#shu sakamaki rp
diakaoniii · 1 year
To shu:
This spot free? (His lap)
Shu: heh, are you sure you want something other than sitting on my lap~? you lewd woman...
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dialoverssakamaki · 1 year
*a random Guy was flirting with Yuu and Yuu avoids him as she wasn’t interested*
*the guy got mad and he tried to punch Yuu*
*Yui Komori was worried as she yelled “watch out!!”*
*Yuu turned around and looked at Yui and told her she wouldn’t be worried about Yuu*
*but Yuu could sense his punch and she dodged quickly, she dodged all his punches quickly*
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Yui you don’t have to be worried about me
*Yuu Said as she talked and dodged*
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Yui: They were pretty rude, they really didn't have to act like that...I got very worried for you, Yuu-san.
Are you sure you can handle them, Yuu-san? Would you like me to call a teacher?
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Reiji: How distasteful, a man who cannot handle simple rejection. That too resorting to violence towards a lady, how ill mannered.
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Ayato: They've got some guts to not only flirt with what belongs to Yours Truly but try to hurt them too! I'm gonna make em regret this.
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Shuu: Ayato, don't hype her up, the more you do, the more troublesome this will get. Haah. Go help her end this so the teachers don't get involved.
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Kanato: Teddy, how do you feel about this? Should we praise her? Or should we get mad at them for making everyone come here?
[He's referring to causing a scene]
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Subaru: Honestly, by now I thought that everyone knew not to mess with her. The bastard had it coming.
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Laito: Nfu, it's almost as if she's the founder version of you, Subaru-kun!
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Subaru: Shut up, you perverted asshole!
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Laito: S~orry, younger brother!
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Helloo! I was wondering if you do any of your lap memes, in case
Subaru or Shu, I just it would be funny if one of them just randomly fall on his lap, have a good day!
🧩 Hey there, I recently added a rule to this blog that I will not be doing meme prompts that I reblogged more than a month ago. I'm not sure how you found this particular lap pillow meme when I reblogged it about 5 months ago, but quite frankly I wrote at least ~30 of these and he's just going to push any Sakamaki off of him lmao. I'll try to give a Tokuten-esque answer of what Ruki would do towards Shu though (since I'm biased like that). Have a good day too. 🧩
"This is a new low even for you, Sakamaki Shu. I knew you were unmotivated and sloth-like as is, but that is no excuse to make me your personal pillow. Don't tell me—are you seriously foolish enough to let your guard down around another Vampire, lesser still another vying for Eve's blood? How ridiculous... Get off of me this instant."
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After several attempts to move the eldest Sakamaki off his lap, Ruki conceded and reached for the nearest book on the coffee table. No matter what he did, Shu just would not budge, peacefully dozing off despite his efforts. Therefore, he surmised waking up to the sight of someone reading so nonchalantly would suffice as payback.
"Rest while you can, Shu... Because the one who will have the last laugh is me when I watch how confused you are upon awakening."
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cappuccino-blood · 1 year
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I just feel like talking about Akame’s trauma…😀
First thing, having to deal with her mother’s death. Even though her brothers had abusive mothers the fact that they have an alive mother figure couldn’t be ignored, making her feel lonely. Getting to the point were she would ask the servants to give her some motherly love.
Dealing with her step-mothers was hard, Beatrix was the nicer of the three but she was strict and didn’t see her as a daughter at all. But Cordelia and Christa were to another level. Cordelia punishing her every time she could, trying to get her to play with some of her lovers, treating her worst than a servant, and a long list of inhuman treatment. Christa was nice sometimes, but when she had her hysterical attacks she would get hit and degrade her for being a child from Karl and also being the daughter of Karl’s first wife.
Having to assume the role of a mother for her brothers was literally a sacrifice, having to sacrifice her emotional and mental stability for the sake of his brothers was tiring, but still nice; having to study with Shuu, playing chess with Reiji, playing with the triplets, hiding them from Cordelia, take care of Subaru like if he was her own child, etc. But she knew that if she was not for her brothers, who will? Giving her a glimpse of hope for a future where they’ll leave this castle and have a normal life.
