#side part jinshi... save me
aeroblossom · 10 months
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the things i would do to this man stay between me and god
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thefoxtherapist · 3 months
Hehe... Now that I have my answer. Mortefi with an S/O that's obsessed with dragons and always fanboys over him. They would constantly be touching his more draconic parts. I can even imagine them rambling about how much they admire jinshi and jiyun because of their connections to dragons which would ultimately make mortefi jealous lol
That's my request if I may :3c
I hope you enjoy this! Have a lovely day :)
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Mortefi knew when he got with you that you were a dragon aficionado. You even had a plush toy of a red dragon on your bed that he found sort of ironic and somewhat endearing. Even if you insisted it stayed on the bed when he slept by your side.
But this was ridiculous.
“Did you hear about General Jiyan's success in the field?” You leaned on your hand, sighing softly. “Not to mention how the Magistrate took control of the situation!” You sank in your chair across from your boyfriend who was trying to focus on his lunch.
“Yes, I heard.”
Mortefi bit the inside of his cheek, stabbing his fork onto his salad. “I really admire them so much.” He brought a fork of leaves to his mouth as he listened to you ramble about Jiyan. He was doing his absolute best to not get annoyed.
“And their connections to Jué are so cool… And Jiyan's dragon! I saw it up close while I was at the Riverside Games.” You were completely enthralled with their abilities and personalities and not to mention the connection to-
Mortefi clicked his lighter, the flame shooting upwards, he snapped the lighter closed again. Then he snapped it open. The action served to quell his anger. He knew his was jealous for no reason, but he hated having to sit here and listen to the praise.
Made worse by the fact Jiyan was somebody he considered closer to a friend than a stranger. The lighter clicked again then again. Your eyes lowered to the flame, watching as the man ignited it several times over.
“Are you okay?” 
He closed the lighter again.
“Can we discuss other matters?” He set the lighter down beside his plate. You raised an eyebrow at his annoyed expression, watching him push his glasses up further on his nose. Your eyes dropped down to his chest as if to confirm your theory, and he knew he couldn't hide that reaction from you.
His scales extended slightly over his chest, more than usual, but not an egregious amount like when he really got mad. It dawned on you in such a visible manner that Mortefi looked away in shame, picking his fork back up to casually poke at his salad once more.
Your expression of confusion melted into something else, but he still couldn't quite face you. You exhaled a small giggle, reaching your hand out, you covered his free hand still on the table. His scales pokes through his sleeve and glove and you gently rubbed your thumb over the crystalline matter. 
The scales were warm and bent only slightly under your touch, they weren't as rough as some animal scales, but they weren't soft or malleable either. Mortefi's fingers spread out, letting you touch the expanse of his hand with free reign. You brushed some of the scales downwards, careful not to hurt him by brushing them upwards against their direction.
“You're still my favourite dragon though.”
He muttered your name, pale cheeks slightly tinged pink while he continued to look somewhat annoyed. Mortefi knew if you weren't in a semi public place, your hands would be slipping into his shirt, massaging his skin and stroking his scales. The thought finally led to him meeting your eyes, returning your smile albeit smaller.
“You're so cute when you're jealous~”
“Jealousy is an unpleasant look on me.”
You laughed, opting to interlace your fingers with his. “You were soo important in saving our nation~” You cooed at him, watching him crumble under the sudden loving attention. “That smart head of yours~ The true dragon that's captured my heart.”
He set his fork in his empty plate, bringing his hand up to cover part of his face. “I'm at work..” But that didn't stop your cooing or the silly petnames you'd given him over the years. “Later…” He lowered his hand just enough to try and wave you off. But you squeezed the hand you were holding.
“I might admire them, but you're the one I love.”
“Love you too. Now eat before your food gets any colder.”
“Eh you'd probably just warm it up for me if I asked.” Mortefi made an annoyed face at you. It was true, but you didn't have to say it to his face.
