#silly artifact insect here
allwillbeone · 2 years
Sometimes…. canon gay ships could have its own shitty fandom with the coldest takes…
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thicctails · 2 years
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Never thought this silly show about two teen superheroes that are trapped in an eternal love square with themselves would still hold some of my attention, yet here we are, almost 8 years on now. Anyways, here’s my take on a Miraculous x MLP au, probably set in, like, G5 time, when magic is just starting to pop back up in the forms of various artifacts around the world.
 (Miraculous Little Pony? My Little Pony, Miraculous is Magic? XD who knows)
Marinette/Ladybug: Mari is a Earth Pony/Pegasus hybrid. She lacks wings, but she has downy fluff on many parts of her body, making her extra soft and shiny. Her feathers puff up when she gets flustered/scared/angry. When she got her Miraculous, the magic picked up on her Pegasus half and gave her wings. Despite their insect-like appearance, they flap much like Pegasus wings would. Unfortunately, having wings doesn’t mean that you know how to use them, and for a while Mari is quite clumsy during flight. This also causes issues when she forgets that her civilian self doesn’t have wings.
Adrien/Chat Noir: Adrien comes from a line of pure unicorns, rumored to be distantly related to the Element of Generosity from so long ago. Like his canon counterpart, Adrien is a well-known fashion model, kept firmly under the iron hoof of his father, one of the most powerful and influential ponies in all of Prance. (Get it? Prance?) The Agrestes are basically pseudo royalty. When he’s Chat Noir, Adrien gains a pair of paws instead of front hooves, which allow him to grasp and climb much easier. It was still very hard to get used to at first.
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rk-ocs · 2 years
Yugioh abridged ebonics ep 4
Yugioh abridged ebonics translated episode 4
Yo Yu-Gi-awww!: Rex an' Weevil in: Huh-huh, you said "nigga-Eater" Bug!
On da boat
JOEY: Wow, an entire island all ta ourselves! It's sorta like dat book, Lord o' da Flies. Only wif uh lot less subtext, an' uh lot mo' card games!
TRISTAN: Wasn't dat da movie wif da evil ring an' da hobbits?
TÉA: Why would any o' those things be on dis here island, you idiot?
uh screen appears wif Bakura an' an arrow pointing ta his evil ring, an' an arrow pointing ta Yugi labeling him as uh hobbit
dey leave da boat fo' da island
TRISTAN (thinkin`): ah sho hope nahh one notices we's be trespassing!
GOON: werd up, you!
TRISTAN (thinkin`): da irony!
GOON: Quit drawing attention ta yo'self, you barely qualify as uh sidekick.
JOEY: Ahh-choo!
YUGI: You wouldn't gots caught dat cold if it hadn't been fo' Weevil.
JOEY: Actually, ah wouldn't gots caught it if you hadn't been uh naïve moron an' handed him yo' most powerful cards!
YUGI: nahh, it wuz definitely Weevil. He threw muh motha fuckin grandfather's cards into da ocean, an' ah'll never be able ta forgive him.
TRISTAN: It's sort o' like da tyme Joey threw away uh piece o' yo' Millennium Puzzle!
JOEY: Yeah, except ya forgave me fo' dat. Right Yug?
YUGI: (wif uh very angry glimpse in his peeps) sho Joey, sho.
Flashback o' Joey throwing away uh piece o' da Millennium Puzzle, while Ironside theme by Quincy Jones iz played
KEMO: Attention Duelists! If you can all stop staring at muh motha fuckin fro fo' uh moment, you'll see dat Pegasus's castle iz just behind me. Please follow da unnecessarily long staircase ta meet yo' host.
TÉA: muh motha fuckin limey senses is tingling! (sees Bakura down in da forest)
YUGI: What iz it, Téa?
TÉA: ah thought ah seen Bakura ag'in!
JOEY: Maybe we's should go check. He iz our nigga, afta all.
YUGI: an' let him cut into muh motha fuckin precious screentime? nahh way! Besides, it's not like he's uh main character or anythin`.
On top o' da castle
DUELIST 1: werd up, check out all da obligatory cameos. Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, Mako Tsunami...
DUELIST 2: But where's da reigning champion, Seto Kaiba?
DUELIST 1: Didn't you hear? He wuz barred from da tournament cuz his name wasn't mad stupid enough.
PEGASUS: Welcome ta da Duelist Kingdom. Let me assure you dat dis here tournament iz 100% genuine an' iz not in any way an elaborate ruse thrown together at da last minute so dat ah can git muh motha fuckin hands on an Ancient Egyptian artifact. ta advance ta da finals, an' da chance at three million bones, you mus' each win ten star chips by betting dem on card games. Remember kids, gambling iz pimp-tight fo' you!
JOEY: Now dat muh motha fuckin cold iz instantly cleared up, ah can't wait ta win dis here tournament an' git da prize money!
