feel loved and seen as a man. Since it looks different for each of us, the things that affirm us and help us will all look different, as well as the things that make us feel less understood and hurt.
#ask#anon#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#nonbinary#a relationship is basically a continuous conversation starting with 'how can i best love you?'#once you start lessening the pressure of Being A Perfect Partner All The Time you might notice that these conversations become easier#because you won't feel like you've failed at understanding or loving your partner. you will start realizing that both of you are people#and that people are complex and nuanced and our needs and desires fluctuate#it can be hard at times to navigate through relationships where two people have different experiences (trans vs. cis for instance)#but those different experiences can easily shape your understanding because you have to consider more viewpoints#i definitely appreciate seeing people coming to trans people to ask questions like these...#...but we are ALL different. if you met one trans person you have only met one of us...#...and your partner *might* be OVER THE MOON if you show that you are willing to make an effort and take notice of these things...#...because many of us have had bad experiences before and it can make you feel like what you are and how you feel just Doesn't matter...#...while i won't speak for him (your partner) i will say that he deserves to also know where you are and how both of you are doing...#...because you BOTH are in the relationship and both deserve to be with *each other* and learn *from each other*#i think that's what so many human relationships come down to (romance or no)#THAT is what makes a relationship beautiful... not this idealized 'ooh i can divine from the stars how they feel'#or like the idea of just 'knowing' how to love somebody and fulfill them. that is only a fantasy we tell ourselves...
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Ok so uh just to clear up my tags from yesterday bc i overthink everything & don't want ppl to get the wrong idea fjhdhg; when i say "liking/hating things the wrong way" i mostly mean having bigoted reasons for opinions or being a dick about them or being weirdly performative with/invested in fictional activism (and those same ppl tend to be the ones who make dragon age opinions a morality race smh).
And overall of course everyone is entitled to simply Not Like a character! And there is lots of valid criticism that i might even agree with! But i am also entitled to blocking ppl who are being overly negative about them; not because you're not allowed to do that or because you're wrong, but bc i like to curate my fandom experience and not going insane bc of constant discourse. Highly recommend doing that btw; blacklists are there for a reason and your mental health is important✌
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widevibratobitch · 9 months
me when im obsessed with dead singers from 50 (well... mostly 70-120) years ago and im heartbroken to know i'll never see them on stage... never hear them breathe, never see them sweat, never even touch the hem of their garment...
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it really is enough to drive a person mad...
#this is so funny because this is the one vaguepost that i wholeheartedly 100% agree with skdhsjshsjdhsn#like yeah!! it does indeed pain me that the level of operatic singing has so drastically decreased over the last 50 years!#that top operatic stars of today are all either nasal or wobbly or knödely or completely inaudible without microphones#but some of yall are just not ready for this conversation. example a#anyway. as many have said before. its kinda easier to understand how some people cant appreciate certain operas#if they never heard them sung well lol#sorry im out of blood today. i know this is a very uncomfortable subject for many but.#you can actually judge someone's singing in a pretty objective way. there are nuances of course. but from a technical point of view#it really is pretty simple#(also its not like i dont enjoy *some* modern singers lol have you SEEN my kwiecień posting???? lmao#hell. there are even some modern singers i have a soft spot who i KNOW sing... Not Very Well. but i enjoy them lol#not many ofc but. yknow)#also 50 years ago would be the 1970s if im doing my maths correctly and. that is really the point in opera history#when it all started going downhill (sadly partly because of one of my all time favourite singers' influence... but thats a different story)#anyway. remember when luis tetrazzini said that the future generations of singers will be The Best singers in history#because they'll have access to all those recordings of The Greats Of The Past that they'll be able to listen to and learn from?#lmao queen you were right about so many things but that was tragically not one of them </3#opera tag#yes im stirring the pot of boiling liquid shit and putting this post gently into the main tag#*luisA tetrazzini ofc#lol and lmao im out FOR blood* shdgsjsghs
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eyefocusing · 6 months
u ever feel like ppl on here are a little too chill about the word faggot
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mwebber · 11 months
honestly in general i think word choice is one of my favourite parts of "proper" writing. like ofc there's the usual rush to get the sentiment/spirit/flavour of the idea down on paper and out of one's head, and that's always the fun bit. but during the revision of a sentence or paragraph, it's an incredible feeling to carefully handpick words with exact connotations in our current cultural context and be like, yeah! this is how i wanted to say what i wanted to say, and i look forward to seeing how time and circumstance will change the meaning of this. this is how i want to contribute to the dialogue of this genre.