Royal activities, even thought she is not the heir she still had responsibilities especially because she was a lady, the stress caused by the amount of things she had to learn; how to react, how to walk correctly, how to talk and more. Transformed into her rebel personality, but still keeping that calm and elegant vibes. Several times she wished she was a normal girl, a normal vampire living in a village, not eating fancy foods all the time, not having to wear long and uncomfortable dresses…She would sigh deeply while asking the stars to make her dreams true. Plenty of time she planned an escape but was stopped by the servants and her own will, she would always thought about her escape being something selfish she could finally have a normal life, but what about her brothers? They’ll lose the only person in the household that brought them happiness…
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sakamaki--perfect · 2 years
reiji's reaction on shuu hitting on his s/o and making her uncomfortable?
He grabs your waist, pulling you close to him as he glares at Shu. His grip on you was strong, he's being protective, maybe a bit too much. He doesn't want to lose you after all. Not to him. Not to anyone. He was glaring at Shu almost for a solid 60 seconds as the atmosphere became dark and dangerous.
“Trying to be a little thief, Shu? For the first and last time, this human, is mine”
Even though there's a lot more words he want to say than this, he needs to calm his rage to be able to spit them all out. Still holding you firmly against his chest. “Stay away from us, you deadbeat. You'll never get them even if you give all your best. They're mine, and I'm not losing them to you. Pay heed to my words, Shu. Do not approach them ever again”
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Dragging you out of the place as soon as possible as he doesn't want to be in the same room as that deadbeat anymore or even breath the same air as him. He is, flaming with anger and jealousy. Mixed with a bit of despair, he thought he'd lose you even though he doesn't doubt your loyalty. He couldn't shake off the feeling of Shu stealing everything he has again. He was scared.
As soon as he closed the door to his study, he embraces you like he needs it. Scooping your limbs in, he buried his face into your neck. You perhaps expected biting, but it never came.
“Was I too late? Did he do anything to you?”
His voice was gentle and worried. And there was soft kisses, from your neck, up to your forehead, finally your lips. He wouldn't let you go for quite a long time. His kisses were needy, although there was no words exchange inbetween, you could guess by his quivering fingertips, how scared he was. Although he would never admit verbally.
“I love you. Don't forget it. Don't be sway by anything. Always remember you're mine, and only mine”
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ayakayourbestgirl · 2 years
If you don’t like the ships scroll down please!
(Their Ocs are children so please don’t ask anything weird.)
Ayaka (Adoptive daughter of Carla, Reiji, Ruki, and Yuuri)
Mei (Ayaka’s girlfriend best friend)
Hajime (Adoptive son of Shuu and Yuuma)
Rem & Toya (Adoptive children of Kou and Subaru)
Eri & Akihito (Adoptive children of Azusa and Shin)
Drawings (Kids and ships)
One shots (Kids + parents)
Answering asks (Kids)
Short mangas
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pink-delicious · 2 years
Name: Rinko Tanabe 田名辺 凛子 
Nickname(s): Rin
Age: 18
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Body type: Slender
Race: Human。。。?
Birthday: August 16th  
Sexuality: Demisexual 
Blood flavor: Like a red delicious apple (poor) 
Occupation: Student at Ryotei Academy, pâtissier part-time
Hair type: Long, wavy, flamingo pink, usually worn in half-twintails
Eye color: Apricot orange
Likes: Searching for lost items, the setting sun, painting, singing, baking, cute things, morning jogs. 
Dislikes: Alcohol, smoking, dishonesty, seafood, being forced to do things, sharp objects, gore. 
Portrait: [Picrew can be found here!]
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『 Still a work in progress but I hope to add more info ASAP. I’m excited to interact with both canon and other original characters. Gonna try to reblog some memes because I’m sorta bad at first meetings so bear with me. Good luck and have fun!!! 』
University student
For now you can call me Charm.