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moreliketearsofpain · 2 years
Old Friends | Mando x Reader
Part 1 of my new series ‘Weakness’
Part 2
Full story will also be on my Wattpad
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"I didn't realize asking for a ride was so offensive on this planet!" I roll my eyes, wiping blood from my nose as I crouch behind a large crate.
"Show yourself you thieving SCUM!"
For a moment, the fact that you're currently in the midst of what is essentially a fight to the death slips your mind. You quickly stand from where you hid, turning to to face your opponent with a look of offense branding your face.
"Thief?! Jinshi, pal, don't you think that's a little ha-" your eyes widen and you drop to the floor, the sound of your rival's blaster, firing overhead. "Harsh, I was going to say harsh..."
"Stop hiding you coward!" Jinshi bellows, firing another shot, this time shattering the corner of the crate. You feel the anger building; for once in your life you hadn't been in the wrong, you'd come into town hoping to find passage on a ship but an old "friend" seemed to have other plans.
"Jinshi..you know I don't want things to end like this-" one last attempt at diffusing things without any more violence than what has already occurred . "But you also know that I'll do what I have to do to save my own ass. Always have, always will."
Silence. You don't hear so much as a footstep.
"Jinshi?" you stand slowly, blaster tight in hand as you survey the room. The confusion only lasts for a moment, as two stubby arms latch themselves around your neck from behind. Your weapon hits the floor and your hands shoot up, grabbing tightly onto the limbs that bind you.
"I told you you'd pay for what you did to my family!" Jinshi growls as his grip tightens, arms constricting around your neck like a snake preparing its meal.
"And I told you-" each word catches in your throat as you use all your strength to loosen his hold as much as possible. Even the air struggles to pass through. "I told you, it wasn't me!"
Another blaster shot rings through the room, followed by a heavy thud and suddenly your lungs are flooded once more. Eyes wide, you look around, hands still at your neck.
"Jinshi?" you crouch beside his limp body, feigning a look of sadness before reaching a hand under his collar and snatching a locket off of the corpse.
"Guess you were right...maybe I am a thief." standing now with a disgusted expression, you give your old friend a final word. "Bastard."
"If I had known it was you, I wouldn't have shot." A vaguely familiar voice echoes behind you. "Or maybe I would have...just not him."
"Mando." You turn smoothly, a sarcastic grin emerging as you see the familiar sheen of his beskar.
"I almost feel bad for the guy...I'm sure whatever his reason was for wanting you dead, it was justified." he takes slow steps forward, keeping a solid aim locked on you with his blaster as he closes the gap between you.
"Oh how I love visits with old friends.." you match his pace, stepping forward, not even bothering to get to your weapon.
"What did I tell you about that armor?" his voice is cold and demanding as he holds his stance. Your arms swing out at your sides as you glance down at your armor, the style of which resembles his own.
"Oh come on, don't you think it suits me?" the mischievous smile growing on your lips is just the icing on top of the faux-charm act you're performing.
"Take it off. Or I will." he takes one more step forward. With every inch lost between the two of you, his looming dominance grows. Even with his helmet inhibiting you from seeing the brows that you knew were furrowed in disgust, you could feel his power. It was a force that radiated out from within and showed in the way he held himself, but the intimidation wouldn't set you back.
"Oh please," you glance at his gun and back up. "You wouldn't want to damage the precious armor that you care so much for, now would you?"
"You talk too much."
"Says the man who saved my life."
"I said take it off. Now."
"Or else you will, right?" a final step is taken in his direction. "I'd like to see you try."
"What was that?" you could see his frustration in the way he cocked his head, his grip on the blaster shifting.
"I said..." your voice drops to a slow whisper as you lean closer. "I'd like to see you try..."
You maintain a deep stare at him, a stare so strong he could've sworn you could see right through his helmet. Without breaking your gaze you swiftly grab at his blaster, successfully disarming him and aiming his own weapon back at him, keeping it tight, pressed against his abdomen. Had it been surprise or anger that kept him quiet, you couldn't tell, but you used your new position of power to your advantage.