and they don't need to be big words either! a lesson from kurt vonnegut: sometimes the best word choice is the simplest one, if only because of context, but all the same. a sentence like "she was sad" can be something profound given the right occasion to really flourish.
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Commonplace Songs
So. Here’s the thing. I have a bad habit of skimming, especially when I’m reading rubrics. I don’t notice I’m doing it but it can mean I miss important bits of information, such as the part about your last entry being a 250 word retrospective. Luckily I am aware of this deficiency of mine so I tend to check my rubrics periodically to make sure I haven’t missed anything. So I wrote the post. But. Before I realized there was a set end to the life of this blog I still intended my own form of wrap-up. I decided to make a playlist with at least one song per reading from this class. Even after I knew I just had to write a lil paragraph I couldn’t get the idea out of my head so here is the playlist anyway. [Commonplace Songs] Obviously it would be a bit of a time commitment to listen to the whole thing, so this was mostly just for my own enjoyment, but I had too much fun not to share. Notes for each song under the cut.
Abbess Hild & Caedmon, & Caedmon’s Hymn - Sisters of Mercy - Leonard Cohen
This one was honestly one of the most difficult to figure out. I generally struggled most to find songs for the explicitly religious texts, but I think this one works pretty well if you think of it as being from Caedmon’s perspective.
The Exeter Book Riddles - The Riddle Song - Joan Baez | Scarborough Fair - Simon and Garfunkel
These are cheating a little I know, since they both have very old origins themselves. I did consider including Schubert’s Swansong as a reference to Riddle 7, but I’ve tried to stick with songs that have lyrics.
The Wanderer - Man of Constant Sorrow - Joan Baez
Man of Constant Sorrow is really a modern version of The Wanderer to me. An exile “bound to ramble” away from their loved ones, unable to see them again in this life.
Deor - This Too Shall Pass - Danny Schmidt
This one is obvious from the title, and she makes rings! What more could you ask?
The Wife’s Lament - You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me - Dusty Springfield | One Too Many Mornings - Joan Baez
You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me really captures the tragedy of still being in love with someone who’s abandoned you. I think the desire for physical proximity really works with The Wife’s Lament. One Too Many Mornings works for the feeling of physical, but more importantly, temporal distance. The tortuous, and at the same time mundane passing of time, and the feeling of it being too late.
Wulf and Eadwacer - Farewell Wanderlust - The Amazing Devil
I struggled with this one. Another song considered was Better Man by Pearl Jam but I think Farewell Wanderlust works better even if it's less specific. It's got the anger, frustration, heartbreak, and defeat going for it. 
Dream of the Rood - The Becoming - Nine Inch Nails 
I decided no church music was allowed which made this one harder. I decided to lean into the slight body horror of the description of the cross shifting between bloodstained and bejewelled. Also: “He’s covered with scabs he’s broken and sore” just like Jesus! Obviously this doesn’t really suit the glorious tone the poem was going for, but I personally found the poem a bit unsettling.
Judith - Glory and Gore - Lorde | The Dismemberment Song - Blue Kid
Glory and Gore definitely fits the tone of the poem best, it's hard to explain why without going line by line, but trust me this one is exceptionally good for Judith. The Dismemberment Song is here even though it's not quite right, because it was suggested to me and it made me laugh. Content warning though, it is very clinically detailed about, you know, dismemberment.
The Battle of Maldon - Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
This one is pretty obvious right? I came so very close to including Waterloo by ABBA as well, but I do have some restraint.
