#silent conference system in Dubai
silent123456 · 5 months
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 Simultaneous interpretation is highly demanded in Dubai – a global business centre, the epicentre of finance, and tourist destination. The interpreters in Dubai interpret spoken words into another language in live translations facilitating communication between different cultures and ensuring successful collaboration. This service is utilised in different settings such as the conference, business meeting, workshop, and government event. In addition, Dubai is a diversified language based region where there are several languages like; English, Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian, which make it a great profession with high demands.
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silentconference · 9 months
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Silent conference equipment Dubai
Dubai, known for its innovative and extravagant events, is set to host a groundbreaking gathering like no other: the Silent Conference. In a city where extravagance knows no bounds, this unique event promises to revolutionize the way conferences are experienced. Unlike traditional conferences where speakers compete for attention amidst a sea of voices, the Silent Conference in Dubai provides attendees with wireless headphones, allowing them to tune into the presentations of their choice while eliminating background noise and distractions. With the stunning Dubai skyline as the backdrop, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a world of knowledge and networking like never before. This innovative approach to conferencing is a testament to Dubai's commitment to pushing boundaries and redefining the future of events. Silent Conference in Dubai promises to be a game-changer in the world of professional gatherings, and attendees are eagerly anticipating this transformative experience.
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silentconference1 · 3 days
Translation India: Pioneering Silent Conference Systems in Dubai
In an era marked by rapid globalization and technological advancements, the way we communicate and share information has undergone a remarkable transformation. Leading this change in the Middle East is Translation India, a trailblazer in providing innovative silent conference systems in Dubai. With a commitment to enhancing the conference experience through cutting-edge technology and exceptional service, Translation India has firmly established itself as a leader in the industry.
Revolutionizing Conferences with Silent Conference Systems
Translation India’s silent conference systems in Dubai are revolutionizing the way conferences, seminars, and events are conducted. Traditional conference settings, often plagued by noise and distractions, are being replaced by a more sophisticated and efficient approach. Silent conference systems utilize wireless technology to transmit audio directly to participants through personal headsets, allowing for clear and uninterrupted communication.
This technology is particularly beneficial in multi-lingual environments, a common scenario in Dubai’s diverse business landscape. Attendees can select their preferred language channel on their headsets, ensuring they receive real-time translation and can fully engage with the content being presented. This feature not only enhances comprehension but also fosters inclusivity, enabling a wider audience to participate in the conference seamlessly.
Why Choose Translation India for Silent Conference Systems?
Unparalleled Expertise
With years of experience in the industry, Translation India has honed its expertise in delivering top-notch silent conference systems. Their team of professionals is well-versed in the intricacies of conference technology and is dedicated to providing customized solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each event. Whether it’s a large-scale international conference or a small corporate seminar, Translation India ensures flawless execution and seamless integration of their systems.
Advanced Technology
Translation India prides itself on staying at the forefront of technological advancements. Their silent conference systems are equipped with state-of-the-art wireless transmitters and receivers, guaranteeing crystal-clear audio transmission. The headsets provided are lightweight, comfortable, and designed for prolonged use, ensuring that participants can stay engaged throughout the event without any discomfort.
Comprehensive Services
Beyond providing the hardware, Translation India offers a comprehensive suite of services to ensure the success of every event. This includes on-site technical support, ensuring that any issues are promptly addressed and resolved. Their team is available to assist with the setup and operation of the silent conference system, allowing event organizers to focus on delivering content rather than worrying about technical details.
Commitment to Quality
Quality is at the core of Translation India’s operations. They meticulously test and maintain their equipment to ensure it meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. This commitment to quality has earned them a reputation for excellence and a loyal clientele who trust them to deliver exceptional service time and again.
The Benefits of Silent Conference Systems in Dubai
Dubai’s status as a global business hub makes it a prime location for international conferences and events. The city attracts professionals from various industries and cultures, making effective communication a critical factor for the success of these events. Silent conference systems offer several key benefits in this context:
Enhanced Focus and Engagement
By eliminating background noise and distractions, silent conference systems create an environment conducive to focused listening. Attendees can concentrate on the speaker’s message without being disturbed by external sounds, leading to higher levels of engagement and information retention.
Multi-Lingual Accessibility
In a city as diverse as Dubai, language barriers can pose significant challenges. Silent conference systems enable simultaneous translation, allowing participants to select their preferred language and receive real-time interpretation. This ensures that language differences do not hinder effective communication and knowledge sharing.