YUGI: So you can pay fo' da operation, right?
JOEY: What operation?
YUGI: da one yo' sister's getting.
JOEY: What sister?
TÉA: werd up, it's Weevil!
YUGI: Weevil! ah challenge you ta uh--
Weevil runs away
JOEY: Wait uh minute, he's running away!
YUGI: It's almost as if he don' wants ta play uh card game wif me.
WEEVIL: Actually, dumbass, ah wuz just leading you into dis here vague trap or somethin`. Heh-heh-heh.
YUGI: Super Special phat Ultra Special phat Transformation Sequence GO! (Transforms into Yami)
YAMI: ah'm back, baby!
WEEVIL: Heh, two can play at dat game, dillhole. Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh.
YAMI: Sweet motha o' Osiris, he's transforming too! But who, or what iz he becoming?
WEEVIL: ah be Cornholio! ah need T.P. fo' muh motha fuckin bunghole! Heh-heh-heh.
YAMI: It's tyme ta duel, you strange silly nigga.
WEEVIL: is you threatening me? ah summon muh motha fuckin Generic Insect. Heh-heh.
TÉA: Wow, peep at all da phallic imagery.
(Yami plays Horn o' da Unicorn on his Feral Imp.)
JOEY: What is you jivin' about, Téa? dere ain't anythin` remotely suspect 'boutdis here duel.
YAMI: Now, quiver in fear, as muh motha fuckin Knight's mighty lance penetrates yo' moist cocoon.
TÉA: Huh. ah guess you right.
Mai arrives
TRISTAN: werd up peep! titties gots arrived!
MAI: You pimpz is wasting yo' tyme. Yugi don' stand uh chance! He's not nearly experienced enough.
TÉA: Compared ta friendship an' compassion, experience iz meaningless!
MAI: Keep telling yo'self dat, hun. What is you, uh virgin or somethin`?
TÉA: beotch, ah'LL SCRATCH yo' peeps OUT!
JOEY: Could you pimpz stop jivin' 'boutsex? ah'm trying ta ogle Mai's cleavage here.
YAMI: ah activate Deus Ex Machina!
WEEVIL: werd up, heh-heh, nahh fair, heh-heh, you can't use Spell Cards during muh motha fuckin turn!
YAMI: Tell it ta da writing staff. Summoned Skull! Destroy his cheap Mothra imitation!
TRISTAN an' JOEY: Yay! we's wuz totally ineffectual!
WEEVIL: ah lost! Heh-heh... an' sheeit. Heh-heh.
YAMI: Maybe next tyme, you'll think twice 'bfoe forcing someone ta part wif they valuables. Now hand ova yo' star chips an' kiss muh motha fuckin feet!
WEEVIL: Damnit! Heh-heh... dis here card game sucks. Heh-heh-heh.
YAMI: Settle down, buttmunch.
End. da theme rap from Ironside plays ag'in
werds n shit appears on screen: [new episodes every week]
ODION (as Samuel L. Jackson): dat's it! ah gots had it wif deez motherf*cking snakes on dis here motherf*cking plane! , wOrd!
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emj-tolj · 4 years
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Bringing a World of Adventure Hunting in to Your Home
Not everyone is not living in a position to wander the woods, desert, beach or ruins. I had that situation at one point in my life. And yes its depressing. And when you read others doing all these things its can really get to you. However there are a huge number of things yo CAN do to counteract the depression. Lets visit a good many of these things:
1) Everyone’s first Go-to is Roleplaying. Be its table-top or online. But not all Online games bring out the true desire to adventure, as they are limited to telling a specific story. As such I suggest avoiding using game maps and make you own real maps. Right down and study any runes in the game, study the magic tech in the game, write side stories of your character that can not be done in game. Create a history to the character you made. Some games are limited what you character looks like. Draw your own character and hang it by your game station.
2) If you have adventure wear, wear it about the house/apartment. Does not have to be all of it. Boots, a shirt, a vest, tunic, wristbands, cloak 
3) If you  have the money and talent turn kitchen into a tavern or saloon, line shelfs with bottles and plates and other tavern/saloon wear. Avoid cheese props. Study movie sets and get ideas from that. 