"Now what do you say...we make a deal?" the tip of the blaster presses more firmly against his body as your voice stays low.
"Unlikely." a simple reply from the man of few words, to which you respond with a feigned look of pleading innocence.
"Oh come on now Mando, I think we could help each other out, don't you? See, you want this armor...I want passage off this sorry excuse for a planet..." you raise your eyebrows, head tilting up. "Can't we come to some sort of agreement?"
There's a tense pause before he replies.
"Not happening." You relax your arm, letting the blaster fall to your side with a half-assed shrug.
"Ah...what a shame.." you turn on your heel, beginning to walk away without another word.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?"there's a spike of urgency in his voice as he takes a brisk step towards you. Even quicker than before, you turn around, blaster now held out straight, a firm grip holding perfect aim at his head.
"Ya know...that armor may be tough and all...but there's this nice little spot.." you slowly drop your aim ever so slightly down. "Right at your neck...a fully exposed jugular. Nothing but a bit of fabric to protect it, a fatal shot if made right...and I never miss."
One last pause before finishing your final offer to the hunter before you.
"I'll give you one last chance...you give me passage on your ship, I give you your silly little armor back, everyone wins."
He takes a moment to contemplate, his helmet not doing much to stop you from feeling the daggers his eyes are shooting through you. The pause is broken and he gently raises his hands in surrender, causing you to relax, blaster dropping to your hip.
"Fine." no other words are said, he simply extends his arm, his hand requesting the return of his weapon. But you shake your head, pulling the gun away from his reach.
"You'll get this back," you give a slight wave of the blaster. "Once I'm safely on that ship of yours."
All you hear is a muffled grunt as he pushes past you. Quickly, you grab your own blaster off the floor and follow him as he leads you to the spacecraft.
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starless-nightz · 4 months
Alongside Lingyang, I’ll be now just saving for Camellya. I didn’t lose the 50/50 at Jiyan’s banner and only have like… 20 radiant tides left and as much as I want to get pretty Jinshi and phoenix lady, I’ll have to stay strong for Camellya
I think I’m stuck at UL 30 as of now lol
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Wuthering Waves? I only know 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 𝓦𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓼
LOLOLOL, i'm currently at Union 24 and I will be doing the side quests and explore a bit just cause I want to use Lingyang lol
I like Camellya but I prefer Jinhsi and I will be saving up for her, i hope shes a healer cause i swear the flower girl is annoying me because I had to kick Yangyang off my team cause I need a healer💥
If you’re bored feel free to do the side quests for me-
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recentanimenews · 4 years
J-Novel Club Licenses Five New Light Novels and a Pair of Manga
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  J-Novel Club held a fresh announcement livestream on November 13, taking the opportunity to reveal five new light novel series with immediate digital launches, as well as two new manga titles that are both set to launch next week.
  Here's a breakdown of what was revealed, starting with the two light novels that are officially live now on the subscription service. 
  The Apothecary Diaries 
by Natsu Hyuuga with Illustrations by Touko Shino 
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In the East is a land ruled by an emperor, whose consorts and serving women live in a sprawling complex known as the hougong, the rear palace. Maomao, an unassuming girl raised in an unassuming town by her apothecary father, never imagined the rear palace would have anything to do with her—until she was kidnapped and sold into service there. 
  Though she looks ordinary, Maomao has a quick wit, a sharp mind, and an extensive knowledge of medicine. That’s her secret, until she encounters a resident of the palace at least as perceptive as she is: the head eunuch, Jinshi. He sees through Maomao’s façade and makes her a lady-in-waiting to none other than the Emperor’s favorite consort… so she can taste the lady’s food for poison! At her lady’s side, Maomao starts to learn about everything that goes on in the rear palace—not all of it seemly. Can she ever lead a quiet life, or will her powers of deduction and insatiable curiosity bring her ever more adventures, and ever more dangers?
