min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Could you please do a part 2 of 'All together' where the others members get sick?
absolutely! thanks for requesting! I legit forgot about this fic/ series.
Link to part 1
All Together Part 2
Sickie: Everyone ( = (BTS OT7)
Caretaker: Ot7
Word Count: 2k+
TW: Food poising, nausea, vomiting, detailed descriptions of emeto, scat, anxiety, etc
 The member's road with all the windows on the bus open. Not a single one o of the members that had thrown up felt any better. How could they, it 1. was still humid, 2. the road was still bumpy, and worst of all they were all drenched in vomit. It Had to have been the worst ride ever. Hosoek sat in the furthest to the inside, Jimin was still in the middle, and taehyung on the outside of the seat. yoongi was in the back sitting beside jk who was still sleeping. Jin drove the car and namjoon gave him directions on his phone. They were still miles away. Before geting all the members back on the bus namjoon called their manager, namjoon wished he could make the manager's panic go away by saying that they were fine and that they made it on time for their flight, but he'd be lying if he said that. Namjoon had to explain the situation to the manager. The manager was deeply concerned as to how they got into that situation. Namjoon told him everything including his hunch about this being more than just some carsickness. He told them that apart from yoongi none of the members had suspected it, namjoon wants to keep them civilized for as long as he can. The manager explained to him what he need to do now and that any extra help will be sent immediately. Namjoon thanked him and went back inside the car. They hurried out back into the road.
Namjoon POV
Namjoon had a lot of weight on his shoulders. He knew he had Jin, jungkook's, and yoongi's help but for how long? Three members are already sick so fast. was it something they ate or was it something they picked up? regardless, they ate all the same things and share everything from air to beds to food so it was likely that the members have already caught whatever it was they had, they were doomed, namjoon thought. He took the manic mindset and mentally shook it out of his brain. He has to remember what the manager said to do. Namjoon could no longer deny the headache he was feeling and the odd sensation in his stomach is most likely more than stress. but, he's the leader, until he himself drops like a fly he has to keep pushing, he has to keep the members safe. Hitman bang and their manager was counting on him. Starring down at the phone and looking at the small map only made it worse. He was beginning to fear geting a migraine. If he gets a migraine he won't be able to help at all. He tries to relax and minimize the amount of time his eyes are on the screen.
Hoseok Pov
Hoseok's geting nauseous again, the ride had barely started back up. it would have been easier to hold down his nausea if his clothes weren't so filthy, he was trying so hard not to get set off, he tried keeping quiet but would bring his elbow to his mouth. He would gag into his arm. He was feeling so hot and dizzy. Everywhere he looked reminded him of what happened a few moments ago and absolutely nothing on their row was clean, everything was sticky and wet with sick. He was trapped inside. looking out the window didn't help much either.
Yoongi pov
He was nervous, he didn't dare look over to the sickly three. He knew the sight would set him off and he'd rather not be another problem to deal with. He wishes they were just motion sick. They think they are but there not. yoongi already put together the pieces to many members got sick all at once. If they were just motion sick then they'd feel alittle better but he could tell by the sickly moans and whines coming from that row, things weren't much better. In fact, they were much worse. It must be worse for them he thought throwing up everything you've had and then having to ride in sick waiting to see the next gas station, hoping seokjin doesn't pass it the first time. yikes. It wasn't too great on the people outside the middle row. Yoongi stomach was giving him boatloads of trouble, but, he refused to say a word about it, he knew the leader was already under a lot of stress right now. His stomach feels like the food he had is just sitting there undigested. It makes him feel bloated. but the whole bus's demeanor has gone down as well. yoongi suspects that he and the three aren't the only ones feeling nauseous right now. yoongi rubs his stomach. adding a little bit of pressure takes his mind off of the queasiness he's feeling from the sour smell on the bus. He's only allowing himself to rub his own tummy at all because jk is completely knocked out beside him, so he can't really see him do it. Thinking about jk had him thinking. Should not have been up so long playing games last night.
Tae Pov
Taehyung is trying desperately to hold on. No one has noticed yet but his mouth is completely filled with vomit. He tried swallowing it down but it came right back up. He keeps his face away from Jimin and hoseok so he doesn't set them off. His cheeks feel like he could burst but if he puts a hand on his mouth then everyone will suspect something is wrong. he doesn't want to cause any trouble.
Jimin pov
Jimin doesn't quite know what it is but something is terribly wrong with taehyung. He can't quite see his face but he knows he's hiding something. he decides to leave him alone. There's not really much Jimin can do. Jimin definitely doesn't have the energy to do anything right now. he just hopes they get to a gas station soon.
Jungkook Pov
Jungkook felt a soft shake, he slowly opened up his groggy eyes. the car was still moving. but something was off. like there was a big problem but no one was talking or even saying anything about it so with a groggy voice, jk gives yoongi a poke. yoongi is faced the opposite way staring out the window with a hand to his belly. " hyung? What's going on, what's that smell?" Jk watches as yoongi quickly removes his hand from his tummy and makes a sour face at the question. whatever happened here it couldn't have been good jk thought. yoongi explains to jk in a whispered tone. jk moves his ear closer to yoongi's mouth. Once yoongi says what happened jungkook cringes and sits back on the chair. For some reason, jungkook could really imagine what went down, with the smell helping him visualize it as well. He puts a hand on his tummy. Actually, he can visualize it a little too well. Like he could feel how their stomachs felt. being told stuff like that usually didn't get to him but for some reason, he could really feel it in his tummy. his stomach felt weird. Was he motion sick two? hyung must have caught on to how my face was looking and how tight I felt my stomach, I couldn't really help it, I was feeling really bad. " jungkook? are you ok" I heard my hyung say. I couldn't really find an answer. I felt like that time I ate 6 noodle cups and performed on stage, only I haven't eaten anything since earlier.
I just decided to be honest. " I'm not feeling so well hyung" I tried whispering back to yoongi hyung. apparently, I wasn't whispering very well because everyone looked back at me. Even namjoon who was at the very front of the bus. "jungkook?" namjoon says looking back at me." you're awake? you don't look so good..." namjoon is concerned. Was I awake my stomach felt so fuzzy? " oh crap, is all I can muster before throwing up right on the seat in front of me. I can see yoongi hyung cringe and hold his tummy like he was feeling sick too. I must have hit taehyung a little because he lurched forward and threw up on the floor. I tried to block out the awful sound he made when he did so. The bus stopped or slowed down (jk couldn't really tell) taehyungs sick was traveling to the back. His sick hit my boots. That set me off again. I threw up again. the taste was awful. This time I realized in time so I aimed for the floor. The splash sound hitting the floor must have been heard by hoseok who gagged each time my vomit hit the floor. I looked up again this time seeing Jimin crouched down with an arm on his tummy and a hand on his ear trying to block out some of the sounds. I felt another round coming up my throat but I forced it down. I hear whimpering from my side and turn to see that it's yoongi hyung. I've never seen him so panicked before. He looked like he could faint. I wanted to reach over and comfort him but I felt a cramp in my lower abdomen. It hurt so bad I curled in on myself and hugged my tummy. It definitely wasn't nausea.