4) Likewise turn your bedroom into an Inn room. Go ristic and simple with natural colors and materials
5) Burn in a cauldron or censor wood chips, herbs and incense, 
6) Hang posters of nature about the walls in natural wood frames. If you can obtain some old wood window frames, you that as your poster frames. If possible find images of nature on line and print them out. Try to make all the images co-inside, so its looks like you are looking out into the same view. Change the posters with the seasons if possible 
7) Place realistic life-size animals about your home: Snake, turtle, mice, birds, chipmunks, insects. If you have a ficus tree or a cluster of plants, place a birds nest with eggs in it
8) Play sound effects and ambient sounds in the house. Youtibe and other sites have a plethora of ambiance and sounds from cave to camp sites, tavern sounds, market squares, pirate ships, forests 
9) Add a fountain/s in your home. Fountain pumps can be bought anywhere these days, 
10) Terrariums! Make them and add them to your home. Even of the plants are fake 
11) Aquariums! If your adventurous aestheic love is the see or any water setting like ponds, these are fantastic to have. And do not limit yourself to just fish: Crabs, snails, turtles, frogs, lizards, snakes. Even if you are not allowed to have pes, build an aquarium anywhere. The flow of the water from the filtar moving the plants can lend to the imagination  
12) Wood, tin and copper and wrought iron objects 
13) Leather bound books. Line a shelf with them, 
14) Candles and lanterns. Some people can not have things where they live for safety mode. Even if you never burn them, have a cluster of candles anyway. Just the look of lanterns and candles plays with the mind. You can also invest in battery ones but I think they are silly looking
15) Bowls of fruit: Wood bowls and real fruits and nuts about the house. 
16) Seasonal and year round garlands and wreaths about the house. Clusters of ferns. If you do not have a green thumb, go fake if need be. Ferns and spider plans are my fave. 
17) Drift wood and moss covered wood. 
18) If you have your own Adventure clothes and gear do not bury it in a closet. Get a mannequin and display it, 
19) Fur, leather, blankets, wool, sheepskin throws and pillows.
20) Banners and tapestries 
21) Invest in a couple of mortar & pestle sets, one for the kitchen and one for the bathroom is you have the room. (Confession: I collect them) 
22) Hang herbs and dry plants in the kitchen.   
23) Clay pots and assorted pottery about the house. Try to sick with OLD looking styles. Check out some sites or books on ancient styles for an idea 
24) Antlers add a wonderful feel to ambience. Even if fake. Now they are made into door handles, draw knobs and so much more. (DO NO go hung deer and elk JUST for their racks)
25) Bowls and vases of snail shells, acorns, pine cones, 
26) Rolls and displays of maps, 
17) Glass and Ceramic bottles: Display a few or better yet, use them! fill them with shampoos, liquid soaps, drinks and what ever else you use and look at daily  
18) Old style dip pens and ink vials on your desk along with scrolls of parchment and an old leather bound journal, 
19) Color glass baubles like the ones at christmas time and “witch balls” These are great if your Aesthetic is the sea or in the Witchy profession, 
20) Wood wand display. Not talking about Harry Potter here. Do a little reserach and find or make a REAL one. Display it on your desk or mantle staff. If you have a set, even better. 
21) A Statue of an ancient god, 
22) Baskets and wicker to hold things 
23) Metal goblets and drinking horns
24) If you have one or several hand your shields on the walls, 
25) Oil hurricane lamps, 
24) Hang and display Gourds about. If you know how to carve and stain gourds, all the better, 
25) Birds houses. In the house?? Sure, why not? 
26) Feathers. Sometimes just a vase of ling feathers helps. If they are feathers you find in your walks, just as better. Each one has a story  
28) Bowls of rocks. Not only does this bring the natural world in but its said that a bowl of rocks by the door and window wards off negativity. 
29) Old wood boxes. Just do not collect them but USE them. put whatever in them as storage. Afraid you will forget what’s in it??? All the better. There is your treasure at the end of your search. 
30) Corn dollies. These folk cultural dolls and designs have their roots into the ancient world. a display of them, especially during the late summer, really invokes the harvest season 
31) Ceramic and wood bake ware in the kitchen. Ads a rustic tavern feel. This could include   bread boards and bowls, wood spoons, rolling pins,
32) Replace DVD covers with parchment or wood texture covers. Sometimes a wall of game and DVD cases can kill an ambiance you are striving for. If you can not print out all these coves, hang a tapestry over your shelf unit or add wood shutter doors  
33) Cover your library of bright color books with leather, paper of plether, No access to leather? See of someone has an old leather jacket they are ditching you can cut up
34) Wood flutes, harps, ocarinas, pan pips, lyres and rustic drums add to a great tavern-ish display.
35) A tall vase of cattails gives ambiance for this that over adventures in places like rivers and lakes, 
36) If you have a collection of crystals, sea glass and gemstones, show them off in a wood box or basket, 
37) Halloween Witch bottles add to the adventure appel. (I have a buhnch and have all my teas in them, 
38) Fancy yourself an Librarian or treasure seeker? Have a display of “artifacts” like (potters, tiles, scales, bones, glass, wood), Find some broken pottery shards and make them look like Greek pottery. If you sculpt make a remnant of a state or a bone or prehistoric tooth. Create your own artifacts and put stories to them.
39) Hang a bunch of leather sachets and small bags from a hook or sit them on a shelf, 
40) Find yourself a rustic tea set, 
41) Collect vintage clay and wood tops. Tops have been around since ancient Assyria and Babylon.
