#sif2 daily theatre
sifasdt · 7 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-03-04
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-03-04
Nice Choice!
Yoshiko: I think I failed...... Dia: Hmm? Isn't it almost finished? Yoshiko: Yes, but! I felt that I made the wrong choice of color to begin with! Dia: A handmade hair ornament made with delicate black lace and feathers... I'm quite sure that Hanamaru-san will be pleased... Yoshiko: But, Zuramaru... She doesn't really wear dark-colored clothes... Dia: ... You do have a point. Yoshiko: Right!? Arrrrgh! Her birthday is todayyyy! If only I had realized this earlierrrr! Dia: I do have a suggestion. Yoshiko: Eh? Dia: How about suggesting to Hanamaru-san to join Yoshiko-san in a twin collaboration? Everything from the clothes to the bags, and even the shoes and accessories would be coordinated by you. Then, this hair ornament would be a perfect fit! Yoshiko: I - I see... That could work, too! Dia, thank you!! Dia: Fufu, I am pleased to have been of some use. Yoshiko: Ahh, but the name's not Yoshiko, it's Yohane!
[End transcription.]
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taperwolf · 8 months
So — it's very silly that SIF2 Global is launching with an expiration date. And I am upset that they shut down SIFAS just to run the not-at-all-a-replacement SIF2 for one year total.
On the other hand, with respect to Global specifically — all Japanese properties treat the outside world as a sideshow at best. There are many franchises that don't cater to international audiences at all. I dunno; maybe this is pure cope, or maybe this is just me being used to being fed scraps. But it's kind of a good thing they're doing it at all.
From what I understand, at least the JP server has promised to convert, at shutdown, to having the app be a standalone viewer of the cards, etc, that you've collected. So that's something.
I will go ahead and play SIF2 Global for the time we get it. (But I'm certainly not gonna spend any money on it.)
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sifasdt · 8 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-02-04
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-02-04
Mari: I'm bored. Kanan: How about we go for some stargazing? Mari: Wow! Sounds good! Kanan: Let's go to the usual place then. Mari: Wait, Mari's gonna go get the car, so why don't we go on a little outing? Kanan: You'll drive? Sure. Mari: Driving in the evening is gonna be so thrilling~! Kanan: I guess there are places I wanna visit too~. Are you okay with driving on a mountain trail? Mari: Mountain trails in the evening! How thrilling~! Kanan: I feel like it's going to be a different kind of "thrilling"...
[End transcription.]
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sifasdt · 6 months
Well, today marked the last of the SIF2 Daily Theatre episodes. Many thanks to the translators for making these available, and of course to the Love Live staff for giving us the many adventures of our favorite school idols for so long.
Should the Daily Theatre once again return via some other venue, we'll have them up here as they arrive. I don't know how likely that is, but then I didn't expect them to come back the first time.
The "classic" episodes for each date will continue to post and reblog as normal for the foreseeable future. I thank you for all your support.
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sifasdt · 7 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-02-29
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-02-29
Rina: It’s a leap year this year. Ai: Oh yeah, I saw that on the morning news. Getting an extra day is certainly a treat~! Rina: I’m glad because it means I can spend another day with you, Ai-san. Ai: Ahaha, me too~! Rina: Do you wanna go to an arcade? I wanna challenge you to a 1v1. Ai: Sure, I’m gonna win though~! Rina: Let’s come up with a punishment for the loser. Ai: Sounds good. How about this? The loser has to escort the winner all the way home! Rina: ......That’s a punishment? I’d be happy to do it since we’d get to spend more time together. Ai: You got me. But I figured even a punishment should be fun!
[End transcription.]
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sifasdt · 7 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-03-05
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-03-05
Tomari: To think something like this would happen... Shiki: Is something wrong? Tomari: Shiki-senpai, please take a look at this magazine. Shiki: Is this... Liella!? Tomari: Yes, it seems they've written an article about us. I never thought the day would come that we would be featured in a magazine. Shiki: ... Tomari: Shiki-senpai? Are you alright? Shiki: This picture of Mei is very cute... I may have to buy a copy for myself on my way home later. Tomari: ...For Mei-senpai? I suppose it is a good picture of her, but... Shiki: I'll need one to read and one to preserve, and I think I want at least 20 copies for propagation. Tomari: I don't understand what you're saying. Shiki: You don't need to understand the words, just feel them. Tomari: ...I don't think I can do that either.
[End transcription.]