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yuriko-mukami · 9 months
Diabolik Lovers OC Relationship Chart
Original here, made by @equinox-86
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Canon: Yuriko loves Ruki, but their relationship is still budding and unbalanced. They both need to grow and heal so that they can truly lean on one another.
RP: Yuriko loves Ruki deeply. The couple is married and expecting their firstborn. They have had their ups and downs, but they have also found a rather good balance. (@ruki-mukami-dl)
Canon: Yuriko sees Kou as family, but she is a little afraid of him. She tries to keep him in a good mood.
RP: Yuriko sees Kou as family and has learned to deal with him a bit better. She knows that she can tell Ruki if Kou gives her too much hard time. (Rukiko RP.)
Kou dates Yuriko’s friend, and Yuriko adores this fact. Though she hopes they would fight a little less. (The extended Mukami family RP, @mermaid--bride)
Canon: Yuriko sees Yuma as family. She is a bit worried about him since she believes that Eve broke his heart. She trusts Yuma, but sometimes, his loud voice and rough speech scare her.
RP: Yuriko sees Yuma as family. She likes him a lot and sometimes works with him in the garden. She also tends to nap there. (Rukiko RP)
Yuriko sees Yuma as family. She likes him a lot and even sometimes teases him about Shu. She has a tendency to fall asleep in Yuma’s garden as a fox, and sometimes, he carries her to Ruki. She trusts him a lot. (@yuma-mukami-garden-god)
Yuma and Yuriko's friend are slowly growing closer. Yuriko is exitedly waiting for them to get together properly. (The extended Mukami family RP, @eri-talks)
Canon: Yuriko sees Azusa as family. She is worried about him because she has noticed his self-harming tendencies. She adores him a lot.
RP: Yuriko gets along with Azusa but worries him a bit. (Rukiko RP)
Yuriko sees Azusa as family. They sometimes cook together and they used to walk back home from school together in the nights Ruki wasn't there. They have a warm relationship. (@askazusablog)
Azusa is in a serious relationship with Yuriko’s friend. Yuriko is very happy about the fact. (The extended Mukami family RP, @seaoflove07)
Canon: Yuriko knows that Shu is also in the third grade and that Eve has chosen him to be her Adam. She thinks Shu is lazy and isn't too fond of him but doesn't hate him either.
RP: Yuriko knows Shu is with Eve and has previous connection to Yuriko’s sister-in-law. She dislikes him slightly because he has been acting rudely. But at the same time, she wishes to get along with him and Eve. (Rukiko RP, @nalia-tsukino)
Canon: Yuriko knows that Reiji is in the third grade, too.
RP: Yuriko knows Reiji from school and thinks he is a good student. But she also wants to keep her distance since Reiji bit her once at school. (@ask--reiji--sakamaki)
Canon: Yuriko doesn't know much about Ayato, but she finds him a bit annoying.
RP: Ayato has attacked Yuriko once, scaring her badly. She didn’t know it back then, but when this happened, she was already pregnant with Ruki’s child. Because of the pregnancy, her fire didn’t work, and she couldn’t defence herself properly. The whole situation left her scared, and she doesn't want anything to do with Ayato anymore. (Rukiko RP.)
Canon: Laito has harassed Yuriko several times and finally even bit her. She fears and dislikes him highly and doesn't want anything to do with him.
RP: Laito dates Yuriko’s friend. Yuriko is a bit uncomfortable with him, but she manages. And she is happy that her friend has found someone to love. (The extended Mukami family RP, @mermaid--bride)
Canon & RP: Yuriko knows that Kanato attends the same school as she. She finds him creepy.
Canon: Yuriko knows that Subaru attends the same school as she. She thinks he is okay.
RP: Yuriko knows that Subaru is her friend's friend. She thinks he is okay. (Rukiko RP, @nalia-tsukino)
Yuriko has met Subaru at school. He was rude and made her cry, but somehow, she also felt like he might be a good guy. (@subaruwu)
Canon: She knows about Carla but hasn't met him. Ruki has made her a bit suspicious of him, but she also thinks that Shin’s brother can't be that bad.