  The Ideal Sponger Life 
by Tsunehiko Watanabe with Illustrations by Jyuu Ayakura 
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Yamai Zenjirou is your everyday office worker in modern Japan. One morning, he suddenly finds himself summoned to a tropical world where dinosaurs roam the land. He is told that this is the kingdom of Capua and the person who summoned him - its monarch, Queen Aura - wants him to marry her and leave his old life behind for a life of carefree extravagance as her prince consort. The reasons for her offer are many and varied, but she needs an heir, and she wants him to be the one to provide it! 
  If he accepts, he’ll never have to work again, lazing around in luxury with no worries other than securing the kingdom its next monarch. Certainly, sleeping with the buxom beauty is far from a hardship, but is everything really as it seems? He’ll also need to give up everything he knows on Earth. Is he ready to drop it all at a moment’s notice for her sake? And how well will he be able to navigate the politics, people and culture of this new world if he does?
  My Friend’s Little Sister Has It In for Me! 
by Ghost Mikawa with Illustrations by tomari
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If a girl teases you, that means she likes you!
  Unfortunately, Akiteru knows from experience that isn’t the case. Because every girl he interacts with shows him nothing but scorn, and he’s not scored a single date from it! Luckily, he’s more concerned with securing a spot for him and his game-development buddies at his uncle’s business. But when his uncle throws him a condition that involves playing the part of his daughter’s boyfriend, Akiteru has no choice but to take it.
  What will his best friend’s sister Iroha, who bullies him relentlessly, think of the news? Find out in My Friend's Little Sister Has It in for Me!
  Are You Okay With a Slightly Older Girlfriend? 
by Kota Nozomi with Illustrations by Meruchi Nanase
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First-year highschool student Momota Kaoru just saved a beautiful highschool girl, Orihara Hime, from a train molester. One thing leads to another, and they end up going on a date! They have a lot in common: they both love video games, they both jam to their favorite songs on mixtapes, they were even both born in the Year of the Snake.
  Except... Orihara’s first game console used cartridges... and her old mixtapes are all on MiniDisc... and, oh, her birthday is actually 12 years before Momota’s!
  When her secret comes out, she thinks it must all be over... but will Momota really let something like a little age gap get in the way of his love for Orihara? Find out if love really can transcend generations in this sugar-sweet romantic comedy!
  She’s the Cutest… But We’re Just Friends!
by Akamitsu Awamura with Illustrations by mmu
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Kai Nakamura has the average range of otaku hobbies for a high school boy, but the buddy he shares them with is far from ordinary... Kai’s best friend in the whole world is Jun Miyakawa, his classmate known as a super hottie.
  Though Kai and Jun just met when they enrolled in high school, they hit it off with passion for all the same hobbies! When they’re together, the pair never have enough hours in the day. Kai and Jun can’t get enough of each other’s company as they chat about video games and manga or sing anime songs at karaoke.
  Love is fleeting, but friendship is forever in this "just friends" rom-com filled with flirty fun!
  The two manga titles below will launch on J-Novel Club next week.
  Der Werwolf: The Annals of Veight ~Origins~ 
by Yuuchi Kosumi / Original Novel by Hyougetsu 
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Veight was reincarnated as a werewolf mage, and is now the Vice-Commander of the Demon Lord’s third regiment. His task seemed simple: capture and hold a remote commercial city. But the tension caused by mankind and demonfolk coexisting is the source of endless conflict. As a former human himself, he’ll need to leverage his ability to understand both sides in order to work with the human viceroy and maintain order!
  Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! 
by Shimo Aono / Original Novel by Makishima Suzuki 
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Kazuhiro has one hobby, sleeping. His career and social life come second. Since his youth, he's spent his nights dreaming of adventures in a wondrous world. On an evening like any other, he heads out to explore an ancient ruin with an elf friend of his. Their investigations soon get put to an end when they are doused with a dragon's fiery breath. Waking up from his dream, he finds those dreams may not be as imaginary as he thought! Join Kazuhiro and his elf friend on new adventures, this time in Japan!
  Source: Press release
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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