Yoongi Pov
Everyone was throwing up again, it all happen so fast. Even jungkook. I want to help but I feel sick too. the smell and how loud everyone was was just too much. I was practically frozen. I felt like I'd be sick if I tried to move anyway. I shouldn't have mentioned to jungkook what happened. I should have seen how he felt first. He didn't look well when he first woke up. I didn't know it would set him off though. He was one of the members that had a stronger stomach. Even when he's sick.
Seokjin Pov
I could hear everything from the front. gags, jungkook waking up, splatters of sick hitting the floor and everywhere. Whatever happened to cause all of this? I know the sickly three might still be recovering from motion sickness but I don't really understand why jungkook threw up. I think he set of tae? but I couldn't turn around. The road needed my attention. I turn over to namjoon, I need to know what to do. " Joon what's going on?" " I have no idea" joon answers. " should I pull over?" I ask looking back and forth between him and the road. "no, there's an exit that leads to a close by gas station we should head there instead" joon answered. " but what about the seats there geting sick all over them again." I ask. " The cars already messed up what's another mile," joon says looking at the map. I sighed and turned my head back permanently to the road for the rest of the time being. Now, we have to stay in a sick-filled car for a little longer. I know that sucks for everyone I thought. The smell was kinda geting to my stomach as well. I tried to hold my breath only breathing in every so often, so I wouldn't feel so sick.
Pov Yoongi
yoongi regretted not taking any meds he had them in his bag before the started driving again. He was really feeling it. He knows he's far too late to even try and take some now. He'd just throw it up and feel worse. He also wouldn't know what medicines would help. Usual meds cure several things but the medicines he choose to buy had one main purpose, and he was really good at it. It doesn't even matter now, because he feels too bad to even try to take either. He needs to get out of this car he thinks.
Namjoon Pov
They stood in an empty gas station. Only one other car was there. Namjoon told Jimin, hoseok, and taehyung to go get fresh air and clean up the best they could in the station's bathroom. Namjoon told jungkook to join them when namjoon saw the sick covering his thick boots. That left himself, seokjin, and yoongi to clean up the car. Or so he thought. Yoongi looked bad like he'd thrown up himself but there were no signs of sickness on his clothes. " hyung were you sick?" " no" yoongi answered plainly" " I you feeling ok?" namjoon asked. Now, both Jin and namjoon stared at yoongi waiting for an answer. yoongi looked fidgety, and namjoon could tell his hyung was about to lie like last time. He doesn't understand why though. They both had an understanding that the members are likely sick and not just motion sick. Namjoon suspected that yoongi was feeling sick too. " I'm... fine" yoongi's words staggered a bit namjoon noticed it. " are you sure? because if you are ok we're gonna need your help cleaning up but if you don't think you can stomach it that's fine hyung just says something. Namjoon knew his encouraging words weren't going to help yoongi's just too stubborn. He just hopes yoongi can keep it together. Namjoon could tell by Jin's expression that he could see something was up with yoongi too. Namjoon's sure he probably probed him when he was asking him all those questions before. Nothing to do about it now, right now, they need to clean off the gallons and gallons of sick covering the entirety of the back of the bus.
Namjoon told the two to follow him inside and to grab as many cleaning supplies as they could. Once finished they went back to the car. Jin opened every single window and every door to air out the smell. The three put on gloves and went to work. They scrubbed and wiped everything down, and even disinfect it afterward. Namjoon looked over to yoongi who had stopped cleaning and stepped away from the car. He watched as yoongi pulled his gloves off and walked a wase away. He stopped and put his hands on his hips. Namjoon didn't speak to him. He looked over to jin who was still cleaning and humming a song under his breath. Namjoon looked back over to yoongi. He watched as the other man's frame rose and fell. He could tell he was breathing hard. Namjoon looked back over to Jin. "what?!" Jin shouted. namjoon hushed him and whispered. " look at yoongi. I think he's gonna be sick." namjoon whispers. " it could be the smell geting to him, I know it's making me feel sick" namjoon and Jin look at the small man. his hands were now on his knees, he was still huffing." namjoon was about to convert his attention back to the second youngest hyung when he realized what seokjin said. "wait, how long have you been feeling sick?" namjoon asked. Jin looks off in the distance. ' uhh, I'm not sure but this stuff that's been going on has really been bothering my stomach, it's hard to watch all the younger members throw up so much. well hear since I've been driving" seokjin adds." why do you ask?" jin asks in the curiosity of joons question. Namjoon decided to tell him the truth he needs all the help he can get anyways. " yoongi, won't say it out loud but I think we both think that the others aren't carsick, they think they are but there not. I think we all are gonna come down sick. It's only a matter of time. That's why I asked and that's why yoongi's over there trying not to puke.
"Oh, ok, then what do we do?" jin ask, " The manager said that if I really think everyone's come down sick, we should find somewhere to stay. " we also need to" namjoons whisper voice was interrupted by the sound of sick hitting the concrete. namjoon looked over to see yoongi puking. Namjoon didn't think yoongi would lose the battle to his stomach. he looks like could fall over. joon stops what he's doing, drops his gloves, and walks over to him. he puts a calm hand on his hyungs back. " hyung yo- yoongi lurches forward a large wave of puke hits the ground. namjoon pats his back. At first, he was willing to do anything he could for all of the members, and he still would and will. but watching yoongi throw his whole stomach up onto the concrete made him doubt his stomach's strength. After all those years of muscles, he built to have a stronger stomach, watching Jimin throw up for hours as a rookie because of a bad car ride., helping a sick baby jk, and so on. All those years for his stomach to fail him. Namjoons stomach seized he had to step away from yoongi, he started gagging uncontrollably. Namjoon had to walk completely away from yoongi to get a hold of his own stomach. Once he did he walked back to yoongi, yoongi had finished, and yoongi gave him the evil eye for gagging behind him. namjoon ignored it and asked him if he was ok. yoongi stood up straight. " I'll be fine," he says rubbing his tummy. namjoon rubbed his own tummy, he had a close call and now his stomach was hurting.
Namjoon made yoongi sit for the rest of the time while he and jin handled the cleaning.
Part 3 coming soon!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
how about namjoon sick?
he hadn't ate a while because his diet, so he was starving and ate a lot. but he got food poisoning...
so he gonna taken care of by yoongi and seokjin? and at first his belly is just super noisy so they're a little worried but then he really starts sick. maybe diahhrea and a lot of vomiting, and probably at some point he begin cry?
and a fever, and he's very weaky and upset, so they try to cuddle him to go to sleep but he can't stop being sick>? ending is up to you
I like this a lot. He's expected to not get hurt as the leader so it's not very common to see him sick. I also really love namjoon with his hyungs. Thanks for the request! I hope you enjoy it!