Flexibility and Mobility
Silent conference systems are highly versatile and can be used in various settings, from traditional conference halls to unconventional venues. The wireless nature of the system allows participants to move freely without being tethered to a specific location, enhancing the overall conference experience.
Translation India’s silent conference systems in Dubai are setting a new standard for conference communication. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and providing exceptional service, they are transforming the way information is shared and understood in multi-lingual and multi-cultural environments. As Dubai continues to grow as a global business destination, Translation India remains at the forefront, ensuring that conferences and events are not only successful but also inclusive and engaging for all participants.
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deepakthakur8223 · 10 months
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silent conference in Dubai
Dubai is the commercial and business hub for Middle East, Levant and African continent with representations of major American, European and Asian corporates and business entities.
Conference and meetings, Conventions and exhibitions are regularly being held in Dubai and adjoining cities. Silent conference equipment dubai requirement and need for Silent Conference in Dubai is picking up across all sections. Participants and businessman are traveling from across the globe to Dubai to attend meetings and silent seminars.
Silent Conference worldwide ( www.silentconferenceworldwide.com)  has varied experience in providing Silent Conference Systems with state of the art of equipment and highly skilled team of technical professionals.
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ladookhotnikov · 3 months
Remember These Three Letters: DEX — The Future Belongs to Decentralized Exchanges 
The SEC can impose fines and initiate criminal prosecutions against cryptocurrency projects, while ignoring scammers and other unsavory phenomena in the industry. They can also be accused of insider trading, but who cares?
The last three years have been tough for crypto.
After CZ left (more precisely “was forced to leave”), the Binance exchange began to comply with Western rules and removed some coins that could be used anonymously in some European countries.
Issuing anonymous tokens has been banned in Dubai.
Several major exchanges, including OKX, Huobi, Bittrex and ShapeShift, have announced that they will no longer trade anonymous coins such as Monero, ZCash, Dash.
I’m already silent about US sanctions against the TornadoCash mixer.
The traditional financial system is experiencing serious upheaval. National currencies are losing stability, investors are looking for more reliable assets. In this volatile environment, cryptocurrencies and decentralized exchanges (DEX) are emerging as an attractive alternative, providing inflation protection, control over funds, security, privacy and freedom from censorship.
The world is on the threshold of a new financial era. Responding to the challenges of the time, the Meta Force team is developing its own decentralized exchange. This will allow users to manage finances without leaving the ecosystem.
It's time to take action to ensure our financial independence and stability. DEX is a solution dictated by the times.
Read about this and much more in the analytical article 👇
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Silent Conference in Dubai
Silent conferences are ideal for business events in Dubai, especially when multiple sessions are taking place in the same location at the same time. These silent conferences in Dubai can also be useful for corporate training sessions or workshops.Silent conferences are also used in trade shows and exhibitions where multiple companies or speakers present at the same time. It is also used for live performances, DJ sets, and other forms of entertainment, allowing attendees to listen to music or watch performances without disturbing the surrounding environment. For more information, please contact us at +91 9811200494.
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#silent conference Dubai, #rent silent conference dubai, #silent sonference New York, #silent conference London
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pergola800 · 1 year
An Overview of Acoustic Pods and Silent Booths for Office Spaces
Nowadays, more people prefer to work in flexible or open work environments. Such workplaces are more fashionable that improve connectivity and ultimately, increase productivity. However, there are times when you would like some privacy after receiving a call from a potential client or another important person. You need some privacy, which is why every office looks for an alternative.
What should be that alternative?
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Is it Acoustic Pods or Silent Booths? Are they the same or different?
Let’s have a deep dive into these furnishings for office spaces:
Acoustic Pods
A “pod” is a type of fancy cubicle. The various companies in Dubai have taken the initiative to replace the ugly, outdated furnishing with more modern and clean-looking pods. These workspaces are typically modular and can be moved around to maximize space in various-sized offices. These pods can usually be grouped to keep teams close while providing privacy with small walls or storage spaces.
Some of the advantages of using pod workstations in an open office floor plan include improved employee communication and better lighting and airflow due to the lack of walls. The use of cubicle workstations allows for a more cost-effective office design while still providing a flexible workspace layout. This is especially useful if the company is growing and intends to hire more employees in the near future.
