#sidenote: unlce chimney is so special to me i need more of him like rn
chronicowboy · 1 year
i know this episode was literally just grabbing us by our faces and yelling BUCK IS CHRISTOPHER'S DAD directly into our ears but they did it in some truly insane ways. like obviously the scenes on their own are enough and yet 911 goes that one step further and uses some unhinged scene cuts once again. because the choice to go from mom's best friend (denny) and dad's best friend (christopher) one after the other highlights just how big the difference is between uncle chimney and co-parent buck. its just: denny hears stuff about chimney from his moms, and chimney sits outside with denny to avoid hen's wrath, and they talk about fathers or rather they talk around fathers, they're honest but only on the surface level. meanwhile christopher is included in buck and eddie's conversation about buck's new found superpower, buck backs eddie up when chris tries to get out of his homework, buck bakes cookies for christopher's class and gets him to eat a balanced meal before he starts stealing baked goods. yet again a very heavy handed way of pointing out to us that buck quite literally stepped inside with eddie and chris.
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