#siesta ~film of dreams~
lgcmanager · 1 year
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
due to their present and future schedules, all of the CRYSTALLIS members were gathered together with YEWON on JANUARY 13. since it’s the start of the new year, YEWON feels the most hopeful about CRYSTALLIS’ future. “we have a lot of things to go through, so let’s begin.” YEWON stated as she smiled at the girls.
“i’m sure some of you are familiar with the past collaboration projects that legacy has done? examples of this would be ‘summer taste’ and ‘zero:attitude’, the latter sung by your sister group, FABULA. this time around, there were a few more brands that reached out to us and wanted to collaborate so the company thought about expanding this project a bit. while the other two campaigns were for pepsi, for CRYSTALLIS we were approached by someone else. all of you will be a part of the KIM EANA project and if you don’t know her, i’m ashamed of you.” YEWON meant the latter jokingly to tease the girls, but her words also held some truth as well. “but if you really don’t know her, she’s a famous lyricist and has written some of the most popular hit songs like iu’s ‘good day’, ‘red shoes’, taeyeon’s ’11:11’, lovelyz’s ‘candy jelly love’, and of course BLAZING’s ‘abracadabra’ and ‘sixth sense’. in short, she’s well-known in this industry and after hearing through CRYSTALLIS’ past songs, she felt that you would be the perfect fit for her upcoming project.”
as YEWON mentioned, CRYSTALLIS has been chosen to be a part of a project with KIM EANA. the group will be singing a remake of BROWN EYED GIRLS’ 2008 hit song, ‘L.O.V.E.’ for this song, we will be using THIS REFERENCE ( and lyrics distribution can be found HERE ) and since there is a music video, the girls will also be filming that too. the song will be released on FEBRUARY 15 and they will not be promoting this song on music shows since it’s merely a project to promote both the group and the lyricist.
“while the boys are busy with their own projects,” YEWON paused, giving a slight smirk. “legacy has scheduled your next comeback to be on APRIL 6. word has it that it’s also the same day as april’s full moon, but i’ll leave that up to you to interpret the meaning behind that.” she smiled before proceeding to disclose more information about the comeback.
here are the songs for the APRIL comeback:
line distributions for this album can be found over HERE. the CRYSTALLIS members will not be allowed to do NOTORIETY TIERS from now until MAY so they cannot claim any songwriting/musical arrangement gigs for this album. HOWEVER, anyone who meets the requirements and can do the NOTORIETY TIERS may be able to claim the b-sides for a songwriting/musical arrangement gig if they wish ( but they can only claim it during the JANUARY cycle and not MARCH ). comeback promotions for this will last all throughout APRIL.
“oh,” YEWON looked at all of the girls, knowing that what she announced earlier wasn’t the only bit of comeback news that they would get. “and by the way, legacy has required all of you to work on your japanese and english skills. i know a few months back some of you were working on english and we encourage all of you to keep going, but for the ones who need to work on japanese…” she trailed off as she eyed towards HYEJOO, DANBI, SOMIN, and YURA. “they’re expecting you to focus on that too. we know that some of you have been working on other areas not related to the performance-based ones, but we want you to prioritize your language skills because all of you are going to need it for sure with your first japanese debut.”
she then turned her head to JAEHWA, SOYOUN, and ICHIKA. “also, we can’t let those three do all of the talking and singing when there’s seven of you. i’m well aware that five out of the seven of you were a part of lgc girls japan and while some of you could get away with your japanese speaking skills back then with the other girls covering that, this time around you can’t do that anymore.” she paused, thinking back about what she told them. with her looking at both ICHIKA and DANBI, YEWON added, “and seeing how it has been nowadays, legacy has decided that for this japanese debut, ICHIKA will take on the role of CRYSTALLIS’ leader during the promotions rather than DANBI. we know that ICHIKA was the leader for the lgc girls japan unit and since we want this debut to be a success, we felt that it was best to pass the title to her. ICHIKA will be the one handling most of the interview questions and social interactions that we will be having in the future until DANBI has become fluent in japanese and the promotions have concluded. if the fans like this arrangement, we might make it permanent. but DANBI, i’d consider this as an early warning for you to do your part as CRYSTALLIS’ leader and help the group.”
additional details regarding their japanese debut will be revealed next term ( Q2 ). in preparation for their japanese debut, we’ve listed below the point requirements the girls will need ( in the case of JAEHWA, SOYOUN, and ICHIKA, the notes listed next to their names are optional because they’ve already met the minimum point requirements ):
AHN JAEHWA: 100 JAPANESE ( optional )
MIN SOYOUN: 100 JAPANESE or 100 ENGLISH ( optional )
all of the girls will have until the end of the term to complete the requirements. if they complete the point requirements, they will be given extra point rewards in Q2.