Other Points to Consider:
Nonetheless, open workstations can be inconvenient for those who require more privacy on occasion. Employees who need to make important phone calls may require a place to go if their office pod is too noisy and distracting. This is where the office silent booths come in handy.
Silent Booths
Installing soundproof phone booths is a great solution for companies with open floor plans that want to give their employees some privacy. Office silent booths are fully enclosed pods (as opposed to the open office pod workspaces discussed above).
These booths are not only completely soundproofed, but their built-in ventilation system keeps users comfortable. Using office silent booths provides employees with quiet, distraction-free workspaces. Those who want to get away from their desk pod in an open office floor plan will find it less stressful. It will create a space where people can feel as though they have privacy when they need it.
Other Points to Consider:
There are also larger four- and six-person meeting pods available that function as an additional meeting room and can be extremely useful if conference room space is limited or frequently book for larger meetings. Each booth includes a built-in desk as well as power and USB outlets. These workspaces are completely portable and allow employees to make private calls or participate in video meetings without disturbing others. This is a great way to keep employees happy when they need a quiet place to work.
How Do Acoustic Pods and Silent Booths Work?
An acoustic pod or silent booth is a type of workplace area where employees can move to communicate in better privacy. It is smaller than a boardroom but large enough to hold a group of people who need to communicate privately. Indeed, acoustic pods or silent booths can be make smaller to accommodate only one person, especially when making time-sensitive calls.
The booths or pods are intend to help make the workplace more welcoming to all employees. So, if there is some background noise that is interfering with communication, you simply dash into the booth or pod and speak to your concerned person privately.
Their design has also evolved over time. They are now build with extra-strong materials to completely isolate noise from the outside. Those outside the booth or pod will also be unable to hear what you are saying.
Acoustic Pods and Silent Booths – Need of an Hour!
The open floor plan trend has grown in popularity in the workplace, and many businesses are looking for ways to maximize space while maintaining employee efficiency. Organizations have discovered that implementing an open floor plan can significantly reduce costs, while other goals are frequently to increase collaboration, promote creativity, and foster co-worker unity.
Employers must understand how to maximize space and increase productivity in their open floor plan office. Both the acoustic pods and silent booths serve a purpose, and when used properly, each furnishing can improve the modern workplace. As per your requirements and needs, get your acoustic pods or silent booths installed with the help of  800 Phone Pod the Leading acoustic phonepod installation company in Dubai.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
(DUBAI, United Arab Emirates) — Standing at a lectern with a backdrop map of the world behind him reminiscent of one at the State Department, the spokesman of Iran’s Foreign Ministry made a point Monday to criticize the U.S. in English amid ongoing protests over police killings of black people.
“To the American people, the world has … heard your outcry over this state oppression,” Abbas Mousavi told reporters in Tehran.
So too have Washington’s adversaries in Iran and elsewhere.
Long the target of American criticism, these nations have used the protests over the killing of George Floyd as an opportunity to hit back at the country held up by U.S. leaders for decades as “the shining city upon a hill.”
By putting forth images of the unrest, they portray the U.S. as a hypocritical superpower unable to secure its own people, as well as normalizing the violence and repression they visit on their own citizens.
“To be clear, though they are trying to sympathize with protesters in the U.S., their aim is to leverage the internal divisions in America, … not to advance the debate on this,” said Ariane Tabatabai, a Middle East fellow who studies Iran at the Washington-based German Marshall Fund.
“Regime officials particularly like the theme of racial tensions in the U.S. because it allows them to point the finger at Washington, which is often front and center condemning human rights abuses by the regime,” she said.
That’s particularly valuable to Iran, which has violently put down recent nationwide economic demonstrations by killing hundreds, arresting thousands and disrupting internet access. The Islamic Republic has seen its already-ailing economy crater since President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew Washington from Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers, cutting off its oil sales.
“The American regime is pursuing violence and bullying at home and abroad,” Mousavi said.
That criticism has extended to Twitter, which Iranian officials use extensively despite the website being banned since the mass protests and crackdown surrounding its disputed 2009 presidential election.
Former hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose disputed re-election sparked the 2009 unrest, called Floyd’s killing “disturbing & upsetting.”
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif offered a rewritten statement earlier issued by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, crossing out Iran and replacing it with America.
Pompeo responded by tweeting: “You hang homosexuals, stone women and exterminate Jews.”