Caretakers: Yoongi, Seokjin
Sickie: Namjoonie
Tw: Scat, mentions of emeto, nausea, vomiting, etc
Word count: 2,794
Yoongi, Jin, and namjoon all went out to eat. They had been on an extremely strict diet that didn't allow for more than one meal a day. They reached their goals in the diet so they decided to celebrate by finally eating some real food. "let's not go overboard or we'll just gain the weight back and have to start over." yoongi says. " I'm starving hyung, I will try not to go overboard but no promises, I haven't eaten!" namjoon says rubbing his stomach. It was growling loudly. Jin laughed at the noise Namjoons stomach made. Namjoon laughed too. "I'm hungry too Namjoonie," jin says with a big smile. They had this idea already planned. The plan was that They'd go out of town and eat somewhere new if they successfully completed their diets. Jin drove the car, yoongi sat in the passenger seat, and namjoon was in the back of the car occasionally playing on his phone and looking at the scenery outside the window. After an hour of driving, they had arrived. It was a medium-sized restaurant with not many people inside. They figured they had gotten lucky and picked a good time to go. They sat down inside and ordered their food. Yoongi and Jin got the same thing for the main course and different sides. Namjoon picked several different sides. He decided to get the restaurant special. He didn't care to look at what it had in it he just skimmed the menu and knew it wasn't fish.
He was eager to eat and so were the other two members. Halfway threw his meal it started to taste a little funny. It was way spicer than he thought it would be and it tasted a little too undercooked in the middle. He decided to stop eating it and only eat his sides. As he ate his side dishes he felt his stomach feel bloated. It made him a bit upset that he was already full he was barely finished. Jin and yoongs were still digging into their food. Namjoon couldn't eat anymore. He pushed his plates to the center of the table. This caught the attention of the others. Jin and yoongi looked up to namjoon. " you full already?" Jin says stuffing his mouth. " yeah, " namjoon huffed." and it wasn't tasting right any always. namjoon says holding on to his stomach which was starting to hurt. " did ya overdo it joonie" yoongi asks as he lifts a spoon of soup to his mouth. "maybe..." namjoon answers rubbing his stomach. yoons and Jin kept eating. As they ate they heard a gurgling noise come from namjoon. Namjoon roughly slapped a hand to his stomach trying to silence it. " you alright ?" yoongi took a sip of his drink before asking. " sorry hyung my stomachs being a little funny." namjoon says before geting up from his chair. "I'm going to go find a bathroom. Joon announces to his hyungs before leaving the table. Once he was out of their table's sight he picked up his speed. His stomach began to bubble and turn. Once he located a bathroom he ran inside and found a stall and immediately sat down. His stomach was in lots of pain. It happened so quickly. He felt pressure on his lower abdomen and then a rush of liquid run out of his body. His stomach squeezed and the pain was relentless. His body wouldn't stop. He could feel his knees fall asleep as he sat there. His bowels weren't letting up. He started to feel hot all over his body. He began to sweat as he sat on the toilet. He started to grow nauseous as he sat there. He wasn't sure why. He might be growing ill he thought. Maybe it was just his upset stomach.
Once he finally felt his stomach begin to let up, he cleaned up, washed his hands, and left the bathroom. His legs were still asleep and he felt nauseous. He felt a hand on his stomach as he walked back to the table and plopped down in his seat. The other too was just finishing up their meals. Namjoon's stomach was acting up and making all sorts of noises. This time Jin, and yoongi didn't mention it when they heard it. they figured he was just having a hard time with such rich food after weeks of only eating bland amounts of food in small portions. Jin looked at namjoons face. It was not at all how it looked before. Joon looked sickly, jin wondered if going here was too much for Joon's stomach. Namjoon rested his head on the table. His nausea was much worse than it was in the bathroom but he really didn't want to puke. He held down the feeling, swallowing down what felt like tons of saliva. " Jin being the closest to the younger put a hand on namjoons back. " are you ok joonie?" jin rubbed namjoons back in circles trying to give the other man comfort. Yoongi figured namjoon wouldn't want to be here much longer since he didn't seem to be doing too hot. So, he called a waiter over to the table and paid for their meal. Namjoon's response was muffled his face was in the creases of his folded arms. " I feel really bad hyung." joon takes an arm off the table to rub at his bubbly sick stomach. His stomach was twisting and turning.
JIn stopped rubbing namjoons back. Namjoon wined in his head. the rubbing was comforting. "let's go namjoonie." jin stands up keeping a hand on namjoons shoulder. yoongi tries to encourage the young leader seen as namjoon hasn't moved an inch. " come on joon, the quicker we leave the quicker you can get home and rest. Namjoon wanted to get up so they could all go home but he couldn't. He felt like he was going to puke if he tried to move. He needs to warn them. " I-I think I'm gonna puke," namjoon says. Right after namjoon speaks, his stomach gives the loudest guttural sound seokjinie and yoons have ever heard. They hoisted the younger up by the arms and lead him to the men's bathroom. They get a few concerned looks when namjoon begins to gag into his hand. It makes Jin and yoongi go faster. Namjoon felt dizzy and his stomach hurt a lot. Once they reach the bathroom they gently place namjoon over the toilet. Namjoon went straight to retching his guts up. Sick splatted at the bottom of the toilet, making him feel even more nauseated. Only after a few rounds of vomiting did he feel pressure on his lower stomach.
"hyung?' namjoon says to Jin who was rubbing his back and telling him he's alright. "can you step out please." Jin didn't care what the problem was he just wanted to make sure the younger one was ok but, but he gave him some space anyways. Jin stepped out of the stall Yoongi closed it behind him. Namjoon quickly switched. He got up and pulled down his pants. He felt the familiar pressure on his intestines but nothing happened. Before he could even realize he gagged. he slapped a hand to his mouth. maybe he missed took nausea for the other end he thought. His stomach was quite active and it was hard for him to tell which end need more attention. He was afraid that if he switches back it'll be a mistake and he'd make an embarrassing mistake. At that same moment, yoongi threw a trashcan over the top of the stall. It landed loudly on the bottom. Namjoon was grateful for yoongi's quick thinking. Now his only focus was geting this over with so he could go home. His stomach lurched and he put the large trash can in his lap. He gagged over it. he felt a rush of sickness from both ends. it was incredibly painful for his stomach. Jin put a hand on yoongi's shoulder. yoongi was cringing at the sound. Come on let's go outside and give him a bit of space. Yoongi nods and walks out with him. The two stand outside the bathroom. Yoongi rests on a nearby wall. " what do you think made him so sick?" yoongi says looking down at the ground. "maybe he ate too fast?" Jin says or maybe he wasn't- jin was interrupted by a loud retch that echoed in the bathroom. They both look towards the bathroom with worried expressions. yoongi rubs his delightfully full stomach. " I just hope it wasn't the food." " Yeah, that would really suck," Jin adds.
