#sickdialoge btsickfic
min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
20, 19, 22, 8
Hoseok sick
Seokjin caretaker
Intestinal bug, food poisoning, fever, but most stomach ache, bloating, sounds, his belly growing big and sick, the pressure making it painful, but old brother Will be there for the boy.
Pre debut , small Hoseokie, weak system, stressed boy, eating bad food in the street because je doesn't have money, so his belly is all mess up. He doesn't have money for a doctor, so Jin takes him to a small clinic, he also pays, (extensive well describe tummy examination, if that's possible please if no, really don't worry)
I hope you enjoy this fic! I loved writing it! I've never written anything pre debut this was really fun!
20. “Have you eaten anything since (meal)?”
19. “You can just nod, but I need you to answer me.”
22. “Poor thing... It'll get better.”
8. “How's the stomach?”
Sickie: Hosoek
Caretaker: SeokJin
Tw: emeto mention, incorrect medical sickness, etc.
Hoseok was shivering in his blanket. He was laying down in the dorm's living room. He doesn't know what he did wrong. Now his stomach is a mess. He thinks over everything he did. Trying to think about what in the world made him feel so bad. The only thing that came to mind was the lunch he had. He bought a cheap sandwich from someone who was selling food. It's all he could afford. He just barely had enough to buy it. It tasted a bit funny on the way down but it was better than eating nothing at all. Plus he didn't want to waste his money. He couldn't think about it anymore his stomach hurt too much. Every now and then he'd get a painful cramp that seized his entire mid-section. He was in so much pain that he'd moan out loud unintentionally.
It was absolutely horrible. Hosoek couldn't remember a time in which he felt so bad. At a particularly painful moment, jin came in. "hobi!?" Jin could hear the commotion from his room and he wondered if hoseok was messing around or if something serious was going on so he went to go check. He saw hosoek covered in a blanket over the couch wincing in pain. He was sweating and a bit red in the face. seeming to be from strain. Jin watch as the boy rolled back and forth over the couch clutching his stomach. Hoseok was curled in a ball and looked like he was in a lot of pain. Jin got closer. Sitting on the edge of the couch. "Hobi?" Jin says in a much calmer tone. " Hosoek had his mouth clamped shut. he couldn't fathom speaking right now. A tear trickled down his eyes from the nonstop pain hitting his stomach. Jin looked at the boy's stomach. It was covered in a blanket but beneath that, he could see the younger boy's hands holding it. Jin pulled down the blanket. Gently, trying his best not to hurt the boy any further.
Jin laid his hands on top of the youngers. He told him softly. " let go hobi. " hosoek did as he was told, He laid his hands to the side of his body and clamped onto the blanket around him instead. Jin took a look at hoseok stomach. He touched it softly. That was far too much for hosoek. Hosoek quickly grasped back onto his stomach and hurled forward in pain. Practically yelling out into jin's ears. It was hard for JIn to get hoseok to move his hands this time. " I promise I won't touch this time I just need to see. Jin was looking for any visual damage. Maybe He was playing to ruff with the other members. They were only just starting to get along maybe they were being rough with each other. Jin wasn't sure. Maybe something else happened. All Jin knew was that he had to see what was wrong so he could figure out what to do next.
He looked at hoseoks stomach. apart from it visually clenching there wasn't any damage, no bruises, or anything of the sort. That meant that it wasn't anything fiscal. This also means he was most likely sick with something. "hobi, have you eaten anything since breakfast with the members?" Jin ask. knowing that it was tuff at a times to get food. Hobi could barely answer. Only making painful noises in response. The pain in hoseok's stomach was consuming him. Hoseok didn't even feel like he could respond. The pain was all he could think about. " It's your stomach, right? do you want me to take you to the doctor? I can drive you or I can- " "n-no, I-I I can't. " Hoseok forced himself to say threw the pain. " I- I don't have the money..." hoseok musters. "Hoseok I'm geting your help!" Jin says with worry filling his eyes. " I-I can take you to a clinic?" "It's not far only a few minutes down the street" hoseok once again did not answer. there was far too much pain. “You can just nod, but I need you to answer me.” Hoseok, with eyes, squeezed closed, sweat dripping down his forehead, hot to the touch, and shaving limbs managed to nod his head yes.