State-controlled media in China saw the protests through the prism of American views on Hong Kong’s anti-government demonstrations, which China has long said the U.S. encouraged. In a commentary, the ruling Communist Party newspaper Global Times said Chinese experts had noted that U.S. politicians might think twice before commenting again on Hong Kong, knowing “their words might backfire.”
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian offered his own criticism at a Beijing news conference.
The protests “once again reflect the racial discrimination in the U.S., the serious problems of police violent enforcement and the urgency of solving these problems,” Zhao said.
He added that China hopes the U.S. will “safeguard and guarantee the legal rights of ethnic minorities.” That’s as China continues a yearslong, massive crackdown that has locked away more than 1 million ethnic minorities, most of them Muslims.
In North Korea, the country’s official Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported about the demonstrations, saying that protesters “harshly condemned” a white policeman’s “lawless and brutal murder” of a black citizen.
Three large photos showed protests from recent days from Minneapolis, where Floyd died May 25 after a white police officer pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck for several minutes. The officer was fired and charged with murder, but protesters are demanding the three other officers at the scene be prosecuted.
Rodong Sinmun noted hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the White House chanting, “No justice, no peace.” It did not make any direct comments about Trump, whom North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has met three times in high-profile summits.
Russia said the United States had systemic human rights problems, criticism that followed a pattern dating to the Cold War. The 1957 integration of Little Rock Central High School by nine African American students supported by bayonet-carrying soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division saw one Soviet newspaper use the headline: “Troops Advance Against Children!”
That information warfare continues today in the cyber-realm, as U.S. intelligence agencies say Russia meddled America’s 2016 presidential election. Tabatabai said she and her colleagues had been tracking Chinese, Iranian and Russian social media accounts using the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter and #GeorgeFloyd.
U.S. allies as well have been expressing their own opinions on the unrest. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman said the arrests and assaults on journalists were “very concerning.” Zimbabwe summoned the U.S. ambassador over U.S. national security adviser Robert O’Brien’s allegation this weekend that Harare could be one of several foreign adversaries taking advantage of the demonstrations.
Meanwhile, Germany’s center-left Social Democratic Party, which is a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s governing coalition, on Monday described itself as “157 (years old) and Antifa. Naturally.”
The tweet appeared to be a response to Trump’s assertion that he would designate Antifa, an umbrella description for the far-left-leaning militant groups that resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations and other events, “a terrorist organization.”
Across from the U.S. Embassy in Paris, dozens of people knelt in silent protest, urging the French government to take racism and police violence more seriously. Despite a ban on gatherings of more than 10 people because of the coronavirus, they held signs reading “I Can’t Breathe” in English, or “Racism is suffocating us” and “We are all George Floyd” in French.
Thousands of people packed Dam Square in central Amsterdam and spilled into several side streets in an unexpectedly large protest to denounce police brutality in the U.S. and Europe. They chanted “Black lives matter!” raising their fists and holding anti-racism signs.
In Perth, Australia, the hundreds of demonstrators who peacefully protested Floyd’s death also sought to highlight injustices against indigenous Australians.
“I believe it’s important as a young indigenous woman to vocalise that this isn’t just an American issue, this is a black people issue and indigenous people fit into that category,” organizer Tanesha Bennell told Nine Network television.
Protesters carried banners with messages including “No Pride in Genocide” and tears appeared as the names of indigenous people who have died in Australian police custody were read to the crowd.
Associated Press writers Ken Moritsugu in Beijing, Kim Tong-hyung in Seoul, South Korea, Frank Jordans in Berlin, Jill Lawless in London, Farai Mutsaka in Harare, Zimbabwe, and Colleen Berry in Milan contributed.
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jacewilliams1 · 4 years
Flying in the coronavirus sky—a freight pilot’s perspective
Nothing but silence.
I watch the N1 fluctuate between 89.1 and 89.2. The fuel flow indicates 5700 lbs an hour per engine. All is well. All within the airplane seems normal. And yet, the silence is unnerving—almost unbelievable—as we approach a longitude of 30 West.
I am flying across the North Atlantic in a Boeing 767-300 aircraft today. I’m a 767 captain with an international freight company and have flown to six of the seven continents, experienced the cold Siberian winters and the heat and humidity of the Congo from the flight deck of the Boeing 747 and 767. Yet today is a completely new experience.
The desert down there is awfully quiet—but so are the skies right now.