(Hey god? it's me again lol) no matter how much namjoon got out of him he still felt more come up. his stomach was bloated and his back ached from his hunched position. The bathroom felt humid and his skin felt sticky. The endless fountain finally stopped leaving him nauseous and sore. He must have been dehydrated as well with how much the room was spinning. Once he finally felt finished enough he once again cleaned up. He made his way for the sink. He washed his hands. then, he turned The nozzle to cold and threw cool water onto his face. He also took a hand full of water and rinsed out his sour mouth. He stood there for a while, gripping onto the sink trying to keep steady despite the dizziness in his head. He burps. He tastes his dinner. It makes him want to puke but instead, he forces down the feeling and clears his mouth out again with water. He hears the door open. He hopes it's his hyungs and not a person needing the bathroom. He felt a warm hand on his back. "do you feel any better joon?" It was Jin hyungs voice. " not really" namjoon hiccups after speaking. yoongi who was behind the oldest hyung steps to the other side of namjoon with his arms crossed. " how do you feel?"
"I still feel nauseous" namjoon answers lifting his head from facing the floor. " yoongi gives the younger a light pat on his back. " let's go to the car. I'll drive this time" yoongi says. Jin tosses him the keys as they exit the bathroom. " namjoon follows sluggishly behind. Once they leave the building Jin is explaining to Yoongi which route he should take when they hear namjoon spitting on the ground. They both turn around to see namjoon far behind slouched over. They go back over to him. Both hyungs have a hand on the younger back. " do you feel like your gonna be sick again joon? yoongi ask. namjoon huffs. " it's my mouth it tastes awful," joon says. " I'll go grab him some water," Jin says before heading back into the restaurant. " yoongi rubs the larger's back making big and small circles with his hands. " do you think you can make it to the car?" yoons asks. namjoon shakes his head. It adds to the dizziness. Namjoon weakly walks over to the car. " yoongi guides him all the way there. "Just a few more steps joon." yoongi says. Once they reach the car, Yoongi helps namjoon settle in the back. Yoongi was just about to close the door when joon asked him not to. " don't close it yet hyung I just need a little air. Joon says weakly." " ok joon" yoons answers. yoongi wishes Jin would hurry before namjoon starts to feel bad again. They need to get on the road before the traffic gets bad he thought. after a few minutes of waiting, Jin is seen exiting the building. Jin jogs to the car. " sorry, here you go joon" Jin hyung hands him a foam cup of water with a straw already opened and placed at the top of the cup. Namjoon takes a little sip. It was cold a refreshing. that was until it hit his stomach. The coolness made his stomach cramp up.
He put a hand on his stomach and tried rubbing the pain away. He's far too to find any comfort in rubbing his stomach. maybe he needed to add less pressure he thought as yoongi started up the car. They drove off onto the main road. Yoongi's driving was consistent and he went around any pot wholes he saw. As the sun went set it became difficult to see them. Because of this he slowed down a bit and opted for staying consistent with his driving. He was being cautious because he didn't want to set off namjoons stomach. It was clear that this was probably food poisoning seen as namjoon was the only one to order the restaurant special. Yoongi and Jin got to this conclusion during their conversation. Namjoon sightly laying down over the seats wished they didn't talk about it. the thought only made his stomach flip and turn. It was audible as well, it began to get loud enough to interrupt yoongi and Jin's conversation. They both stopped talking. yoongi looked at namjoon in the rearview mirror. and Jin turned around and asked. " Namjoon? you alright buddy?" namjoon gives a quiet yeah and takes a sip of his water. despite the water's coolness hurting his stomach it still soothed his throat and cleansed his mouth of the disgusting taste that kept coming back.
He eventually had to put the water in the cup holder. His stomach fell full again and the motion of the car was taking a toll on him. It wasn't long before they had to stop on the side of the road so that namjoon can throw up. His body was unforgiving in the process barely allowing him to breathe and giving him cramps when he did. After a strong wave of nausea caused him to throw up a little more of his dinner he was finished. for now. He sat back in the car and yoongi restarted it. to his luck, they didn't have much longer. He managed the rest of the ride without any further incident. Once they made it home Namjoon went straight for the bathroom. Throwing up the rest of his water and dinner in the bathroom's small trash can, while sitting on the toilet. His stomach would gurgle and Jin would tell him there, there and give his back a rub. He told his hyung to leave long ago but he gave up feeling too sick to care about privacy. Upon leaving the bathroom, he looked down to be greeted by his other hyung standing idly by behind the bathroom door. " come on joonie you should lay down. " yoongi says walking to namjoons bed. Namjoon lays down on his bed and yoongi joins him. Namjoon is slightly annoyed but the feeling is brushed away when yoongi hyung starts gently rubbing his tummy. Jin walks in with medicine and gives it to namjoon to take. Namjoon does so. The awful taste of the pink liquid did not sit well in his stomach. JIn joins namjoon and yoongi. He lays curled up against namjoon. He massages the younger arm and yawns. They stay like that for a while until they all fall asleep.
Namjoon is abruptly awakened. He sits up and hops out of bed. This jostles Jin awake. Yoongi still lay sleeping deeply. Jin now wide awake shakes yoongi awake. Yoongi wakes up and rubs his sleepy eyes. Namjoon is in the bathroom throwing up. He barely has anything left to throw up. He retches, he then looks down to see the medicine Jin gave him had come up. Namjoon vomits forcefully. Tears fall from his eyes. His hyungs come and sit on the floor behind him. " your ok joon" JIn says holding onto namjoons waist. Yoongi rubs the younger back. Namjoon backs up from the toilet and breathes. Jin pushes his sticky short hair out of his forehead. Jin messages the younger neck as he lay back on top of them too. Namjoon feels his stomach revolt and he's right back at it. Jin and yoongi stay at his side all threw the night. They keep comforting him and try to calm him down when he sheds tears again. He's really tired now and the force of vomiting up nothing is really taking a toll on him. They let namjoon ride out his nausea until he's no longer sick. The final time that he's sick, it is way beyond the morning. Namjoon curls up into a ball and lays back on yoongi. As soon as yoongi sees that namjoon is finally finished he lays back on the wall behind him and falls asleep instantly. Jin lays on the floor cuddled beside namjoon as he sleeps. Jin tries to relax on the cold hard floor with them.
--- the end----
I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for requesting! I really need to do more namjoon as the sickie and taehyung too!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
so the boys take care of and cuddle him but maybe he's really sad too crying??