That was all Jin needed. He grabbed his coat and keys from his room. He also grabbed Hoseok's jacket from hobi's room. He went back to hoseok. hoseok hadn't moved an inch. Jin Sild on hobi some shoes and his jacket. Then Jin puts his hands on hobi's shoulders and guided him to an upright position. Jin practically carried hoseok to the car. Hobi was in too much pain to move. The car ride felt like hell to hoseok's stomach. Every movement the car made only inflicted pain. His seat belt dug into his middle with the firm foot Jin had on the breaks of the vehicle. Hosoek's seat belt was extremely tight. Luckily they didn't have to drive long or far. They had reached the small clinic. Jin parked a bit wonky but that was the last of his concerns. He was in a rush and honestly didn't care how bad he had parked. He could barely get hoseok out of the car. Hoseok was fighting the movement. it hurt. Hoseok would cry out in pain. Jin somehow managed to carefully get hobi out of the care and began their journey inside the clinic.
JIn checked hoseok in, filling out the paperwork as they sat. Hosoek leaned into his hung. Jin could feel tears dampen the shoulder of his jacket. Hoseok hugged his stomach tightly. Occasionally he'd try to rub the pain away. “Poor thing... It'll get better.” Jin rubbed the top of hoseok's head. ruffling his hair a bit. He didn't bother the younger's body in fear of causing pain to spark up. There were lots of other sickly people in the room sitting and waiting for their turn. occasionally someone would be called and someone else would leave the room. Just sitting and waiting for hoseok name was an indescribable pain. he wanted to lay down and huddle into a ball. The pressure building in his stomach made it bloat. pushing past the top of his pants which caused more pain. Finally, The too heard Hoseok's name being called. Hoseok slowly lifted his head. Jin assisted him to the door. A nurse told Jin things were going to be ok. The nurse helped Hoseok to an empty blue room with an examination table. It had plastic coving and dry marks where it had been freshly whipped down which gave him comfort that it was cleaned recently.
Jin sat back down in his seat and watched as the handle door swung slowly back into a closed position. He felt extremely worried. Soon after the nurse left hosoeks' room the doctor came in straight after. He didn't have to wait any longer. The doctor asked a set of questions. Hobi was barely able to answer any threw the pain. The doctor then proceeded to give him an examination. The doctor checked his eyes and ears. heartbeat, temperature, and lots of other things hoseok can't quite remember, He just knows that whenever he'd feel the pain he'd express it to her. and she'd be more careful. Most of the issues started when she began to examine hoseok stomach. He was already in lots of pain and he really couldn't handle anyone touching his stomach. When the doctor lift his shirt the first thing she noticed was how extremely bloated he was. His stomach poked out far beyond normal bloating. She began to examine. she gave a light press to the sides of his mid-section. placing both fingers adjacent to his belly button. Hosoek screeched out. This didn't scare the doctor she kept her fingers in place while she tried calming hoseok. Pain seized up in his belly and he turned away. he knows he's supposed to be still but he just couldn't help the touch.
The doctor apologizes and explains that she has to keep going in order to obtain the important information. She wasn't very gentle. She was doing her best to get the most accurate examination she could. The doctor knew that once this would be over she will gain the knowledge she need to help him and then he'd feel better but for now he has to endure this pain in order to get to that point. He didn't yell again but the crying and whimpering persists. She took three fingers and rubbed along the top of hoseoks belly, applying persistent pressure. Hoseok had to hold his mouth to keep from being too loud. He didn't want to disturb the person he could hear behind the curtain he was near. The person nearby seemed to not be feeling very well either. Jin heard a yelp from outside in the waiting room he really hoped that it wasn't hoseok. The thought almost made him leap out of his seat. The doctor stops for a moment a retracts her cold hands. She looks hosoek in the eyes. Hoseok looked back threw the tears." I want you to know that I have no malicious intent I understand that you are in a lot of pain. I want to get this over with so that I can give you something to get better that's all I want for you but I need you to be still. I know it's very hard but I need you to try. Mr. Jung, what I am about to do is most likely going to hurt far worse than when I touched and poked.".Several tears fell from hoseoks eyes. " are you ready" the doctor asks before putting her hands back on him." Hoseok shakes his head.
she curls her hand in and stuck three fingers into hoseok stomach. He winced in pain. His stomach clenched. It was very hard for him to relax. She kept going in rows of three on his tummy and so continued the pain. He couldn't keep still or quiet but that didn't stop her. Once she finished she went on to the next set which was checking his kidneys pressed deeply into the hoseoks sides. He felt like he could faint from the pressure ( I feel like I could faint writing this lol). She pressed down and prodded multiple areas of hoseok middle. This caused additional pain to the pain he already had. Making his midsection sore. His eyes were red with tears. He felt nausea, He had nausea before but it gradually became stronger the more the doctor pressed down. He felt sick. He was sweating bullets and extremely hot. He tried breathing threw his mouth and out through his nose but nausea only got worse.
