#silent starters are back babey
vampiresmiled · 5 years
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a vibrant, red aluminum cap : unscrewed, discarded, and forgotten about. now laying somewhere underneath the living room sofa. it had come with a clear bottle, one that is currently being held upside down – emptied of its contents into a drinking glass. A DAY . . . and then some. emma phillips’ apartment works as a REFUGE : like her very own secret getaway, miles from the chaos of her own home. the choice of destination, albeit her friend’s living room, had less to do with emma and more to do with the distance between here and there. odette’s lack of options played a part in it, too. still – better than a bar. a greeting had been placed on hold, as had an explanation for her sudden appearance at the younger’s doorstep. instead, she clears what had been left of a past bender’s supply, and she takes a gulp.     /     starter for EMMA PHILLIPS – @holydepths
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woolspun · 2 years
BOLD : applies to you. ITALICS : only applies to you sometimes. STRIKETHROUGH : does not apply to you. elaborate on any points you’d like with an *
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TYPES OF ROLEPLAY / HOW I DO THREADS: I don’t. I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online. mainly asks. I do little short things mostly. I do my threads on discord. long - running threads that slowly build upon the muses*. ( * i’ll continue a thread until it seems exhausted or there’s a good place to stop, typically. )
PLOTTING PREFERENCES: wing it. get a general idea ooc, run with it and plot further if need be. long expansive thought out arcs.  ( i’ll do it all, babey. ) 
TYPES OF THREADS I DO / PREFER: one - liners only. whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for. para or multi - para. literal novels*. ( * honestly, my novels are done usually via discord, though i think i’ve done a post here and there that took a few hours to write because it was p heavy with lore ? i can’t remember. )
REPLY SPEED FOR THREADS AND CONSISTENCY KEEPING THREADS: I lose threads all the time and usually get back to them. I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply. I drop threads pretty quickly. I’m really slow but I will get back to you*. I reply on a schedule / queue. I usually reply within a week. I reply every day. I reply almost instantly. ( * i can be slow or fast. it depends on what’s going on in my life. )  
ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL SHIPS: I don’t do these ships. I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog*. ships will have to be discussed a lot ooc**. super chemistry based. I love doing ships, hmu I probably already ship it so just ask. I ship really quickly. autoship or ship within a few interactions. I mainly rp for the cute ship fluff or angsty smut. ( * i feel weird as an original character because generally most people think i am actively hunting for ships, so i tend to be kinda closed off with them. ) ( ** honestly i’m very easy to get ‘ into ‘ a ship, but it can be awkward doing ship things with someone who i don’t talk to. i spend a lot of my work and school day sitting silently while busy ofc, so i tend to have a backlog of things to talk about for funsies. )
SMUT: I do not do smut at all. I’m very selective about it*. I only do it on a separate blog / on discord. I mainly only do asks relating to nsfw headcanons on Sundays. I write it a medium amount. I write it all the time and love to. I am comfortable with foreplay and fade - to - blacks but nothing further. ( * i’ve written smut on this blog once or twice as standalone things. i’m okay with writing it, but i do love a slowburn buildup or something similar to that. )
ACTIVE HOURS: mornings, 8 – 10. midday, 11 – 1. afternoon, 2 – 5. evenings, 6 – 8. night, 9 – 12. ungodly hours of the day, 1 – onwards. ( * i don’t have an answer for this. it’s literally all over the place. )
ACTIVITY SCHEDULE: super slow and sporadic, like once a month or so. slow and sporadic, week - long gaps between activity*. bi - weekly ish. weekly activity. daily activity. I’m online nearly all the time. ( * i’m in dental school and i have a lot of projects + tests. sometimes i go awhile with my activity, but i do check the app and such. )
STARTERS: I don’t do starter calls. I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time*. I do selective calls. I don’t do calls but always feel free to ask me for one. I post calls rarely, regularly, often. ( * lmao too shy to bother. )
AUS: I don’t do aus. my blog is an au but outside of that I don’t do them.  i sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting. I have a couple of aus already, feel free to request them. I have aus coming out of my ears, please interact with them. I love making aus, hmu to plot if you think of one. there are some aus I won’t do.
CROSSOVERS: I don’t do crossovers. I’m selective with crossovers. I love crossovers. 
Tagged: i stole from @eternasci​ Tagging: whoever would like to, please help yourself !
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