#shrue leaves that meeting and heads straight to hr and its just carson wearing a different tie
valtsv · 4 months
okay but the entire concept of saints in the silt verses is so immensely fucked up. like. it sets up this entire class/caste system of people whose purpose is to grease the wheels that keep the rest of society running by being tortured until their bodies are twisted and reshaped into tools of forced labour. and this conscription explicitly targets some of the most marginalised and vulnerable groups as a punishment for their perceived failure to perform an adequate or useful role in society. there doesn't even appear to be a limit - as long as the gods are fed, saints can be mass-produced and reproduced to meet whatever quota is drawn up. their dehumanisation is absolute; VAL is almost certainly not the only saint to ever retain her sapience, she's just the first where it was considered an asset - how many saints were purged shortly after their birth because they were too aware of the horror of their own existence? even progressives like shrue refer to them as "it"s, emphasising the pronoun to give weight to the point that saints are generally considered to be too divorced from their own humanity to be worth advocating for. they're just an unfortunate part of life! we have to keep our infrastructure running somehow! and when we hear from some of the legislatures who do use their (presumably) preferred pronouns as identity markers, like carson with VAL and the timothy the inspiration saint, well, that's somehow even worse, because it shows that they either see them as fundamentally disposable people who deserve what happens to them (as implied by the joke about having shrue hallowed for being too outspoken about their reservations), and/or they know that they're committing human rights violations, and they know they can get away with it.
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