#sighing and then movin g the hell on with my life i got work to do
i-hate-gravel · 11 months
swiping through dating apps and getting continuously more frustrated by the lack of fruit native to the middle east and other regions
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siincore · 4 years
“Can you believe they’re finally getting married?” ( aaaand while I'm here, Sherry to either of your girls ! you can @ g-viirus if you'd rather do the thread there, btw ^^ ! )
hey hey, it's a wedding! -- accepting ( Ares and Sherry at Eden's wedding ) @g-viirus
Ares looked on as her sister got the final touches of makeup done by Jill. Her dress was a beautiful ballgown, fit for a princess. Eden deserved the best -- and now, she was getting it.
It had been a long time coming for Claire Redfield and Eden Grimm. Much like everyone in their ragtag band of fighters and survivors, the brides-to-be had met in Raccoon City during the midst of the apocalypse. Eden had saved Claire's life from a lunging zombie and Claire repaid her through helping Eden escape. The two just seemed to click and had been together since that next morning. So when Claire asked for Ares' permission and blessing to marry her sister, the mechanic had not refused.
And now, dressed to a T and nervous as all hell, Ares Grimm was about to walk her baby sister -- the last surviving member of her family -- down the aisle, giving her up to the Redfield clan. It shook the blonde to her core that this was happening, but she was relieved and ecstatic that Eden was going into good and trusted hands.
"Nope. Didn't think it would ever happen, honestly. Eden always seemed so involved in her work, she never gave herself time for relationships like that. And now? Well.." The sigh was enough to express her sadness and happiness. "Can't believe I'm about to walk my little sister down the aisle. She's movin' on, startin' a family of her own. Mom would've been proud. Happy. She would've loved Claire. And I do too."
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