42) Display a collection of carving tools or depending on your likes, a small anvil and hammer,  
43) Hand on hoots of rack by your door or wall woven wicker hats, leather caps and witch/witch hat, head wreaths,
44) Display an old stick/straw/grass broom head wreaths, 
45) Display a helm or helmet you have in a place that speaks “I am at the ready”
46) Fold a small stack of old burlap bags and place on a shelf and use them to store things like potatoes and onions, 
47) Display and basket of wood knitting needles and wool,
48) Grow plants, flowers, herbs and small trees. Even small pots of just grass adds a sense of nature and Adventure (The ancient Greeks would grow grass for their New Years Eve celebration) I have lemon trees in my windows I grew from seeds.
49) A Fish Net works great to add an aesthetic look to your space.
50) If nothing more find an artist and have him/her draw your aesthetic self as you see yourself in different poses, gear and situations. Blow thing up power size and hang them about your space
51) If you can not do any of this, create a physical scrap book of pictures and images that’s screams your aesthetic ideals. Visit it daily and add to it.
NOTE: While all these ideas are great starts, DO NOT over do it. Less is more. Rustic and simple. Avoid cheesy plastic props and things like signs screaming “I am a Proud Viking!” Investigate films, movies and history into your aesthetic loves and the world behind it. Do not create clutter. Make you space livable and function to your NEEDS. Make you space your home, not a museum. If your space is cluttered and does not bring you a feel of your Aesthetic feelings you may need to pull back on some of your props.     
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astonishinglegends · 4 years
Ep 196: The Christmas Monolith and the Warminster Thing
"The air was brazenly filled with a menacing sound. Sudden vibrations came overhead, chilling in intensity. They tore the quiet atmosphere to raucous rags and descended upon her savagely. Shockwaves pounded at her head, neck and shoulders."
– Descriptions of the “Thing” by Arthur Shuttlewood, as reported in his book, The Warminster Mystery
In a rare dual-subject episode for us, we take a look at two somewhat Christmas-themed stories, the mysterious yet not-so-mysterious "Utah Monolith" and the Warminster "Thing." In the first part of the show, we discuss the recent discovery of a 9.8-foot-tall metal triangular prism-shaped pillar we've dubbed "The Christmas Monolith." This story made the rounds after state biologists from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources spotted the out-of-place-artifact while conducting a survey of bighorn sheep by helicopter over San Juan County in southeastern Utah on November 18, 2020. Two days later, the Utah Department of Public Safety posted a photo of the monolith on Instagram, with more pictures and videos of the puzzling pillar to follow. The internet and media outlets were soon abuzz with speculation about who, human, alien, or otherwise, would've illegally planted the iconic looking structure in such a remote red sandstone slot canyon in the middle of nowhere and why. Other metal columns have appeared in Romania and California, prompting the question, are these pranks, artworks, a message, or perhaps all three? The second part of our show tonight examines a freakish "flap" of High Strangeness that's so fantastic in its details and so widely experienced at the time that it's baffling why the story has mostly become forgotten. Generally considered to have gotten its start in the early hours of Christmas morning in 1964, this saga of shocking incidents in hindsight seems to have only publically peaked on December 25th and continued well into the following year, and only gradually declined in the decade to follow. The holiday literally started with a bang for the residents of the town of Warminster in Wiltshire County in southwestern England. Numerous citizens and British soldiers training nearby awoke to a medley of piercing, thundering, clattering, metallic noises in the sky and on their rooftops, the nature of which nearly defies description. The strange and untraceable sounds would continue to accost the townsfolk, with some reporting these sonic attacks were so violent it threw them to the ground and sickened their pets. As 1965 wore on, the unearthly rackets would eventually coincide with sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena and craft so unique they sound unusual even for a UFO wave. And what bouillabaisse of the bizarre would be complete without cattle disappearances, freaky interstellar messengers, and tall, humanoid-alien visitors? Warminster had it all. All told, this series of strangeness was so beyond comprehension, and with no vocabulary to satisfactorily describe it, the phenomena became simply known as the Warminster "Thing."
The former site of the “Utah Monolith” a.k.a. “The Christmas Monolith.” The 9.8-foot tall metal prism-shaped triangular pillar was discovered on November 18, 2020, in a red sandstone slot canyon in the former Lockhart Basin in northern San Juan County, Utah. The structure was spotted by state biologists from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources while conducting a survey of bighorn sheep by helicopter. The monolith was seen being removed by four unknown men on November 27, 2020. If you zoom in all the way on the above map you can see its shadow.
The town of Warminster in the western part of Wiltshire county in southwestern England. Warminster sits on the western edge of Salisbury Plain, famous for the standing stones of Stonehenge and Avebury as well as other ancient landmarks, and known as “crop circle country.” Wiltshire is also home to training facilities for the British military.