Today, there is no global terrorist threat or war keeping airplanes out of the sky. The threat is a microscopic organism, silent but still deadly as it spreads around the world. On the ground, people’s lives have been disrupted, in ways small and large. But from 33,000 feet, the silence gives the feeling of a much more dramatic shift: like a Twilight Zone episode, in which everyone below me has disappeared.
Normally even with the use of CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Link Communication, a two-way text based digital communication system between pilots and controllers) and ACARS it can be a struggle to check in on HF when making the transition from Gander, in Canada, to Shanwick, in Ireland. This is normally the busiest oceanic airspace in the world, with about 1,500 flights a day. But today, I hear nothing but an eerie silence.
At the same time, there are other, more tangible, signs that the world below me has changed.
The North Atlantic Tracks, usually referred to as NAT Tracks, are a series of routes that change daily for the vast amount of traffic typically crossing the Atlantic. But today, and every day now that I fly, the routes are changing in different ways.
On this trip, for example, we are flying to Germany, where I will spend the next week flying between Europe and the Mideast. We have 30 hours of rest in Germany before heading to Dubai’s Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC), in the UAE.
We take off and, after flying across Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, we head toward Egyptian airspace, en route to Dubai. A lot of countries require you to make contact before entering their airspace, and Egypt happens to be one of them. Normally, those calls aren’t any big thing. But in this eerie, locked-down world, nothing is routine.
Before crossing into Egypt, you really want to make contact with ATC.
As we get close, the first officer is monitoring com one while I start trying to call Cairo Control. Despite the lack of traffic on the frequency, and repeated calls, I can’t seem to get a response from Cairo. Finally, just as we enter Egyptian airspace, I make contact. It’s a sign of what’s to come.
We make our way through Egyptian airspace and head toward Saudi Arabian airspace and Jeddah control. ATC hands us off from Jeddah center to Bahrain center only about 40 minutes out from DWC, and when I check in with Bahrain, the controller requests our CON number.
We are a augmented crew of one captain and three first officers, and none of us have ever heard of a CON number. We are now fast approaching DWC—an incredibly high workload period of the flight—and we are searching madly to find this number in the 100 pages of paperwork that makes up our flight plan. Bahrain tells us this is something new the UAE has just started requesting. I use the satcom to call dispatch. Even they are unsure what the CON number is, but after a brief conference call, a number is provided to us. We still have no idea what a CON number is, but evidently the number we give them works, because we are cleared into UAE airspace.
As we approach DWC on short final, I look down and see rows upon rows of idle, parked heavy jets lining the taxiways and ramps. The majority of Emirates A380s and 777s are nose to tail, covering most of the concrete at the airport. We are the only aircraft on final and as we land on runway 30 the tower instructs us to exit at V6, the last high speed taxiway. Tower switches us over to ground and, once again, there is nothing but silence. DWC is one of the busiest airports in the Mideast, and it’s the middle of the afternoon, and we are the only aircraft moving at the airport. Just like the silence in the air, the utter stillness on the ground has the eerie feel of something out of the Twilight Zone.
Life soon appears, however. A requirement for entry to the UAE is a health check. This is a new requirement that a lot of countries have started since the pandemic has begun. The vans soon show up to transport us to the health center for our mandatory health check. This involves completing several pages of paperwork, and then a temperature check and a nasal Covid-19 test. Next we are taken to a security screening and immigration. The time, from opening the aircraft door to our arrival at the hotel door, is four hours.
All those airplanes aren’t waiting to take off, they’re parked.
The next morning, we taxi out between the rows of parked aircraft amid the same surreal silence and stillness, as if we are the only active aircraft and crew left in the world. Our next destination is Kuwait International Airport (KWI), and after the challenges of yesterday, we are hoping for a relatively smooth day of flying today. But in this new normal, nothing is going smoothly.
As we enter Kuwait airspace and begin the STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival Route) for KWI, Kuwait ATC asks for our destination. We confirm our destination as KWI. Kuwait Control informs us that KWI is closed to incoming flights, takes us off the arrival, and gives us vectors away from the city. It’s only a two hour flight from Dubai, and we’ve been following our filed flight plan—which includes landing permits for KWI. We relay the landing permits again to the Kuwait controllers, who tell us to stand by. After couple more vectors and a descent to 12,000 feet, I call ATC again, and I’m told again to stand by.
