diabolikshu · 5 years
Shu Sakamaki Q&A: Ep 2 Part 2/2
Thank you!
Rumiko: "So, Ruki?"
Ruki: "Mm?"
Rumiko: "Do you have any talents or hobbies maybe?..."
Ruki: "Well... I'm an author actually. I also enjoy doing puzzles on my free time. I guess you can say I'm good at it."
Shu: "Oi! Can I get a beer over here?"
Bartender: "Coming right up!"
Ruki: "So, Shu?" *looks over at Rumiko and winks*
Shu: "What?"
Ruki: "If you had a wife, where would you take her on your honeymoon?"
Shu: "Ha??... What kinda question is that?" *Shu looks up at Ruki with a very confused, almost disturbed look*
Rumiko: "PFT!" That's one of the questions on my list!
Ruki: "I don't know. I'm just bored... What I can't ask a question?"
Rumiko: Is Ruki in on this? Maybe Karlheinz ordered him to help me out?
Shu: "Hm?... Do you not want to play anymore? I couldn't care either way."
Ruki: *yawns* "Yea I'm bored with this, Shu. Let's just sit down at the bar and get to know each other."
Shu: "Whatever. I just ordered a beer anyways... And I guess I'd probably take her to Rome."
Bartender: *places beer on counter*
Shu: *chugs beer*
Rumiko: "What about you Ruki?"
Ruki: "I was thinking Rome as well."
Rumiko: "You two should get married then." *laughs*
Shu: *face blushes red*
Ruki: "What's up with your face?"
Shu: "What are you talkin' bout? Look at your f *hiccup* — ace, you bastard."
Rumiko: He's worse drunk than I thought. Maybe I can ask him something more personal.
"Shu, have you ever kissed a fan?"
Shu: "...... Once."
Rumiko: "REALLY?"
Shu: "...Yea."
Rumiko: "Can you explain further?"
Shu: "... My father put together a party for my birthday a couple of years ago... I didn't want to go but... I kinda felt guilty about that... So, I went even though I was very late. I sat in the corner and people kept coming up to me, bothering me, and asking me annoying questions about pointless things..."
Ruki: *orders another drink*
Shu: "Laito comes up to me and sneaks me a bottle of alcohol. He says 'Happy Birthday', does that dumb little laugh of his and walks away very discreet. I held onto the bottle and I was going to toss it... I then thought 'maybe this is my chance to have a little fun for once'. I go to a guest room in the mansion, sit down on a chair alone listening to music and just drink the entire bottle by myself. I leave the room extremely drunk, falling all over the place and stumbling through the hallway. I hear someone calling my name and asking if I was okay. It annoyed the hell out of me. I look at the girl and tell the her to leave me alone. I could tell she was a fan of mine cuz she had that dumb look on her face... She wouldn't go away no matter what I said. I asked her "will you promise to leave me alone if I kiss you?" Or something along the lines of that... She was caught off guard and was taking too long to respond... so I grabbed her, pinning her to the wall and began french kissing her... After that she ran away embarrassed, covering her mouth... Heheh, the look on her face was priceless."
Rumiko: *breathes intensely*
Ruki: *drunk* "That's what I'm talkin' about... I probably would've went a little farther than that just for the hell of it."
Shu: "Eh, she was a bad kisser."
Rumiko: "W-What about you Ruki?"
Ruki: "Nope. I've never been approached by any fans anyways."
Rumiko: "What? But you're sexy, mysterious, and smart."
Shu: "...Rumiko... You're a lewd woman aren't you?"
Rumiko: "SHU!"
Shu: "What?... It's obvious. I saw your reaction to my little story. I guess all women are the same..."
Rumiko: "Of course not! I've lost interest in you a long time ago. You're really not who I thought you were when I was just your fan. Being your manager isn't easy ya know?!"
Shu: "Hahahaha, you still got turned on though. I could hear your heart beating faster. It was pretty intense for someone who has lost interest in me."
Rumiko: "Tch, forget about it!"