“we’re going to be filming another batch of vlogs similar to how it was during legacy’s family concert. however, this will be mostly done in pairs and solos. since there are seven members, one of the members will have to film content by themselves twice and for this time around, it’ll be DANBI. while you could film some behind the scenes for both the collaboration project, solo activities, and comeback, we actually prefer you to document some of your normal day to day activities so that the fans can get to know you better.” YEWON suggested as she begins telling them who their assigned partners are.
here's the arrangement and order of when the episodes will be aired:
GEUM DANBI: aired on APRIL 13
SEO YURA: aired on APRIL 18
AHN JAEHWA: aired on APRIL 20
MOON SOMIN: aired on APRIL 27
MIN SOYOUN: aired on MAY 2
GONG HYEJOO: aired on MAY 11
GEUM DANBI: aired on MAY 16
the girls will be given from today until APRIL 1 to film the vlogs during that time. as always, all of the vlogs will be reviewed and edited by the editing team so they will check through to see if there is anything suspicious or inappropriate going on. each episode is supposed to last around 12 minutes. they can also be filmed at different times/days if they wish, as long as the videos are filmed with their partner ( or individually for DANBI ).
sometime around MARCH, the CRYSTALLIS members ( except SOYOUN ) will be invited to film a video for GLAMOUR’s youtube channel. for this they will be filming the FRIENDSHIP TEST ( reference #1 / reference #2 ) where they will be doing two segments:
COMPLIMENTS & TRUST FALL: in this part, one girl will be standing in front of the rest of the girls and do a trust fall. before the trust fall happens, the staff will be calling some of the girls individually and then be asked to give a compliment for the girl that is going to fall ( with the rest of the girls supporting her ). the order of who is doing the trust fall is: YURA > ICHIKA > SOMIN > DANBI > HYEJOO > JAEHWA.
WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO: in this part, the girls will be paired up ( JAEHWA & YURA, HYEJOO & SOMIN, ICHIKA & DANBI ) and will be asked several ‘who is most likely to’ related questions and they will have to pick the member who would best fit the description/question and explain why. examples of this are, “who gives the best advice?”, “who is most likely to forget their friend’s birthday?”, “who is most likely to never reply in the group chat?”, “who is most likely to start a fight?”, “who is most likely to crash a wedding?”, “who is most likely to write a best selling novel?”, and “who is most likely to have the most photos on their phone?”
the video for this will be released around APRIL 2 as part of CRYSTALLIS preparing for their comeback promotions.
before the girls were about to return to their schedules, a knock can be heard from the door. “ah, finally.” YEWON gave a sigh of relief, wondering what was taking them so long. as she opens the door, the CRYSTALLIS members are met with two other women, one of which they should be quite familiar with. as they enter the room, they stand next to YEWON who is glad that legacy decided to give her additional help. “on my right is JUNG NAHEE, who you should all be familiar with. she was one of the many assistant managers that would help some of you with your solo gigs. thanks to her hard work and diligence, she’s been promoted to manager. this means that we’ll both be sharing the role as CRYSTALLIS’ manager.” NAHEE bowed her head after YEWON’s short introduction.
turning to look at the manager on her left, YEWON stated, “and this is HWANG EUNJO. i’m hoping that none of you know her unless you’ve been around LEE HANBYUL for the last few months. she’s been HANBYUL’s temporary manager — temporary meaning that she has been carefully monitoring her and her actions ever since the dating scandal so she’s more of the manager that you should scared of…” EUNJO wasn’t really the type to talk as much and it’s reflected in the way she reacted to YEWON’s words. “luckily for EUNJO, she’s done taking care of HANBYUL so legacy has decided to assign her to CRYSTALLIS. unluckily for all of you, it means that something bad has happened.” YEWON’s head slowly turned towards SOMIN as she stated out loud, “ever since DBSD’S SHIN and HANBYUL’s dating scandal and the other scandal that happened months prior, legacy has been watching carefully over everyone including the trainees. while NAHEE had suspicions of this, i was told by the marketing team that SOMIN has been spending some of her free time with a male trainee who should really be focusing on his debut and not with girls, especially debuted ones.” 