𝕄𝕒𝕪𝕓𝕖 ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕛𝕦𝕟 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕦𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕕, 𝕞𝕒𝕪𝕓𝕖 𝕧𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕕𝕚𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕖𝕩𝕙𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕒 𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕜
𝕤𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕤 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖 𝕙𝕚𝕞 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕪𝕓𝕖 𝕙𝕖'𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕤𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕠𝕠 𝕔𝕣𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘?
Sad namjoon coming up! thanks for the request and I really hope you like this I can see the appeal, namjoon is a strong leader not often crying, and then sick as well, I like this fic thanks for requesting!
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretaker: Ot7
TW: crying, nausea, stomach pain, mentions of emeto and scat.
Word count: 1K+
Namjoon hadn't felt this bad in a really long time. Even at that time when he did feel bad he never let it show, he had far too much to worry about, and he had to put his job and his members before himself. Namjoon was exhausted, mentally and physically. All the members could tell. He was tired of pretending he was ok. It was the weekend and they were all at namjoons house. They decided to surprise visit him and stay for a while, at least until they all had to get back to work. They came in only 30 minutes ago. namjoon couldn't even answer the door he was too busy throwing up in his bathroom. His stomach had been active all day and he'd found himself going to the bathroom a lot until he decided it was no point in leaving with the way his stomach was acting. To his luck, he had a trash can in his bathroom, so when his lower abdomen start giving him trouble, the was the fear of creating a mess if began feeling nauseous as well, which was happening quite a bit today. He was currently sitting on the floor waiting for his churning stomach to end him over the toilet when he got a call. " He clears his throat before answering, he hadn't spoken all day and his throat was sore from vomiting so much. He hears a hello. It's jin hyung's voice. " joonieeee, we're outside! open up!" He couldn't open it, his stomach was still acting funny, and he felt like moving around would only make it worse. " I- I can't" namjoon mustered from his sore throat. " joon? are you ok? you sound really sick?" Jin says, concerned what??? can be heard in the background of the call. namjoon coughed, feeling a gag crawl through his throat. " there's a key in the plant," namjoon says. Usually, namjoon would convince the members to go away and come back another time but he just didn't have the energy or try. He also didn't want to be alone anymore.
He'd spent 3 weeks alone, he wanted to see someone, and he was happy the members came to see him. Even though he knows the members will probably scold him for not taking better care of himself, he didn't care he just wanted them here. " ok, joonie, I'm going to get this key and we're coming inside. The six members manage to find the key and get the door open. The house was a bit messy, dishes were unwashed blankets and pillows were scattered across the couch and so on. " we should probably help namjoon clean since he's not feeling so well." yoongi says. The younger members start cleaning. Jungkook on the dishes, taehyung cleaning up the living room, Jimin wiping counters, and arranging things. Jimin hoped that he was putting them how namjoon would like them. Jhope watched over the three cleanings. while yoongi and Jin go look for namjoon. He wasn't in his bedroom or any of his other rooms. He wasn't in the guest bathroom, They decided to go back and check the bathroom in his room. They found him, resting his head on the toilet seat looking as though he had just recently thrown up a few seconds earlier. he was looking really rough, his hair was slick back, a bit greasy and unwashed. he was a bit pale, he didn't have his honey sun-kissed glow, and there was a sickly green tint to his face. Beads of sweat sat on his forehead and his breath was labored like I'd been running before they opened the door. Jin sat on the floor next to him. To joon's surprise, Jin didn't argue or joke he just sat there and rubbed joons back in wide circles. namjoon almost didn't notice yoongi was there leaning on the door with his arms crossed until he spoke. " joon, how long have you been feeling bad?" yoongi asked. " today, "joon kinda lied he'd been feeling off last night. as if jin knew the other was lying he got up. " alright, yoongi, give someone a list of food to get so we can make lunch for joon," he says. yoongi shook his head and walked out of the room. " alright when you're ready I'm going to give you a bath your filthy and there are stains all over your shirt." jin says
" hyunggg," joon says sounding annoyed. " ah ah ah I don't want to hear it you always take care of me and the other members it's time you be babied for one. jin says pulling off namjoon's shirt from behind. Namjoon obliged not feeling much like arguing. While Jin prepared namjoon to get a bath, yoongi instructed jungkook and Jimin to go get a list of food made, yoongi also add, medicine for namjoon, and also snacks, because it was likely they'd be staying for a while to keep an eye on namjoon. Jhope told yoongi he was going to go with Jimin and jk to keep them on task he also was afraid of hearing namjoon throw up. It made him nervous, so he figured he'd help the leader in his own way. That left taehyung, yoongi jin and of course sickly little namjoon in the house. yoongi prepared namjoon clothes to wear for when he was finished, shorts, socks, and a plain t-shirt. taehyung followed yoongi around not knowing what else to do. Back in the bathroom namjoon sat holding his aching middle in the tub. His hyung washed his hair, The last time someone did that for him he was a child. After doing so Jin took him to this bedroom where clothes were prepared. yoongi and tae left the room. Joon complained about bubbling in his tummy and told jin he really need to go to the bathroom. After joon was dressed he had to be quickly escorted back to the bathroom. Jin guided him there realized what he need and closed the door to give him privacy. After waiting by the door hearing namjoons streaks of pain he heard the front door open and the sound of rustling grocery bags.
The three had arrived. He figured namjoon would be alright if he left since there wasn't much jin could do while he sat on the toilet. The three returned with everything on the list, even the medicine and snacks included by yoongi. Namjoon can hear the house being bombarded with noise, he wishes he could join the others but his stomach wasn't letting up. Back in the kitchen jin, yoongi and junk look make lunch. Jin ends up asking yoongi to check on namjoon. " yoongi, check up on namjoon and make sure he's alright. be sure to knock first, joon is having downstairs trouble, jin laughs" yoongi finishes what he's doing and he's out without a sound. yoongi walked down the hall to namjoon's room and then his bathroom. he found Joon laying on the floor breathless and shirtless. " joon? you good?" Yoongi walked closer, namjoon was unresponsive. Once yoongi got closer he could see that namjoon threw up on the ground layer in it. " JOON!" yoongi shouted jumping into action, He lifted namjoon by his arm, he was heavy. Yoongi did the best he could and managed to get him out of the puddle of sick. " joon what happened? what were you laying in a puddle of sick?!" yoongi says, grabbing the towel off the rack and wiping joon with it. " I-I c-couldn't get up," joon says. " JIN HYUNG!" yoongi shouts. yoongi pulls namjoon to lay in his lap. " "JIN HYU-" namjoon's body starts convulsing as yoongi yells. Namjoon starts to throw up. yoongi doesn't care where namjoon throws up he just doesn't want him to choke on his vomit. He pushes namjoon up and namjoon throws up all over both of them. yoongi thanked his lucky stars that he had a strong enough stomach because the sign of namjoon's stomach acid protecting everywhere was not for the weak.