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sifasdt · 6 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-03-27
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-03-27
One Rank Up!
You: You've gained lots of stamina, Ruby-chan~ Ruby: Huh, really!? You: Mhmm! I mean, you can dash up and down the stairs without taking a break. Ruby: Ehehe... It's still hard, but I can hang in there until the end! It's all thanks to everyone's encouragement and You-chan's help in creating a training plan to improve my fitness! You: Ah, was that useful? That's great! Then, let's go up a rank, shall we? Ruby: Go up... a rank? You: Yeah! I gave this new plan to Chika-chan and Riko-chan the other day. What do you think? Ruby: Um... Just how many different ranks are in your new training plan, You-chan...? You: Hmm~ If you knew that, you'd be discouraged, so that's a secret! Ruby: Now I'm kinda afraid...
[End transcription.]
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sifasdt · 6 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-03-23
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-03-23
Gaining a Wide Range of Experiences!
Chika: Hey, hey, Yoshiko-chan, I wanna become a little demon. Yoshiko: It's not Yoshiko, it's Yohane. If you want to become a Little Demon, call me Yohane. Chika: Yohane-chan. Yoshiko: Very well. So, why do you want to become a little demon? Chika: Kanan-chan said that as school idols, we should gain a wide range of experiences. Yoshiko: Don't use "a wide range of experiences" as an excuse to become a little demon!! Chika: ...But I thought it would be the best experience... Yoshi-... Yohane-chan's performances are so amazing, and they have an awesome atmosphere too... I thought I could learn something. Yoshiko: ......Really? Chika: Yes! Yoshiko: I guess it can't be helped... Fine, I'll make an exception and turn you into a Little Demon!! Chika: Really!? Thank you, Yoshi-... Yohane-chan!
[End transcription.]
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sifasdt · 6 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-03-21
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-03-21
Message Received?
Mei: ...Um, why have you been taking pictures of me? Ren: From the front as well... I think that would be a good idea. Alright, Mei-san, give me a big smile. Mei: L-Like this...? Hehehe... Mei: Wait! why are you even taking pictures!? You're acting like Shiki right now, Ren-senpai... Ren: T-This has nothing to do with Shiki-san! She didn't ask me to do this! Mei: Hmph... She definitely put you up to this, didn't she...!? Ren: No, she didn't ask me for pictures of you, okay? Ren: Ah!!! Mei: ...The nerve, Shiki... Dragging the seniors into this... Ren: ...You're just imagining things. Please, pay it no mind. I'll be going now! Mei: Ah, hey! Delete those pictures, right now-!
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sifasdt · 8 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-01-29
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-01-29
Most Important to Mei!
Chisato: What's wrong, Mei-chan? Is there something on your mind? Mei: No, not really? Chisato: Then why isn't your bun round? It's a little misshapen, you know? Mei: My bun...? Oh, it's because I woke up this morning with bedhead... wait, you're telling me that this being misshapen is somehow connected to my state of mind? Chisato: Huh? Mei: Huh? Chisato: So you weren't worried about anything? Mei: I don't... think so? Chisato: That's good, then! But that doesn't change the most important thing here. Mei: I'm telling you, there really isn't anything on my mind... Chisato: I'm gonna fix your bun! Make it nice and round! Mei: That's what's important to you!?
[End transcription.]
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sifasdt · 8 months
You may have already heard the news that Love Live! School Idol Festival 2 MIRACLE LIVE is set to shut down at the end of March 2024. Among other regrettable things, this will once again stop the supply of new Daily Theatre episodes.
(SIF2's Global version is still set to launch in February, and then shut down at the end of May, two months later than the JP server. There's some indication that the app will, when the servers close, change to some kind of local version to preserve your cards and titles; see the various announcements for details.)
Now, this is not our first time at this rodeo; we'll post the new episodes until they end, and then things on this blog will revert to how they were before SIF2 relaunched the episodes: we will continue to reblog/repost the older episodes for each calendar date.
It's probably also worth mentioning that while SIF2 is going away, our Love Live idols are still going strong, with many future projects and lives still on the calendar. I look forward to supporting them with you as we go forward.
Despite everything, I'm still happy to be running the archive and database of the translated episodes and this account posting them for you, and it's not impossible that the Daily Theatre will once again be revived.
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sifasdt · 7 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-02-18
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-02-18
On the Other Hand!