RP: Yuriko has met Carla once, and he scared her. (founders-domain)
Canon: Yuriko sees Shin as her friend but doesn't know all about the Kitsune's complex relationship with the Founders. Also, Yuriko's best friend has a crush on Shin, and Yuriko believes that her friend has good taste. So, Shin is more than okay in her eyes, even though Ruki is uncomfortable with him.
RP: Yuriko and Shin are friends. Shin has taught Yuriko about shape-shifting. They fight sometimes, but Yuriko believes in him. (founders-domain)
Canon & RP: Yuriko doesn't know him.
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koralinewrites · 3 months
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𝔚𝔢𝔩𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 This is a Diabolik Lovers only writing blog, where I’ll be posting some fics and headcanons, as well as asks from y’all!
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No NSFW, pretty please
I only really know the Sakamaki’s, so I’ll just be focusing on them. This might change as I read more translations, but probably not.
The characters I know the MOST about are Laito and Subaru, and therefore I am most comfortable writing for them. Ayato, Shu, and Reiji are okay, while Kanato is the one I know the least about. You can still ask for them, it just might be a BIT out of character or you might not get a response because I can’t think of anything-
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𝔒𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔰
Main: @moonlit-koraline
Laito RP Blog: @ask-laito-sakamaki-rp
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Asks Being Worked On: 2
Favorite Songs/Artists
Reaction to S/O Getting Hurt During Netball
What BG3 Companion They’d Romance
Lower Your Expectations
As Children
As Children
As an IRL Artist
Like Lovers Do
Realizing He’s In Love With Someone
Dark Fate Thoughts
Daylight CD Thoughts
As an IRL Artist
Laito and Subaru’s Relationship
60 Laito Headcanons
Angsty Manga Moments
Subaru and Laito’s Relationship
What Brother He Could Get Close To
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diabolik-boys · 11 months
Shu's special day...
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"There is nothing special about my birthday to celebrate. I am just fine treating this day as any other doing what I do most: sleeping."
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"If you're going to make this a big deal, you really don't have to. I'm just fine with you minding your business as usual."
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"Fine. Come rest with me then if you must. We can celebrate my birthday that way."
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Fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by.
Tagged by @sakamaki--perfect thank you! ^_^
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Nervousness -the unease of not knowing what comes next
Wishful - wishful thinking can go one of two ways
Overwhelmed - too many feelings all at once
"Uhm... uh..." - struggling to speak when caught off guard
Please - begging, pleading her case whatever it may be
Sorry - even when she has caused no harm nor is she at fault
Baby blue - her favourite colour
Mauve - the colour of the tips of her hair
Cool gray - her image colour
Vanilla - a soft but sweet scent that almost compliments her personality
Milk and Honey - the smell of her shampoo/bodywash
Fresh paperback books - one of her most favourite smells
Long sleeves - to hide the secrets littering her skin beneath
Black Leggings - to cover one of her most disliked features at all times
Oversized tee shirts - comfortable, free to move in and just her style
Colored pencils - she is oftentimes found drawing in her free time
Bandaids - very clumsy girls face very painful consequences
Stuffed toys - to soothe her lonesome at bedtime, to make her feel safe alone
Overapologizing - continuously, for things she didn't even do
Self harm - her worst habit, her darkest secret
Nail-biting - a common bad habit
Fidgeting Fingers
Rocking back and forth
Averted Eyes
Soft Grunge
Heavy Heart - RIO
She's in the Rain - The Rose
Space Song - Beach House
I caught myself - Paramore
雨, キミを 連れて - EGOIST
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I shall tag @subaruwu @shu-sakamaki @elizabeth-virnien @yuriko-tsukino-rp and @ruki--mukami <3
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dialoverssakamaki · 1 year
Yuu being back to normal
When she enters the living room
Ahh my head.. what on earth happend? I don’t remember anything and.. why…
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Her expression turned into a very serious-angry one
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((To all Sakamaki Brothers and Yui when she turns back to normal
-- A lot of arguing can be heard --
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Yui: Uuu..stop fighting you guys.
