#sigh dogboys am I right tumblr dot com?
faerieluvss · 2 months
Cassian Bane
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Name: Cassian Bane
Pronouns: He/Him
Nicknames: Cass ( by his siblings), Monsieur Noir ( Rook), Atlantic Wolf- fish (Floyd)
Age: 16
Birthday: April 30th
Height: 182cm
Gender: Male
Species: Belgian Sheepdog Beastman
Family: Mother, Two younger brothers and a younger sister.
Homeland: Sunset Savanna
Twisted from: Belgian Sheepdog
Class: 1-C
Dorm: Savannaclaw
Occupation: Student
Club: Basketball
Best Subject: Physical Education
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: N/A
Likes: Sunrises, Early morning runs, Club activities, His family, Being pet behind his ears.
Dislikes: Rain and thunderstorms ( sensitive hearing issues), Lazy people, Strong smells.
Hobby: Running
Talent: N/A
Personality: Cassian seems like your regular closed off tall beastman who excels at sports. But, if you ask his family, or those in the slums of the Sunset Savanna what he’s like, you’ll likely get a mishmash of “ such a good kid” or “ a real sweetheart”. Cassian may seem hard to approach, but he really does want to make friends, he just has a hard time expressing himself. Although, that won’t be much of an issue, as his tail will usually say what his mind cannot.
Born and raised in the slums of the Sunset Savanna, Cassian knew from a young age that as the oldest boy in the house, it was his job to not only help his mother, but also protect his younger siblings. It was tough, having to steal and fight to survive, but Cassian likes to think it made him stronger. When the carriage to Night Raven College showed up, Cassian vowed to not take his newfound opportunity for granted, and would strive to be the best student he could be.
Like his irl counterpart, Cassian can be protective of the people he cares about, but not overtly so.
Has a tad bit of sensitive hearing, but has a VERY sensitive sense of smell.
Will never admit it, but has enjoyed being called a “good boy” on some occasions.
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