#siege of orgrimmar
kimaisalloren · 2 years
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I like to do SoO just for the interactions of these two.
Have this here too cuz I don’t remember if I posted it
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wowscenery · 2 months
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illidan · 10 months
just thought “combat rogue” instead of outlaw. its been 7 years
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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WORLD OF WARCRAFT • CHARACTERS (4/?) Garrosh Hellscream (requested by @danielsullivan)
We have faced trials and danger, threats to our world and our way of life. And yet, we persevere. We are the Horde. We will not let anything break our spirits!
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thecozykirin · 4 months
Day 1 - Flirt
( This one was a collaboration between my husband and I! <3 ) @daily-writing-challenge
You can do this.
Throughout his life, Yasashi had faced every challenge head on. He clawed his way through the Trial of the Red Blossom, cold and shivering at the age of ten.
There’s nothing to it.
He cut through the chitin of Mantid and tasted their blood on his tongue.
You got this.
He survived the sweltering heat and stench of Orgrimmar and fought his way out of it with the rest of his brothers and sisters in arms once the city had been rocked by the siege.
It’s simple, really.
So why, after all of these feats he had accomplished…was the art of flirting so damn hard for him? The closer he drew to Soo-ha, the more the male felt his legs gradually lock up, as though he were a cub that was far too bashful to approach the girl he liked. But he was not a cub, he was an adult and yet, the heaviness of the task weighed on his shoulders as though he were one.
This shouldn’t be so hard, why was it so damn hard? Drawing in a breath, Yasashi forced down his bubbling frustration, lips idly moving as the large Pandaren wracked his brain trying to remember the sweet and poetic words he had observed in passing to woo the smaller one. All you need to do is go talk to her. It really was such a simple step. He talked to her daily and yet, at the moment, he suddenly found it to be the hardest task in the world.
A soft coo broke Yasashi from his crisis and his gaze dropped down to the cub who had crawled up to him, idly gumming on the leather straps of his boot. “Kimiko —“ the little cub squealed in delight as the male hefted her up in his paws, balancing her belly first in his palm. The two shared a look for a moment, and Yasashi released a heavy sigh. “It shouldn’t be this difficult, you know. Pray you grow up with a tongue more nimble than mine, it’ll make these tasks so much easier.” Yasashi plopped down, placing the cub on his knee so she may sit up on it. “Do you’ve any idea on what I should say?” Kimiko cooed in response, reaching out and bapping his nose with a little chubby paw. “Mh, not sure how to work with that…” The large male hummed, head tilting to the side. Ancestors, I’m seeking counsel from a toddler. His ears flicked back slightly at the realization. Am I so pathetic? Kimiko brought her paws to her face, rubbing her eyes with a soft yawn before she tilted her head up to the sky. Yasashi’s gaze followed the cub’s, and his eyes rested on the sun that hung high. “The spring sun has more of a gold tint to it, you know.” Yasashi mused. “It reminds me of your mother’s eyes, except the warmth and brightness they carry outshines it anytime, any day.” The words fell from his lips without so much as a second thought.
Kimiko chirped, her attention back on Yasashi and reaching out to him with little grabby paws.
With a snort, he collected her in his arms and chuffed. “You can’t appreciate this quite yet, but she does a lot for you. If I had been in her position, I don’t think I’d have been able to do what she did…” his voice drew off, brow furrowed slightly. “She has more courage than a hundred Shado-pan and twice the strength in spirit, though, if you told her as much she’d disagree.” He chuckled lightly. “Humbleness is quite the virtue.” Yasashi’s expression then fell. “I only wish I had a fraction of that to tell her this to her fac—“ Kimiko cut him off with a loud and delighted squeal, she had wiggled onto the male’s shoulder and spotted her mother long before the male even knew she was there.
Soo-ha stood, her paws clasped in front of her muzzle as she gazed at Yasashi with an indiscernible expression.
“Shi-“ Kimiko’s presence quickly led him to correct himself. “Shoot.” Yasashi scrambled up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were there. N-not that I didn’t want you to hear what I said, I did…do! I’m just —“
Soo-ha cut him off with a chuff, walking up to the much larger Pandaren with a look of warmth in her eyes as she held up her paws.
“Ah, r-right…” Yasashi pried Kimiko off his shoulder and tucked her snug within her mother’s arms.
Soo-ha bowed her head and smiled, waiting until Kimiko had latched herself on her shoulder before signing. ‘Would you like to go on a walk with me later when she is down for a nap? Just around the border of camp. It is supposed to be nice tonight.’