at this point, YEWON directs everything she’s about to say to SOMIN while allowing the rest of the members to hear it. “you may have the most free time available in comparison to the rest of the members, but just as we were about to allow you to partake in more solo opportunities, this happens. due to the timing of everything, we cannot exclude you from the group activities. however, we’re even more wary now of how you spend your time and who you associate yourselves with, SOMIN. the trust hasn’t been fully broken, but don’t you dare try to break that completely because the outcome will be a terrible one.” YEWON paused before adding a delayed note for SOMIN. “….and in case you’re curious — which i wouldn’t be surprised if you were, he’s going to be under probation for the time being.” she kept the statement vague, letting the other members decide if they wanted to inquire who YEWON was talking about.
“as a result of all of this, NAHEE will be assigned to take care of SOMIN full time. she will be following SOMIN and if anything suspicious happens, she’ll be relaying the information to me. as for EUNJO… she will actually be in charge of someone’s private schedule and that person at the moment is SOYOUN. in the past we usually have the assistant managers taking care of this but after reviewing everyone’s schedules in the past and upcoming months, we’ve come to the conclusion that we’ll need another manager to handle all of SOYOUN’s individual activities and that is EUNJO.” YEWON initiated eye contact with EUNJO and gave an innocent smile, “isn’t that nice? you went from taking care of HANBYUL during her punishment to handling SOYOUN’s individual activities. i’d say that’s a nice change for you.” one would think that EUNJO would be ( somewhat ) happy over such news, but EUNJO reacted with an expressionless look.
“i believe that’s everything. i know it’s a lot to take in, but CRYSTALLIS is about to celebrate their one year anniversary so legacy has higher expectations for all of you and i’m confident that you can exceed those expectations. it’s just everyone has to work even harder this year to do that.” YEWON ended her meeting with a smile, for she wanted the meeting to conclude on a rather positive note.
FRIENDSHIP TEST: write a 300+ word solo about the ‘compliments & trust fall’ segment OR a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another crystallis member about the ‘who is most likely to’ segment for +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY !
BONUS: if you continue an existing thread from the writing challenge, that will be accepted for the bonus as long as 4 additional replies for each thread ( 2 posts per mun ) must be made between now and the deadline. this one in particular has to be with a partner outside of your group ( so it cannot be a crystallis member ). if you DO NOT have enough existing threads that fall under this category, you can use older threads ( that weren’t submitted for the writing challenge ) for this prompt as long as 2 new replies were written from now and the deadline and the partner is someone outside of the group. completing this will earn you +10 LANGUAGE POINTS ( can be english, japanese, or both ) OR +10 VARIETY ! ** can be done up to two times as long as it’s with different partners/threads **
CRYSTALLIS VLOGS: write a 300+ word solo OR a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with your assigned partner about any of their day to day activities. note that what was written in the thread/solo will be aired. completing this will reward you +5 POINTS TO MCING/HOSTING and +4 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:crystallismission for the task. you have until MARCH 18, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ CRYSTALLIS MISSION 005 - FRIENDSHIP TEST: +8 ( skill points distribution ), +4 notoriety [ LINK ] - BONUS: +10 ( english, japanese, variety ) [ LINK ] ** can be done up to two times ** - CRYSTALLIS VLOGS: +5 mcing/hosting, +4 notoriety [ LINK ]
