silicon-bastion · 6 years
@siliconsaviior moved from x
Bastion shook his head again.  “Really boils the circuits when he got onto the whole ‘bots can’t be with humans’ crud.  Sure Bert and I have our fights but that’s in the sibling contract.  Then again what is life without conflict?  I dunno but hey unity is better than war in my book.”
A smirk and a hardy slap on the back.  “Good job knocking that idiot down a peg.  I was about to jump up there and toss him in a trash can like that know-it-all Peter Punk from school.”  He laughed, giving Aki another pat.  Seeing the younger bot still irked about it, Bastion decided a change of subject was in order.  
“So need a ride back home?  I gotta ask your dad to give me a quick tune-up.  Servos in my neck are still a bit off from that incident that made me the first accidental Robo-Dullahan.  My bike’s parked down the street, always got a spare helmet.”  He offered, rubbing his neck, hoping and praying that Aki wasn’t going to put two and two together.  After all he’d just gotten out of a fight as Forte and had taken a blow to his neck again from another rouge bot.  
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snakemans-blog1 · 6 years
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;; tfw mega dweeb is ur go to insult and u get third degree burns for saying it
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oh-nxts-and-bxlts · 3 years
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“...For some reason, ah’ can very distinctly hear the buzzin’ noise that catchphrases tend ta’ leave in mah’ audio receptors, like a distant cry from the depths of ye’ underworld. Yet, ah’ haven’t heard anythin’ else.”
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“... Muy esssssuspicioso.”
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happydreamduo · 6 years
[Sneaky Street Rat]
Another world, another day of exploration. The city was bustling with nightlife, an air of suffocating activity crossed with the shadows along the dark corners. This was an entirely new area. Except his particular world was familiar despite the fact he’s never been here before. ...Does that make sense? Informant didn’t think so. Still, the multiple sights of life were always a treasure. He couldn’t help but occasionally stop and observe the unique qualities of this planet like the many others.
“Hey, that’s my wallet!”
Informant stilled, envious green glancing toward the adult who had noticed his pickpocketing. The blond was basically caught red handed but he gave the other a moment of attention to sedate his own curiosity. His victim paused as well, both the adult and him puzzled about the encounter altogether. ...Huh. The dreamwalker didn’t think there would be someone so sharp along the crowd. People rarely noticed him. It’s almost pleasant to see there were people who acutely paid attention to their surroundings once in a while.
Informant’s smile widened.
“Hey! Thief!”
The blond made a swift turn into one of the dark corners and maneuvered into an alleyway. Being as short and frail-looking held it’s perks, allowing swift movements to guide his feet several blocks until he was satisfied in losing his ‘playmate’. Informant didn’t like playing around with those older than him. Leaving people in the dust was a simple job for a wandering informant. He could still hear faint traces of people walking around but that was lost on him as his digits opened the leathered fabric and checked inside. 
“...Only a hundred and some change?” Informant huffed in amusement, wondering what to do with this generous sacrifice. He wasn’t entirely disappointed with this catch. “I suppose this works.” For a meal. Perhaps even a night in a motel.
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silicon-bastion · 6 years
“Lucky!  I can’t do either!  I don’t even have taste.”  Bastion dismayed as overheard Aki’s answer to that Nonnie’s question.  If it was one thing that the bot wanted, well other than to protect his family and friends, it was to eat and taste everything out there.  
He didn’t even care about the stuff he shouldn’t try.  He wanted to try it, just once.
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snakemans-blog1 · 6 years
@siliconsaviior (continued from x)
“If that were my plan,” replied the snake with a scowl, “I would have more than a couple of circuits fried.” How dare the kid think he had such simple motives...
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He tilted his head. “Seems you might have a few...loose screws, as well. How I despise cocky blue children...” Readying his stance, he aimed his weapon. “Well, let’s see how fast you can run home to Mommy...”
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