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Yui: Guys, look! Yuu-san is back to normal!
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Kanato: Finally. Do you see this? It's your fault! Teddy and I are upset because of you. Don't look at us like that.
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Ayato: Took you long enough, you stupid founder!
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Ayato: But seeing you as a little kid wasn't bad yk, heh I took a picture too~ Oh and you were scared of me too hahaha!!
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Subaru: Don't provoke her, idiot. You're gonna get your ass beaten up.
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Laito: Isn't her expression cute? Fufu, like a little angry bird~
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Reiji: I see that there is no requirement for the antidote then. Now, you must resolve this commotion. Yes, you. Can't you see this unpleasant sight?
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Shuu: Troublesome woman...causing all that noise for nothing. -Yawn- I'm going back to sleep.
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emilyalbrecht · 2 years
CURRENTLY READING: Hooked by Emily Mclntire (Me and my spicy novels. Lol.) 🌶🌶🌶
LAST SERIES: Rewatching She-Ra and The Princesses Of Power for the third time now. (Hey Adora 😼)
LAST MOVIE: Watched Hotel Transilvania because the spooky season is finally here, plus I'm a wimp and would probably cry watching a real horror movie. 🎃
FAVORITE MUSIC GENRE: 🎶A bit of everything🎶 (Blasts music on high through headphones) (I decided to add this one lol.)
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Idk just chilling tbh 💖
Tagged by: @ruki--mukami (Thank you! I had fun doing this!)
Tagging: @diabolik-land @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat @isaf-larper @yuma-mukami-garden-lover @iricathel @yuriko-tsukino-rp @kauze-bridgerton @shu-sakamaki @mino-diabolik
(I haven't interacted with a lot of people yet, but this will help me get to know all of you. Looking forward to it! 😊)
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diabolikshu · 5 years
Shu Sakamaki Q&A: Ep 2 Part 2/2
Thank you!
Rumiko: "So, Ruki?"
Ruki: "Mm?"
Rumiko: "Do you have any talents or hobbies maybe?..."
Ruki: "Well... I'm an author actually. I also enjoy doing puzzles on my free time. I guess you can say I'm good at it."
Shu: "Oi! Can I get a beer over here?"
Bartender: "Coming right up!"
Ruki: "So, Shu?" *looks over at Rumiko and winks*
Shu: "What?"
Ruki: "If you had a wife, where would you take her on your honeymoon?"
Shu: "Ha??... What kinda question is that?" *Shu looks up at Ruki with a very confused, almost disturbed look*
Rumiko: "PFT!" That's one of the questions on my list!
Ruki: "I don't know. I'm just bored... What I can't ask a question?"
Rumiko: Is Ruki in on this? Maybe Karlheinz ordered him to help me out?
Shu: "Hm?... Do you not want to play anymore? I couldn't care either way."
Ruki: *yawns* "Yea I'm bored with this, Shu. Let's just sit down at the bar and get to know each other."
Shu: "Whatever. I just ordered a beer anyways... And I guess I'd probably take her to Rome."
Bartender: *places beer on counter*
Shu: *chugs beer*
Rumiko: "What about you Ruki?"
Ruki: "I was thinking Rome as well."
Rumiko: "You two should get married then." *laughs*
Shu: *face blushes red*
Ruki: "What's up with your face?"
Shu: "What are you talkin' bout? Look at your f *hiccup* — ace, you bastard."
Rumiko: He's worse drunk than I thought. Maybe I can ask him something more personal.
"Shu, have you ever kissed a fan?"
Shu: "...... Once."
Rumiko: "REALLY?"
Shu: "...Yea."
Rumiko: "Can you explain further?"
Shu: "... My father put together a party for my birthday a couple of years ago... I didn't want to go but... I kinda felt guilty about that... So, I went even though I was very late. I sat in the corner and people kept coming up to me, bothering me, and asking me annoying questions about pointless things..."