History of the Kings of Britain - Set Fire to the Rain - Adele | Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
Set Fire to the Rain is for Igerna. All that love, and vulnerability, and secrets, and distrust. This song is just about Igerna to me now, it's pretty perfect for her. Everybody Wants to Rule the World works really well for Arthurian legend. “Nothing ever lasts forever, everybody wants to rule the world”
The Mabinogi - Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac | She’s Always A Woman - Billy Joel
Rhiannon is ludicrously obvious, I don’t think I need to explain. She’s Always A Woman is also about Rhiannon, specifically how Pwyll defends her and keeps her as his queen even though everyone is against her.
Lanval - Who is She? - I Monster | Come Wander With Me - Jeff Alexander
I feel like a magical woman appearing out of nowhere to be your girlfriend would actually be pretty trippy, hence Who is She? Come Wander With Me is a bit more suitable tonally. Have fun wandering off, never to be seen again, Lanval!
Ancrene Wisse - Agoraphobia - Deerhunter
As you might expect, from a song called Agoraphobia, this works well for anchoresses. The lyrics match the actual daily life of an anchoress surprisingly well.
Middle English Lyrics - Luck Be a Lady - Frank Sinatra
With regard to The Lady Dame Fortune is both frende and foe
Sir Orfeo - Frozen Pines - Lord Huron | Word Spins Madly On - The Weepies
Frozen Pines captures the frozen-in-time-ness and its about seeking a lost loved one in the woods. It's perfect. World Spins Madly On works because time has also very much not frozen, and they are apart from one another, knowing, and at the same time not knowing, where the other is. Honourable mention to Nothing Takes the Place of You by Toussaint McCall, which just wasn’t quite right, but has a maturity the other two lack.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight I - Family Friend - The Vaccines
Poor Gawain is the only responsible adult at court. Jokes aside, this is a really good character song for Gawain.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight II-III - All in Green Went My Love Riding - Joan Baez
I’ve mentioned this one before. It's too perfect not to include.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight IV - Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons
Another character portrait for my favourite boy Gawain! This also works for him in Morte d’Arthur. He tries so hard, and always comes just a little bit short, and then blames himself mercilessly.
Canterbury Tales – General Prologue - Prologue: Into the Woods - Stephen Sondheim
I’ll be honest, I had no idea what to do for this one, but I committed to a song per reading. It does work well in a way. They are both prologues that introduce a billion archetypal characters at once, tell you what they want, and make fun of the a little. Sondheim could have done a kick-ass musical adaptation of The Canterbury Tales.
Piers Plowman – Prologue - Land of the Believer - The Weather Girls
Club music perilously close to gospel music, I wouldn’t be surprised if this genuinely was about Jesus and religion. I considered skipping Piers Plowman because we didn’t actually go over it in class, but I’m a completionist.
Chaucer – Canterbury Tales – The Miller’s Tale - You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
Oh Absolon… I considered going with Tainted Love, but I needed a ridiculous song for a ridiculous story.
Chaucer – Canterbury Tales – The Miller’s Tale - Put the Blame on Mame - “Rita Hayeworth” Anita Ellis
On the other hand, Put the Blame on Mame is about a beautiful woman being blamed for disasters both natural and human, but which is supposed to, in my opinion, make you think about how ridiculous it is to actually blame a woman for that kind of thing.
Julian of Norwich – A Revelation of Love - Space Age Love Song - A Flock of Seagulls
I love taking songs that aren’t supposed to be about Jesus and making them about Jesus, and Jesus in the role of alien girlfriend is funny to me. That said, it does work really well for the transcendent vibe of medieval mysticism.
The Book of Margery Kempe - Crazy - Gnarls Barkley | Policy of Truth - Depeche Mode
I found it a bit difficult to take Margery seriously at first, because she is patently a ridiculous person, but is she really crazy just because others think she is? Trying to think of songs for her is actually what made me take more seriously what her life was like. She experienced many dangers and a lot of persecution for living her truth, hence Policy of Truth.
The Book of Margery Kempe - Sad Eyed  Lady of the Lowlands - Joan Baez
A singular, and shockingly untouchable woman.