In the 767, when the calculated fuel burn to the destination and alternate drops below our reserve fuel level, we get an “Insufficient Fuel” message on the FMS. It’s one of those messages you never like to see. As the Insufficient Fuel message appears on the FMS, I query KWI ATC once again. And once again, the only answer is, “Stand by.” Most captains tend to add a bit more fuel to the minimum reserve fuel level for a bit of comfort, but I’m fast approaching the edge of my comfort zone. Once again, we pass our landing permit numbers to ATC, and I tell them that if we don’t get vectors towards the airport, I will be declaring a fuel emergency and will be coming in to land. Once again, their only response is, “Stand by.”
In some parts of the world, approaching fuel minimums for one airport wouldn’t make me overly concerned, because there would be countless other airports we would have access to. In the Mideast, however, that’s not the case. I’m pretty sure Iran would not be happy with us dropping in for a bit of fuel unannounced. Fortunately, I don’t have to find out. ATC finally gives us vectors and we are cleared to land. While the Kuwait airport does not have as many jets parked around the airport as Dubai—perhaps because Dubai is such an international hub—there’s still a significant number of empty, idle airplanes lining the taxiways and ramps.
After a relatively quick turn, we head back to Germany. The only other aircraft I hear on frequency during the seven-hour return flight is one lonely FedEx freighter.
In all my years of flying I’ve never experienced anything like this. Even after 9/11, the airlines returned to the sky more quickly, and in larger numbers. Before the pandemic, it was easy to complain about crowded frequencies and long wait times before takeoff. But to experience a complete absence of traffic, silent frequencies, unnerved controllers and health inspectors, and major international hubs looking more like the aircraft boneyards at Davis-Monthan AFB, is a sobering and surreal experience that puts all those old irritations in a whole new perspective.
Flying across Europe last week, I noticed more traffic in the skies. I hope that continues, and things are able to return to normal soon. Believe it or not, I actually miss trying to break in on HF to give a position report.
The post Flying in the coronavirus sky—a freight pilot’s perspective appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2020/05/flying-in-the-coronavirus-sky-a-freight-pilots-perspective/
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vegas-glitz · 4 years
No A single Listened As the Financial Disaster Unfolded - Was Team Imagine to Blame?
As just about every domino fell, starting with the summer time of 2007, it grew to become increasingly crystal clear that the economic climate was in significant problems. But the shocking fact was that virtually every person from economists, traders, politicians to buyers played together until eventually the very conclusion. They performed alongside right until the evidence was so too much to handle, they had been pressured to capitulate and acknowledge the problems of the earlier and the implications that these errors had for the world economic system.
How did it take place? Why did our leaders in the fiscal and political communities see it coming? And why were these leaders so swift to dismiss the couple who did see it coming?
A single explanation is that the money tsunami started slowly but surely. Some have advised that it was began by the quick dollars from 2001 to the middle of 2008 that kept house loan curiosity premiums very low (30 12 months fixed-level home loans went from much more than 8 percent in 2000 to a lower of 5 ¾ percent in 2004 and then greater to 6 p.c in 2008). Then the tsunami begun to gain momentum when possible customers rushed to invest in homes at attractive desire charges, a lot of of them with small down payment. Feeding the frenzy were being mortgage brokers, determined by superior commissions, who arranged lower down-payment financial loans and often looked the other way when it was crystal clear that the customer could scarcely meet the regular monthly payments. But couple essential voices were being elevated, no one particular listened, and the money tsunami continued.
Collateralized Financial debt Obligations (CDOs) ended up made to enable monetary institutions who have been eager to take part in the very good times by earning large yields. These CDOs simply just bundled mortgages, some of which were being marginal, and sold them to banking companies and insurance policies businesses as superior yield investments. Then Credit score Default swaps (CDSs) have been designed to insure the CDOs. As a outcome, any expenditure bank that purchased a CDO collectively with a CDS to insure the CDO would be reassured that its financial commitment was secured. Not just one to spoil a fantastic party, blue chip ranking agencies like Conventional & Lousy's and Moody's gave the CDOs leading rankings? Again, number of critical voices ended up raised, no one listened, and the economical tsunami continued.
When residence rates stopped raising, the housing bubble collapsed. Prices fell and an raising variety of house owners owed far more that the current market benefit of their houses. A lot more properties had been then positioned on the sector foremost to reduce charges and the spiral ongoing. Defaults commenced climbing. But given that there were a lot of disconnects in this complicated community, the monetary establishments ongoing to sustain CDOs on their harmony sheets at selling prices that no more time mirrored the point that numerous of the mortgages bundled into the CDOs had been at danger. With a weakened equilibrium sheet, money establishments, these as Lehman Brothers, possibly unsuccessful or shut shut down their lending functions for panic that they would in no way be repaid. Now, having said that, a couple of important voices did floor, a couple of persons did listen, but we had been assured the harm could be contained.