The request took Yasashi aback and his muzzle fell open. The tables were suddenly flipped. Traditionally, he was supposed to be the one to ask her on such ventures, wasn’t he? Incomprehensible noises rumbles from his throat at first before Yasashi straightened his back and answered with a very firm sounding. “Yes.”
Soo-ha smiled, bowing her head once more and walking towards her tent and Kimiko, lifted her head and cooed at Yasashi from over her mother's shoulder.
Yasashi couldn’t help but smile at the cub. The expression was warm and genuine. It felt...unfamiliar on his face and yet, he wished to do it more. Nailed it.
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valyrra · 5 months
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General Shao's "Axe of the Furious Crusader" reminds me so much of Garrosh Hellscream's cursed version of "Gorehowl" (Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl) from the final stage of his boss fight in Siege of Orgrimmar. am I trippin' ;_;
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(P.S. I was a huge simp for Garrosh and Siege of Orgrimmar is probably my fave raid after Icecrown Citadel)
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wrathionsbff · 13 days
running siege of orgrimmar mythic for the first time . wish me luck
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werewolfcandy · 24 days
im happy that i get to do the Klaxxi rep for Pandaria Remix. It was always my favorite rep to do, and the most personally invested one i think. Working alongside these mantid for an entire zone and reputation questline and then having to kill all the Klaxxi paragons you helped awaken and the Kuchong you raised later on in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
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nixalegos · 20 days
re: https://www.tumblr.com/cityandking/732305446191398912?source=share
guilt & hunt
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guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it? Lord Felscythe used to feel guilt. He'd trained himself to care, despite the predilections of his magics to being remorseless and cruel. That doing bad things in the name of survival and duty to Azeroth was a burden to be carried, the cost of 'doing business', the fetter that would drag him from his wealth and position of power into being 'useful' to others. And then the Shadowlands opened. The failing clockwork machinations of the cosmos glimpsed. The weight of a lifetime of sins exposed as a pathetic slap on the wrist compared to the prices he'd have to pay to his demons for crimes so much lesser in stature. He will never again be burdened by guilt. He'd have to kill universes worth of lives to feel like he'd done anything bad at all. He's still getting used to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert? The problem with being an infamous warlock who makes it a point to being instantly recognizable, and tossing your name around the way a demon would boast, is it's very difficult not to make enemies. There is no enemy cult on Azeroth that doesn't count Lord Felscythe as K.O.S. There likely is allied covens that despite interacting with him to the point of violence as well. Criminal groups long since disbanded or killed off could at any point reform under heirs unknown to get Augur's Row last pound of flesh in retribution. And even when it's not personal, Nixalegos is painfully aware of the fact that the 'righteous' and 'honorable' factions can, have, and will at any point turn and hunt him down not for any personal reasons, but simply for what he is. Sin'dorei. Warlock. Hero. He's a survivor of the Kirin Tor's imprisonment of his people during the third war, starving in the cages used for beasts and demons alongside innocent genocide survivors. He suffered the sting of insults and challenges of adopting fel magics in the coming years of strife after the loss of the Sunwell. He's held the heads and listened to dying last words of his peers and enemies alike as they've been hunted down by paladins with silvered blades and ignorance in their hearts. He was there that day in Dalaran, when a Kul Tiran Tyrant purged what wasn't theirs. He walked through the Cleft of Shadows as Orgrimmar was sieged, pulled bodies that had only ever shown him support and instruction off nooses and pyres for the crime of personal ambition. He is not paranoid. He is not overly defensive. The world IS ACTIVELY OUT TO GET HIM. Pretending otherwise would be crazy.
Thanks @artofzuhani!
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azerothtravel · 3 months
Over the expacs, what’s been your favourite raid or dungeon bosses?
Hey, Anon! Sorry this took so long, but I wanted to give this some real thought. So I've never been much of a raider. I just didn't find it too exciting to treat WoW like a part-time job. I dabbled in Vanilla, but never did anything after Zul'Gurub. There was a bit in late BC when my small guild and another one joined forces to run Karazhan for awhile (I don't know that we ever got as farther than chess). But it wasn't til the introduced LFR that I ever saw raids while they were new with any real frequency (I know, I am a filthy casual). My endgame has usually been more PvP and alts. But! That leaves a zillion dungeons and the raid experiences I have had so let's see…
When I think of dungeons in Vanilla, I think of Blackrock Spire. I have a great fondness for General Drakkisath in UBRS, for having someone kite him all over the place. And the Beast! Taking the punt from the Beast. Eventually getting the Chromatic Carapace and starting down that road. Those were really fun times. But also Bal'nazaar in Strat, which was a really fun surprise and also, uh, something I actually have a screenshot of. :)
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In BC, it's all about the Blackheart the Inciter fight in Shadow Labyrinth. "Slaughter yourselves for my amusement!" That was a wacky one, especially the first time you saw it. It was also cool, as a non-raider, to get to fight Kaelthas in Magister's Terrace. But also, in Auchenai Crypts, Shirrak the Dead Watcher. The first time you came to that bridge and saw that guy, that was memorable.
