#siiighhh i get that ok fine
rohavon · 2 months
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mindthedocent · 3 years
(and ofc feel free to answer in as much or as little detail as u prefer, no pressure) (hope ur having a good day!! the fic really brightened mine)
HELO A COMTINUATION sorry i had to go to work lol
so in regards to their recent heartfelt love confessions here's what probably goes down
min has to put a stop to the "joking" flirting thing theyve got going on bc its breaking his heart. right? he's been in love with ryan for (mumbles quietly) years. so he thinks ryan doesn't feel the same and is just LIKE that (bc he's ALWAYS been like that), and he cant stand the prolonged hand-grasping and the hugs and the falling asleep on his shoulder thing ryan does.
so he sits ryan down for a serious talk (and ryan's over here nervously like ok so he's figured it out and DOESN'T reciprocate so its damage control time and this is either gonna end in us parting ways or finding a new normal where we remain awkward friends).
and min is like. ryan im sorry but i need to set some boundaries. and its not about you and you have no fault in this, its me. and you cant ask why. but i need you to back off on the tactile stuff a little bit.
ryan, to himself: oh no we did NOT traverse a horror therapy train for min to avoid telling me why he's uncomfortable with my affection. nope we r HAVING this talk.
ryan aloud: why? :(
and min SIIIGHHHS and goes through this whole roundabout explanation to try to not tell ryan that he's in love with him and ALSO not sound like hes being weird abt platonic male affection, hoping that ryan will lose the thread of conversation and just say okay
but ryan KNOWS this trick and he follows min through the winding woods of this fucking conversation and when min's done, when min's like, did that make sense?
ryan's like. yeah.
(min sighs in relief, thinking ryan didn't really get it but is saying yeah anyway)
ryan: you'RE IN LOVE WITH ME
and min gets all scared and tries to backtrack but ryan knows, he KNOWS and he just flops forward and pulls min into the tightest hug he can muster and says "me too" and min's crying, they're both crying? why are they crying why are they laughing
they both calm down after a while, but now ryan's gripping min's hand like he'll die if they let go, and they talk about things! they basically go through the whole timeline of their attraction to each other, talk about how moving into a romantic relationship might change things, and what they might do to mitigate that. what they might do if they work out better as friends. how they might navigate this relationship publicly.
min's very frank about sex? i think he knows what his limits are and he kind of has to coax some answers out of ryan too bc he doesn't want to overstep in like the heat of the moment or whatever. i think hes not very detailed abt anything but he definitely tells ryan he is willing to try anything once. ryan probably probes a LITTLE bit but he's also way too shy about openly talking about it. so he kind of just asks vague questions and nods if he's agreement, or grimaces if he's not. mins fine with this he knows hes the odd one out of the human population here.
haha ha this got longggg i have so many thoughts rattling around in my brain lmao. thank you so so much for this!!!! im glad you enjoyed it enough to come to me to ask questions abt it!!!!!
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hanyoutaikyoushu · 6 years
So, a month ago we bought a new fridge.
After pondering how to get it home for a week we realized that our truck didn’t have strong enough tie downs to transport it (Read: Rusted almost all the way through.)
We decided to have it delivered.
They only deliver on Saturday... Okay? Sure. Why not.
Saturday comes.
They don’t.
So we call and ask what’s up.
Turns out the girl who sold us our fridge was fired, and thus, didn’t file our order. So, we have to sort through all the paperwork and get it reordered. That means waiting an extra week. Ok.
Saturday rolls around again. We’re told that we’ll get a call to schedule our delivery. The call never comes, so we call them. Once again, they haven’t scheduled our delivery. So for the second time we schedule for delivery on Saturday.
We haven’t gotten our call to schedule the delivery again. So we call, again. The company has our order on file, but the delivery company does not.
Cue us spending the next 4 hours on the phone playing phone tag with managers and the delivery company, until finally, we get a delivery scheduled.
Dad takes the old fridge out for us.
He knocks my drywall off in the process. It falls and cracks on my dog’s water fountain. Sigh.
Our delivery is scheduled between 2 and 4. They never show up. We call and find out that they’re delayed, and will be here at 6~6:30. That’s fine, we can wait.
7 rolls around and they’re still not here.