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hmgn3 · 2 years
22-October 散財記録
02(sun) ・Lieven Martens Moana / Three Amazonian Essays (2017, used LP) ・Keshavan Maslak Quartet / Big Time (1983, used LP) ・Frank Zappa / Over-nite Sensation (1973, used LP) 03(mon) ・Wandl / It's All Good Tho (2017, usee LP) ・坂田明 / 20人格 (1980, used LP) 04(tue) ・Heaven & Hell - Volume Three (A Tribute to the Velvet Underground) (1992, used LP) ・Hits $ Corruption (1986, used LP) 05(wed) ・Annick Nozati & Fred Van Hove / U I T (1986, used LP) ・Aleuda / Oferenda (1984, used 2LP) ・Carlos Poyares / Revendo Com a Flauta Os Bons Tempos do Chorinho (1977, used LP) ・Art Lande / The Eccentricities of Earl Dant (1977, used LP) 08(sat) ・Alejandro Franov / Opsigno (2013, used LP) ・Future Pilot A.K.A. / Hurricane Fighter Plane/The Gates to Film City (1998, used 12inch) ・Julius Hemphill Big Band / Julius Hemphill Big Band (1988, used LP) ・Mumps / A Matter of Taste (1977, used LP) ・Art Lande & Jan Garbarek / Red Lanta (1974, used LP) 11(tue) ・Clan Caimán / Asoma (Rises) (2021, used LP) ・Les Passagers / Les Oiseaux (2020, used LP) ・Faust / You Know Faust (1996, used LP) 12(wed) ・Crumb / Ice Melt (2021, used LP) ・0 Stars / Blowing on a Marshmallow in Perpetuity (2019, used LP) ・The Statler Brothers / The Statler Brothers Christmas Card (1978, used LP) ・Rita Coolidge / Fall Into Spring (1974, used LP) ・Ricardo Santos and His Orchestra / Holiday in Japan (1962, used LP) 15(sat) ・武末亮 / Six-O-Seven Blues (2018, used 3x7inch) ・Fredrik / Na Na Ni (2008, used LP) ・Egon / Curse of the Evil Badger (2003, used LP) ・Yann Tiersen / (Tout Est Calme) (1999, used 10inch) ・3 Mustaphas 3 / Shopping (1988, used LP) ・陽気な若き水族館員たち (1983, used LP) ・Whodini / Whodini (1983, used LP) ・Swing 39 / Swing 39 "P.1974" (1975, used LP) ・Miriam Makeba / Pata Pata (1971, used LP) ・Danny Kaye / Danny Kaye Sings Selections From The Samuel Goldwyn Technicolor Production Hans Christian Andersen (1952, used 10inch) 21(fri) ・Karel Barnoski / Tiny Telephone Sessions (2019, used LP) ・Naïm Amor - John Convertino / The Western Suite and Siesta Songs (2016, used LP) ・大貫妙子 / Comin' Soon (1986, used LP) 22(sat) ・Geoff Muldaur / Is Having a Wonderful Time (1975 used LP) 24(mon) ・biobiopatata / 夏だったDeluxe (2022, CD) 27(thu) ・INO hidefumi / In Dreams (2021, used 7inch) ・Mouse On Mars / Idiology (2001, used LP) 28(fri) ・桜井芳樹 / live at uplink factory (2022, CD-R) ・桜井芳樹 / almost acoustic guitar solo 1997+2000 for world standard (2007, CD-R) ・WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS (1983, used LP) ・Gammer and His Familiars / Won't Look Out... (1981, used LP) 29(sat) ・風の又サニー / Aria (2022, CD) ・Tomoe Inoue / Sound dictionary of the universe for children (2022, cassette) ・Febian Reza Pane / Jealousy - All About Continental Tango (1987, used LP) ・Akira Sakata and his DA-DA-DA Orchestra / DA-DA-DA (Plays Duke Ellington and a Few Surprises) (1985, used LP) ・Mr. Santa's Boogie (Santa's Secret) (1985, used LP) ・The Melody Four / Les Millions D'Arlequin/La Paloma (1984, 7inch) ・Joseph Byrd / A Christmas Yet to Come (1975, used LP) ・NCCP / Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare (1973, used LP) ・The Modern Jazz Quartet Guest Artist: Jimmy Giuffre / The Modern Jazz Quartet at Music Inn (1956, used LP) 31(mon) ・Ghosts of Christmas Past (Remake) (1982, used LP) ・Leif Strands Kammarkör / Allt Under Himmelens Fäste (1974, used LP)
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mayashbarose · 3 years
Siesta ~ Fenetre
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12 notes · View notes
mayashbarose · 3 years
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