Then the economic downturn strike. Credit score dried up, businesses furloughed staff,...and consumers tightened their belts. The injury was so excellent - with no close in sight - that the silence abruptly finished. Now the finger pointing started. Every person was listening.
But it was way too late.
What was unprecedented was that the conspiracy of silence lasted so very long. Yes, some economists and politicians warned that we have been on a collision course and that the economic system could not sustain the rate and degree of personal debt for extensive. In 2005, Robert J. Shiller, Professor of Economics at Yale, warned of a genuine estate bubble. Then in September of 2007, he instructed congress that the downturn in the authentic estate current market could spiral into the most critical recession considering the fact that the despair. Soon thereafter, in November 2007, at an worldwide conference in Dubai, he warned that a world-wide crash was imminent. In fact, Shiller, as properly as other people including Paul Krugman, 2008 Nobel Prize winner in economics, spoke out, but handful of listened.
And the silence was not confined to Wall Road. Administration at the Large 3 car organizations remained silent. Even if a several questioned a company technique concentrating on the design and style of vehicles that would operate head on into the world's developing gas and environmental crises, most remained silent. And investors as nicely as regulators the place suspicious of Bernard L. Madoff's alleged Ponzi scheme but said absolutely nothing. In 2001, Erin Arvedlund, a reporter for Barrons, wrote an article that lifted thoughts about Modoff's technique that made constant returns far improved than the returns of other cash. Nevertheless almost nothing arrived of the write-up. Seemingly every person "went alongside to get together" and in the course of action reaped the small-time period economic rewards or in the circumstance of the Massive Three, ensured their particular brief-term long run.
Just one way to make sense of this procedure is to borrow the phrase Team Assume from the management literature.
Group Imagine is generally utilized to describe scenarios where people "go alongside to get along." It takes place when social pressures in just a team protect against individuals from expressing their worries. It takes place when conflict is minimized, and as a consequence, group procedures and team conclusions experience couple of tricky tests.
Group Imagine through this economic disaster was prevalent. No one particular needed to raise questions about what was taking place. The couple of who did were being overlooked. Certainly, this might have been the most vivid instance of team imagine considering that Irving Janus wrote thoroughly about the topic in 1977.
Sadly, Group Imagine could be inescapable. It may possibly be a systematic bias that we all share throughout a wide assortment of human social behavior when we collaborate with other individuals to access popular aims. It is common in modern businesses, each small business and governing administration. Only the most open, externally targeted, and agile organizations can guard towards it. Proven bureaucracies, like Standard Motors, Ford and Chrysler, are at the most chance.
If there is a lesson for corporations, just one that has been underscored by this economical crisis, it is this: Group Believe sacrifices significant evaluation and conflict for fast ease and comfort.
Resource by Barry Shore, Ph.D.
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silent123456 · 10 months
silent conference in Dubai
Silent conference in dubai is the commercial and business hub for Middle East, Levant and African continent with representations of major American, European and Asian corporates and business entities.
Conference and meetings, Conventions and exhibitions are regularly being held in Dubai and adjoining cities. Silent Conference requirement and need for Silent Conference in Dubai is picking up across all sections. Participants and businessman are traveling from across the globe to Dubai to attend meetings and silent seminars.
Silent Conference worldwide ( www.silentconferenceworldwide.com)  has varied experience in providing Silent Conference Systems with state of the art of equipment and highly skilled team of technical professionals.
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bbnnfeed-blog · 6 years
As Bahrain Makes First Comments for Blockchain Technology, Iran Approves Bitcoin Mining
New Post has been published on https://bnn.io/news/bahrain-makes-first-comments-blockchain-technology-iran-approves-bitcoin-mining/?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=socialpush&utm_campaign=SNAP
As Bahrain Makes First Comments for Blockchain Technology, Iran Approves Bitcoin Mining
On Sept.4, the Bahraini government stressed on the importance of blockchain technology for the country’s oil-dominant economy while highlighting the need for heightened cybersecurity frameworks, reported News of Bahrain.