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Wrath is really hard to pin down. I'm actually really partial to Utgarde Keep. But it kinda has to be the Lich King chasing you out of Halls of Reflection. That was such a tense encounter. Unsurprisingly, I don't have any screenshots. But, looking through my screenshots, I just found out we did Naxxramus in 2009! I have no memory of this!
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Who knew?? I bet the same friend who made us an alliance with a bigger guild to do Kara was behind this, but I completely forgot about it.
First boss that comes to mind in Cataclysm is in the Stonecore, your friend and mine, Ozruk. Like many of you, I am certain, the first time he yelled "Break yourselves upon my body!" my group cracked up laughing. I think we might have even wiped from laughing too hard. He's got a great song, too! But for Cata, it has to be Deathwing. The fight on his back is probably the most memorable instance fight in the expansion, for good or ill.
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Mists actually has a whole lot of my favorite dungeon and raid bosses. Stormstout Brewery was pretty unique, with the Ook Ook fight being pretty great. I liked the Sha of Fear fight, with the teleporting to different platforms and all. The Paragons in Siege of Orgrimmar are memorable. I did so much for those bastards. Having to fight them all was mean. I think the Thunder King raid is one of the best raids of all time, top to bottom, and the Thunder King himself was a really cool fight.
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Warlords is actually harder to remember. Nitrogg Thundertower on the Grimrail Depot train was really cool. I remember hating basically every minute of the Everbloom... Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds had good atmosphere. I enjoyed Highmaul, but did not like that final raid at all, nor the remake of my beloved UBRS. Oh, High Sage Vyrix, that was a cool fight. Man. That Archimonde fight. I swear, it took like 15 tries in LFR. I never went back after we finally won.
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I've expressed my complicated feelings about Legion before, but it had some fun dungeons. The fight in the dark in Vault of the Wardens was really cool. Maw of Souls' fight with Freyja was cool, tearing up the back of that boat. But not a whole lost stands out to me, dungeon & raid wise.
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BfA. I liked the Ghuun fight. The Azshara fight, and also the swimming one with the big eel. That whole final raid was pretty interesting, with a good final battle. Some cool things in there. But the best was Lord and Lady Waycrest in Waycrest Manor, with the big pipe organ. That was cool.
In Shadowlands, I liked almost everything in the first raid. Some really fun things in there, and Denathrius especially. The Tarragrue fight in the 2nd raid was really fun with the anima powers. And the Eye of The Jailer fight making you grapple across that gap was fun.
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I have weirdly very few memories of Dragonflight dungeons & raids, apart from fighting Fyrakk over and over trying to get that damn axe. My RNG is legendarily bad. 11 tries and nothing yet. I don't think I played dungeons too much after the first couple of months, and didn't get too into the first 2 raids. Think I did them once each. Honestly, Dragonflight has found me playing alts harder than ever, so between that and PVP, I've done a lot fewer instances. But I do like that they incorporated dragonriding into one dungeon and the 2nd to last fight in Amirdrassil.
And that is my long, long answer. I'm sure I'll remember something I should've mentioned as soon as I hit post. Thanks for the ask!
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jainaism · 5 months
Prejudice towards Jaina №5356 "She switches several times from i hate the horde to it's garrosh to i hate the horde"
Jaina doesn't forgive the horde neither after the explosion of Theramore, nor after the trial of Garrosh.
“You do not know my heart anymore, Thrall,” she said. “I am no butcher—but I will no longer call for peace at any cost. The Horde you do not lead is dangerous and must be challenged at every turn—and defeated. Then, perhaps, there can be peace. But not before.” I’m not what I was—I don’t burn for vengeance anymore. But… neither am I the woman who longed so much for harmony between the Horde and the Alliance. There… can’t be harmony, Kalec. Not while Garrosh leads the Horde, not after what he has done. I don’t believe peace is the answer anymore. - tow
When she's asked to become a leader of Kirin Tor, Jaina doesn’t know what to do, since it's extremely difficult to be neutral in this situation, but she agrees, while fighting her anger every day.