Ruki: "Well do you like anyone romantically?"
Rumiko: "Um... I don't know."
Shu: "Lies."
Ruki: "Come on. Say it."
Shu: "Laito?"
Rumiko: "No way!"
Shu: "Ayato?"
Rumiko: "Nope!"
Shu: "Ah, I see. Reiji then?"
Rumiko: *blushes*
Ruki: "Interesting..."
Rumiko: "What? I didn't say anything!"
Shu: "Well, the next best thing after me is my brother. Makes sense."
Rumiko: "Fine, I like Reiji a little bit... Just don't say anything about it... So, are you guys dating anyone or interested in anyone?"
Shu/Ruki: "Nope."
Shu: "Woman are troublesome."
Ruki: "I agree."
Rumiko: "Hmm... Well then, what is your ideal woman? Personality and appearance wise."
Ruki: "... Someone's who's intelligent, independent, obedient, and well mannered. I enjoy women who have shorter hair usually. I don't want it getting in the way. It's easy access to the neck."
Shu: "A quiet, petite woman. That's all I want... Or maybe someone chubbier so if I want to sleep I can use them as a pillow whenever I please... Not sure now that I'm thinking about it..."
Rumiko: "You just want a woman who would make it more convenient for you to sleep whenever you'd like, huh?"
Shu: "Why else?"
Ruki: "What have been your worst experiences with a woman?"
Shu: "I went on a date with a woman who I was set up with by my father... This woman, I believe, was one of my cousins. I could tell by the way she carried herself that she was within the family. I never met her before this encounter though..."
Rumiko: "How the hell did your father get you to go?"
Shu: "..."
Ruki: "You going to say something?"
Shu: "I can't discuss that. But he offered me information... I knew I wasn't going to seriously pursue this woman. I went over to her place. We sat down and ate dinner... I wasn't eating so it was worrying her. I could tell that she was very nervous. It was annoying because she was tapping her foot anxiously and playing around with her fingers. I assumed it was because this was her first date or something... She then asked me if I could at least have a little drink if I wasn't going to eat... I then took a small sip of the drink she gave me... I passed out... I then slightly remember her dragging me down a hall by my leg and a smirk on her face. I don't remember anything after that... Only that I... I woke up in the middle of a forest with only my underwear half on." *begins laughing uncontrollably*
Rumiko: "Oh my God, Shu!!! That's not funny! That's a traumatizing experience!"
Shu: *still laughing*
Ruki: "What did you do after that? If that was me I would find this woman and drain her blood."
Shu: "Ahahaha.... Well... Hahaha... I knew why that happened... Finding and killing her would be pointless. This was my father's way of punishing me for repeating high school... I eventually found my clothes under a tree. They were torn and dirty took me a couple of days to come home. My brothers asked me where I was and why my clothes looked like that. I told them that I was sent to the North Pole by our father and was attacked by a polar bear." *starts laughing again* "They actually believed me."
Rumiko: "SO THAT WAS A LIE?!"
Shu: "Of course it was... It would pretty much be a vacation for me to be sent to the North Pole. My father knows that. He wanted me to be humiliated like he was..."
Rumiko: "Sounds like him now that I'm thinking about it..."
Ruki: "My worst experience was with a human woman. She was quite beautiful and very educated. We became very close and that was the first time I fell in love..." *In deep thought*
Rumiko: "Ruki..."
Ruki: "... She passed away, which is normal for a human obviously."
Rumiko: "How did she die?"
Ruki: "Heart attack."
Rumiko: "Huh? How old was she?"
Ruki: "92."
Shu: "PFTTTT!!!!" *begins laughing uncontrollably*
Rumiko: "Stop laughing!!! He loved her!"
Ruki: "It's fine..."
Rumiko: "Why do you call that your worst experience though?"
Ruki: "She cheated on me with Kou."
Rumiko/Shu: *both laughing now*
Shu: "Hahaha, th-that must have been tough huh?"
Ruki: "Please... Let's stop talking about this."