Tomari: Kanon-senpai, watch out for my sister. Kanon: Huh? why? Tomari: She intends to play a prank on you. Kanon: Huh!? w-why on me!? Tomari: She was planning on uploading your surprised expression to LTube. Kanon: Oh, I see... Are you sure it's fine to tell me about it, then? Tomari: An average prank video can only get so many views. Therefore, I believe that we should play a reverse prank on her instead. That would surprise our viewers as well. Kanon: Um... are you sure? She won't get mad afterwards, will she? Tomari: She isn't such a small-minded person. She won't mind as long as it gets views. In fact, she'd be rather pleased. Shall we do it, Kanon-senpai? Kanon: Alright! Let's pull an incredible reverse prank on her, then!
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sifasdt · 7 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-02-16
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-02-16
I Want To Try!
Ruby: Uuu... Ruby still feels uneasy wearing clothes like this. Yoshiko: But why? You've designed costumes like this before, haven't you? Ruby: W-well, those are stage costumes! Yoshiko: Then just imagine this as one of those! Ruby: B-but...! Yoshiko: ...You're the one who said you want to go out with me in matching clothes, right? Ruby: Well yeah, Ruby figured it would be fun to match with you, Yoshiko-chan. Yoshiko: Then just bear with it. And it's Yohane, not Yoshiko. Ruby: O-okay... Yoshiko: You know... I sort of wanted to try wearing matching outfits with you too, so... Ruby: Yoshiko-chan...!! Yoshiko: Again, it's Yohane!!
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sifasdt · 8 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-01-13
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-01-13
Tomari: ... Margarete: What are you looking at? Tomari: A recording of our practice session. I was confirming something about the choreography and our formation. Margarete: Hm. You're very studious, aren't you? Tomari: Practice is necessary to lessen the gap between our ability and everyone else's, if even by a small margin. However, no matter how many times I watch this section, there's something I can't understand... Margarete: ...I'm very busy at the moment, but I guess I could spare some time accompanying you during your practice. Not for too long, though. Tomari: Not a problem. If you have prior engagements, feel free to prioritize your own tasks. Margarete: ...It's fine, just go get ready. Tomari: Didn't you say you were busy? Margarete: Don't overthink it. Now let's hurry and get started.
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sifasdt · 9 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-01-11
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-01-11
Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child!?
Dia: Alright girls, once warm-up exercises are over, we'll be doing our long distance run! Hanamaru: Dia-san, I've got a question, zura! Dia: Hmm? What is it, Hanamaru-san? Hanamaru: Who planned the route for today's long distance run? Dia: It's by You-san. Hanamaru: Uugh... That's gonna be a harsh one, zura... Dia: Isn't that perfect in helping us to re-shape our bodies that have become rusty over the winter holidays? Hanamaru: No way, zura~! Maru's body is still tired from the holidays, zura! So, please assign a simpler running course! Dia: Rejected. Hanamaru-san, don't you know the proverb "spare the rod and spoil the child"? In the Japanese tale "Taiheiki", the lion threw her cubs into a deep valley so that only those that could climb up would be raised by her... Hanamaru: Dia-san, you would never throw Maru down a cliff!! Dia: Of course I will not actually do that to you... Hanamaru: Dia-san, even though you have been strict, you have always been watching over Maru so warmly, zura! So, please don't push us too much, zura! Dia: Y-you have a point... I suppose I cannot be too strict.... Hanamaru: Don't you agree, Dia-san...? Maru... will do her best, so please reconsider a more relaxing course...? Dia: T-then, we will go with Riko-san's running course. Hanamaru: Hoorayyy!
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sifasdt · 6 months
SIF2 Daily Theatre: 2024-03-18
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SIF 2 Daily Theatre for 2024-03-18
Valuable Lessons
Nico: ....Hey, why are you making that face? Maki: ....Because you're interrupting me when I'm trying to read, Nico-chan. Nico: I only asked because you looked like that! Is the book complicated or something? Maki: Well, like all academic books tend to be, yes. Nico: Academic Books....? You know, as a school idol, you should read school idol magazines. Maki: Why don't you do that instead, Nico-chan? I find those harder to process than these. Nico: Aaaah~.... I get it now!! You can't learn anything from those without Nico helping you, huh? Maki: What!? Nico: I guess there's no school idol in the world that understands school idols more than Nico does. That's why you're begging me to teach you.... Mhmm, isn't that right? Maki: You're sooooo wrong! Hand me that magazine real quick!!
[End transcription.]
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