#showing up to a premier on McLennon day with replacement John
econhomework · 11 months
McLennon Day Fic (belated as usual)!
At any rate, I've been thinking about doing another outsider POV for a while, and this opportunity was too good to pass up. Because what did Paul McCartney do on July 6th, 1973? Why, he cancelled a Wings concert and attended the premier of "Live and Let Die" of course. And no, it definitely wasn't because performing on stage would have reminded him too much of John and he needed to listen to music that only he had made and done BY HIMSELF, why do ask??
It would make for a great canon story, Paul pining over John years after on the exact day they met and going to drown his sorrows in a very flashy film, but it also fit quite nicely in with my Holiday Series, although this time, John can be included at his side! Because I like happy endings and am not good at writing unresolved angst. Maybe one day...
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