What if the Horde killed your friends? Your family? Destroyed everything your had. Could you maintain your conviction even then? To be honest, I struggle. Every. Day. Every day, the hard decisions. Every night… the nightmares. But I have a responsibility to preserve the Kirin Tor. - Jaina, mop
Nobody dislikes Garrosh more than me. I wrestle with my anger every day. Anduin, you know more than anyone, it's important to separate the Horde from its people. The Sunreavers still operate within this city. Alliance and Horde work together.  As long as we stay above the war, then there's hope for the world as a whole.  I see our city as a beacon of light, showing the way. If we can trust one another here, then there's hope for the rest of the world. - Jaina, mop.
However, despite this, the sunreavers have a different opinion. They help the horde steal the divine bell from Darnassus, another artifact that could set off a hundred Theramors across the Azeroth. Jaina finds out about it, it enrages her, she losts the shit. That's where her patience ends, and she's learned her lesson.
For too long, I have toiled to mend fences between Alliance and Horde. Time and time again, I've given the Horde the benefit of the doubt - and time and time again, they stab me in the back. I resude to be betrayed again! If the hode intends to use the Kirin Tor as a weapon against the alliance, then they have no place in Dalaran. I've decided. Certain members of the Kirin-Tor have put their allegiance to the Horde above the order, and I will NOT tolerate it. This is nothing short of a betrayal. - Jaina, mop.
The Kirin Tor was betrayed from within. I've handled the situation. You're fooling yourself. Once Horde, always Horde. I see that now. - Jaina, mop.
This has been the worst year of my life: Theramore, destroyed. And a betrayal from within the Kirin Tor. The lesson is clear. From here on out, I'm taking the initiative. - Jaina, mop.
Next, there is a skirmish between the horde and alliance and zandalari. Jaina orders the alliance to switch from the horde to the trolls, and when she and Lor-Themar decide to part peacefully, Vereesa remains unhappy, and Jaina in the one who discourages her ardor, saying that "this battle will not bring her husband back."
During the siege, Jaina wants to first make Garrosh suffer and then kill him, while she just proposes to dismantle the horde, because she saw the possibility of another betrayal. However, Varian is against this, and Jaina, although disappointed, agrees to make peace with the horde.
During Garrosh's trial, Jaina wants him to receive the punishment he deserves, but Kalecgos reproaches her for this and is afraid that after this she will not stop. This upsets Jaina because she has become very attached to him - and mind you, when he was in trouble, she helped him no matter what, and he is just an asshole here. When Tyrande asks her if she would become the same as the horde if she washed away Orgrimmar, Jaina replies that the horde is on Garrosh. Because she keep separeting the horde and its people from Garrosh.
At the end of the book, she is seriously injured, and the Red Crane gives her and everyone else a blessing (temporary), thanks to which she feels herself calm and silently reconciles with Thrall, although they do not become friends again. She doesn't forgive the horde, but also she doesn't see every single orc or elf as pure evil.
Conclusion: “the horde is not garrosh,” Jaina thought exactly that throughout the entire MoP, the only difference being that she stopped giving the horde a “second chance” and began to see it for what it really is. While she wants to kill Garrosh, she despises the rest of the horde, continues to blame it for the destruction of Theramore, does not trust it, punishes traitors, etc, but at the same time she goes into negotiations, stops Vereesa from the battle and only offers dismentle the horde, and not kill every single orc. She releases the elves and prisons to Silvermoon. Jaina helps the horde player, albeit reluctantly, strengthen the ring, and then runs along the broken shore with the alliance and the horde. And everything was fine until the horde betrayed the alliance again, which caused another wave of indignation from Jaina. She didn't forgive the horde then, keep blame them for Theramore and mistrust them because of it, but doesn't want to kill them all as she wanted to kill Garrosh.
The only problem here writing. This story is not well written because Golden sucks, making Jaina too soft, like in dumb Disney movies, but generally acceptable.
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wowscenery · 3 months
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innominatis · 5 months
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For a long time until now, I have periodically made reference to the trap that Hekima fell into shortly before the Siege of Orgrimmar. This is the place where this anomaly called the Spot arose, and where the character finally met his friends. And this is where Hekima began to have serious doubts and a tough struggle with himself - thanks to this, the Spot was able to catch him.
Here is the scene after the rescue from the Stain.