Ruki: *orders another drink*
Shu: "Laito comes up to me and sneaks me a bottle of alcohol. He says 'Happy Birthday', does that dumb little laugh of his and walks away very discreet. I held onto the bottle and I was going to toss it... I then thought 'maybe this is my chance to have a little fun for once'. I go to a guest room in the mansion, sit down on a chair alone listening to music and just drink the entire bottle by myself. I leave the room extremely drunk, falling all over the place and stumbling through the hallway. I hear someone calling my name and asking if I was okay. It annoyed the hell out of me. I look at the girl and tell the her to leave me alone. I could tell she was a fan of mine cuz she had that dumb look on her face... She wouldn't go away no matter what I said. I asked her "will you promise to leave me alone if I kiss you?" Or something along the lines of that... She was caught off guard and was taking too long to respond... so I grabbed her, pinning her to the wall and began french kissing her... After that she ran away embarrassed, covering her mouth... Heheh, the look on her face was priceless."
Rumiko: *breathes intensely*
Ruki: *drunk* "That's what I'm talkin' about... I probably would've went a little farther than that just for the hell of it."
Shu: "Eh, she was a bad kisser."
Rumiko: "W-What about you Ruki?"
Ruki: "Nope. I've never been approached by any fans anyways."
Rumiko: "What? But you're sexy, mysterious, and smart."
Shu: "...Rumiko... You're a lewd woman aren't you?"
Rumiko: "SHU!"
Shu: "What?... It's obvious. I saw your reaction to my little story. I guess all women are the same..."
Rumiko: "Of course not! I've lost interest in you a long time ago. You're really not who I thought you were when I was just your fan. Being your manager isn't easy ya know?!"
Shu: "Hahahaha, you still got turned on though. I could hear your heart beating faster. It was pretty intense for someone who has lost interest in me."
Rumiko: "Tch, forget about it!"
Ruki: "Well do you like anyone romantically?"
Rumiko: "Um... I don't know."
Shu: "Lies."
Ruki: "Come on. Say it."
Shu: "Laito?"
Rumiko: "No way!"
Shu: "Ayato?"
Rumiko: "Nope!"
Shu: "Ah, I see. Reiji then?"
Rumiko: *blushes*
Ruki: "Interesting..."
Rumiko: "What? I didn't say anything!"
Shu: "Well, the next best thing after me is my brother. Makes sense."
Rumiko: "Fine, I like Reiji a little bit... Just don't say anything about it... So, are you guys dating anyone or interested in anyone?"
Shu/Ruki: "Nope."
Shu: "Woman are troublesome."
Ruki: "I agree."
Rumiko: "Hmm... Well then, what is your ideal woman? Personality and appearance wise."
Ruki: "... Someone's who's intelligent, independent, obedient, and well mannered. I enjoy women who have shorter hair usually. I don't want it getting in the way. It's easy access to the neck."
Shu: "A quiet, petite woman. That's all I want... Or maybe someone chubbier so if I want to sleep I can use them as a pillow whenever I please... Not sure now that I'm thinking about it..."
Rumiko: "You just want a woman who would make it more convenient for you to sleep whenever you'd like, huh?"
Shu: "Why else?"
Ruki: "What have been your worst experiences with a woman?"
Shu: "I went on a date with a woman who I was set up with by my father... This woman, I believe, was one of my cousins. I could tell by the way she carried herself that she was within the family. I never met her before this encounter though..."
Rumiko: "How the hell did your father get you to go?"
Shu: "..."
Ruki: "You going to say something?"
Shu: "I can't discuss that. But he offered me information... I knew I wasn't going to seriously pursue this woman. I went over to her place. We sat down and ate dinner... I wasn't eating so it was worrying her. I could tell that she was very nervous. It was annoying because she was tapping her foot anxiously and playing around with her fingers. I assumed it was because this was her first date or something... She then asked me if I could at least have a little drink if I wasn't going to eat... I then took a small sip of the drink she gave me... I passed out... I then slightly remember her dragging me down a hall by my leg and a smirk on her face. I don't remember anything after that... Only that I... I woke up in the middle of a forest with only my underwear half on." *begins laughing uncontrollably*
Rumiko: "Oh my God, Shu!!! That's not funny! That's a traumatizing experience!"