We begin to wonder when they finally come driving down our one lane dirt road in a full size semi truck with your typical big white trailer on the back. I don’t know what I expected but I commended their bravery for getting that far.
They get to our steep, curving, downhill driveway and the truck stops dead in its tracks. You can almost hear the “...........................................” silence.
We hear the clang of a dolly. These poor guys have to haul the fridge all the way down a bumpy, uneven gravel driveway. They are, however, ECSTATIC when we tell them that they only have to get it to the porch (because we have to take the doors off to get it inside.)
The guy then apologizes profusely about being late. He explains that there was a tree down over the road and they had to cut it down because it was blocking the top of the trailer. I know this tree. The whole street has been low key fretting about it for weeks because it seems to inch lower and lower but nobody knows how to take care of it. We tip them for their troubles, and some extra for solving this problem for the entire street. The guy is just dumbfounded. I’m guessing they don’t get many tips, especially when they’re late.
We spend the next hour taking the door off the fridge. Shhhh, we’ve never done this before.
We put the screws in the ~fancy little drawer~ on the top shelf, so we don’t lose it. That’s smart, right? RIGHT!?
We get it inside, into my room.
When we measured the fridge to see if it’ll go through my door to the kitchen, we came up at about 28 inches. My doorway is 28.5. SHOULD WORK?
Only the trim of my closet is in the way. We tear it off, as I sigh once more at the carnage of my poor room.
Turns out it still didn’t fit.
We forgot to include the fuel line on the back. Or whatever that tubey thing is. The little metal plate that is on the bottom didn’t have any screws that we saw.
We try to get it through, end up having to take off the trim on the other side. Accidentally snap it in half. SIIIGHHH. It still doesn’t fit.
This leads us to one conclusion.
Part of the wall frame has to come off.
I take the drywall off while mom runs and gets pizza as a consolation prize.
Then we realize that it’s screwed in with stripped screws.
The sledge hammer comes out and I weep internally as I watch my wall get busted apart.
Plus side, we finally get the fridge inside, and into place.
Down side, it’s almost midnight and I still don’t have a wall. The only thing that keeps the cats at bay from trying to doordash the front door and jump out my window is the fact that they think my dog is annoying, and she is laying there with her nose in the doorway (that now can’t close) staring at them and wagging her tail like “FRIIIEEEENNNNNDS???????”
Well, we might as well carry in the door and shelves and stuff.
We get the doors inside, and my sister goes back for the last shelf.
She spent the day keeping my dog on a leash while we had the front door open, and didn’t realize that there were screws in the drawer.
All the screws go through the slats of the deck. We think.
The whole family stands there in silent sorrow, as we wonder who’s going up under the deck after them.
Dad gets home from work and saves the day because he’s built like Sasquatch and hammers my wall back together in like 2 minutes flat.
I was supposed to be working today, and after dealing with this crap I decide I don’t want to be doing the same thing all day tomorrow, so I sit down and try to figure out putting the door back on. Halfway done, realize we meant to put it on the other way. D’oh. Take it apart, put it back together again, have to get help for several things I don’t understand because I have no brain cells left (like, the fact we had to drill new holes for the screws on the door handle.)
Get the fridge door back on and someone volunteers to do the freezer tomorrow.
I do the math and realize that we SHOULD have all the screws?? So none of us have any idea what fell off the doors under the deck, and for now, we’re all just kind of pretending it doesn’t exist. Whatever it is.
It’s now almost 2 and we have the fridge ~almost~ in tact. Tomorrow we get to finish it and plug it in, and then yay, we’ll have a new fridge. And it’s bigger, and has the freezer space we need. Dad will be so happy that he can go to the butcher and not have to fret about whether we have the space to store large packs, and we no longer have to worry about if the tomatoes or eggs are going to get squished (Our fridge was 25 years old and missing a shelf and all of the bars that went in the door, so it was umm... space challenged.)
It’s late and my skeleton hurts. Like not my legs or my back. Just my skeleton.
There’s still half the drywall that needs to be put back up (nevermind that I’ll need to replace that sometime) but that can happen tomorrow, since it’s one of the easiest parts.
Kunlun (cat) is staring like “HMMMMM I BET I COULD MAKE THE JUMP TO THAT FREEZER...” So the last chore of the night will be finding boxes to stuff in there to keep her from trying.
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