#shut up its ganqing
velvetwastaken · 1 year
Hii, you know the drill! I give the numbers and you can answer the questions :) 2, 4, 8, 13, 15, 19 (optional, you don't have to),
LOL! I always appreciate it! Thank you, ridl! Answers below the cut.
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
I doooo. As much as I like sharing my writing with others, I’m still my own target audience lol. I write fics that I would like to read.
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
15! In various stages of completion 😅
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
I’m actively working on one ongoing wip, but I’m thinking about at least three or four others regularly and I think that counts, too, lol.
And it’s not a fanfic per se but it is fanfic adjacent: I’m trying to teach myself how to bind books, because I’d like hardcopies of my own fics one day and I think it’d be a cool way to incorporate my leather work into my fandoms. It’s going terribly so far, but I’ll keep trying 😂
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
Really depends on the story. I historically haven’t been much of a planner, but I also historically have never written anything longer than 20-30k words. As I try pushing myself beyond that, I’m finding planning and outlining and keeping notes to be really invaluable. But for the shorter stuff, under 25k, I’ll probably keep to winging it.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Ooo. Good question. I don’t think I really have a system to come up with titles for anything, and I usually keep chapters just numbered since it’s easier. For some of my fics, I titled them first, others I found a title after they were finished (and for the record, I think those titles are much better). But usually it’s a matter of trying to find something that encapsulates the fic or its theme for me. I like one word titles best, but they’re much harder to come up with, I think.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
Okay okay. For context, this is an older one, an overly ambitious attempt at a ganqing pride and prejudice au. I though I probably would never be able to finish it, but I think I actually do want to try. One day, lol.
It’s late on a Friday afternoon when Ganyu first hears the news. She is sitting at her desk, the expansive mahogany surface covered in an assortment of files, three monitors, and a holoprojector. The sinking sun alights on her back as she hunches over her tablet, typing a hundred words per minute, determined to finish this last report before calling it a day.  The elevator chimes and she glances up as the doors whisper open and the three assistants who share the foyer office space with her spill out, chattering like a flock of birds. Ganyu furrows her brow a degree in faint disapproval as the three move to their desks on the opposite side of the room, their heeled shoes clip-clopping on the gleaming marble floor. They continue to warble at their desks, their excited voices piercing Ganyu’s concentration and shattering her focus. She sighs, looks pointed at them and then slams her tablet shut. The three assistants jump at the sound. One, Baixiao, at least has the decency to look slightly ashamed. “Ah, Miss Ganyu!” exclaims Baishi, “We didn’t realize you were still here.” Ganyu purses her lips. “I was just leaving,” she says.  “Did you hear the news, Miss Ganyu?” asks Baiwen.  “I hear a lot of news, you’ll have to be more specific,” answers Ganyu as she packs her tablet and a few documents into her bag. She will have to finish her report at home.  “Lady Ningguang’s finally hired a new Yuheng,” says Baishi.  “Oh?” “I heard she’s incredibly young for such a position,” says Baixiao. “She’s supposed to be something of a prodigy.” “I heard she’s from one of the wealthiest families in the country,” counters Baiwen. “And I heard she’s a straight up 10,” says Baishi with a smirk. “A total smokeshow.” The three assistants all burst into giggles.  Ganyu doesn’t even spare the effort of rolling her eyes. With a company as big as Qixing Inc, rumours and gossip are part of the general office ambience. Ganyu tries to ignore most of it, but can’t help being a little bit interested if it happens to affect her at all. And a new Yuheng definitely affects her. 
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