Second Shepherd’s Play - Mack the Knife - Ella Fitzgerald | Sheep - Pink Floyd
I admit, these are both kind of joke songs, but they do work! Mack because Mac, sheep because sheep.
Second Shepherd’s Play - Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie
The slightly more serious choice for this play. It matches the complaining of the shepherds at the beginning of the play, and it has references to prayer, and a desire for change that works given it is a nativity play.
Noah’s Flood - Rain on Me - Lady Gaga (feat. Ariana Grande)
Okay, hear me out. I know it's a club song, but it's actually perfect for Noah’s wife. I can’t go line by line, but it expresses disappointment with a relationship, be it with God or Noah, but it also expresses gratitude for being alive, even though they wish they were “dry” , a reference to rain, and alcohol.
The Crucifixion - Blowing’ in the Wind - Joan Baez
This one was really hard without just choosing a song literally about the crucifixion, which would be cheating. Blowing in the Wind is about ignorance and apathy to human suffering, which is also what characterises the Roman soldiers. Also, yes, I will pick the Joan Baez version of every song I can. Thank you for asking.
Mankind -  WWJD - The Axis of Awesome | Out of Touch - Hall and Oates
Mankind - Send Them Off! - Bastille
WWJD is another joke song, but you can’t tell me a group of demons in a morality play wouldn’t sing this. Like the demons in the play, it humorously pokes at a question people would really be asking about how they are supposed to ever live up to Jesus. Out of Touch and Send Them Off! are more straightforwardly readable as Mankind singing to/for Mercy.
Morte d’Arthur, book 1 - Tower Song - Martha Wainright | In the Blood (feat. Ashley Barrett) - Darren Korb
Tower Song is my other song for Igerna. It works along the same lines as Ste Fire to the Rain, but it's a little more vicious. I was torn about including In the Blood, even though it works well for Arthur, because of course it does, I transposed one young hero who is the future of his people, onto another. I still think the Arthurian angle changes the way the song reads enough for it to work, though.
Morte d’Arthur,  book 8 - Happy Ending - MIKA | Heavy Crown - Trixie Mattel
For Happy Ending, please see my previous post on Lancelot and Guinevere. Heavy Crown is for Arthur, “Winning’s losing with a couple strings [...] Gotta be the last to know”, I think it suits the melancholy of all the lost glory Camelot, and how inevitable the whole thing felt to Arthur the second he was confronted by Agravaine and Mordred about Guinevere and Lancelot
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oathtorn · 9 months
// Minthara's respect for children's lives is the greatest example of her philosophy of not inflicting unnecessary suffering. Like, violence is great and can be fun, but whether it is killing a kid or just purposefully upsetting them is under most circumstances senseless. Going out of your way to find pleasure in taking advantage of the weak marks a person as dangerous in her eyes, and not in a positive way.
She isn't concerned about honor in the way your usual paladin would be, but she cares about loyalty, shared goals, honesty (more than the average lolthsworn drow) and predictability, and a messed up moral compass is the first sign of unreliability.