Rumiko: *takes a deep breath* "...Yea, let's change the subject ... How about we play some darts?"
Shu: "You're all going to lose... I may be drunk but I'm still the best at playing darts." *drunkenly takes the darts out of the board*
Ruki: "What a joke. You can't even walk straight. You think you'll be able to throw straight?"
Shu: "... Shut up." *intensely focuses on the dart board* *throws*
Instead of hitting the dart board, he hits a painting of a sexy waitress a hung on the wall next to the dart board. The dart lands right exactly on the woman's breast.
Rumiko: "SHU!"
Ruki: "...Nice. We're gonna have to pay for that."
Shu: "...I told you I... was good..." *passes out on the floor*
Ruki: *sigh* "I knew this would happen."
Rumiko: "Let's get him out of here fast. I'll grab one arm and you grab the other—."
Ruki: *picks up Shu* *throws him over his arm* "Lets go."
Rumiko: "Y-Yes!"
I hope you enjoyed reading !!! 💕
I had so much fun writing this!
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diabolikshu · 5 years
Shu Sakamaki Q&A: EP 2 (Part 1/2) (feat. Ruki Mukami)
If you didn't already know, Rumiko Asahara is Shu's manager. For more info please read my previous posts!!!
Enjoy! :)
Karlheinz: "Rumiko, I'm very displeased... You are not fulfilling your duties as Shu's manager. Is there something I need to know? Please tell me now."
Rumiko: "I'm truly sorry, Karlheinz-sama... Shu has been getting very creative with ignoring his duties."
Karlheinz: "Yes. I see that. I will arrange something... In the mean time you must get something out by Sunday. If I don't see any progress by then, we will have issues."
Rumiko: "I understand..."
Karlheinz: "That is all... You may leave."
Rumiko: *bows* "Please excuse me."
Setting: Downtown
Rumiko: *rustling in the bushes* "Come on, what is this beautiful slacker up to?..."
Rumiko: I've had to resort to following him around in a disguise in order to find the perfect time to interview him. Usually Sundays are considered his “days off” where I don't bother him, but that's just what he thinks. Karlheinz has been getting frustrated with my lack of content. I don’t care if I have to tie Shu to a chair. I can't get fired.
Rumiko: "Mm? He's meeting with someone?" *peers closer*
Ruki: "Do you hear something?" *looks around*
Rumiko: *quickly ducks down* Ah, so it's a Mukami. This is new, I never knew Shu and Ruki have ever spoken much... M-Maybe they're gay???!! *Nosebleeds a little*.
Shu: "Yea I did hear something... From my experience it's probably something troublesome... Let's hurry and get to the bar."
Ruki: "Yea."
Girl A: "Wow~! Who are those guys? They're so sexy!"
Girl B: "You wanna follow them and see what they're up to?"
Girl A: "You read my mind! I'm going for the dark haired one if that's okay with you."
Girl B: "Yea go ahead. I like blondes anyways."
Rumiko: Tch, I can't let these girls get in my way... I'll stand back for now but if they try anything, I'm stepping in.
*Shu and Ruki open the bar door*
*Girl A and Girl B enter the bar right behind them*
Girl A: "Thank you, you're so swee—!" *door slams in her face*
Rumiko: *holds mouth trying to avoid laughing*
Girl B: "Are you okay?!"
Girl A: "Y-Yea... I just thought they were gonna hold the door open for us or something. Like we were right behind them, didn’t they see us?"
Girl B: "Your nose is bleeding! Let's get you to a bathroom to clean yourself up."
*Rumiko follows close behind*
Rumiko: Ugh, her blood smells horrific... Smells almost like... Like... a rusted old boat anchor or something. Metallic and a slight fishy smell... Lets hope Shu and Ruki don't find that appealing. *pulls shirt over her face*
The girls pass Shu and Ruki who are sitting at the bar and rush to the bathroom to clean the nosebleed. Rumiko sits at the other end of the bar, watching closely.
Ruki: "Do you smell that?"
Shu: "Yea, I do. Someones blood."