When Hekima woke up, he could hardly believe that he was back. It was no less strange for him to see his friends, and in particular, his friend’s tired face, and that she had acquired several gray hairs after this journey.
Неожиданно наскетчилось.
Я достаточно давно периодически делала упоминания ловушки, в которую угодил Хекима незадолго до Осады. Это то место, где возникло аномальное Пятно, и где сабж встретился наконец-то со своими друзьями, но и где у него самого начали возникать серьёзные сомнения и жёсткая борьба с самим собой - благодаря чему Пятно и смогло его поймать.
Сцена уже после спасения из Пятна (Хекима и его волосы-помело хD).
Поскольку Хекима слишком долго пробыл в Пятне, при выходе из Пятна он вырубился (или просто обнаружили его тело, а он смог ментально вернуться, но ещё не пришёл в сознание) - и его отнесли к знахарям и шаманам, как одного из тех, кого смогли спасти из Пятна. Подруга же пробыла в Пятне сравнительно недолго (на самом деле - полчаса, однако в Пятне ощущение времени чудовищно исказилось: ментально оба персонажа провели там по ощущениям полжизни как минимум), но и то, если бы не их общий друг-шаман Федха, оставшийся снаружи, её бы точно Пятно поглотило даже несмотря на то, что Хекима вспомнил, кто они и откуда. После этого путешествия у женщины остались свои "вьетнамские флэшбэки", но с другой стороны, она смогла там расставить для себя точки над i. И, в общем-то, она ещё легко отделалась и даже осталась в сознании, хоть вернуться в реальный-Азерот ей было очень непривычно.
Когда Хекима очнулся, он тоже с трудом верил, что вернулся. Не менее странно ему было видеть друзей, и в частности, уставшее лицо подруги, и что она приобрела несколько седых волос после этого путешествия.
🪶 И небольшая текстовая зарисовка:
"... - Ты решил оставить меня сиротой - в мои-то тридцать лет? - засмеялась она, обнажив свои морщинки на усталом лице.
Хекима мгновение переваривал информацию, перестав удивляться седым волоскам в её тёмной шевелюре: новое удивление пришло на смену вместе со словами синчжэ. Сев, Чёрное Копьё сгрёб в охапку подругу - лишь бы она не видела, что слова попали точно в цель: именно в свои тридцать лет Хекима потерял занми. Именно тогда он почувствовал себя по-настоящему одиноким, брошенным Лоа, и даже наличие соплеменников (среди которых была и дальняя родня) и новых союзников не смогло хоть как-то сгладить боль этой потери: дядя заменил Хекиме родителей, и он отправился вместе с племянником к неизведанным берегам сурового Калимдора, материка, сулившего надежду выживания их племени...
Подруга знала, как Хекима любил своего опекуна, и помнила сама, как Хекима "ставил её на ноги", как он стал ей наставником прежде, чем она смогла уверенно назвать его Другом. И сравнение из её уст говорило о том, как этот представитель Чёрного Копья был ей дорог. Да, она искренне любит своих друзей, пусть их у неё и немного...
Однако вдруг Хекима вспомнил, что они теперь снова именно на Азероте - после такого приключения тем более хочется очутиться там, куда зовёт тебя сердце, где оно сможет отдохнуть, а душа - восстановиться. А значит, "Саути" всё же должна вернуться домой. Очередной член его семьи должен покинуть его, и скорее всего - навсегда..."
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deathbydarkelves · 1 year
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Ask and YE SHALL RECEIVE, @lynxfrost13
Sing-Sing's fun because he can change size at will. Mishi, Lorewalker Cho's cloud serpent, can do this and I decided that's a natural (though rare) genetic trait they can sometimes have. They're clearly very dependent on magic to fly, I'm sure their close tie to magic can have some other effects as well.
Anyway. When Cathala was stranded on Pandaria, the pandaren who taught her the language and helped her find her feet was a chill scribe named Paolun. She lived with him for a few years in a little (homebrew) village called Lake of Lilies in the same general vicinity as the Arboretum. Cathala understandably felt super out of place among the pandaren, even in such a small village, so after she learned the language and whatnot she found a little house on the very outskirts of town and lived there for a while, only going into town to buy food and other necessities. Paolun was one of a handful of people who visited her regularly, since they were really good friends by this point. Kind of an uncle-niece dynamic, I guess? Even though Cathala was older than him lmao.