Reference Links:
The “Utah Monolith” on Wikipedia
“The Warminster ‘Thing’: UFOs and Supernatural Disturbances in ‘Small Town England’” by “MirageMan” on AboveTopSecret.com
The UFO-Warminster website
The timeline of events on the UFO-Warminster website
“The mystery of Warminster's 'UFO'“ By Kevin Goodman on the BBC News website
“UFO called “The Thing” celebrates 50th anniversary in Warminster” on OpenMinds.tv
“BBC Documentary on the Warminster UFO Flap” on AboveTopSecret.com
“1964, United Kingdom, The Warminster Thing (UFO)” on UFOCasebook.com
Warminster, a town in southwestern England
Wiltshire County, England
“10 Unsolved Christmastime Mysteries” by Robin Warder on Listverse.com
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Episode 196: The Christmas Monolith and the Warminster Thing.  Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel. Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer, and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2020 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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cloudbattrolls · 6 years
Bury Them Softly
Maidel Juzuxt | One Week Prior | Alternate Plane 556-V
Sayamh is chewing on a pen as he scribbles at the paper. Your skin still crawls when you remember holding him. 
He’s not Echthros, or Doroch, or even Srevni. Nowhere near the level of Chimera or Miruka.
Unfortunately, you can’t just destroy him, or send him away. That’d just land you in more trouble. So you put him in another plane, with a desk, paper and a chair. He said he didn’t need anything else, and it’s not like you were inclined to give him much.
He looks up at you, long hair tied back in a ponytail. He’d be pretty if you didn’t know what he was, strands of black falling in his thin face.
“What’s the state of things, miss Maidel?” 
His voice weirds you out with how quiet and submissive it is, even for a maroon. Especially for a maroon. Even Pheres isn’t really like that, he’s just good at pretending. You’re pretty sure it’s a nonsense stereotype. The other maroons you know can be downright scary.
So why does he pretend?
“Um. Not good.” You admit.
“Derevnya’s fog still smells weird, and some trolls keep having weird dreams or reactions. The canals are still pretty empty, some seadwellers are having a tough time feeding their lusii.”
He nods, and you can feel yourself grimacing.
“Don’t you...know anything about this?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t.”
You bite your lip. What use is he then? 
He claims his undead state is the result of a joke summons he didn’t even think would work. Given his lack of control, you can believe it wasn’t intentional...but that doesn’t mean he isn’t biding his time, waiting to feed on people whenever he gets an opportunity.
“Since you don’t know anything.” You say, careful with your words as if they were artifacts in the shop. “Why did they want you so badly?”
He looks both guilty and terrified, and a pang of shame runs through you, but you’ve refrained from pushing him too hard about his captivity so far.
That luxury’s gone.
“Sayamh, you have to have heard something. Or seen something.”
His ears pin back and his head goes back slightly, bearing his bandaged throat. Bleugh. Is he doing this on purpose?
“They ripped pieces off from me.” He says, looking at the lichen-covered stone ground that spans this part of the alternate world. “They said many things I didn’t understand, about weapons and essence and a problem they needed to solve. I don’t know.”
Sympathy wars with revulsion, all on a backdrop of bitter satisfaction. The cult had captured a monster and had started tearing him apart, probably intending to kill him in the end.
Except they’d made monsters too. You weren’t about to forget Dexter in a hurry, or the terrifying beasts that chased you after you ran off with him.
A sigh puffs out of you, and you sit down on one of the rocks rising from the stone plain.
Sayamh tilts his head at you.
“What’s wrong? Besides the big problem, of course.”
You groan and drop your face into your hands. If he was like the others of his kind, it’d be so much simpler.
“Nothing you want to hear, trust me. Just...give me a minute, then we can talk strategy.”
You look up to see him standing only a few feet from you and you nearly bruise yourself trying to scramble backwards.
His eyes become resigned at the sight of it, which finally breaks your last straw of patience.
“Don’t do that!” You snap, already feeling bad, but justified. “You’ve got to warn me before you get up close like that, okay?” 
“What good would it do, miss Maidel? You’ll still be afraid of me.”
“Well gee, am I not supposed to be? Like anyone wouldn’t be afraid of you!”
After placing him here, you learned the truth of exactly what he was when you stumbled in on his true form tearing at the carcass of one of the bird-insect creatures in this plane, immediately popped out, and didn’t go back for a week after you threw up in the load gaper.
He opens his mouth, then closes it.
“Look.” You mutter. “It’s nothing personal. I haven’t had any good experiences with the supernatural, ever, and I’ve had a lot.”
“I’ve never hurt you, miss Maidel. I try very hard so that won’t happen.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? You still could, and the only reason you won’t is because I can stop you.”