*Shu and Ruki look around the bar for the culprit*
Shu: "It smells like a..."
Rumiko: Please don't say a delicious steak or something.
Shu/Ruki: "...An old boat anchor."
Rumiko: *sigh in relief*
Ruki: "...Let's go to that other bar with the billiard room. This smell is giving me a headache."
Shu: "That place is usually very crowded though."
Ruki: "Who cares. This smell is killing me."
Shu: "...Fine, I guess."
*Ruki, Shu, and Rumiko leave the bar*
Setting: Bar #2
Rumiko: I hope those girls didn't find out where we went.
Ruki: "Two beers please."
Shu: "And a shot of vodka neat."
Ruki: "So, you're trying to get wasted?"
Shu: "I can handle my liquor... I’ve had a rough week anyways."
Rumiko: Rough week? All he did to my knowledge was sleep... Is there something going on that I don't know?
Ruki: "Alright, whatever you say. But I'm not cleaning up after you."
Shu: "Clean up after me? Heh, I can handle myself."
Rumiko: I've seen Shu get drunk once before. He is a lot more talkitive in those moments. It's the perfect time for me to get an interview in!
Ruki: “So what’s going on with your old man?”
Shu: *sigh* “He’s got this woman following me all the time. She is being paid to put all of my private information online so I can like connect with my fans or something...”
Bartender: “Here you go gentlemen.”
Shu: *takes the shot of vodka and washes it down with beer*
Ruki: “I mean you're the eldest... It's expected.”
Shu: “Yea... Whatever... I think he’s got a girl following Subaru and Ayato as well actually.”
Ruki: “I bet they’re enjoying that.”
Shu: “Ayato went up to me and asked how my prostitute was... I had no idea what he was talking about until I realized he’s having sex with the girl that’s supposed to be his manager. The idiot thinks that our father bought us personal escorts... I didn’t have the energy to explain to him what is actually was. I’ll let him have his fun until he realizes everything personal of his is on the internet now."
Ruki: “He’s so naive... But you know the more you slack off, the more work you'll have to do later on. You might as well give your manager what she wants even if it’s like answering just one question a day. You don’t even have to say the truth.”
Shu: “Two more vodka shots neat.”
Ruki: “I’m gonna have to carry you home at this rate.”
Shu: “...Maybe.” *finishes both shots and stands up* “Let’s play pool.”
Shu gets the cue sticks and they start playing.
Ruki: "Shu, you're holding the cue wrong."
Shu: "Huh?"
Ruki: "Turn it around."
Shu: "...I know that." He drunkenly snickers to himself.
Rumiko: This is probably a good time to make a move.
Rumiko: "May I join you two?"
Ruki: *looks over confused* "Uh... Who are you?"
Shu: "Tch, why are you here? It's my day off."
Rumiko: "I know, I know. I was only here to grab a drink. This was only a coincidence that we ran into each other. I won't try anything funny, I swear."
Ruki: "I take it that you're the famous manager?"
Rumiko: "Rumiko Asahara, nice to meet you. I've heard good things about you from Karlheinz, Ruki."
Ruki: "Nice to meet you too. Here." *Gives Rumiko cue stick*
Rumiko: I have to ask Shu questions without him knowing it's another interview. This is going to be awkward. I have memorized all of the family questions. Maybe I can ask Ruki some questions as well so it's not too directed towards Shu. I don't want him to get too suspicious.
For Part 2 please share and like. I will post the second part once I see that people are reading. Thank you 💕
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diabolikshu · 8 years
More, Blood Routes Eng Trans
Shu’s Route along with all the other characters translated routes here! http://akuichansera.tumblr.com/DLMB-Master-List
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diabolikshu · 8 years
You can find Shu’s full Haunted Dark Bridal game translation here! : http://sakamakihouse.tumblr.com/post/128770509191/diabolik-lovers-haunted-dark-bridal-shu 
Here is the link to all other HDB character routes if you are interested! : http://sakamakihouse.tumblr.com/masterpost
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