#sickfuckr talks
thesickestfuckr · 18 days
is it homophobic to say i fucking hate those pup masks??? i find them so fucking creepy. i like pet play and such but those masks are just so uncanny. like whoever made that reallyyyyyyyy figured out how to perfectly straddle the uncanny valley with the human body but dog head with human eyes?????? AND OFTEN TIMES EYEBROWS??????????????? AND NOT LIKE CIRCLES LIKE ACTUAL DOG EYEBROWS LIKE FULL ON EYEBROWS AND SOMETIMES A UNIBROW????? like what the fuck that's the worst combo of features ever. who thought that was a good idea. that and they're also just quite ugly to me. which is weird because i love latex and bdsm shit normally but these are just a hard no. genuinely do not get why they're popular.
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thesickestfuckr · 2 months
i feel like i need to cement my status as the most terrifyingly obsessively horny and mentally ill about walton goggins on the internet.....
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thesickestfuckr · 27 days
when your favourite actor's bein stupid again.......... looks like someone needs to go back to the dungeon
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thesickestfuckr · 26 days
walton goggins is actually an anime girl but you all are too scared to notice
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thesickestfuckr · 26 days
i would like to be nice to a guy during sex. unfortunately none of you deserve that.
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thesickestfuckr · 30 days
sick of the daryl dixon (and now the ghoul too) obsessed subs on here clogging up the tags with all sorts of weird bullshit........................................ your internalized misogyny is gettin on my nerves because i keep fucking getting recommended it. go rape a man and realize that you should be taking out your sexual trauma on others (by raping men).
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thesickestfuckr · 20 days
fun fact when i was younger i didn't know what porn was so i jerked off to the bdsm wikipedia pages
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thesickestfuckr · 10 days
this is so. stupid. but one thing that really fucking irks me is when you see people talkin about faux redneck (*cough norman reedus*) or otherwise scruffy looking celebrities and are like "hahaha you could find a guy like at the gas station!"
BITCH NO YOU CAN'T! you ever go to a fuckin gas station? all of the men there are obese and bald. they look like danny devito on a good day. stop giving me false hope! liking dilfs is so fuckin hard because most middle-aged men are unbearably ugly. god. how come you have all that body hair but are still fuckin bald? what sort of sense does that make? and i KNOW someone's going to say "oh but you like walton goggins and he has a receding hairline!" well he also looks like a male model except for the whole forehead thing. so obviously that's not what i'm talkin about. because he's a hot guy who just happens to have a big forehead (his hairline is not very receded honestly) and most guys are just ugly guys with receding hairlines. god why are men in real life so fucking ugly. you all are pointless!
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thesickestfuckr · 26 days
WOW i see way too many people in their 30s and 40s on tumblr complaining about asinine shit. go get a job lmfao. and they're always picking fights too. it feels like even people in their late 20s, esp. if they write fanfiction, are getting that millennial brain rot i guess you could say. why are you so chronically online lmfao. go to your job. pay your fuckin rent. why do you give so much of a shit about every little thing a bunch of horny uni students say. i would hope that by your 30s you actually have a sex life and a successful career that takes up most of your time instead of being on tumblr. delete your account and go get a life offline
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thesickestfuckr · 2 months
HOT TAKE but.................. i fuckin hate the ghoul as a character because he's a misogynist and it really irks me especially since no one mentions it and the narrative treats it like he's in the right?? but at least we've gotten a few more people to call walton goggins babygirl (but also a weird influx of people acting like he's a paragon of dominance?????????????????????). a shame that this is their introduction to him though. walton we're gonna get you in a good show where you play a nice guy i swear to god
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thesickestfuckr · 2 months
with the shit i've seen with the ghoul it's no wonder why misogyny is still a thing lmfao you straight women are going to fucking kill yourselves with that attitude. it's giving darnell dicksuck vibes all over again. jerking off to a misogynist raping you. no shame. you could just get a shithead irl to do that. why jerk off to something that you have to worry about constantly happening to you. boo. i'm throwing tomatoes.
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thesickestfuckr · 2 months
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see, once you get a hate comment from a retarded norman reedus stan, that's when you know you did something right!
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thesickestfuckr · 3 months
also on that note. as someone who literally writes snuff, i'm gonna be honest again. dead dove shit doesn't really work with female perpetrators. like. literally lmfao. it just doesn't. firstly, very few female characters are actually that evil. secondly, like 90% of murderers and most rapists are men. even those that are not men are weirdly enough, rarely as prolific, extreme, or violent. as a result, it seems unbelievable that a woman would do anything like this. also, abusive women generally either target women or children, never adult men, and i don't personally find that very sexy. and that's not getting into the fact that most female characters are shorter and/or thinner than male characters so physical violence would be harder to perpetrate (how do you beat someone when you can't even reach their face lmfao). so, unless you're lady dimentrescu, we're gonna have a problem haha. but yeah. can't figure out how to write a woman abusing, raping, and killing men. help pleek
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thesickestfuckr · 10 days
being into men was a mistake.
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thesickestfuckr · 20 days
if you see me on kink dating sites..... no you didn't. if you say anything about someone """"seeming familiar"""" i'll break into your house.
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thesickestfuckr · 9 days
pretty men are just a myth made by big men to give you unrealistic standards. 95% of men are obese balding neckbeards.
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