All of the members ran straight to the bathroom once they heard the commotion, then all hell broke loose. Jimin gagged at the sigh setting off hoseok, who was pushed away into the next room by jungkookie. Leaving taehyung and jungkook to help yoongi and Joonie. Yoongi was stiff namjoon was in his lap doubled over retching. Namjoon could feel the little energy he had left leaving his body. His stomach was in lots of pain. He felt overwhelmed with all the sick on him and yoongi. With Taehyung's help, jin got the two cleaned up. yoongi had to borrow clothes from joon because he was drenched in sick. Jin cleaned the bathroom as well, that was taehyungs limit so yoongi helped instead. They let namjoon lay down with a bucket by his side. Eventually, things were handled and the hour of chaos ended. They got back to making lunch, they managed to get namjoon to eat a few bites, and once finished they cleaned up and all sat on the couch in the living room for a movie. They all sat huddled up together. namjoon in the direct center trying their best to make sure he knows he's loved. Almost an hour into the movie, when most members are sleeping softly, namjoon could help but silently burst into tears. He was feeling a lot of things and he couldn't hold back the tears. He's exhausted but can't sleep, he's lonely but not alone, his stomach's still aching even though he had medicine a while ago, it's all too much for him. what he didn't know is that jin was in fact not sleeping on his right. namjoon assumed he was cause he hadn't moved and he couldn't see his face. Jin turns over to his younger brother. He knew he had a lot going on without namjoon even saying a word, he simply ran his hand threw namjoon's hair, as tears rolled down namjoons face, unable to control the whimpers leaving his mouth. Jin knew namjoon was ogin through a rough time. "It's ok to cry as long as you don't do it alone." jin whispers to namjoon. words he stole from one of the other members.
I hope you enjoyed it thought this one was quite sad.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
19. *wraps arms around belly and starts to cry*
39. *shakes head and buries face into friends shoulder*
Sick Jungkook and caretaker Jimin. Maybe scat if you’re not uncomfortable with it?
Thanks so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy it!
19. *wraps arms around belly and starts to cry*
39. *shakes head and buries face into friend's shoulder
Sickie" Jungkook
Caretaker : Jimin
Tw: Scat
Jimin looks into Jungkooks eyes. He can see the fear and pain. Jungkook was in a squatting position. Jungkook was up against a wall. Jungkook's stomach was aching terribly and he looked like he was about to cry. Jimin stood over him blocking the view of the other people around. Jimin wanted to make sure he was the only person he could see. He knew Jungkook felt embarrassed and nervous so he only wanted Jk to focus on him so they could get through this without jk panicking too much.
Sharp pains tauntJungkooks belly. " and you really don't think you'll make it? Jimin asked trying to find some way that Jungkook could get to a bathroom or maybe even a place without so many people walking around. "Noooah" Jungkook says panicked and whining a bit.
Jimin doesn't take his response personal he knows the boy is in lots of pain and isn't thinking straight. The pain in Jungkook's stomach seized up and he felt his stomach bubble. Jungkook wraps his arms around his belly and began to cry. Hot tears ran from his face. Falling onto his lips and lands on his shirt. JUngkook was running out of time he had to get to the bathroom or else he'd make another mess. Jimin stooped down and hugged the boy despite Jungkooks messy state.
Jimin told him" every thing is gonna be alright we'll find somewhere don't worry. and if we don't I'm still right here with you. " Jungkook holds on tighter to the boy. Wanting to hug as long as possible. "Are you gonna be alright if we stand and start looking for somewhere you can go? " Jimin asks. Jungkook Shakes his head and buries his face into Jimin's shoulder not wanting to let go of him. Jungkook felt safe in Jimin's arms.
It was short but I quite liked this once surprisingly even though I'm not that great with scat. I hope you enjoy it! thanks for requesting!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
it's not complete so I shall give you a preview (=
-- All Together--
TW: nausea, vomiting, detailed descriptions of emeto, etc
Taehyung was a little relieved to know that he wasn't the only one not doing so well. He didn't really suspect the feeling to be carsickness but it was a reasonable explanation. The car was hot, the ride was bumpy and they'd been driving for a long time. These are the things that would make him carsick typically. Taehyung stomach began to bubble and twist. his stomach bubbling wasn't something that he couldn't recall usually happening while feeling carsick but he figured it was normal or something he hadn't noticed before. He felt a cramp in his stomach that swirled into nausea. Taehyung hopes this car ride ends pretty soon. He's not sure how well he could keep his stomach down. Especially if Jimin starts to get sick beside him. Both of the members throwing up would definitely be a disaster. Taehyung really hopes it doesn't come to that. He looks over to Jimin he doesn't seem to be doing very well. Taehyung stops rubbing the other's nap. It doesn't seem to be helping Jimin any. Tahyung wanted to comfort the older but he felt doing so would only make him feel worse. He doesn't think he could stomach it either. Taehyung looked away from Jimin, he looked outside the window hoping to settle his own stomach. His stomach felt worse as he sat in the car. Taehyung tried to focus on keeping himself calm and stead against the car's shaking. He was feeling uneasy about feeling sick against the motion of the car. Despite taehyung being on the outside of the seat he felt trapped in the moving car.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
How about Hoseok having IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) having symptoms, like having his stomach bloating after eating, or diarrhea episodes, with it of gas, pain, and bloated abdomen. The pain so strong he crying from it,but members are there for him
thanks for requesting sorry it took so long!
Tw: mentions of scat
He could barely take the pain anymore. This was his third time needing the bathroom he was getting a ride home by Jungkook and Jimin. they too had stayed late at the hype building. Hoseok stayed up practicing his solo dance. He wanted to perform it perfectly but he wasn't so sure he would with all the running to the toilet during his practice by himself. His stomach was painfully bloated. he tried keeping the pain to himself but eventually, Jimin caught on and then jungkook which is why he's getting a ride home from them. That and he was dropped off by the manager and didn't want to call an uber home.
He needed a bathroom fast. the boys planned to grab some dinner before heading back to the dorm. that'd be his only chance to use the bathroom before they were back on the road home.
Once they arrived at the restaurant hobi informed the two that he was gonna go to the bathroom really quick and to order whatever. hobi wasn't in the mood for food. His only desire was to make it to the bathroom on time.
He was releved to see and hear that the bathrooms were empty. He felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and began walking hastily for a clean stall. once he found one he settled their.
his stomach ached painfully. He couldn't catch a break. everything he had ever eaten was now shooting out of him. His knees shook and he held on to his aching stomach. Gas could be heard seeping from his bottom and echoing the bathroom walls. he was glad he was alone and no one could hear him. He stayed in the bathroom not feeling ready enough to leave. He knew that he would be able to go again until he arrived home so he let his body do what it needed. while also rushing himself. His stomach still ached he didn't find any relief after using the bathroom.