He informed the doctor. She almost didn't even hear him from how quiet his voice was. He had to say it again. This time with strain and pain in his voice. She understood and ended the examination. She asked a few more questions. " Have you had anything that wasn't what you would typically eat?" Hoseok took a deep breath before answering. He wiped the tears off his face while speaking. He explained that He had something he'd had before but from a different place. Once she gathered the information She left the room. She came back and explained that he had food poising and had contracted an intestinal bug from the food poisoning. With the help of a nurse, he was sent to the front desk to collect prescription paper and other paperwork. He was greeted by Jin coming and helping him out. collecting the papers and thanking the nurse. Hosoek was still very much in agony. Now, not only was he in pain but there was soreness and nausea from being poked and prodded. They left the building. As Jin drove he kept a hand on the door. feeling nausea worsens with every jostle of the car. His stomach had been quite active before but, there was something about the doctor applying pressure, and moving his guts around made him feel active and just wrong.
Jin stopped by to get a hosoek prescription. Hoseok was rushing him a bit explaining in increments that his stomach was feeling upset. He really should have emphasized a bit more to Jin because Jin was a bit confused. Jin assumed that Hoseok just felt worse. Hoseok could feel his mouth water and his stomach bubble. He just wanted to go home. Eventually, they made it home. There was one incident where Jin swerved the car from someone who was drifting in the lane, causing Hoseok to clasp his mouth and gag dryly into it. Apart from that jin drove a little safer and they made it back safely. The car ride definitely recked hoseok already messed up stomach. As soon as got in the dorm hoseok burst threw the doors and limped his aching bones straight to the bathroom. While hoseok was in there Jin cooked up some soup for him. and had it prepared for when he exits the bathroom. After a very long time of waiting Jin goes to check up on the younger boy. Not wanting to invade his privacy but still wanting to make sure he was ok.
He knocked and yelled out his name " open up hobi is Jin hyung!" He hears the sound of a door unlocking. Jin was a bit surprised that he let him in but he did. Jin walked in. A strong smell hit him but he didn't reach for it. Knowing that hoseok would only feel bad if he said anything. He entered. Hoseok has curled up sitting with a bucket underneath him. Hosoek felt embarrassed that his hyung was seeing him like this but he felt like dead and didn't want to be alone. Jin comforted him and stayed until Hosoekw was ready to leave the bathroom. Jin helped hoseok clean up before leaving the bathroom. Jin put hosoek in bed and brought his soup to him after warming it back up. Hoseok while in pain felt more comfortable at home. It took hobi longer than what he would normally eat. His stomach still felt unsettled but he powered threw. Once finish Jin gave him his prescribed meds. Jin stayed with him in his hoseok room until they kicked in. "How's the stomach?” Jin asked looking down at the younger stomach. hosoek gave a quiet," no so bad.." GIving the younger boy's head rubs and being careful not to move too much and jostle the bed. Jin turned on something to watch hoseok immediately fell asleep.
I apologize I know this isn't very long but I..... I'm not gonna lie to you I got to the examination part so I looked at one on youtube and the person was pressing so hard and I got light-headed lol because I was like how tf did he not die lol but I hope you enjoy it. It was still fun to make this and a very cool setting. Thanks so much for requesting!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Feel free to request.
1(D) Drunk sickie -
1. I think it's time for me to head out...
2. is it just me or is it hot in here.
3. i don' think can take another shot
4. that last one didn't feel right
5. I gotta step out side sorry, exuse me...
6. my head is killing me...
7. Don't touch me.... I'll, I'll puke...
8. I feel gross...
9. I think i had to many
10. was that me or you oh crap.... nvm
11. I can't stomach another drink...
12. Where's the bathroom at? I'm not doing so great...
1. hey, Hey you can't be sick in here lets go out side...
2. fine fine but you better not puke
3. watch it! watch were going!
4. be carful lightweight huh, Nothing
5. come on now lets find you a bathroom
6. I think that's enough fun for tonight.
7. come on now that's you 12th shot your not having another , lets go
8. ew, watch your step.
9. Wow got sick everywhere but the toilet , lets go get cleaned up buddy.
10. its about time your sick ass headed home don't you think.
11. come on, get in my car and you better not mess up my seats.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
When requesting...
I also wanted to say that I understand some people like different things and that's ok. I won't judge, as long as I understand what you want me to write, I'm most like going to be happy to write it for you! Just remember not to break any of my rules, please. Thank you all again for requesting. I hope you folks enjoy tonight's fics!
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