Bahrain’s Blockchain Push
At Bahrian’s annual SmartSec Cyber Security and Blockchain Conference 2018, the state’s Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs, Abdulhussain Mirza, confirmed the government’s intention to emerge at the forefront of the innovative disruption.
Mirza presented the usual narrative for describing blockchain-based systems, highlighting the “secure way” such technologies can be used for creating faster and more efficient transactions.
The minister noted the capabilities of data security provided by blockchain systems and told audiences that applications extend from financial services to a host of other sectors, including cybersecurity.
The Muslim-state of Bahrain has thus-far remained silent on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, with the latter forbidden under laws of Shariah law and Islamic finance. However, Mirza’s words mark a rare moment for the hush sector in the country.
Perhaps the advances of neighboring Dubai – in the fields of blockchain technology, Internet-of-Things, and artificial intelligence – must have cause Bahraini officials to take notice. Bahraini’s main asset is petroleum, and the country’s leaders understand fossil fuels are a fast-depleting resource and has turned to develop various other sectors, such as Tourism and Big Data, to maintain its global relevance.
While Dubai has several cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses operating in its jurisdiction, Bahrain issued its first “sandbox” license recently in June 2018 to a cryptocurrency exchange called Palmex. At the time, officials noted a trial run can be allowed until control laws are defined.
Concluding his speech, Mirza noted Bahraini companies should explore the rising technology to ensure the “greatest minds” propel innovation in the country.
Iran Confirms State-Backed Crypto and Mining Interest
Meanwhile, Iran’s cyberspace council issued its own comments with regard to the burgeoning blockchain and cryptocurrency sector. The country’s Supreme Cyberspace Council stated on Sept.4 that several ministries have passed a preliminary review of cryptocurrency mining as a legal business.
As stated by local outlet IBENA, the Cyberspace Council’s secretary Abolhassan Firoozabadi approved the mining of Bitcoin (BTC) as an industry by major government authorities. But, a legal framework and relevant legislation are yet to be introduced
Ministries with direct involvement in a future mining-based economy have reportedly expressed a positive stance for the sector, including the Ministry of Mining and Trade, Energy, Economic Affairs, Industry, and even the Central Bank of Iran.
Currently, the National Cyberspace Center is developing a legal platform for cryptocurrency mining and optimal regulation.
Interestingly, the minister confirmed Iran’s intention to create a state-backed cryptocurrency for circumventing U.S. sanctions and introduce a quantifiable financial device for propagating trade in the country.
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Bahrain Minister Hails Blockchain Tech, Urges Adoption
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/09/bahrain-minister-hails-blockchain-tech-urges-adoption/
Bahrain Minister Hails Blockchain Tech, Urges Adoption
Bahrain Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs, Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza has called blockchain technology a “true mark of progress” as he urges companies to take full advantage of its benefits.
Speaking at the SmartSec Cyber Security and Blockchain Conference 2018, Mirza said the blockchain technology is an “important advancement” that helps us find a secure way to “facilitate transactions”,  News of Bahrain reports.
“Technologies such as blockchain take us a huge step forward in finding a secure way to facilitate transactions. Blockchain’s ability to protect user’s data is a true mark of progress, because it can be applied in different companies from different industries including cybersecurity.”
The Minister also urged Bahraini companies to embrace the initiative as it has the power to promote “innovation” among the “great minds of the community.” He also spoke on cybersecurity and its threat to the global community. According to Mirza, “cyber-security is an essential part of our lives,” and the threat of cyber attacks should not be taken lightly.
“These global cyber-attacks affected more than 60 countries including Bahrain last year, and the Central Bank of Bahrain recently issued a warning to banks and financial institutions of orchestrated attacks planned at ATMs around the world,” he added.
Bahrain has remained silent on where it stands with blockchain and cryptocurrencies, while Dubai has continued to revolutionize the region with giant strides made in the use of blockchain, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence. Mirza’s words is an unexpected voice of reason in an area that is not known for taking bold steps.
Nonetheless, the country issued a regulatory sandbox license to Palmex, a digital asset exchange funded by ArabianChain Technology, allowing it to trail it services as regulators set the stage and consider necessary controls for trading digital assets.
ArabianChain founder and CEO Mohammed Alsehli had said at the time, “As the only regional digital asset exchange with a Sandbox license, we expect to see a significant rise in awareness and adoption, driving a huge spike in the number of trades and token-based fundraising across the region while maintaining the safety of the financial system.”
Featured image from Shutterstock.
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