Once he finally felt ready to he got out. When he left the bathroom a familiar pain resurfaced in his stomach as if he'd never gone at all. he was once again bloated as well. he held onto his aching stomach and looked all around the restaurant. Did they leave him? he would be very upset if they left him like they did on bon voyage.
he felt a buzz in his pocket it was his phone. He saw a new message. it was jungkook explaining that they were in the car. his stomach bubbled inside. He walked over to the car with a hand on his stomach. Jungkook in the driver's seat rolled down the window. Jungkook had a grin on his face but it quickly faded away once he saw the state his hyung was in. " you alright? , You were there for a while hyung.." " we took your food to go if that's alright" Jungkook says." Jimin and Jungkook had already waited for their food,ate inside the restaurant, and now sat in the parking lot.
"My stomach gave me a bit of trouble, sorry I took so long" hobi felt sorry for himself. It's not a problem hobi hyung Jimin explains from the passenger seat. " we will hurry home since your not feeling well hobi" Hobi shook his head and hopped into JK's car.
Hobi felt a bit embarrassed that the two had to wait so long for him. His stomach got that thought off his mind once it began acting up again. he had just gone out of the bathroom and he had to go again. This was gonna be a long ride he thought to himself.....
I hope you enjoyed thanks for requesting.
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Can I request a sick Hoseok, having a rough stomach bug, but not knowing thinking is his migraine what makes him vomit one night, so they decided that he can go next day on the plane to other country for a concert, but in the plane his head is better from last night, but his stomach is so sick, he has vomits and diarrhea and fever.
Yoongi who sits next to him has to take care all the plane right, and when they land, he goes with him to the nearest hospital, so after an IV drip and medicine, he is secluded in his hotel room, Yoongi decides to take care of his sick boyfriend.
Sorry, this is so late! I hope you enjoy it!
Sickie: Hoseok
Caretaker: Yoongi
TW: emeto mention. scat, nausea
Hosoek had a migraine. He thought he did anyway His head was hurting like he had one. He'd most likely got it from all the stress and hard work. His stomach was nothing to him as well. it got to the point where he ran to the bathroom and lost his lunch. He felt awful on the cold bathroom floor.
Yoongi came immediately to comfort him. Hoseok explained his troubles with the migrain. and how it made his stomach hurt. Once hobi told yoongi that he never left his side. Yoongi kept a warm hand on his stomach being gentle and not applying any pressure in fear of making hoseok nauseous. yoongi knew Hoseok wasn't great with throwing up and knew that it only makes him anxious and more nauseated to stay in the bathroom so as soon as hoseok finished up Yoongi flushed the toilet and guided the boy out of the bathroom.
Yoongi laid hobi down in hosoeks bed. Yoongi planned to lay there beside him and keep him in the company in hopes of helping him feel better. Yoongi would help Hoseok any way he could grabbing the boy water meds, crackers, etc., and things he needed, he even brought a bucked when Hoseok complained about feeling nauseous again. but he didn't end up using the bucket.
The boys eventually begin to fall asleep on hobi's bed together. yoongi stayed by his side through the night spooned up against Him. any time hoseok would shiver yoongi would cuddle closer.
the sun had rose from the window. Yoongi felt the sun hit his face. Yoongi sat up and looked at the time. He remembered that the had a flight to catch. he looked over to hoseok. " hoseok" yoongi says quietly to yoongi's surprise the boy wasn't sleeping just staring off into the distance. "huh " hoseok says back. yoongi says.." how are you feeling today? hoseoks stops and thinks for a moment before answering the question. "mhhh, my head doesn't hurt anymore. " hoseokie explains." good " yoongi says still whispering. trying to hide the grogginess in his throat.
yoongi gets up from hoseok's bed. He goes to his room to pack and get dressed and ready. Hosoek could feel his stomach rumble. but not of hunger he got up and walked to the bathroom. He was in there for quite a while. he doesn't recall eating anything that would mess up his stomach as bad as this. once he finally left the bathroom there was a low ache in his stomach along with nausea. he took a shower and got dressed. His things were already packed and ready to go.
Yoongi and Hoseok leave for the are port. both of them assumed hoseok was well enough to endure a plane ride, boy was they wrong.
Yoongi didn't know how or why hoseok got so sick. he was throwing up so much on the plane. he could have sworn hoseok was looking better this morning. Yoongi kept hobi's hand in his trying to help him through his nausea. It had gotten to a point where a couple from the back of the plane offered to switch seats with them. and they did. hosoek was very thankful for the kind couple. hoseok began to feel his bottom half needing the toilet. " I think I need to go to the bathroom." hoseok explains. " I -I " hoeseok didn't finish his last sentence. Yoongi asks "what's wrong hun, don't worry about them I'm right here with you, I;m not going anywhere. " No, it's not that... I -I just need-"hobi's stomach talked for him. Hoseok felt he could no longer wait and explain to yoongi what was wrong. Hobi just got up and went straight for the bathroom. He was so glad they were much closer. he wouldn't have made it if they were any further.
he got into the bathroom he was about to lock the door when someone jiggled the handle from the other side. It was yoongi he had followed behind him. he didn't care his stomach was crapping far too bad. he let him in and yoongi closed the door behind him. Hoesok pulled down his pants and sat on the toilet. feeling his stomach growing less painful. Yoongi originally thought hoseok wanted to throw up in the bathroom for more privacy but he understands know what hoseok was trying to tell him.
Yoongi felt alittle dumb that he didn't guess what was going on beforehand. yoongi felt hoesok's temperature. He put a hand on hoseoks sweating forehead. he was burning up. Once hoseok was finished he cleaned up and he and yoongi exited the bathroom.
The couple got right back to their seats. hsoeok was breathing roughly and he went straight back to vomiting into one of the several bags he was given. he felt lightheaded. He was definitely dehydrated. yoongi says the sickly boy's completion. " we are going to the hospital as soon ad this plan lands yoongi says in an assertive tone. more afraid for his partner than angry.
Hoseok didn't care where they went his head was now pounding again from all the gagging and vomiting he did. His stomach was giving him lots of trouble. he'd feel like he couldn't throw up anymore and then find his head back in the plastic. He began to throw up his stomach acid. Yoongi tried to get him to drink water during the ride but hoseok would just throw it back up.
After several bags of vomit and several trips to the bathroom, the plane had finally landed. Yoongi gathered their things and took hobi's shaking hand. guiding him out of the plan. they took a cab to the closes hospital. Hoseok struggled to keep the water yoongi made him drink for the third time down. The cab driving very fast not slowing down for turns and making hoseok dizzy.
Once they finally arrived at the hospital hoseok threw up outside the cab. the driver immediately kicked them out. yoongi grabbed their things out of the cab and guided hobi inside the hospital building. the lady at the front desk saw the condition the boy was in and immediately called for someone to get him.
the doctor diagnosed the boy with dehydration and a stomach bug. Yoongi was relieved it wasn't too serious. hobi was given his own room where yoongi sat beside him as he was given an IV drip for dehydration. "the nurse would be back soon with medicine for you huh" yoongi explains holding in his hands a bucket that was given to him by a nurse for hobi.