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roxyandelsewhere · 2 years
this isn't a diss on anyone, it's just an observation of a general trend, but it's interesting how the notes in my post about scorsese's film foundation's free screenings of restored old movies are full of anti-marvel people, and i know this because so many people mention marvel when they reblog the post. it's interesting because it's part of a debate on cinema as art vs marvel as the star and symbol of movies as just another branch of capitalism, the crux of that debate being marvel's power to make itself dominate our view, earshot, brainspace etc. and then marvel keeps popping up in comments about fully unrelated things because they're the other side of that debate. i don't think this constitutes free advertising but that brainspace they can force themselves into? we're doing it ourselves now. i get the urge to say that stuff, i really do, but i'm not sure how the art of cinema can win against the omnipresence of marvel if efforts towards preserving and sharing it are a middle finger at marvel first and a world of cinema outside of it second. we need to be better i think. it starts with us
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I have a lot of thoughts about ai and most of them are sad
#if there was a child named Ai and she was learning to write and draw then duh. wed let her learn from us to make her own stuff. and even if#one day she ended up getting a job i could have gotten instead of me#i wouldnt be mad. but if she kept cutting up others work and pasting it back together without creditting then thats where the line was drawn#and if there were thousands of her taking thousands of jobs and doing them shittily and putting thousands of people out of work and#*be pretty fucking mad at her especially since she didnt need the jobs herself#but thats the thing. shes still just a kid. a kid whos learning and whos not perfect yet and corporations are making her do shitty shitty#stuff that she didnt want to do#because i mean at this point ai is functionally just algorithms its not its own people. but if its ever truly Artificially Generated People.#then#.... ugh. will they be treated as people. i need to have a deep conversation with an ai at some point about this lol#but like. if ai was designed and produced exclusively by me and other small creators. and we taught her how to draw and write using our own#skill and textbooks and stuff. and she wasnt corporately controlled and abused.#and when people asked about who taught her to draw she could say My Mom Taught Me!#would yall love her?#because i want to love ai so much. i want anything truly sentient to feel loved and appreciated and i want them to do good#but i dont want to support corporations being dicks more yknow??#this isnt too eloquent and theres a fuck ton more nuance and please. please dont fuss at me. if you actually have something to add feel free#ai#corporate corruption#ibthink thats an appropriate tag#because this does tie into the How Do You Build A Pipe Bomb principal#ai discussion#i think theres a scale between Algorithm and Kindergartener and i dont know how to feel about it#cursing in tags#~ chevy
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theenglishnook · 2 months
Spanish Nouns and Their Unique Traits Compared to English
Exploring the Evolution Spanish nouns, like their English counterparts, have evolved over centuries, shaped by the cultures and languages that have influenced the Iberian Peninsula. The Spanish language itself has deep roots, with influences from Latin, Arabic, and various Romance languages. One of the most distinguishing features of Spanish nouns is their grammatical gender, a trait inherited…
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giovanni-bottesini · 4 months
There's something I've noticed a lot more recently as I've taken up my late grandmother's genealogist role in my family's Scottish clan (something which still sounds fictional to me) which I see as yet another example of well-meaning white settler leftists approaching important conversations with a very flawed mindset consisting of what some would call "white guilt" and the self-sacrificial or "repentant" approach to decolonization that lets you skip learning about any culture at all! You can just say "I'm a white settler on stolen land. That sucks and I hate it." and buy an orange shirt on the internet while you're supposed to be doing your day job for the government.
This isn't about giving up your own cultural identity as a "sacrifice" to those who have had them stripped away. The goal is always to know more about ourselves, each other, and the unbelievable extent to which our ancestors documented everything they could about themselves. No matter how unimportant you might think your middle-class suburban family might be, there are millions of people dedicating their entire lives and careers to using every bit of data they can find to make leaps in understanding I couldn't piece together if I tried.
Do you resent your rich, white, Catholic upbringing? Don't you want to just forget it all, throw out those dumb old documents, and renounce your European origins in solidarity with the indigenous peoples? Well, first of all, uniteforchange.com is a good place for folks in "Canada" to start out if you're in a position to pay reparations (folks encouraged to rb with international community/mutual aid funds) but please make sure your family documents remain in caring hands! Donate them to a university or research institute, or any sort of passionate genealogist in your family or community so the knowledge doesn't just rot in your poorly-insulated attic.
Or read the documents yourself! Bring them to a local library and scan them, upload them to a database like familysearch.org or geneanet.org and figure out why your family is catholic, what they may have practiced before, and how you ended up as a settler rather than living in Ireland, or Italy, or Hungary, or anywhere else considered "white" enough (nowadays) to get the "good" side of colonialism: having their culture leeched out of them whilst participating in the destruction of others, rather than being destroyed.
Decolonialism isn't ever about hating your identity and trying to bury it out of shame, or appropriating another culture that feels "better" to your conscience. It's about understanding yourself, hard realities and all, looking back at the countless people who were silenced before their voices could be heard, and fighting like hell for the people who still have the chance.
Realizing your history should disturb rather than comfort you, but realizing your privilege should not demoralize you; it should empower you.
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ivycopper · 5 months
P&T not being libertarians anymore is honestly such a glowup, ngl
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