Sayamh’s horrorterror form messes with your powers like all his kind do, but you’re starting to learn ways around that. There’s a range to it, and there’s a cap; you can’t do big stuff, but you can do a few smaller things, and you’ve worked out how to make the most of that.
The maroon studies you, and you fold your arms, even though your ears are pinned. He doesn’t deserve to make you feel bad about this. He has no idea what you’ve been through.
“What do you think happened when I did the summoning?”
You blink.
“You got a horrorterror in you?”
“Part of one.” he corrects. “I know that now; it was an accident for them and me. Now am I neither really troll, or fully horrorterror. Do you know why I didn’t kill myself when I realized what I was, after I woke up?”
Your face must be pure green from the heat you’re feeling.
“I literally couldn’t. The fragment in me won’t let me do it, no matter how much I want to. I’m sure someone could do it for me, if I figured out a way, but...” He shrugs. “There are worse monsters than me out there. Since I can’t do anything about it, I refuse to feel bad. I can’t help what I am anymore than you can help being hatched green.”
“Those are totally different!” You protest, despite the squirming embarrassment you feel. 
“Being green isn’t the same as being a monster! Nobody’s hatched that way! It’s not right and it’s not fair!”
A flock of beetle-sparrows takes flight nearby, whirring off. You slap your face with a hand. Idiot.
A clay mask flickers in your memory, and the heaviness in you worsens.
You start to apologize when Sayamh sits next to you and you freeze, breathing quickening, but he doesn’t move further. He looks out into the distance, across the gray stone plain dotted with tufts of vegetation.
“If I’m a monster, why do you bother calling me by my name?”
His voice is so soft you strain to hear it, freckled ears twitching.
You draw in a sharp breath.
“What else am I going to call you?”
“You don’t mind ‘monster’. Why not a cage, instead of my own little world? I know why you took me, why you need me; what I can’t work out is why despite how scared you are, you’re still holding back.”
You look at him blankly, green eyes bereft of any comprehension.
He sighs, rubs a few strands of hair between his fingers.
“You’re one of the few trolls who stands a chance of culling me, and you could imprison me too if you wanted to feel safer.”
He gestures at the things you brought him.
“So why all this?”
You’re back in the first hive you lived in - yours, but you’d never call it that, not when Riccin’s windmill hive feels more it belongs to you than that place ever will - staring at the locked door, drained of your psi as usual. You can’t even make sparks to light up the space. You could try to force it open and run, but with your powers in her, she can be anywhere; she’s probably watching you now. 
Waiting for you to give her an excuse. 
“I can’t.” You manage, your voice oddly strangled. “I can’t do that.”
“Someone trapped you once, didn’t they?”
“Shut up!” You wail, sparking lime. You know you’re being stupid, but he keeps pressing you like he has any right, has any reason to know beyond wanting to taunt you for how weak you are -
He isn’t touching you, but he’s so close. One palm only inches from you, fingers splayed as the details of bandages fill your sight, frayed as they are, but with no stains; he doesn’t bleed, like any real troll should.
It’s the lack of blood that makes nausea well up in you, and from the look in his eyes, it’s plain on your face as well as in your digestion sac.
His thin fingers, so unlike your soft ones, curl in and he puts it back down on his lap, his ears low like yours now.
“Silly of me.” He says, and you’re pretty sure if trolls could die of awkwardness you’d have a million graves.
It’s worse than if he’d mocked you. You know how to handle that.
“I have to check on the kids.” You babble, and then pop back to the shop so you can slide down on the couch in the backroom and bury your head in your hands.
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gryffonweald · 5 years
Reference Journal for Exalted Secret Santa!
I’m going to be referencing a character “Delphi” a  lot in here! She is my PC, No-Moon Lunar with a Pegasus spirit shape. I didn’t include her here because I draw her a lot though, and I wanted to give some airtime to some of her and my favorite NPC’s: 
— Air-Aspected Dragon-Blooded warrior. Skilled with the spear and innuendo.
Melon specializes in languages and cyphers: she can create encoded messages that recipients find intuitive to decode, or learn new languages very quickly (albeit temporarily). She's a close-quarters fighter, specialized in team-fighting. She's also a trained Warstrider pilot. Melon is a Sorceress. She can send Infallible Messengers, and summon Stalwart Servitors (which are strong, dumb servants) Her anima manifests as pulses of electromagnetic energy around her. She does not know about or understand magnetism, and so she simply calls it "Melon Lightning".
Melon is known for having bouts of silliness that will cheer anyone up, but she is a serious fighter, and she has been spending a lot of time training our new recruits! (She even trained Delphi, my Lunar PC)
Her hair is bright orange (It’s how she got her name) and tends to “misbehave”. 
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-- Full Moon Lunar, his totem animal/spirit shape is a Snipe
Very androgynous looking (Often mistaken for a girl): thin, pale, long brown hair. Bears a great Moonsilver Daiklave with three cats'-eye hearthstones on it. Captain of the Tzalti Air Boat "Killer Whale". He is impossibly strong, Impossibly fast, and skilled at war! 