Hobi eventually left with yoongi stopping on the way to their hotel to grab his medication. once they arrived at the hotel they lay in their bed together. yoongi rubbing the boy's stomach and holding him close with his other arm.
___________________ I am once again sorry for this being so late I hope you enjoy!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Namjoon having travelers diarrhea during a concert in other country and Jimin or Jungkook takes care of him
Another interesting concept I like writing interesting scenarios thanks for requesting! I also like more namjoon requests as well so thanks for the opportunity
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretaker: Jimin
Tw: scat
They were on tour and while on tour everything went by fast. But for some reason, this day felt slower than the others.
Namjoon unfortunately coughs travelers diarrhea. He was forced to prepare while running back and forth to the bathroom. His stomach ached painfully when he was in pain when he was outside the bathroom. he tried several things but non of them worked he just had to wait it out. He feared things might get worse. If they did - no they couldn't get worse he was the leader he couldn't let them down. he had to push forward no matter what.
Jimin stayed by his side no matter what. the bathroom the stage the backrooms where they got dressed he made sure namjoon had anything he need.
The manager suspected something was going on. He ended up finding out and sent namjoon home earlier and ended the concert early as well giving the members time to rest. they planned to repay the armies in a special way. Most likely something like a private meet and greet. the manager couldn't decide the only thing on his mind was making sure Nam Joon got home safe and got better.
Jimin fed him dinner and got him meds that his body immediately got rid of just as soon as he got it in him. they spent all night in the bathroom but spent the next day resting until namjoon was completely better.
this fic is super short I think I broke my brain my apologies I don't know what went wrong... I promise I'll do better I don't think I have ever written something this short. I might re write this if I have the time....
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
Would you be okay to write a sick Jungkook scat and emeto?
He ate some bad food before a photoshooting and looks for comfort from Yoongi? His stomach is noticeably bloated and Yoongi noticed. Cuddles and belly rubs please
sure thing! I'm sorry this was behind but you're the last behind request so YaY! I hope you enjoy this fic. I'm not that great with scat but I will try my best anyway!
sickie: Jungkook
Caretaker: Yoongi
This is a cute pair!
TW: mentions of V**** and Scat warning!
He lay on the couch. His head is in yg hyung's lap. Yoongi played with the younger hair. Yoongi was cautious not to mess it up though he knew he wasn't finished with his photoshoot. He just needs a few more pictures and then he'd get a ride from yoongi to go home jk thought to himself. Jungkook informed the older of how unwell he was feeling.
Jk rolled over trying to calm his agitated stomach. He'd been to the bathroom several times and didn't want to have to go back. But his stomach was arguing that he should. he figured he wait a little bit longer. maybe even till after he was called to take his last few pictures.
It had to have been the breakfast he ate. The chicken sandwich despite not having many in foreign places tasted off. Also having a chicken sandwich probably wasn't the best idea to have early in the morning in the first place. Not only did he eat his chicken sandwich, but he also ate Jimin's sandwich who complained about not being hungry enough to eat.
"JUNGKOOK! YOUR UP! " one of the Noona shouted from across the room. Jungkook really didn't want to get up but he knew he had to. He just had to get this over with. Then he'd go home he kept that thought in his mind. He'd go home and go to the bathroom in pieces and yoongi hyung would probably even take care of him. He loved when his hyungs took care of him and gave him attention.
Junkgook walked to the other room. his stomach protested the entire way there. He was starting to wish he had gone ahead to the bathroom when his body told him the first time he needed to go. But he ignored the feeling.
Jungkook was told where to stand he gave a few poses. He was given a few props to work with. They had him standing, sitting, crouching jumping, in all sorts of aqwuard positions to be in but would look good for a photo.
he began to wonder just how long this would take. It was starting to get hard to hold it in. He might have to ask for a break to go to the bathroom. He thought to himself. But he really didn't want to. They would ask why he didn't go before but he did several times. He just didn't want to go throw that process and he didn't want to be asked 20 questions about it which would eventually lead to someone asking what was wrong.
He was so deep in thought that he didn't realize that they told him he was done for the day and could leave if he wanted to. " JUnkgook?!"
HUh? junkgook responded. ' your good to go..." "oh thanks " Jungkook said and then left the room in a flash as the Noona called for the next member. Jungkook walked back to the other room with the couch. Yoongi was waiting for him standing in front of the couch with his bag.
' Ready to head out kookie?" Yoongi says looking down at the younger stomach. He just noticed how truly bloated it was. He planned to ask him more about how he was feeling when they got back home to the dorm.
" No ... I gotta go to the bathroom be right back hyung."
Jungkook ran out of the room without even letting yoongi respond. He couldn't tell if it was nausea or something else but he knew he needed to get to the bathroom quickly.
what he didn't anticipate was yoongi following behind him. Jungkook made it all the way to the bathroom. his stomach gurgling loudly all the way there. Jungkook found a stall and went in.
Yoongi waited patiently outside the bathroom leaning against the wall. The moment yoongi heard retching he immediately burst threw the doors. He was originally gonna give him space assuming it was just indigestion but he felt this was much worse than that after hearing jungkook retch outside the bathroom.
Yoongi when into the boy's stall, and jungkook was huddled over the toilet. Yoongi asked if he was alright. Jungkook responded by saying that his stomach was giving him lots of trouble. He told the older member that he could tell if he was nauseated or if he need to yoongi talked over him saying he got the point.
They got to yoongi's car and headed for the dorm. they surprisingly didn't have any incidents in the car. They made it home without a problem.
Jk laid down in his bed and yoongi stayed by his side unless he went to the bathroom for the bottom another end. other wise yoongi would sit with him and rub his back if he threw up. In the small amount of time that Jungkook wasn't in the bathroom, he and yoongi lay on his bed. Yoongi would rub his stomach and make him drink some water to make sure he stayed hydrated. The water ran right through him every time but he did it anyway for his hyung.
yoongi would rub circular patterns on jk's stomach. Applying a bit of pressure because jungkook asked him to.
I hope you enjoyed I am not that great at writing scat but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
I’m still finishing up requests but I plan to complete them in a day or so I hope you folks are enjoying the fics. I really love doing this and I would like do more and do bigger projects. 😁
Also request will be open tomorrow and the next day ! I’m so excited for more requests!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
be on the lookout for your request! I am trying to catch up so I'll be posting as many as I can today!
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min-yunki-agustd · 2 years
When requesting...
I also wanted to say that I understand some people like different things and that's ok. I won't judge, as long as I understand what you want me to write, I'm most like going to be happy to write it for you! Just remember not to break any of my rules, please. Thank you all again for requesting. I hope you folks enjoy tonight's fics!
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