#sight between holes. Thats where you put the native plants that can house host species for endangered insects
bitchfitch · 2 years
Tbh i think I'd be less against the idea of golf if courses used the game as an excuse to create massive reserves for native insect and plant life instead of just mass tracts of overwatered ecologically dead grass.
Bc like, golf courses are the only sort of public trafficked land I know where there are immense amounts of social rules telling you to be as kind to the ground you are standing on as possible. No cars to rip up delicate patches or for insects to be bashed against, no one is going to go wandering off into a patch they shouldn't because doing so means admitting they fucked up and would get them dirty. and everyone there is paying Massive wads to be there.
and like, that's the dream for a nature reserve. But, it would also be a massive benefit to the sport. Instead of every golf course across the globe being functionally interchangeable aesthetically, each course would have a completely unique look and feel. complete with wild life making the whole thing feel Alive and giving you something to look at while brantworth the 3rd is teeing off.
All while the rich fucks who keep these places afloat would be able to boast about 'charitable donations to a nature reserve ' to further incentivise adoption of a more unique and ecologically friendly use of the land.
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