I have described Radulfr as the serious figure to balance out Delphi’s wild energy. He is practical, punctual, and skilled as a commander.  But hes still a little soft on the inside, and he keeps falling in love with people. Delphi is the only one that has stuck so far!
“ He has a -really- girlish face Smooth, thin eyebrows, long eyelashes. Just very feminine proportions all over. His skin is pale and smooth, which is unusual for his people. His hair is -super- long (like, longer than waist-long) and he mostly wears it loose. It's smooth but thin and wispy so the wind blows it around easily. He usually wears a headband to keep it from going onto his face. “
“ Radulfr's eyes are really light brown, almost yellow “
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(This second picture is my rendition, but I think he’s technically a little too masculine in it.)
Walks In Circles
--No Moon Lunar, Totem/Spirit-shape is a River Dragon
Master of shapeshifting, Circles can adopt an amazing variety of shapes, ranging from tiny insects to enormous elephant-sized monstrosities. She takes special pride in her ability to carry groups of people at high speed across long distances. This competence tends to be overshadowed by travel Sorcery. Circles is tasked by the Silver Pact to locate, rescue, tattoo and train young Lunar Exalts.  
By profession, Circles is a Spirit Guide- she negotiates agreements between men and gods, and gives advice to humans on how to handle supernatural powers. Circles is a skilled crafter and physician, but she is often overshadowed by Solar Exalted who specialize in the same fields. As a combatant, Circles has had many years of specialized martial arts training, but she tends to panic in dangerous situation and revert to instinctive attempts to overpower her opposition with great size and muscle mass. Circles is a Sorceress. She can summon and bind elementals, but has not demonstrated knowledge of other spells. Her anima is a River Dragon- a rhinoceros-sized lizard with great claws and jaws and a great dorsal fin. Her Tell is said fin from the back of her neck to the base of her spine.
She is Delphi’s Lunar Mentor. She taught her how to improve her shape-shifting and gives her advice on general Lunar Matters. Shes known for showing that she needs affection by pulling shape-shifting pranks. Most famously: Camel in the Closet. Circles is also known for rarely being in her true shape. She attends meetings in animal shapes, and she even has other human and dragonborn shapes that she takes on missions.
Something that is hard to provide reference for is that she is short. She also doesn’t have an official outfit really, but she tends to wear loose and comfortable dresses and the like. 
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(I will try to add more references of her as I get them! This is the one I have for now!)
The Shoat of the Mire
-- Abyssal Midnight Caste
Small, Cute, and Tragic! Shoat has long white hair, and always dresses like she is attending a funeral. She wears all black and white with plenty of lace, ruffles, and ribbons. Shoat is a social exalt with a skill for getting people (especially ghosts) to like and listen to her on account of her being so cute. She has been described as “More Round and Cute and Elegant. Her hair is kind of fluffy, and her dresses look like she might float like princess peach.” Her style is rather Gothic-Lolita, but with more white than you would expect. Delphi recently made an Ivory Butterfly Artifact, which is a white butterfly streaked with black abyssal energy. Delphi often puts it on Shoat like a hair-clip. 
She speaks Forest-tongue primarily which gives her a bit of a speech impediment. Her anima appears to manifest as an evil pig, but it mostly follows her as a shadow. This shadow reacts negatively to her forming bonds, and will lash out at those she cares about if she doesn't devote time to appeasing it. It also passively spawns Zombies. Her primary weapon is Brother which is either a scythe or a rifle that transforms into a convenient if heavy box backpack.
She’s Delphi’s best friend, and they entered the campaign together shortly after the first met. They hardly leave each others side, and there has been suspicion that they might be Mates. Shoat likes being comfortable, and can often be found lounging with a Delphi-Dog, Delphi-Fox, or another Delphi-Animal cuddled up with her. 
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(I have been struggling for so long to get her Cute Enough. I struggle ;-;) 
Reference Art by our lovely ST @gaussrik (twitter) and yours truly. 
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allwillbeone · 3 years
I’ve already got enough westerners trying to “educate” me on my own culture, my people’s history, and my native language. The last thing I need now would be those weirdos in fandom trying to police my native language even they cannot speak Japanese, seriously
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allwillbeone · 4 years
RIP the Tommy Shepherd tag, you died just like your spiritual mother and uncles Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch And Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver tags😔
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allwillbeone · 4 years
MUN      VS.     MUSE        !
Me vs. Maximus Boltagon
✿  —        FIVE  SIMILARITIES   .
Black hair
Oddly savvy in other cultures
Loves cheese
Having a brother
Roasting on Crystal’s questionable lovelife and Medusa/Gorgon ship
♡  —         FIVE  DIFFERENCES   .