Shu: *still laughing*
Ruki: "What did you do after that? If that was me I would find this woman and drain her blood."
Shu: "Ahahaha.... Well... Hahaha... I knew why that happened... Finding and killing her would be pointless. This was my father's way of punishing me for repeating high school... I eventually found my clothes under a tree. They were torn and dirty took me a couple of days to come home. My brothers asked me where I was and why my clothes looked like that. I told them that I was sent to the North Pole by our father and was attacked by a polar bear." *starts laughing again* "They actually believed me."
Rumiko: "SO THAT WAS A LIE?!"
Shu: "Of course it was... It would pretty much be a vacation for me to be sent to the North Pole. My father knows that. He wanted me to be humiliated like he was..."
Rumiko: "Sounds like him now that I'm thinking about it..."
Ruki: "My worst experience was with a human woman. She was quite beautiful and very educated. We became very close and that was the first time I fell in love..." *In deep thought*
Rumiko: "Ruki..."
Ruki: "... She passed away, which is normal for a human obviously."
Rumiko: "How did she die?"
Ruki: "Heart attack."
Rumiko: "Huh? How old was she?"
Ruki: "92."
Shu: "PFTTTT!!!!" *begins laughing uncontrollably*
Rumiko: "Stop laughing!!! He loved her!"
Ruki: "It's fine..."
Rumiko: "Why do you call that your worst experience though?"
Ruki: "She cheated on me with Kou."
Rumiko/Shu: *both laughing now*
Shu: "Hahaha, th-that must have been tough huh?"
Ruki: "Please... Let's stop talking about this."
Rumiko: *takes a deep breath* "...Yea, let's change the subject ... How about we play some darts?"
Shu: "You're all going to lose... I may be drunk but I'm still the best at playing darts." *drunkenly takes the darts out of the board*
Ruki: "What a joke. You can't even walk straight. You think you'll be able to throw straight?"
Shu: "... Shut up." *intensely focuses on the dart board* *throws*
Instead of hitting the dart board, he hits a painting of a sexy waitress a hung on the wall next to the dart board. The dart lands right exactly on the woman's breast.
Rumiko: "SHU!"
Ruki: "...Nice. We're gonna have to pay for that."
Shu: "...I told you I... was good..." *passes out on the floor*
Ruki: *sigh* "I knew this would happen."
Rumiko: "Let's get him out of here fast. I'll grab one arm and you grab the other—."
Ruki: *picks up Shu* *throws him over his arm* "Lets go."
Rumiko: "Y-Yes!"
I hope you enjoyed reading !!! 💕
I had so much fun writing this!
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skeletcnkey · 6 years
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           WE’RE THE BLOOD MOON WHEN WE COME TOGETHER.                       
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ayakayourbestgirl · 2 years
Can we get kiddos and their parents headcannons?
Ayaka - Carla, Reiji, Ruki & Yuuri
- Ayaka is a really hyperactive kid, usually she can’t be left alone without anything happening but usually her parents can control this (Carla and Reiji)
- She could talk hours about how awesome her parents are!
- Ayaka loves doing any activity with them (cooking, cleaning, going outsidel etc.)
- Mei is part of the family! Ayaka’s parents really love her!
Hajime - Shuu & Yuuma
- As Hajime has a disability Yuuma often takes him on his arms to move him around the house
- Shuu is good at putting Hajime to sleep
- Hajime would love to help Yuuma on his garden :(
Rem & Toya - Kou & Subaru
- Rem and Toya knew each other before been adopted
- Subaru is not good at comforting his children (But he’s trying his best!)
- Kou started a clothing line of kids!
Eri & Akihito - Azusa & Shin
- Eri has a bird that has faced death a lot of times, because of her father’s wolfs
- Shin loves calling his children cubs but Akihito is not really fond of the idea
- Azusa never though about having a family but now that he has one he’s really happy
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