Eventually she decided she wanted to do something with herself and went to study at Tian Monastery for a few more years. After she was done there, she came back for a bit to reconnect before she left for the Temple of the White Tiger to complete her training. Paolun, being a scribe, frequented the Arboretum. This also meant he had some friends in the Order of the Cloud Serpent, so as a parting gift, he gave her the freshly-hatched Sing-Sing to keep her company up on the mountain. I don't want to do the math right now but she was there for at least fifteen-ish years and he matured into an adult over that time.
Paolun died of old age not long after the siege of Orgrimmar (she met him when he was in his mid-twenties and she was on Pandaria for about fifty years), so Sing-Sing's all Cathala has left of him. He makes a great companion though. He's, uh… a little dumb and also very skittish but he loves his person and neither would ever do anything to put the other in danger <3
Behold some drawings I have made of him:
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Some day I'll draw him full size… some day.
Also, a numbered list of extra Sing-Sing factoids:
1.) He's TERRIFIED of Tarinne's hippogryph, Storm, even though Sing-Sing is like three times Storm's size when he's big. 2.) Tarinne tried to ride Sing-Sing exactly once and immediately bailed to go barf somewhere. 3.) Cathala DID try to train him to be a fighting cloud serpent. She tried. It did not work, he has no aggressive instincts at all. 4.) He’s good at carrying her around though, and he can be a really fast flier when he wants to be. 5.) He makes little chirping and purring sounds when he’s happy :)
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diaryofomellas · 1 year
Last Line Tag x Seven (?) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @late-to-the-fandom in a million games I haven't responded yet, so I'm doing it all at once because sitting in the rain today was prime mood to finish this scene.
No idea how many lines this is but I'm too old to care about such details anyway.
Omellas tuned out their voices, looking around the room again. One unexpected presence was making the whole experience a million times worse for her.
Halduron Brightwing stood rigidly next to Lor'themar. Hands clasped together behind his back, spine straight as a broom. Beautiful fel-green eyes unmoving from a fixed point on the far wall. It was uncommon to see him so solemn. So… detached. There was usually a joke or a witty remark living on his smiling lips. Now there was nothing but an unemotional tight line.
Omellas stared, pleading silently to Belore that he'd feel the weight of her gaze. Chains rattled as she forgot, just for a moment, that she was unable to slip out of her restraints and simply reach out. She ached, physically ached to go to her old friend. Tell him she was still the same girl he'd held in his arms once upon a time. Shake him, if she had to, until he saw the truth — until he saw her.
But Halduron didn't move. Didn't glance her way even once. Like his body was there but not his spirit. Nothing but a cold shell of the comforting sunshine man she'd known.
Had the strained rope of their friendship finally burned to ashes? Omellas knew Halduron was unhappy with her role in the Fourth War — he'd made that abundantly clear when she asked for his support prior to the siege of Orgrimmar. But she had hoped he would, at least, understand why she had to make those difficult choices.
Apparently, he did not.
She was surprised to realise that his glacial indifference towards her hurt more than everything else that had happened in the last few days.
The familiar hum of portalling magic filled the Warchief room, magic crackled around them, and the tall gates of Stormwind shimmered into view inside the purple gateway.
With the seconds ticking by faster than ever, Omellas glanced at her right, where Geya'rah and Dranosh stood side by side. They both gave her an encouraging head nod that warmed her a little inside.
Then Geya'rah took a deep, grounding breath, and Dranosh... took her hand. Their fingers intertwined naturally, as if they belonged together. Omellas didn't fight the smile curving her lips, happy and grateful beyond words that they'd shared this new development with her before she was gone. They were true, loyal allies until the very end.
Thrall cleared his throat before giving Omellas a gentle push. "Let's go, then."
He was right, there was no point wasting any more time. The elf sighed, locked her jaw and straightened her back. Focusing on the path forward, she allowed the carefully crafted mask of imperturbable confidence cover her like a blanket. She'd need it to face another round of public humiliation during the long walk to Stormwind Keep. There would be no wall of loyal Forsaken to protect her on that side of the portal.
Before Thrall had a chance to pull on her chains again, Omellas stepped through. Even reminding herself that Orgrimmar had nothing else to offer her, it took everything she had to keep a steady gaze forward.
Had she glanced back, like she so deeply wanted to do, she would have seen the melancholy and longing in the way Halduron watched her walk away.
Tagging @thereeness, @brisaveloz, @mysdrym, @xxgoaskalicexx
Y'all don't have to participate, I just want you to read this because I hurt myself and need to share the pain. Someone pls come cry with me.
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too-much-orc · 1 year
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