I’m an elder sibling
I wish my outfits can be fabulous as his collection
I can’t invent doomsday devices
I never tried to murder my brother
I would not quote from Shakespeare, Churchil, and the “Human’s holy book” aka the bible whenever I get a chance even I’m not from Britain nor any Christian-centric countrym like come on white comic writers you should do better with a guy from a secruded civilization!
(Tagged by @sammysdewysensitiveeyes, yeah I don’t RP in Tumblr but you guessed exactly who’s my main man in discord RP, wow!)
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allwillbeone · 5 years
Marvel fandom at Tommy Shepherd : ~silence~
Marvel fandom after the whitewashed suburbs mom trailer: OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE BILLY... and... timmy...
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allwillbeone · 4 years
Maximus Boltagon aka Maximus the Mad
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy  / moderate / poor / in poverty  ✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled  / disadvantaged / deceased  ✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure  ✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
(His medical advantage is kinda complicated, he has massive physical advantage compared to humans and weak Inhumans thanks to his purest inhuman gene, but he lost his hands, however he immediately built a pair of robot hands and it looked like perfectly functioning like his own fleshy hands).
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily  / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered  / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated / it’s complicated   ✖ CHILDREN – has children  / no children / wants children / adopted children  ✖ FAMILY – close with siblings / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated ✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned  / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
(I wouldn’t be surprised if his children suddenly appered from nowhere though, his cousins got children from nowhere, why not him?)
✖ disorganized / organized / in-between(depend on his mental state) ✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between(depend on his mental state and the subject) ✖ cautious / reckless / in between ✖ patient / impatient / in between ✖ outspoken / reserved / in between ✖ leader / follower / in between ✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ✖ hardworking / lazy / in between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in between ✖ loyal / disloyal / in between   ✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
(I think he’s the best at an adviser/righthand man’s position. Sometimes, he’s lazy as hell, but mostly he’s hard working guy.)
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual ✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable ✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
(He seemed like lost his interest in Medusa after her and BB’s relationship became sour? It looked like he would like to have Medusa just because she was his brother’s... like the throne, the kingdom, and his son Ahura. I feel like he could be bi or aro ace, that’s depend on the writing)
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent (in his own twisted way, not in social norm standard) / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good(in his own fabulous way, not in social norm standard) / moderate / poor / none ✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(He possesed massive physical advangtages and trained as royalty, he’s faster and stronger than Cap, so maybe he can easily beat up people, but not good at fighting against super people, I assume)
Tagged By: @sammysdewysensitiveeyes
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allwillbeone · 4 years
MCU stans logic
MCU Loki, played by a white brit guy, a fascist, never shown comic!Loki’s genderfluidness, is POC-queer-jewish-femme coded, but Maximoff twins are white in comics and Ancient One is just a title so MCU didn’t whitewash them.
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allwillbeone · 4 years
one   /   (  alias / name  ) :  Kinopiosan, Tomo, Necropede, Sanagi
two   /   (  birthday  ) :    Jan 12
three   /   (  zodiac sign  ) :  Capricorn
four   /   (  height  ) :    5′3, it’s higher than average Japanese women but maybe I can pass myself as a small asian lady?
five   /   (  hobbies  ) :    Reading, visiting temples and shrines
six   /   (  favourite colour  ) :    Esper colors(blue, black, white)
seven   /   (  favourite books  ) :   The Holy man of Mount Koya(高野聖) by Kyoka Izumi, Dream of the Red Chamber(紅樓夢) by Cao Xueqin, Reminiscences in Dreams of Tao An(陶庵夢憶) by Zhang Dai
eight   /   (  last song listened to  ) :    Moskau by Dschinghis Khan
nine   /   (  last film or show watched  ) :    BBC’s Miss Marple(1984)
ten   /   (  inspiration for muse  ) :  Comic book
eleven   /   (  story behind url  ) :  It came from a catchphrase of a Magic the Gathering’s expansion, Scars of Mirrodin. The blog name “Necropede” also came from the expansion.
Tagged by brilliant @thecorteztwins thank you!
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allwillbeone · 5 years
A bunch of closet racist white vegans are showing their true color, joining their explicit racist vegan fellows and using coronavirus to justify their anti-asian, esp anti-chinese racist shit everywhere.
And they still think they are “morally superior” and “ethical” and “think about animals”
Nothing new.
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allwillbeone · 4 years
Tagged by @teal-bandit
Last movie: in theaters: Frozen 2, otherwise: Tonde Saitama
Top 3 ships: Gambit/Quicksilver, Jace Beleren/Kallist Rhoka, and I can’t say the last ship because I’ll be crucified and burned at stake by Tumblr’s fandom purity police.
Last song: Carpark North - Unbreakable
Currently reading: 新南島風土記\新川明
What Food are you craving right now: cacio e pepe, so I’m going to cook it :)
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